Beam-based measurements on two ±12.5 kV inductive adders, together with striplines, for CLIC damping ring extraction kickers
/ Holma, Janne (CERN ; CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Barnes, Michael (CERN) ; Carlà, Michele (CERN) ; Catalán Lasheras, Nuria (CERN) ; Iriso, Ubaldo (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Martí, Zeus (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Papaphilippou, Yannis (CERN) ; Pérez, Francis (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Pont, Montserrat (CELLS - ALBA, LLS)
The CLIC study is investigating the technical feasibility of an electron-positron linear collider with high luminosity and a nominal centre-of-mass energy of 3 TeV. Pre-damping rings and damping rings (DRs) will produce ultra-low emittance beam with high bunch charge. [...]
CERN-ACC-2019-250; CLIC-Note-1194.-
2019 - 4 p.
- Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-THPRB071
Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
In : 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 19 - 24 May 2019, pp.THPRB071
The Stripline Kicker Prototype for the CLIC Damping Rings at ALBA: Installation, Commissioning and Beam Characterisation
/ Pont, Montserrat (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Ayala, Nuria (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Barnes, Michael (CERN) ; Belver-Aguilar, Carolina (CERN) ; Carlà, Michele (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Günzel, Thomas (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Iriso, Ubaldo (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Martí, Zeus (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Monge, Raquel (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Olmos, Angel (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) et al.
The extraction system for the CLIC Damping Rings has very tight specifications. Therefore a full characterisation of the behaviour of the stripline kicker under conditions as close as possible to the expected working conditions will be very valuable. [...]
2018 - 4 p.
- Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPMF013
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 29 Apr - 4 May 2018, pp.THPMF013
Optics Measurement using the N-BPM Method for the ALBA Synchrotron
/ Langner, Andy (CERN) ; Benedetti, Gabriele (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Carlà, Michele (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Coello de Portugal, Jaime Maria (CERN) ; Iriso, Ubaldo (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Martí, Zeus (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Tomás, Rogelio (CERN)
The N-BPM method recently developed for the LHC has significantly improved the precision of optics measurements which are based on beam position monitor (BPM) turn-by-turn data. The main improvement is owed to the consideration of correlations for statistical and systematic error sources, as well as increasing the amount of BPM combinations for one measurement. [...]
2015 - 4 p.
- Published in : (2015) , pp. MOPJE057
Published version from JACoW: PDF; External link: JACOW
In : 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, VA, USA, 3 - 8 May 2015, pp.MOPJE057
Alternative Lattice Settings for ALBA Storage Ring
/ Muñoz, M (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Benedetti, G (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Einfeld, D (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Marti, Z (CELLS - ALBA, LLS)
2008 - 3 p.
External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, Italy, 23 - 27 Jun 2008, pp.WEPC045
Optics for the ALBA Booster Synchrotron
/ Benedetti, G (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Einfeld, D (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Marti, Z (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Muñoz, M (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Pont, M (CELLS - ALBA, LLS)
2008 - 3 p.
External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, Italy, 23 - 27 Jun 2008, pp.WEPC067
Design of Two Variable Polarization Undulators for the ALBA Project
/ Zangrando, D (Sincrotrone Trieste) ; Becheri, F (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Bracco, R (Sincrotrone Trieste) ; Campmany, J (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Colldelram, C (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Diviacco, B (Sincrotrone Trieste) ; Einfeld, D (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Gigante, J V (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; La Civita, D (Sincrotrone Trieste) ; Marti, Z (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) et al.
2008 - 3 p.
External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, Italy, 23 - 27 Jun 2008, pp.WEPC137
Design, Construction and Field Characterization of a Variable Polarization Undulator for SOLEIL
/ Diviacco, Bruno ; Bracco, Roberto ; Chubar, Oleg ; Dael, Antoine ; Knapic, Cristina ; Martí, Zeus ; Massal, Michel ; Millo, Daniele ; Zangrando, Dino
Two variable polarization undulators (HU80) are being designed and constructed in the framework of an ELETTRA-SOLEIL collaboration. The four-quadrant permanent magnet structure, of the APPLE-II type, will produce various polarization modes by means of parallel or anti-parallel displacement of two diagonally opposite magnet arrays. [...]
External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.4242