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CERN Document Server 99 notices trouvées  1 - 10suivantfin  aller vers la notice: La recherche a duré 0.85 secondes. 
Chapter 6: Superconducting Magnet Technology for the IR Upgrade / Todesco, E (CERN) ; Ambrosio, G (Fermilab) ; Ferracin, P (LBL, Berkeley) ; Sabbi, G L (SLAC) ; Nakamoto, T (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Sugano, M (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Weelderen, R Van (CERN) ; Fabbricatore, P (INFN, Genoa) ; Farinon, S (INFN, Genoa) ; Toral, F (Madrid, CIEMAT) et al.
In this section we present the magnet technology for the High Luminosity LHC. After a short review of the project targets and constraints, we discuss the main guidelines used to determine the technology, the field/gradients, the operational margins, and the choice of the current density for each type of magnet. [...]
2024 - 33 p. - Published in : Adv. Ser. Direct. High Energy Phys. 31 (2024) 165-197 Fulltext: PDF;
In : The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider, pp.165-197
Cold Mass Assembly of First Full-Scale Prototype of Beam Separation Dipole Magnet for the High-Luminosity LHC Upgrade / Sugano, M (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Nakamoto, T (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Suzuki, K (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Ogitsu, T (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Ikemoto, Y (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Terashima, A (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Okada, N (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Kimura, N (Tokyo U., ICRR) ; Kido, S (Ibaraki U., Hitachi) ; Chiba, T (Ibaraki U., Hitachi) et al.
As a Japanese contribution to the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) upgrade, KEK is in charge of developing the beam separation dipole cold masses. The full-scale prototype magnet (MBXFP1) was constructed in Hitachi and powering test at cold was conducted at KEK. [...]
2024 - 6 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 34 (2024) 4002106
Fabrication and Test of the Fourth Prototype of the D2 Orbit Corrector Dipole for HL-LHC / Ilardi, Veronica (CERN) ; Felice, Hélène (CERN ; IRFU, Saclay, DACM) ; Feuvrier, Jerome (CERN) ; Fiscarelli, Lucio (CERN) ; Foussat, Arnaud P (CERN) ; Kirby, Glyn (CERN) ; Kosowski, Filip (CERN) ; Mangiarotti, Franco J (CERN) ; Pincot, Francois-Olivier (CERN) ; Rogacki, Piotr T (CERN) et al.
As part of the High-Luminosity upgrade project (HL-LHC) for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, new double-aperture beam orbit corrector magnets will be installed near the recombination dipole (D2). These magnets are 2.2 m long Nb–Ti dipoles based on the Canted Cosine-Theta (CCT) design. [...]
2024 - 6 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 34 (2024) 4002006
Assembly and Test Results of the RMM1a,b Magnet, a CERN Technology Demonstrator Towards Nb3Sn Ultimate Performance / Gautheron, Emma (CERN) ; Bordini, Bernardo (CERN) ; Campagna, Guillaume (CERN) ; Felice, Hélène (CERN) ; Fleiter, Jerome (CERN) ; Guinchard, Michael (CERN) ; Izquierdo Bermudez, Susana (CERN) ; Mugnier, Sylvain (CERN) ; Perez, Juan Carlos (CERN) ; Petrone, Carlo (CERN) et al.
As part of the High Field Magnet technology development carried out at CERN, demonstrators are under construction to explore the full potential of Nb 3 Sn. The Racetrack Model Magnet (RMM) is one of them, building upon the successful Enhanced Racetrack Model Coil (eRMC) eRMC1a magnet which reached 16.5 T peak field or 16.3 T bore field at 1.9 K. [...]
2023 - 8 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 33 (2023) 1-8
An innovative Superconducting Recoil Separator for HIE-ISOLDE / Martel, I (Huelva U.) ; Acosta, L (Mexico U.) ; Aguado, J L (Huelva U.) ; Assie, M (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Al-Aqeel, M A M (Liverpool U. ; Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; Ballarino, A (CERN) ; Barna, D (Wigner RCP, Budapest) ; Berjillos, R (Huelva U.) ; Bonora, M (CERN) ; Bontoiu, C (Liverpool U.) et al.
The ISOLDE Scientific Infrastructure at CERN offers a unique range of post-accelerated radioactive beams. The scientific program can be improved with the “Isolde Superconducting Recoil Separator” (ISRS), an innovative spectrometer able to deliver unprecedented (A, Z) resolution. [...]
