Asymmetric particle emission in high energy cosmic ray interactions (p. 1) |
by Wilczynski, H |
OSSE observations spectra of X-rays pulsar (p. 1) |
by Grove, J E |
Measurement of electron and positron energy differential fluxes with MASS2 apparatus (p. 1) |
by Basini, G |
The plasma wake field exited by solar energetic flare electrons through the corona (p. 1) |
by Huang, Y N |
Study of intermittency in collisions of 4.5 A GeV/c Si with emulsion (p. 5) |
by El-Naghy, A |
Searching for the third Soft gamma repeater, SGR1900+14 (p. 5) |
by Hurley, K |
Flux of cosmic ray negatrons at 1.5 GeV (p. 5) |
by Clem, J M |
Relativistic electron spectrum and plasma wake field acceleration in large solar flares (p. 5) |
by Huang Y N |
Multiplicity characteristics of particles emitted in 4,5 A GeV/c Si - Emulsion collisions (p. 9) |
by El-Naghy, A |
Observations of cosmic ray positrons during the 1993 flight of the NMSU?Wizard - TS93 (p. 9) |
by Aversa, F |
Stochastic acceleration of electrons in localized wave fields (p. 9) |
by Treumann, R A |
A hard x-ray observation of Cyg X-1 in 1985 (p. 9) |
by Ma, Y Q |
Temporal variation of helium energy spectra and He He ratios for March and June 1991 SEP events (p. 12) |
by Guzik, T G |
Triggering of solar flares and particle acceleration (p. 13) |
by Sakai, J |
Multiplicities in nucleus-nucleus interactions at the highest accelerator energies (p. 13) |
by Wolter, W |
Soft X-ray excess in seyfert galaxies (p. 13) |
by Piro, L |
The cosmic positron fraction: implications of a new measurement (p. 13) |
by Müller, D |
Acceleration of solar particles by short wavelength (p. 14) |
by Gallegos-Cruz, A |
Study of some aspects of nucleus-nucleus interactions at (3-4.5) GeV/c (p. 17) |
by El-Naghy, A |
X-ray synchrotron emission from supernova-remnant shocks: constraints on shock-acceleration microphysics (p. 17) |
by Reynolds, S P |
A new measurement of the positron fraction at high energies (p. 17) |
by Tarle, G |
What can be learnt from H--, microwave and high energy emission of the march 26, 1991 solar flare? (p. 18) |
by Kurt, V |
Non-thermal emission from supernova remnants (p. 21) |
by Mastichiadis, A |
Energy-dependent propagation of high energy electrons (p. 21) |
by Atoyan, AM |
On multiparticle pseudorapidity correlations in central 4.5 A GeV/c C-Cu collisions (p. 21) |
by Sarkisyan-Grinbaum, E |
Ionization states of solar-flare particles (p. 22) |
by Sakurai, K |
Forward - backward correlations in nucleus-nucleus collisions at (4.1 - 4.5) A GeV/c (p. 25) |
by El-Naghy, A |
Is the galactic centre an obscured active galactic nucleus? (p. 25) |
by Matt, G |
The origin of cosmic ray positron (p. 25) |
by Chi, X |
Coulomb loss influence on the solar particle spectra at the stochastic acceleration (p. 26) |
by Kartavykh, Yu |
Investigation of high energy primary cosmic ray interaction with Pb and Fe Target nuclei in stratospheric emulsion chamber (p. 29) |
by Apanasenko, A V |
A model for X-ray and gamma-ray emissions from AGNs (p. 29) |
by Wang, J M |
Astrophysical significance of the confinement time of primary electrons in the galaxy (p. 29) |
by Nishmura, J |
Heavy ion acceleration with account of change transfer processes (p. 30) |
by Kartavykh, Yu |
The energy dependence of elasticity coefficient and cross-sections in hadron-lead interactions in the range 250 GeV-50 TeV (p. 33) |
by Rakobolskaya, I V |
Feedback mechanisms in AGN (p. 33) |
by Mastichiadis, A |
The thermal and non-thermal radio emission in the galactic disk and cosmic ray electron origin (p. 33) |
by Osborne, J L |
On the formation of relativistic particle beams in extended coronal structures: I. Evidences for two separate sources of solar cosmic rays (p. 34) |
by Miroshnichenko, L I |
Wavelet analysis of high multiplicity events (p. 37) |
by Suzuki, N |
The sax mission for wide band X-ray astronomy (p. 37) |
by Piro, L |
Demodulation of the interstellar positron/electron ratio in galactic cosmic rays (p. 37) |
by Kneller, M |
On formation of relativistic particle beams in extended magnetic structures: II. Two source model for solar cosmic rays (p. 38) |
by Miroshnichenko, L I |
Attenuation mean free path of high energy hadrons in lead (p. 41) |
by Tamada, M |
Performance of the SAX/PDS high energy X-ray telescope (p. 41) |
by Frontera, F |
A distributed acceleration model fitting simultaneously electrons and heavy ions (p. 41) |
by Silberger, R |
The origin in the corona of SEPs associated with CMEs (p. 42) |
by Mendoza, B S |
Cosmic ray electron spectra: prediction and data (p. 45) |
by Wiebel-Sooth, B |
Transverse momenta of helium fragments in gold fragmentation at 10.6 GeV/nucleon (p. 45) |
by Wilczynska, B |
A new balloon-borne detector for high angular resolution hard X-ray astronomy (p. 45) |
by Cherry, M L |
Distribution of SEP related flares in the solar disk (p. 46) |
by Pérez-Enriquez, R |
Propagation models for Cr nucleons and electrons and predictions of the galactic Gamma-ray spectrum (p. 48) |
by Strong, A W |
Interactions of 158 GeV/nucleon lead nuclei emulsion (p. 49) |
by Deines-Jones, P |
X-ray monitor for all sky (XMAS) mission (p. 49) |
by Tümer, T O |
Extremely high-energy solar protons by the data of Baksna underground scintillation telescope (p. 50) |
by Karpov, S N |
Low energy cosmic ray electrons: acceleration by weak shocks (p. 52) |
by Skibo, J G |
Nucleon-air nuclei interaction probability law and the inelastic cross-section (p. 53) |
by Portella, H M |
Morphological studies of short gamma ray bursts (p. 53) |
by Bhat, P N |
Absolute proton fluxes from the sun at rigidity above 1 GV by ground-based data (p. 54) |
by Miroshnichenko, L I |
Projectile fragmentation in Au+AI interactions at 0.930 GeV/n (p. 56) |
by Bhattacharya, D P |
Expected anisotropy of very high energy electrons (p. 56) |
by Ptuskin, V S |
A ROSAT look for the source of KeV emission following GRB780506 (p. 57) |
by Connors, A |
On the threshold effect of proton acceleration in solar flares (p. 58) |
by Miroshnichenko, L I |
Proton-proton total cross section derived from cosmic ray data (p. 60) |
by Bellandi, J |
Cosmic ray antiproton measurements in the 4-19 GeV energy range using the NMSU/Wizard-matter antimatter superconducting spectrometer 2 (MASS2) (p. 60) |
by Hof, M |
COMPTEL locations and spectra of ray bursts (p. 61) |
by Kippen, R M |
Upper intensity-energy limits and utmost spectrum for solar cosmic rays (p. 62) |
by Miroshnichenko, L I |
Production and detection of hyperfragments in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions (p. 64) |
by He, Y D |
Cosmic ray antiproton observations from 0.2 to â 3.2 GeV (p. 64) |
by Labrador, A W |
