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CERN Accelerating science

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Inclusive Hadron Scattering 50 to 175 GeV/c*

Language: English
Date: 1977

Inelastic Diffractive Scattering at Energies of 140 to 175 GeV* / Ayres, D S (Argonne National Laboratory, Ilinois) ; Diebold, R (Argonne National Laboratory, Ilinois) ; Cutts, D (Brown University, Rhode Island) ; Lanou, R E (Brown University, Rhode Island) ; Levinson, L J (Brown University, Rhode Island) ; Massimo, J T (Brown University, Rhode Island) ; Litt, J (CERN) ; Meunier, R (CERN) ; Gittelman, B (Cornell University, New York) ; Sogard, M (Cornell University, New York) et al.
1976 - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 37 (1976) 1724 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
Impact-parameter analysis of elastic scattering from 50 to 175 GeV/c / Ayres, D S (Argonne National Laboratory) ; Nelson, B (MIT) ; Gottschalk, B (Northeatern Univ.) ; Anderson, R L (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) ; Ritson, D M (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) ; Weitsch, G A (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) ; Rich, K (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) ; Gustavson, D (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) ; Verdier, R (MIT) ; Rosenson, L (MIT) et al.
1976 - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 14 (1976) 3092 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
The Provision of IP Crossing Angles for the SSC / Nosochkov, Y ; Ritson, D M
1993 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 15th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 17 - 20 May 1993, pp.125
Optics of a proton driver / Michelotti, Leo ; Chou, W ; Drozhdin, A I ; Gelfand, N ; Johnstone, C ; Garren, A ; Ohnuma, S ; Rees, G ; Ritson, D M
- 2003. - 3 p.
Fulltext from Fermilab
Proposal to measure two - body and quasi two - body elastic scattering at large t - values and in the mu - channel / Anderson, R L ; Gottschalk, B ; Gustavson, D ; Ritson, D M ; Schivell, J ; Weitsch, A
- 1971. - 13 p.
Elastic scattering crossovers from 50 to 175 GeV / Anderson, R L ; Anelli, E F ; Ayres, D S ; Barton, D S ; Brenner, A E ; Butler, J ; Cutts, D ; Demarzo, C ; Diebold, R ; Elias, J E et al.
ANL-HEP-PR-76-28; FERMILAB-PUB-76-47; FERMILAB-PUB-76-47-EXP.- Batavia, IL : FERMILAB, 1976 - 8 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 37 (1976) 1025 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
A comparison of the shapes of $\pi^{+}p$ and pp interaction peaks from 50 to 175 GeV/c / Ayres, D S ; Diebold, R ; MacLay, G J ; Cutts, D ; Lanou, R E ; Levinson, L J ; Massimo, J T ; Litt, John ; Meunier, R ; Sogard, M R et al.
- 1976. - 8 p.
Measurement of exclusive photoproduction processes at large values of t and u from 4 to 7.5 GeV / Anderson, R L ; Gustavson, D B ; Ritson, D M ; Weitsch, G A ; Halpern, H J ; Prepost, R ; Tompkins, D H ; Wiser, D E
- 1976. - 64 p.
Photoproduction of the psi particles / Camerini, U ; Anderson, R L ; Ash, W W ; Learned, J G ; Prepost, R ; Ritson, D M ; Sherden, D J ; Sinclair, C K ; Spencer, C M ; Wiser, D E
SLAC-PUB-1591 ; WIS-461.
- 1975. - 12 p.

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