2023 - 4 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., B 541 (2023) 176-179 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 19th International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Related Topics (EMIS 2022), Daejeon, Korea, 3 - 7 Oct 2022, pp.176-179
3D Conceptual Design of R2D2, the Research Racetrack Dipole Demonstrator / Rochepault, E (IRFU, Saclay) ; Calvelli, V (IRFU, Saclay) ; Durante, M (IRFU, Saclay) ; Felice, H (IRFU, Saclay ; CERN) ; Mallon, P (IRFU, Saclay) ; Manil, P (IRFU, Saclay) ; Minier, G (IRFU, Saclay) ; Perraud, S (IRFU, Saclay) ; Perez, J C (CERN)
R2D2, the Research Racetrack Dipole Demonstrator, is a short model being developed within a collaboration between CEA Paris-Saclay and CERN. The goal of the program is to develop key technologies for future high field 16 T Nb3Sn magnets for particle colliders. [...]
2022 - 5 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 32 (2022) 4004605
In : 27th International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT-27), Fukuoka, Japan, 15 - 19 Nov 2021, pp.4004605
Test Results of the MQYYM: A 90 Mm NbTi Quadrupole Magnet Option for HL-LHC / Simon, D (IRFU, Saclay) ; Perraud, S (IRFU, Saclay) ; Felice, H (IRFU, Saclay ; CERN) ; Godon, R (IRFU, Saclay) ; Machado, R Correia (IRFU, Saclay) ; Gheller, J M (IRFU, Saclay) ; Bouziat, D (IRFU, Saclay) ; Stepanov, V (IRFU, Saclay) ; Madur, A (IRFU, Saclay) ; Segreti, M (IRFU, Saclay) et al.
For the HL-LHC project, a 90 mm NbTi cos(2θ) double aperture quadrupole magnet with an operating gradient of 120 T/m at 1.9 K has been designed as an option to replace the 70 mm aperture LHC quadrupole MQY. CEA in collaboration with CERN designed and manufactured a single aperture short model magnet with a magnetic length of 1.215 m at 1.9 K called MQYYM. [...]
2022 - 5 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 32 (2022) 4004305
In : 27th International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT-27), Fukuoka, Japan, 15 - 19 Nov 2021, pp.4004305
Mechanical Design of FalconD, a Nb$_3$Sn Cos$\theta$ Short Model Dipole for the FCC / Pampaloni, A (INFN, Genoa) ; Bellomo, G (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan) ; Burioli, S (INFN, Genoa ; Genoa U.) ; Caiffi, B (INFN, Genoa) ; De Matteis, E (INFN, Milan) ; Fabbricatore, P (INFN, Genoa) ; Farinon, S (INFN, Genoa) ; Felice, H (CERN) ; Lackner, F (CERN) ; Levi, F (INFN, Genoa ; Genoa U.) et al.
The future of the particle accelerators points to a new CERN’s circular collider with an order of magnitude increase in the center-of-mass energy compared to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). To achieve this increase from 14 TeV to 100 TeV a 100 km tunnel will be required to host the collider. [...]
2022 - 5 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 32 (2022) 1-5
Status of the MQXFB Nb$_3$Sn quadrupoles for the HL-LHC / Izquierdo Bermudez, Susana (CERN) ; Ambrosio, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Apollinari, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Ballarino, Amalia (CERN) ; Barth, Christian (CERN) ; Crouvizier, Mickael Denis (CERN) ; Duarte Ramos, Delio (CERN) ; Devred, Arnaud (CERN) ; Feher, Sandor (Fermilab) ; Felice, Helene (CERN) et al.
The cold powering test of the first two prototypes of the MQXFB quadrupoles (MQXFBP1, now disassembled, and MQXFBP2), the Nb3Sn inner triplet magnets to be installed in the HL-LHC, has validated many features of the design, such as field quality and quench protection, but has found performance limitations. In fact, both magnets showed a similar phenomenology, characterized by reproducible quenches in the straight part inner layer pole turn, with absence of training and limiting the performance at 93% (MQXFBP1) and 98% (MQXFBP2) of the nominal current at 1.9 K, required for HL-LHC operation at 7 TeV. [...]
FERMILAB-PUB-22-860-TD.- 2023 - 9 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 33 (2023) 4001209 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Status and challenges of the interaction region magnets for HL-LHC / Todesco, E (CERN) ; Izquierdo Bermudez, S (CERN) ; Foussat, A (CERN) ; Gautheron, E (CERN) ; Kirby, G (CERN) ; Felice, H (CERN) ; Perez, J C (CERN) ; Fleiter, J (CERN) ; Barth, C (CERN) ; Milanese, A (CERN) et al.
About one hundred magnets of six different types shall be installed in the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) in the years 2026-2028 at CERN. The magnets design, construction and test are based on CERN collaborations with institutes and industrial partners in USA, Spain, Italy, Japan and China. [...]
FERMILAB-PUB-22-861-TD.- 2023 - 8 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 33 (2023) 4001608 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fermilab Accepted Manuscript

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25 FELICE, Helene
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25 Felice, Hélène
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