The correlation between spatial distributions of GRBs and EAS super High energy (p. 65) |
by Tkaczyk, W |
Behavioural features of energy spectra of particle fluencies and peak fluxes in solar cosmic rays (p. 66) |
by Nymmik, R A |
Central high energy heavy nuclei collisions and ring-like effect (p. 68) |
by Chernavskaj, O D |
Interpretation of the low-energy cosmic ray antiproton/proton ratio (p. 68) |
by Labrador, A W |
LogN-LogP and space distribution of GRBs (p. 69) |
by Belli, B M |
Sectorial distribution of LDE-type flares (p. 70) |
by Antalova, A |
Cosmic ray antiproton observations by the isotope matter-antimatter experiment : 0.2 to 3.2 GeV(p. 72) |
by Mitchell, J W |
Search for low energy and in coincidence with BATSE gamma ray bursts (p. 73) |
by Aglietta, M |
The particles source temperatures in the Fe-rich and Fe-poor events (p. 74) |
by Wang, X Y |
The model of the interaction of leptons with the nuclei in the presence of the superhigh energies (p. 76) |
by Khazaradze, N G |
Observation of antiprotons at low energies by BESS detector (p. 76) |
by Orito, S |
VHE gamma ray astronomy and gamma ray bursts (p. 77) |
by Hurley, K |
Post-eruption particle acceleration in the corona: a possible contribution to solar cosmic rays (p. 78) |
by Chertok, I M |
Energy dependence of particle multiplicities from p-p collisions (p. 80) |
by Liland, A |
p(-) and e+ identification capabilities of CAPRICE (p. 80) |
by Barbiellini, G |
Scaling laws for generation of high-energy secondary emission in magnetic loops (p. 82) |
by Kocharov, L G |
A double-core event detected at Chacaltaya (p. 84) |
by Amato, N M |
Likelihood methods and classical burster repetition (p. 84) |
by Graziany, C |
Antiproton proton ratio at 10 eV inferred from the superposition of sun shadows using the Tibet air shower (p. 84) |
by Amenomori, M |
Solar cosmic ray events: statistical characteristics for the diagnostic of acceleration, escaping and propagation processes (p. 86) |
by Dorman, L I |
Multi-particle correlations in S+Pb and Pb+Pb interactions at CERN SPS energies (p. 87) |
by Takahashi, Y |
A burst of pulsed VHE rays from AE aquarii (p. 88) |
by Chadwick, P M |
Calculation of the charged pion albedo from the moon regolith induced by cosmic antiprotons (p. 88) |
by Brunetti, M T |
Small-Scale acceleration processes in solar flares during primary energy release phase (p. 90) |
by Pissarenko, N F |
A search for cosmic ray antihelium with BESS (p. 92) |
by Ormes, J F |
Search for 10TeV ray bursts with the Tibet air shower array (p. 92) |
by Amenomori, M |
The temporal and spectral characteristics of solar gamma-flares on the data of gamma-1 (p. 94) |
by Djantemirov, H M |
Searches for TeV rays in classical gamma-ray bursts (p. 96) |
by Connaughton, V |
Partial lifetimes of antiprotons from diffuse radiation (p. 96) |
by Stephens, S A |
Downward beaming of ions and electrons in the 1991 November 15 flare (p. 98) |
by Yoshimori, M |
The highest energy cosmic rays and the fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (p. 99) |
by Roy, S |
Search for short time emission in the UHE range above 20 Tev with the HEGRA detector (p. 100) |
by Padilla, L |
Simulation code for the propagation of cosmic rays in the Milky Way (p. 100) |
by Codino, A |
Spectral characteristics of solar gamma-ray flares (p. 102) |
by Yoshimori, M |
Production of heavier particles than pions in fire-balls (p. 103) |
by Augusto, C R A |
Search for TeV-gamma rays from evaporating primordial black holes (p. 104) |
by Funk, B |
Propagations of cosmic rays in the galaxy (p. 104) |
by Doi, T |
Temporal evolution of X-and rays during a flare on 27 October 1991 (p. 106) |
by Kotov, Yu D |
Abrasion-evaporation model and cosmic ray nuclei interactions (p. 107) |
by Capdevielle, N |
Search for TeV counterparts of 1994 and 1995 BATSE rays bursts (p. 108) |
by Krawczynski, H |
On using the weighted slab approximation in studying cosmic-ray transport (p. 108) |
by Ptuskin, V S |
On the beaming of solar flare energetic photons (p. 110) |
by Li, P |
Comparison of some methods of calculating differential cross sections for the production of in PP-interactions at (4.5-1800)GeV (p. 111) |
by Uryson, A V |
Search for 10 TeV gamma bursts from evaporating primordial black holes with the Tibet air shower array (p. 112) |
by Amenomori, M |
Cosmic ray perpendicular diffusion: approach based on the Ito equation (p. 112) |
by Klepach, E G |
Measurements of the duration of particle emission from solar flares (p. 114) |
by Ruffolo, D |
Kilometric radiation connected with trap-loop structure of the interplanetary magnetic field (p. 115) |
by Grigorieva, V P |
Study of the high energy cosmic ray cascades using the dual parton model (p. 115) |
by Battistoni, G |
Search for an ultra high energy component of gamma-ray bursts (p. 116) |
by Borlone, A |
Hydrodynamic approach to cosmic ray propagation (p. 116) |
by Ko, C M |
He and heavy ion enhancements in impulsive solar flares due to EMIC wave (p. 118) |
by Roth, I |
Fragmentation of 160 A GeV Pb in various targets (p. 119) |
by He, Y D |
A search for TeV and PeV gamma Ray bursts (p. 120) |
by Edwards, P G |
A 3D-model for the propagation of cosmic rays (p. 120) |
by Pohl, M |
Heavy-ion acceleration beyond 10 MeV/nucleon in impulsive solar flares: SAMPEX observations (p. 122) |
by Mazur, J E |
The predictions of quark-gluon string model and the data of air showers at ultra high energies (p. 123) |
by Kalmykov, N N |
Galactic cosmic ray propagation at low energies: the interstellar medium and partial cross sections (p. 124) |
by Thayer, M R |
Time evolution of solar proton energy spectra at the earth orbit and possibility of multi-step particle acceleration (p. 127) |
by Belov, A |
Search for UHE gamma ray counter-parts of GRB's (p. 128) |
by Bhat, P N |
Diffusion of cosmic rays in strongly inhomogeneous magnetic field (p. 128) |
by Ptuskin, V S |
Effect of deformed target nucleus on abration and absorption cross sections (p. 131) |
by Ramadan, S |
GOES response to energetic protons of different origin (p. 131) |
by Vainio, R |
Search for gamma rays bursts of energy E 10 GeV and E 100TeV (p. 132) |
by Vernetto, S |
Decaying cosmic ray nuclei as a probe of the of the local interstellar medium (p. 132) |
by Ptuskin, V S |
A microscopic eikonal-type model for electron-proton scattering (p. 135) |
by Hussein, M T |
Energetic protons from the 1990 May 24 solar flares as detected by GOES satellites (p. 135) |
by Torsti, J |
Transport of ultra-high energy cosmic rays in galactic magnetic fields (p. 136) |
by Pochepkin, D N |
A multi-cluster model in hadron nucleus interactions at high energies (p. 139) |
by Hussein, M T |
Successive solar energetic particle events in the October 1989 (p. 139) |
