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Effects of one valence proton on seniority and angular momentum of neutrons in neutron-rich $^{122-131}$Sb$_{51}$ isotopes / Biswas, S. (GANIL) ; Lemasson, A. (GANIL) ; Rejmund, M. (GANIL) ; Navin, A. (GANIL) ; Kim, Y.H. (GANIL) ; Michelagnoli, C. (GANIL) ; Stefan, I. (Orsay, IPN) ; Banik, R. (Calcutta, VECC ; HBNI, Mumbai) ; Bednarczyk, P. (Cracow, INP) ; Bhattacharya, S. (Calcutta, VECC ; HBNI, Mumbai) et al.
The neutron-rich $^{122-131}$Sb isotopes were produced as fission fragments in the reaction $^{9}$Be($^{238}$U,~f) with 6.2 MeV/u beam energy. An unique setup, consisting of AGATA, VAMOS++ and EXOGAM detectors, was used which enabled the prompt-delayed gamma-ray ($\gamma$) spectroscopy of fission fragments in the time range of 100 ns - 200 $\mu$s. [...]
arXiv:1906.01245.- 2019-06-03 - 21 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Dense matter with eXTP / Watts, Anna L (Amsterdam U., Astron. Inst.) ; Yu, WenFei (Shanghai, Astron. Observ.) ; Poutanen, Juri (Tuorla Observ. ; Nordita) ; Zhang, Shu (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Bhattacharyya, Sudip (Tata Inst.) ; Bogdanov, Slavko (Columbia U., Astron. Astrophys.) ; Ji, Long (Tubingen U., IAAT) ; Patruno, Alessandro (Leiden Observ.) ; Riley, Thomas E (Amsterdam U., Astron. Inst.) ; Bakala, Pavel (Silesian U., Czech Republic) et al.
In this White Paper we present the potential of the Enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry (eXTP) mission for determining the nature of dense matter, neutron star cores host an extreme density regime which cannot be replicated in a terrestrial laboratory. The tightest statistical constraints on the dense matter equation of state will come from pulse profile modelling of accretion-powered pulsars, burst oscillation sources, and rotation-powered pulsars. [...]
2019 - Published in : Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 62 (2019) 29503
Search for a long-lived di-nuclear system in U+U reactions near the Coulomb barrier / Golabek, C (GANIL) ; Heinz, S (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Mittig, W (GANIL) ; Rejmund, F (GANIL) ; Villari, A C C (GANIL) ; Bhattacharyya, S (GANIL) ; Boilley, D (GANIL) ; De France, G (GANIL) ; Drouart, A (DSM, DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Gaudefroy, L (GANIL) et al.
2010 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 12th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Villa Monastero, Varenna, Italy, 15 - 19 Jun 2009, pp.273-274
Advances in Architectures and Tools for FPGAs and their Impact on the Design of Complex Systems for Particle Physics / Gregerson, Anthony (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Farmahini-Farahani, Amin (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Plishker, William (Maryland U.) ; Xie, Zaipeng (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Compton, Katherine (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Bhattacharyya, Shuvra (Maryland U.) ; Schulte, Michael (Wisconsin U., Madison)
The continual improvement of semiconductor technology has provided rapid advancements in device frequency and density. Designers of electronics systems for high-energy physics (HEP) have benefited from these advancements, transitioning many designs from fixed-function ASICs to more flexible FPGA-based platforms. [...]
CERN, 2009 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Paris, France, 21 - 25 Sep 2009, pp.617-626 (CERN-2009-006)

2 Bhattacharyya, S P
1 Bhattacharyya, S.
1 Bhattacharyya, S.S
1 Bhattacharyya, SB
2 Bhattacharyya, Samit
1 Bhattacharyya, Saptashwa
25 Bhattacharyya, Sayantani
2 Bhattacharyya, Shankar P
3 Bhattacharyya, Shuvra
6 Bhattacharyya, Shuvra S
20 Bhattacharyya, Siddhartha
1 Bhattacharyya, Sirshendu
2 Bhattacharyya, Somnath
1 Bhattacharyya, Subhes C
6 Bhattacharyya, Subir
1 Bhattacharyya, Subrata
30 Bhattacharyya, Sudip
1 Bhattacharyya, Swarnapratim
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