Science with the Cherenkov Telescope Array
/ Cherenkov Telescope Array Consortium Collaboration
The Cherenkov Telescope Array, CTA, will be the major global observatory for
very high energy gamma-ray astronomy over the next decade and beyond. [...]
2017. - 211 p.
Low-Output-Impedance RF System for the ISIS Second Harmonic Cavity
/ Irie, Y (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Bayley, D (Rutherford) ; Dooling, J C (Argonne) ; Fukumoto, S (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Gardner, I S K (Rutherford) ; Horan, D (Argonne) ; Kustom, R (Argonne) ; Middendorf, M E (Argonne) ; Muto, K (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Oki, T (Tsukuba U.) et al.
2008 - 3 p.
External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, Italy, 23 - 27 Jun 2008, pp.MOPC119
Status of RF Deflecting Cavity Design for the Generation of Short X-Ray Pulses in the Advanced Photon Source Storage Ring
/ Waldschmidt, Geoff J (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) ; Borland, Michael (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) ; Chae, Yong-Chul (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) ; Harkay, Katherine C (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) ; Horan, Douglas (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) ; Nassiri, Alireza (ANL, Argonne, Illinois)
2006 - 3 p.
External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 10th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 26 - 30 Jun 2006, pp.3460
Accelerator Research on the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron at IPNS
/ McMichael, Gerald (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) ; Brumwell, F R (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) ; Donley, Lawrence (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) ; Dooling, Jeffrey Craig (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) ; Guo, Weiming (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) ; Harkay, Katherine C (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) ; Hasse, Quentin (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) ; Horan, Douglas (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) ; Kustom, Robert (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) ; Lien, Marvin (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) et al.
2006 - 3 p.
External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 10th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 26 - 30 Jun 2006, pp.339
Wideband Low-output-impedance RF System for the Second Harmonic Cavity in the ISIS Synchrotron
/ Irie, Yoshiro (JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken) ; Bayley, Derek (STFC/RAL/ISIS, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon) ; Cross, Gillian M (STFC/RAL/ISIS, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon) ; Dooling, Jeffrey Craig (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) ; Fukumoto, Sadayoshi (KEK, Ibaraki) ; Gardner, Ian (STFC/RAL/ISIS, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon) ; Glover, Mike George (STFC/RAL/ISIS, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon) ; Horan, Douglas (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) ; Jenkins, David (STFC/RAL/ISIS, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon) ; Kustom, Robert (ANL, Argonne, Illinois) et al.
2006 - 3 p.
External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 10th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 26 - 30 Jun 2006, pp.321
Higher-Order-Mode Damper Testing and Installation in the Advanced Photon Source 352-MHz Single-Cell RF Cavities
/ Waldschmidt, Geoff J ; Di Monte, Nicholas P ; Horan, Douglas ; Morrison, Leonard H ; Pile, Geoffery
2005 - 3 p.
External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.2443
Generation of Short X-Ray Pulses Using Crab Cavities at the Advanced Photon Source
/ Harkay, Katherine C ; Borland, Michael ; Chae, Yong-Chul ; Decker, Glenn ; Dejus, Roger J ; Emery, Louis ; Guo, Weiming ; Horan, Douglas ; Kim, Kwang-Je ; Kustom, Robert et al.
There is growing interest within the user community to utilize the pulsed nature of synchrotron radiation from storage ring sources. Conventional third-generation light sources can provide pulses on the order of 100 ps but typically cannot provide pulses of about 1 ps that some users now require to advance their research programs. [...]
External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.668