by Torsti, J |
Searching for gamma-ray bursts with water-Cherenkov-detector (p. 140) |
by Allen, G E |
The interpretation of ultra heavy cosmic ray data by the halo diffusion model (p. 140) |
by Jansen, F |
A Monte-Carlo generator of mini-jet model for the simulation of hadron multiproduction (p. 143) |
by Cheung, T |
Solar neutron decay proton (p. 143) |
by Sakai, T |
Setting Up a calculation method based on the leaky box model for ultra heavy cosmic ray propagation (p. 144) |
by Font, J |
Consequences of disoriented Chiral condensates in EAS properties (p. 147) |
by Capdevielle, J N |
The June 3, 1982 solar flares as a test for neutron monitor sensitivity for solar neutrons (p. 147) |
by Kananen, H |
Origin of the structure in gamma ray bursts (p. 148) |
by Chan, H Y |
Isotopes decaying by K-capture as a probe of reacceleration-deceleration of low energy cosmic rays (p. 148) |
by Soutoul, A |
Fluctuations and correlations beyond midrapidity (p. 151) |
by Wilk, G |
High energy neutrons from the June 15, 1991 solar flare as detected by the neutron monitor (p. 151) |
by Usoskin, I G |
Ray bursts from planetoid accretion onto fast galactic neutron stars (p. 152) |
by Colgate, S A |
The anisotropy of low energy cosmic rays and properties of the local interstellar medium (p. 152) |
by Fatemi, J |
Cosmic-ray rapidity density distribution and super-families (p. 155) |
by Costa, C G |
Two injections of high energy neutrons during the May 24, 1990 solar flare (p. 155) |
by Kovaltsov, G A |
Gamma jets by processing neutron star jets in galactic binary systems, GRBs (p. 156) |
by Fargion, D |
On the anisotropy of the higest energy cosmic rays from the galactic centre (p. 156) |
by Zielinska, M |
Lateral spread of hadronsin high-energy super-families and centauro events (p. 159) |
by Costa, C G |
Correlative investigations of the 1990 May 24 solar flare (p. 159) |
by Kocharov, L G |
Cosmic-ray-modified shocks with injection (p. 160) |
by Chan, K W |
Fire-balls masses seen in C-jets (p. 163) |
by Augusto, C R A |
Search for neutron decay protons from the 1990 May 24 solar flare (p. 163) |
by Kocharov, L G |
Merger models of gamma-ray bursts: a comparison (p. 164) |
by Sivaram, C |
Production of galactic antiprotons under diffuse reacceleration (p. 164) |
by Simon, M |
Gamma-ray burst and the leftovers of star bursts in active galactic nuclei (p. 166) |
by Steiner, J E |
Comments to short mean free path particles observed by Pamir thick lead chambers (p. 166) |
by Ohsawa, A |
The relationship between the timing of solar flare ray emission and high-energy neutron production (p. 167) |
by Debrunner, H |
Oxygen fragmentation cross sections (p. 168) |
by Isbert, J |
Alignment of energy distinguished cores in families and hadron aspects of the phenomenon (p. 170) |
by Kopenkin, V V |
Search for MeV emission from The X-ray binary Cyg X-3 (p. 170) |
by Collmar, W |
Comment on the minimum mass path of a uni-directional solar neutron particle beam through the earth atmosphere (p. 171) |
by Smart D F |
Fragmentation of 10.6 GeV/nucleon gold nuclei on a hydrogen target (p. 172) |
by Holynski, R |
Explanation of the appearance as if exotic phenomena on hadron attenuation in deep lead chambers in the frame of two-component model of high energy hadrons interaction (p. 174) |
by Smirnova, M D |
OSSE and EGRET observations of the crabe and vela supernova remnants (p. 174) |
by De Jagger, O C |
Simultaneous observations of solar neutrons of June 6, 1991 at Mt. Haleakala and Mt. Norikura (p. 175) |
by Muraki, Y |
Measurements of fragmentation cross sections with heavy ion beams below 1 GeV/nucleon (p. 176) |
by Cassagnou, Y |
The FWHM of the transition curves of showers and the identification of hadrons and gamma-rays in Fe-emulsion chambers (p. 178) |
by Fu, Y |
Diffuse ray emission in the outer galaxy from the cepheus flare and the perseus arm (p. 178) |
by Grenier, L A |
Comments on second and third enhancements of solar particles on June 4, 1991 flare (p. 179) |
by Muraki, Y |
Experimental and simulated characteristics of âワhaloâ in superfamilies with primary energy higher than 10 PeV (p. 182) |
by Borisov, A S |
EGRET observations of the galactic plane diffuse radiation and implications for the cosmic ray electron to proton ratio (p. 182) |
by Hunter, S D |
Probable detection of electrons from the decay of solar flare neutrons (p. 183) |
by Dröge, W |
Systematics of new isotopic production cross sections from neon projectiles (p. 184) |
by Chen, C X |
The attenuation of high energy hadrons in iron (p. 186) |
by Ren, J R |
Solar energetic electrons: I. Multiple spacecraft observations (p. 187) |
by Dröge, W |
Charge changing cross sections near the - isobar resonance (p. 188) |
by Doll, P |
The intensity of super high energy gamma-rays at the altitude of Yangbajing (p. 190) |
by Ren, J R |
Search in the EGRET 50Mev-30 GeV data for emission from previously claimed VHE sources (p. 190) |
by Merck, M |
Solar energetic electrons: II. Comparison with ray emission (p. 191) |
by Dröge, W |
Nuclear interaction cross sections for ultra-heavy nuclei (p. 192) |
by Garrard, T L |
The effect of Narrow gamma families from the data of experiment PAMIR (p. 193) |
by Zhdanov, G B |
Emission of high energy gamma rays from six pulsars (p. 195) |
by Metrck, M |
The observation of solar flare protons with energy more than 30 MeV in vicinity of the earth on board station âワMIRâ on 30 October 1991 (p. 195) |
by Galper, A M |
The study of galactic cosmic ray CNO source abundances using new isotope cross sections (p. 196) |
by Guzik, T G |
Single Pion momentum spectrum up to 2 TeV (p. 197) |
by Mielke H H |
Structure and variability of the crab Pulsar Light curve in the X and ray bands (p. 199) |
by Massaro, E |
Solar cosmic rays and solar activity cycles (p. 199) |
by Nazarova, M N |
Abundance of the low energy isotopes of carbon nitrogen and oxygen at the cosmic ray (p. 200) |
by Soutoul, A |
Nuclear interaction families associated to EAS at Mt. Chacaltaya (p. 201) |
by Kawasumi, N |
High energy neutrons and rays from the solar flare of 1991 June 11 (p. 203) |
by Dunphy, P P |
COMPTEL observations of millisecond pulsar (p. 203) |
by O'Flaherty, K S |
Accelerated particle Spectrum during the solar system formation (p. 204) |
by Ustinova, G K |
The 2.223 Mev gamma line time dependence as a probe of density inhomogeneity of solar atmospheric and subphotospheric layers (p. 204) |
by Kuzhevskj, B |
On lateral distribution of oblique electromagnetic cascade (p. 205) |
by Kolchushkin, A M |
COMPTEL limits on 1,8 MeV gamma-ray line emission from the Orion region (p. 207) |
by Oberlack, U |
