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CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 22 registres trobats  1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre: La cerca s'ha fet en 1.24 segons. 
Measurement of the branching ratios of the Z**0 into heavy quarks / Abe, Koya ; Abe, Kenji ; Abe, T ; Adam, I ; Akimoto, H ; Aston, D ; Baird, K G ; Baltay, C ; Band, H R ; Barklow, T L et al.
SLAC-PUB-11353.- Stanford, CA : SLAC, 2005 - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 71 (2005) 112004 External link: Fulltext from SLAC
Precision electroweak measurements on the $Z$ resonance / ALEPH Collaboration
We report on the final electroweak measurements performed with data taken at the Z resonance by the experiments operating at the electron-positron colliders SLC and LEP. The data consist of 17 million Z decays accumulated by the ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL experiments at LEP, and 600 thousand Z decays by the SLD experiment using a polarised beam at SLC. [...]
hep-ex/0509008; SLAC-R-774; CERN-PH-EP-2005-041; SLAC-R-774; CERN-L3-304.- Geneva : CERN, 2006 - 302 p. ALEPH Papers - Published in : Phys. Rep. 427 (2006) 257 Fulltext: phep-2005-041 - PDF; arXiv:hep-ex_0509008 - PDF; External link: SLAC Document Server
Measurement of the polarized forward backward asymmetry of Z0 ---> b anti-b using a mass tag and momentum weighted track charge / SLD Collaboration
- 1997. - 18 p.
Fulltext from SLAC
A Preliminary inclusive measurement of A(c) using the SLD detectors / SLD Collaboration
- 1997.
Fulltext from SLAC
Measurement of A(b) from left right forward backward asymmetry in Z0 decays using charged kaon tagging / SLD Collaboration
- 1997.
Fulltext from SLAC
A STudy of the structure of e+ e- b anti-b g events and improved limites on the anomalous chromomagnetic coupling of the b quark / SLD Collaboration
- 2000.
Fulltext from SLAC
Improved measurement of the probability for gluon splitting into b anti-b in Z0 decays / SLD Collaboration
- 2000.
Fulltext from SLAC
Measurement of the double inclusive b anti-b quark fragmentation function in Z0 decays and first measurement of angle dependent B - anti-B energy correlations / SLD Collaboration
- 2002. - 12 p.
Fulltext from SLAC
Background Measurements during PEP-II Commissioning / Mattison, T S ; Aston, D ; Byers, B ; Coupal, D ; De Staebler, H C ; Fieguth, T ; Keller, L ; Kozanecki, Witold ; Nelson, W R ; Petree, M et al.
1999 IEEE Published version, local copy: PDF;
In : 18th Biennial Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, NY, USA, 29 Mar - 2 Apr 1999, pp.e-proc. 2990
Fragmentation and hadronization in e+ e- collisions / SLD Collaboration
- 2001. - 11 p.
Fulltext from SLAC

CERN Document Server : 22 registres trobats   1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre:
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1 Huynh, X.
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