Pecullarities of characteristics of interaction of relativistic nuclei with nuclei Ag. Br. (p. 208) |
by Adamovich, M I |
Comparison of ground-Level enhancements of 15 November 1960 and 22 october 1989 (p. 208) |
by Shea, MA |
On fluctuations of electromagnetic shower axix (p. 209) |
by Chernov, D E |
Early results from the investigation of nuclear fragmentation of relativistic ultra Heavy (p. 211) |
by Thompson, A |
Diffuse galactic gamma-ray emission (p. 211) |
by Purcell, W R |
The lateral electron distribution in electromagnetic showers in atmosphere (p. 212) |
by Goncharov, A I |
The GLE of September 29, 1989: analysis of the pitch angle distribution I (p. 212) |
by de Koning, C A |
Time Dependent shock acceleration (p. 212) |
by Axford, W I |
Identification of the CGRO source j2021+37 with the open cluster Berkeley 87 (p. 215) |
by Polcaro, V F |
Cerenkov radiation from EAS: influence of absorption in ozone on the observations in UV range (p. 216) |
by Attallah, R |
The GLE of September 29, 1989: analysis of the pitch angle distribution II (p. 216) |
by de Koning, C A |
Diffusive shock acceleration in dense and incompletely ionized media (p. 217) |
by O'Connor-Drury, L |
Implications of the OSSE and COMPTEL observations of the diffuse galactic gamma rayu continuum (p. 219) |
by Skibo, J G |
Anisotropic space distribution of solar particles of the GLE observed on 24 May 1990 (p. 220) |
by Morishita, L |
Compound diffusion and particle acceleration at shocks (p. 221) |
by Dendy, R O |
Application of a Bayesian method to COMPTEL pulsar data (p. 223) |
by Connors, A |
The correlation analysis of gamma-families originated in pA and AA interactions at the superhigh energies E 10 eV (p. 224) |
by Yuldashbaev, T S |
The phenomenology of the precursor increase on the 19 October 1989 ground level event (p. 224) |
by Stoker, P H |
The influence of particle scattering on acceleration rates and injection efficiencies in oblique shocks (p. 225) |
by Ellison, D C |
A search for radio-Quiet gamma-ray pulsars in the EGRET archive (p. 227) |
by Koh, T |
Halo events in super high energy nuclear interactions (p. 228) |
by Ren, J R |
The solar cosmic ray event of June 4-19, 1991 according to the granat spacecraft data (p. 228) |
by Chuchkov, E A |
Spectral comparison of Monte Carlo Simulations of particle acceleration with Ulysses observations of nearby interplanetary shocks (p. 229) |
by Baring, M G |
The preliminary cosmic diffuse ray spectrum from 800 keV to 30 MeV measured with COMPTEL (p. 230) |
by Kappadath, S C |
Simulation studies related to TACTIC and MYSTIQUE ray telescopes (p. 232) |
by Gandhi, V N |
The GLE of 29 September 1989. Time variations of the cosmic-ray rigidity spectrum (p. 232) |
by Dvornikov, V M |
Nonlinear plasma effects in cosmic ray shock precursors (p. 233) |
by Dendy, R O |
The spectrum of diffuse galactic continuum gamma rays measured by COMPTEL (p. 234) |
by Strong, A W |
A study of shower transition behaviours initiated by hadron-pb interaction (p. 236) |
by Tamada, M |
The GLE of 29 September 1989. Time variations in angular distribution of different-energy particles (p. 236) |
by Dvornikov, V M |
Limits on the time variability of ion injection in quasi-parallel shocks (p. 237) |
by Bennett, L |
Possible break in the spectrum of the diffuse gamma ray emission at the energy E 100 GeV (p. 238) |
by Uryson, A V |
Simulation of hadronic cascades including vacuum excitation and higgs production (p. 240) |
by Boruah, K |
High energy particle generation during the solar flares (p. 240) |
by Kolomeets, E |
Non thermal electron injection by collisionless shock waves (p. 241) |
by Bykov, A M |
Multiwavelengh observations of the blazer PKSO521-365 (p. 242) |
by Smith, N |
A study of LPM suppression of bremsstrahlung at 25 GeV (p. 243) |
by Kelley, L |
Review of ground-level solar cosmic ray enhancements during the 22nd solar cycle (p. 244) |
by Shea, M A |
Diffusive particle acceleration in oblique shocks : comparison of numerical results with observations(p. 245) |
by Jones, T W |
Azimuthal peculiarities of gamma-ray-hadron families and new physics at 4 TeV (p. 247) |
by Mukhamedshin, R A |
Neutron monitor responses during highly anisotropic ground level enhancements (p. 248) |
by Cramp, J L |
Cosmic ray acceleration by pulsar wind (p. 249) |
by Giller, M |
An attempt to detect a ray halo around the Virgo cluster (p. 250) |
by Fatemi, J |
Confinment violation at 3.10 cm and nucleon interactions in energy interval of 10 - 10 eV (p. 251) |
by Nikolsky S I |
Complex features of the GLE of 29 september 1989 (p. 252) |
by Xue, S S |
Implications of ray lines observed from the Orion complex. II (p. 253) |
by Cowsik, R |
Particle acceleration of relativistic shock waves in electron-ion plasmas (p. 253) |
by Hoshino, M |
Interplanetary transport coefficient in an extended quasi-linear theory (p. 253) |
by Ng, C K |
Do emulsion chamber double-core events manifest quark composition (p. 255) |
by Popova, L |
Gam,ma-rays from the Orion star-forming complex (p. 256) |
by Erlykin, A D |
Extreme âワpropagationâ of solar energetic particles (p. 257) |
by Cliver, E W |
Cosmic ray acceleration time scale at relativistic shock waves (p. 257) |
by Ostrowski, M |
The influence of charm production on cascades induced by cosmic ray hadrons in lead at energy 20-200 TeV and in atmosphere at energy 500 TeV-500 PeV (p. 258) |
by Dunaevsky, A M |
Simulation of the annihilation spectrum of a massive black hole in the galactic center (p. 260) |
by Fenyves, E J |
Relativistic shock acceleration speed-up: allowance for non-linear effects (p. 261) |
by Quenby, J J |
Pitch angle distribution of solar energetic particles (SEPs) and the transport parameters in interplanetary space, I: properties of steady-state distributions (p. 261) |
by Hatzky, R |
Study of fragmentation process of Si nuclei in emulsion at 4,5 A GeV/c (p. 262) |
by El-Naghy, A |
Probable gamma-ray line spectrum from an accreting neutron star (p. 263) |
by Bardoloi, I |
Monte Carlo simulation of diffusive particle acceleration in oblique shock waves (p. 265) |
by Naito, T |
Pitch angle distribution of solar energetic particles (and the transport parameters in interplanetary space, II: local scattering properties (p. 265) |
by Hatzky, R |
Can photons with energies 10 eV pass the earth's magnetosphere ? Analysis of the observed highest energy cosmic rays (p. 266) |
by Karakula, S |
Annihilation lines from galactic BH candidates (p. 267) |
by Pohl, M |
Renormalized twoo-fluid hydrodynamics of cosmic ray modified shocks (p. 268) |
by Malkov, M A |
Turbulence and the quasilinear theory âワ Discrepancy âワ (p. 269) |
by Bieber, J W |
The MOCCA program: Monte-Carlo cascades (p. 270) |
by Hillias, A M |
Photon splitting in neutron star magnetospheres (p. 271) |
by Baring, M W |
Hadronic component in maximum air shower development observed at Mt. Chacaltaya (p. 273) |
by Inoue, N |
Electrostatic shocks driven by accelerated electrons (p. 273) |
by Malkov, M A |
Solar energetic protons self generated waves in the interplanetary magnetic field ( A search for evidences ) (p. 273) |
by Valdés-Galicia, J F |
Soft diffuse galactic ray continuum generated by CR Electrons (p. 275) |
by Dogiel, V A |
EASs showing chaotic feature over very long distance (p. 277) |
by Chikawa, M |
Injection of thermal particles at parallel shocks (p. 277) |
by Malkov, M A |
Propagation of coherent pulses of solar cosmic rays (p. 277) |
by Ruffolo, D |
The injection rate of e Pairs by relativistic nuclei in magnetospheres of young pulsars (p. 279) |
by Bednarek, W |
Zenith angle dependence on depth of shower maxima (p. 281) |
by Nath, D |
The excitation of ion cyclotron harmonic waves in cosmic ray shock precursors (p. 281) |
by McClements, K G |
Ulysses, Voyager 1 and IMP-8 low energy proton fluxes: Interplanetary particle transport (p. 281) |
by Anglin, J D |
Multiwavelength spectral modeling of blazars (p. 283) |
by Dermer, C D |
The knee of the size spectrum of EAS at different depths in the atmosphere (p. 285) |
by Danilova, E V |
The spectral index of accelerated particles in oblique shock waves (p. 285) |
by Naito, T |
Rigidity dependent pitch angle distribution in modeling ground level enhancements (p. 285) |
by Cramp, J L |
Chaotic feature of extensive cosmic ray air showers (p. 289) |
by Ohara, S |
Test particle energy gains at oblique shocks using the adiabatic approximation (p. 289) |
by Baring, M G |
The effect of near-earth IMF structure on the modeling of ground level enhancements (p. 289) |
by Cramp, J L |
The superluminal factor of gamma ray blazars (p. 291) |
by Chi, X |
Study of the EAS cores from the EAS-TOP calorimeter and observation of multi-core events (p. 293) |
by Antonioli, P |
The cosmic ray spectrum and irregularities of galactic magnetic field (p. 293) |
by Tkaczyk, W |
Propagation of charged particle pulses immediately after injection (p. 293) |
by Earl, J A |
Production of gamma-rays in blazers by electrons accelerated in the jet (p. 295) |
by Bednarek, W |
First experimental results from the array of cascade (p. 297) |
by Schieler, H |
Solar cosmic ray transport under anisotropic injection (p. 297) |
by Fedorov, Yu I |
The extragalactic diffuse ray emission and radiative neutrino decay (p. 299) |
by Miller, R S |
Fractal study of extensive air shower time series (p. 301) |
by Katayose, Y |
Origin of the high energy extragalactic ray background (p. 303) |
by Wolfendale, Arnold Whittaker |
Simulations of cosmic ray cross field diffusion (p. 305) |
by Ostrowski, M |
Search for bursts of extensive air shower (p. 305) |
by Katayose, Y |
Spectral dependence on solar corona propagation of relativistic solar flare protons (p. 305) |
by Stoker, P H |
Signature of baryon symmetric universe and lifetime of antiprotons (p. 307) |
by Stephens, S A |
Charged particles separation in EASY by the geomagnetic field (p. 309) |
by Dedenko, L G |
a comment on the detection of solar proton events at the earth with respect tot the helliopheric current sheet (p. 309) |
by Shea, A |
High energy gamma rays from SN 1006 AD (p. 311) |
by Damon, P E |
Spectra of gamma-hadron families combined with EAS (experiment âワ hadron âワ) (p. 313) |
by Cherdyntseva, K V |
Wave-wave interactions in two fluid cosmic ray hydrodynamics (p. 313) |
by Webb, G M |
The heliolongitudinal distribution of solar flares associated with solar proton events (p. 313) |
by Smart, D F |
The crab gamma ray spectrum over 2 TeV (p. 315) |
by Djannati-Atai, A |
Fractal analysis of particle density distribution in extensive Air showers (p. 317) |
by Kempa, J |
The turbulence environment of stellar superbubbles and the implications for Fermi acceleration (p. 317) |
by Spangler S R |
Peculiarities of Anisotropy during ground level events of 22 cycle of solar activity (p. 317) |
by Vashenyuk, E V |
Observations of the crab Nebula with the second HEGRA Cherenkov telescope (p. 319) |
by Deckers, T |
A study of large-zenith-angle air showers with the CYGNUS experiment (p. 321) |
by Allen, G E |
Conservation laws and similary solutions in two fluid cosmic ray hydrodynamics (p. 321) |
by Webb, G M |
Injection and transport of accelerated particles as deduced from GOES and neutron monitor data (p. 321) |
by Vainio, R |
Search for emission of periodic TeV gamma rays from the crab Nebula and Geminga (p. 323) |
by Gillanders, G B |
Core structure of EAS above 10eV at Akeno (p. 325) |
by Sakuyama, H |
Short wavelength vorticity and contact modes in two fluid cosmic ray hydrodynamics (p. 325) |
by Webb, G M |
Coronal and interplanetary magnetic sector structure and the modulation of solar energetic particle events (p. 325) |
by Kahler, S W |
Observations of crab at low elevation using the pulse shape technique (p. 327) |
by Patterson, J R |
Azimuthal angular distribution for EAS between 1-10 TeV energies (p. 328) |
by Aliaga, Z |
Anisotropy of the cosmic rays in model with randomly distributed discrete galactic (p. 329) |
by Lagutin, A |
Numerical simulations and analytic theory of cross-field transport (p. 329) |
by Jokipii, J R |
The search for gamma cosmic rays from crab direction for the TeV energies (p. 330) |
by Aliaga, Z |
The transverse momentum of hadrons in extensive air showers (p. 332) |
by Arvela, H |
Transport coefficients in stochastic magnetic fields (p. 333) |
by Kota, J |
High energy gamma-ray from crab Nebula and Markarian 421 from the wide angle mirror Cerenkov telescope SHALON at the Mountain altitudes experiment SHALON-ALATOO (p. 334) |
by Sinitsyna, N N |
The hadron component in extensive air showers (p. 336) |
by Arvela, H |
Spectrum of ultra-high energy cosmic rays acceleration in superbubbles (p. 337) |
by Bykov, A M |
Some properties of fully three-dimensional drift model for the modula (p. 337) |
by Hattingh, M |
The location of the VHE Gamma-ray radiation regions in the crab Nebula (p. 338) |
by Chalenko, N N |
Delayed pulses observed in extensive air showers (p. 340) |
by Arvela, H |
The coherent acceleration of ultra high energy cosmic rays and the galactic dynamo (p. 341) |
by Colgate, S A |
Comparisson of three numerical treatments of charged particle transport (p. 341) |
by Earl, J A |
VHE Observations of the Crab Nebula from the Cherenkov array of EAS-TOP (p. 342) |
by Aglietta, M |
The experimental set-up and air shower measurements performed with the Turku air shower array (p. 344) |
by Elo, A M |
On galactic and metagalactic cosmic rays (p. 345) |
by Ginzburg, V L |
Revised Landau damping rates of ion-cyclotron waves and electron-cyclotron waves in hot equilibrium plasmas (p. 345) |
by Schlickeiser, R |
Search for steady Emission of 10 TeV gamma rays from the crab Nebula and Markarian 421 using the Tibet air shower array (p. 346) |
by Amenomori, M |
Statuts report on âワ Maket-Aniâ experiment (p. 348) |
by Avakian, V V |
Origin of cosmic rays at energies above 100 Tev (p. 349) |
by Shoji Dake |
Shock drift acceleration of electrons (p. 349) |
by Vandas, M |
A search for ultrahigh energy gamma-ray emission from the crab Nebula (p. 350) |
by Borione, A |
Single-particle arrival-time Pdf and related functions describing EAS fronts (p. 352) |
by Linsley, J |
Acceleration of highest energy (>10 20 eV) cosmic rays by superconducting cosmic strings (p. 352) |
by Sivaram, C |
Can diffusive shock acceleration work fast enough in interplanetary shocks? Evidence from the November 1992 event (p. 353) |
by Lim, T L |
Search for the crab Nebula and Mrk 421 with an improvided sensitivity and a lower energy threshold of the HEGRA arrays (p. 354) |
by Prahl, J |
Time-track complementary revisited (p. 356) |
by Linsley, J |
Possible astrophysical sources for the highest energy cosmic rays (p. 356) |
by Sigl, G |
The self-consistent model for acceleration of solar wind protons by the interplanetary shock waves and coupled alfven wave generation (p. 357) |
by Berezhko, E G |
On the GAMMa-ray emission mechanisms in the crab Nebula (p. 358) |
by Aharonian, F A |
Production height distribution of Eas muons given by the Palermo-Leeds-Napoli track time experiment (p. 360) |
by Catalano, O |
Can the highest energy cosmic rays also be of galactic origin? (p. 360) |
by Wdowczyk, J |
The Palermo-Leeds-Napoli Track time experiment (p. 361) |
by Agnetta, G |
Injection rate of shock- accelerated particles at the cobpoint: Dependence on thee heliolongitude (p. 361) |
by Sanahuja, B |
Lateral distribution of Eas particles given by Rpc detectors in the Palermo-Leeds-Napoli track time experiment (p. 362) |
by Agnetta, G |
to cosmic rays flux ratio from crab Nebula in the energy range 1 - 10 TeV (p. 362) |
by Badran, H M |
Estimating the significance of EAS double fronts (p. 363) |
by Catalano, O |
Arrival time distribution of EAS particles given by the Palermo-Leeds-Napoli track time experiment (p. 364) |
by Agnetta, G |
Integral EAS spectrum at mountain altitude in the âワKneeâ region (p. 365) |
by Ter-Antonian, S V |
Multispacecraft studies of coronal Mass ejection associated energetic particle events (p. 365) |
by Barbier, L M |
Upper limits on TeV gamma-ray emission from EGRET-detected GeV gamma-ray sources (p. 366) |
by Quinn, J |
High energies particles from the surface of a rotating cosmic magnet (p. 368) |
by Thielheim K O |
Energy spectrum and hadron lateral distribution in EAS at mountain altitude, Maket-Ani experiment (p. 369) |
by Ter-Antonian, S V |
Magnetic traps in the interplanetary medium connected with magnetic clouds (p. 369) |
by Vandas, M |
On the flaring activity of AE aquari in the radio, optical and VHE Gamma-rays (p. 370) |
by Atoyan, A M |
Maximum energy of CR accelerated by supernova shocks (p. 372) |
by Berezhko, E G |
Separation of gamma and proton showers (1-10 TeV) using the lateral distribution of Cerenkov light at several observatory Depths (p. 373) |
by Pontocarrero, C |
Anisotropies of solar particle onset observed within ejecta (p. 373) |
by Richardson, I G |
Recent observations of vela X 1 made with the university of Durham Mark 3A VHE ray (p. 374) |
by Chadwick, P M |
On the cosmic-ray flux inside the geminga supernova remnant (p. 376) |
by Johnson, P A |
Horizontal air showers: The role of fluctuations (p. 377) |
by Parente, G |
The response of energetic particles to the presence of ejecta material (p. 377) |
by Cane, H V |
A search for TeV emission from AE aquari (p. 378) |
by Lang, M J |
Cosmic rays and gamma rays in supernova remnants (p. 380) |
by Berezhko, E G |
A search for VHE emission from AE Aquari (p. 381) |
by Bradbury, S M |
The observation of low energy ions accelerated by an interplanetary shock on February 21st 1994 with the geotail HEP experiment (p. 381) |
by Koi, T |
Development of nucleus-air-nucleus interactions model to study the structure of EAS front (p. 381) |
by Popova, L |
Preferential acceleration and the origin of R-process nuclei (p. 384) |
by Binns, W R |
A new Vhe gamma-ray source in the Cygnus constellation (p. 385) |
by Neshpor, Yu, I |
Do âワTypicalâ low-energy ESP events exist? (p. 385) |
by Lario, D |
Calculation of air shower profiles using a bootstrap el;ectromagnetic bootstrap program (p. 386) |
by Stanev, T |
Study of electrons simultaneously with muons in extensive air showers (EAS) initiated by primary cosmic rays of energy 10 -10 eV (p. 387) |
by Chakrabarti, C |
Unpulsed high energy gamma-rays from a Plieronic Nebula (p. 387) |
by Yoshida, T |
CNOF isotopic abundances during thermonuclear gamma-ray bursts: A probable source of cosmic radiation (p. 388) |
by Bardoloi, I |
The detection of the VHE gamma-ray burst in the Vicinity of the red dwarf star EV lac (p. 389) |
by Alekseev, I Yu |
An electron Fermi acceleration event at an interplanetary shock wave on Feb. 21, 1994 GEOTAIL observation (p. 389) |
by Terasawa, T |
A comparative study of EAS energy estimation methods (p. 391) |
by Chilingarian, A A |
Chemical composition of cosmic rays accelerated in supernova remnants (p. 392) |
by Berezhko, E G |
Observations of pulsars near 1 Tev by the Cangaroo Project (p. 393) |
by Kifune, T |
The 11980 interplanetary particles anomalous perios and the solar magnetic activity (p. 393) |
by Rodriguez-Pacheco, J |
The energy estimates of EAS and the composition and energy spectrum of the primary particles at energies of 10 -10 eV (p. 395) |
by Anokhina, A M |
Ultra heavy nuclei in the source composition of cosmic rays (p. 396) |
by Sakurai, K |
Temporal behavior of different energy (<60 Kev, > 1 Mev) particle fluxes during cycle 21 maximum (p. 397) |
by Rodriguez-Pacheco, J |
Introduction to cosmos and some relevance to ultra high energy cosmic ray air showers (p. 399) |
by Kasahara, K |
Neural-net approach for event-direction reconstruction in ray astronomy (p. 400) |
by Bhat, C L |
Source searches using the CYGNUS water-Cerenkov array (p. 401) |
by Allen, G E |
Energetic particle activity in the heliospheree 1991-1995 (p. 401) |
by Krimigis, S M |
Recent extensions to the CORSIKA extensive air shower simulation program (p. 403) |
by Knapp, J |
Lowering threshold energy of ray telescopes - A new strategy (p. 404) |
by Bhat, C L |
Search for radiation above 20 TeV from supernova remnants in our galaxy (p. 405) |
by Prosch, C |
Quiet-time proton Fluxes in the inner heliosphere (p. 405) |
by Zeldovich, M A |
Simulation of Eev extensive air shower (p. 407) |
by Attallah, R |
An experiment to detect correlations between Cherenkov and muon lateral distributions in EAS (p. 408) |
by Paling, S |
Search for cosmic point sources of high energy gamma radiation above 40 TeV (p. 409) |
by Willmer, M |
Energetic ions near comet halley in March 1986: cometary vs interplanetary origin (p. 409) |
by Kecskemety, K |
Gauhati university mini-array to detect UHE cosmic rays (p. 411) |
by Boruah, K |
Calibration techniques for air-Cherenkov telescopes (p. 412) |
by Biller, S D |
Search for UHE Ray emission from discrete sources (p. 413) |
by Blake, P R |
An overview on measurements in high heliogaraphic latitudes: Results from EPAC on ULYSSES (p. 413) |
by Keppler, E |
Low frequency radio emission From large inclined showers (p. 414) |
by Das, B |
The university of Durham Mark 6 low energy threshold gamma-ray telescope (p. 416) |
by Chadwick, P M |
Search UHE Emission from the X-ray Nova GRO J1655-40 (p. 417) |
by Clay, R W |
Ulysses observations of high energy ions and electrons associated with CME events at high heliographic latitudes (p. 417) |
by Anglin, J D |
Arrival time distribution of Cerenkov photons and the elemental composition of primary cosmic rays around 10 eV (p. 418) |
by Haustein, V |
Enhancement of very high energy ray signals using the university of durham Mark 3A (p. 420) |
by Chadwick, P M |
UHE Ray astronomy with EAS-TOP (p. 421) |
by Aglietta, M |
Spatial gradients, energy spectra, and anisotropies of ions 30 keV at CIR shocks from 1 to 50 AU (p. 421) |
by Decker, R B |
Composition and energy measurement with a new method applied to the HEGRA data in the energy range of the Knee (p. 422) |
by Lindner, A |
MYSTIQUE - a large-area, wide-angled atmospheric Cherenkov telescope (p. 424) |
by Bhat, C L |
Study of UHE gamma ray sources with the GRAPES II array at Ooly (p. 425) |
by Gupta, S K |
Pressure and energy carried by superthermal ions during the Sep. 1991 GMIR at voyagers 1 and 2 (p. 425) |
by Decker, R B |
The density distribution of Cherenkov Lights produced by p and Fe simulation showers (p. 426) |
by Luorui, S |
Search for ultra-high energy photons from Cygnus X-3 (p. 426) |
by Murald, Y |
Very high resolution whipple gamma ray camera (p. 428) |
by Sembroski, G H |
Cosmic ray modulation by MIRs in distant heliosphere: Voyager observations (p. 429) |
by Ness, N F |
The shape of the atmospheric Cherenkov light images of extensive air showers (p. 430) |
by Aglietta, M |
A search for ultra high energy gamma-ray emission from Cygnus X-3 and Hercules X-1 (p. 430) |
by Borione, A |
Comparison of recurrent ion events using Ulysses HI-SCALE and EPAC and voyager LECP data (p. 431) |
by Krupp, N |
A CCD - based atmospheric imaging detector for SHE-UHE-EHE astroparticle physics (p. 432) |
by Mirzoyan, R |
Search for points sources of uhe gamma rays in 1993-1994 with the south pole air shower detector (p. 434) |
by Beamans, J |
Stereoscopic observation of atmospheric Cherenkov extensive air showers (p. 434) |
by Aglietta, M |
A search for compact sources of UHE Neutralion (p. 435) |
by Borione, A |
Time series analysis of low energy interplanetary charged particle fluxes and interplanetary magnetic field data (p. 435) |
by Thomson, D J |
Gamma-ray selection and energy measurement with the CAT imaging telescope (p. 436) |
by Degrange, B |
Longitudinal development of EAS using the results of Cherenkov light study (p. 438) |
by Kalmykov, N N |
Search for ultra high energy gamma rays from supernova Remnants (p. 439) |
by Borione, A |
Quiet-time â 1 MeV/nucleon fluxes as observed by the EPAC instrument on board Ulysses (p. 439) |
by Witcombe, A |
A new ring imaging Cherenkov telescope for measurements of light cosmic ray nuclei (p. 440) |
by Ellithorpe, D |
Simulations of pulses and lateral structure functions of the Cherenkov, muon and electron components in EAS at the âワkneeâ region of the primary energy spectrum (p. 442) |
by Anokhina, A M |
Search for UHE emission from supernova Remnants (p. 443) |
by Allen, G e |
Anisotropies of interstellar pickup protons â implications for scattering of low rigidity ( 1 to 3MV) particles (p. 443) |
by Glöckler, G |
A dual imaging Cherenkov experiment (DICE) for examining primary composition near the Knee of the all particle spectrum (p. 444) |
by Boothby, K |
Sharp difference of measured Cherenkov light quantity per shower particle by shower selection according to their size or primary energy and problem of Knee existence at E (p. 446) |
by Yakovlev, V I |
Search for 100 TeV Gamma Rays from southern supernova remnants with the JANZOS array (p. 447) |
by Allen, W H |
Ulysses radial and latitudinal gradients: Low energy proton flux measurements (p. 447) |
by Anglin, J D |
The CERES experiment (CERenkov energy spectrum) (p. 448) |
by Hillas, A M |
The EASCAMP detector at Campinas (p. 450) |
by Birai, A R |
High energy gamma rays above 3 TeV observed by balloon-borne JACEE emultion chambers (p. 451) |
by Takahashi, Y |
The periodic variation of 1 and >92 MeV proton fluxes at high latitudes (p. 451) |
by Anglin, J D |
Time characteristics of Cherenkov telescope âワHOTOVOâ (p. 452) |
by Hristov, L L |
Investigation of the arrival time distribution of muons with energy 5 GeV in EAS at Mountain level 9^() g/cm 2 (p. 454) |
by Beisembaev, R U |
A study of the diffuse gamma radiation in the energy region E =3.10 3.10 eV (p. 455) |
by Yuldashbaev, T S |
Effects of corotating interaction regions on Ulysses high energy particles (p. 455) |
by Kunow, H |
Exploitation of the themis solar plant for gamma astronomy at 20 GeV (p. 456) |
by Paré, E |
Arrival time distributions of muons from extensive air showers as signature of the mass composition of cosmic rays (p. 458) |
by Volker, G |
SAMPEX observations of corotating ion events at (p. 459) |
by Mazur, J E |
On the rate of UHE ray primaries (p. 459) |
by Aglietta, M |
Helium spectra in corotating energetic particle streams observed by EPACT on the wind spacecraft (p. 460) |
by Mazur, J E |
A new 127 pixel camera for cherenkov telescopes of the HEGRA array on la Palma (p. 460) |
by Rauterberg, G |
measurements of the ionic charge states of solar energetic particles at 15 - 70 MeV/nucleon (p. 461) |
by Leske, R A |
A search for anisotropy in the arrival direction of EAS by cosmic rays from discrete sources (p. 462) |
by Chakrabarti, C |
A search for diffuse sources of ultra high energy gamma-rays (p. 463) |
by Borione, A |
Cherenkov telescope calibration using muon ring images (p. 464) |
by Rose, H J |
Measurements of the isotopic composition of solar energetic particles (p. 465) |
by Williams, D L |
EAS-1000 array: 1995 Year Status (p. 466) |
by Ameev, S S |
The source plasma of solar energetic particles in gradual events (p. 466) |
by Boberg, P R |
Loss processes in the accretion column accelerator of Hercules X-1 (p. 467) |
by Johnson, P A |
Parameter optimization and calculated performance for the THEMISTOCLE multi-mirror Cherenkov technique (p. 468) |
by Eschstruth, P T |
The wide angle air-Cherenkov detector AIROBICC at la Palma (p. 470) |
by Arqueros, F |
Charge states of heavy solar energetic particles: Observations with the HILT sensor on SAMPEX (p. 470) |
by Oetliker, M |
Search for radiation from the SNR G78.2+2.1:A test of the SNR Theory of cosmic ray Origin (p. 471) |
by Prosch, C |
The high resolution fast imaging device of the G.A.M.T. experiment (p. 472) |
by Auriemma, G |
Charge state measurements of solar energetic Particles observed with SAMPEX (p. 474) |
by Mason, G M |
Status of the HEGRA experiment at La Palma (p. 474) |
by Fonseca, V |
SAMPEX studies of anomalous cosmic ray contributions to hydrogen and helium at 1 AU (p. 475) |
by Cummings, J R |
Observations of teV Gamma rays from supernova remnants (p. 475) |
by Lessard, R W |
SAMPEX studies of anomalous cosmic ray from 1992 to 1995 (p. 476) |
by Cummings, J R |
CANGAROO stereo observations of TeV gamma ray sources (p. 476) |
by Thornton, G J |
Studies of anomalous cosmic rays using the geomagnetic field (p. 477) |
by Mewaldt, R A |
An improved search for gamma radiation from cosmic point sources using a hadron separation procedure on the AIROBICC 92/93 data (p. 479) |
by Moralejo, A |
Central receiver Cherenkov Array: On-site test results at solar two (p. 480) |
by Ong R A |
Trapped Low-energy heavy ion results from LDEF (p. 481) |
by Kleis, T |
Status of the experiment ANI the first stage - installation âワGammaâ (p. 482) |
by Arzumanian, S A |
The source of TeV gamma-rays in Cen X3 (p. 483) |
by Raubenheimer, B C |
A Cherenkov array at Soudan (p. 484) |
by Border, P |
Cosmos results on the altitude dependence of geomagnetically trapped anomalous cosmic rays (p. 485) |
by Tylka, A J |
âワMuon eyeâ array, its characteristics and advantages (p. 486) |
by Dumora, D |
Observation of 2CG006-00/CGRO J1758-23 at TeV energies (p. 487) |
by Mori, M |
Sensivity of extensive air shower array to gamma ray flux (p. 488) |
by Badran, H M |
Charge states of anomalous cosmic rays: SAMPEX Observations (p. 489) |
by Klecker, B |
Study of primary cosmic ray energy spectrum with a compact electron detector array (GRAPES III experiment at Ooty) (p. 490) |
by Sivaprasad, K |
Camera Obscura network-array for registration of EAS Cerenkov radiation (p. 491) |
by Garipov, G K |
Observations of Markarian 421 by the Whipple observatory collaboration (p. 491) |
by Lamb, R C |
A digital trigger for the FADC Electronics system for the HiRes detector (p. 492) |
by Boyer, J |
Ionization states of anomalous cosmic rays inside magnetosphere (p. 493) |
by Yadav, J S |
A method for separation of y and hadron initiated air showers with angle integrating Cerenkov arrays (p. 495) |
by Arqueros, F |
A search for high energy radiation from mkn 421 using the imaging Cherenkov telescopes of the HEGRA collaboration (p. 495) |
by Petry, D |
An ideal detector for UHE ray astronomy (p. 496) |
by Chernyaev, A B |
Elemental composition of the anomalous cosmic ray component (p. 497) |
by Cummings, A C |
Determination of the depth of maximum development and primary energy of cosmic ray showers with AIROBICC (p. 499) |
by Cortina, J |
The high energy gamma ray spectrum of Mrk421 (p. 499) |
by Protheroe, R J |
Preliminary analysis of monocular HiRes prototype data (p. 500) |
by Bird, D J |
A search for molecular ions in the anomalous cosmic rays (p. 501) |
by Looper, M D |
Photoproduction in gamma initiated showers (p. 503) |
by Krys, E |
A search for ultra-High energy gamma rays from active galactic nuclei with CASA-MIA (p. 503) |
by Borione, A |
The high resolution Fly's eye project (p. 504) |
by Bird, D J |
Anomalous cosmic ray oxygen ( 2.5 MeV/nucl) at high southern heliolatitudes on Ulysses (p. 505) |
by MacLennan, C G |
Single-particle detection efficiency and e rejection power of lst stacks in the Palermo-Leeds-Napoli Track time experiment (p. 507) |
by Catalano, O |
An upper limit to the IR Background from observation of TeV gamma-rays (p. 507) |
by Biller, S D |
Pointing accuracy of a full coverage RPC's carpet operating at high altitude (p. 508) |
by Casolino, M |
Clusters of muons underground : a new tool for cosmic ray studies(p. 508) |
by Battistoni, G |
Temporal development of the heliospheric magnetic field topology as confirmed by eclipse observations of the solar corona streamers (p. 509) |
by Sykora, J |
Pair halos around nonthermal extragalactic sources. Possible cosmological probes (p. 511) |
by Aharonian, F |
Observation of penetrating muons through mountain (p. 512) |
by Aoki, T |
Recent Upgrades to CASA-MIA (p. 512) |
by Borione, A |
Persistent larger IMF spiral north of the heliospheric current sheet than south of it (p. 513) |
by Sabbah, I |
Implications of modified AGN Spectra due to absorption by infrared photons (p. 515) |
by Biller, S D |
Particle fluxes in the atmosphere and geomagnetic effects (p. 516) |
by Lipari, P |
Gamma-ray bursts: Detection and distance estimates with Milagro (p. 516) |
by Allen, G E |
Year cosmic ray variations (p. 517) |
by Chebakova, E A |
Reverberation mapping of central regions of AGN using high-energy ray observations (p. 519) |
by Böttcher, M |
Delayed muons and their relation to primary cosmic rays (p. 520) |
by Wentz, J |
Feasibility study of water Cherenkov detector at Mt. Norikura (p. 520) |
by Kajino, F |
Year variation N-S asymmetry and cosmic ray gradient change (p. 522) |
by Kolomeets, E V |
Proton interactions in AGN Jets (p. 523) |
by Johnson, P A |
The analysis of the PCR nucleon energy spectrum and charm production cross-section as observed in MSU muon experiment (p. 524) |
by Ilina, N P |
Gamma-ray production in astrophysical jets (p. 524) |
by Protheroe, R J |
Water Cerenkov detector for a detection of gamma-ray bursts at high altitude (p. 524) |
by Kajino, F |
Simulation of long term modulation in nonstationary solar activity conditions (p. 526) |
by Kryakunova, O N |
Study of primary interactions with multiple muons events in MACRO (p. 528) |
by Battistoni, G |
The expected flux of TeV photons from plerions (p. 528) |
by De Jager, O c |
The present status of the new Tibet air shower experiment (p. 528) |
by Amenomori, M |
Role of LDE-Type flares in the GCR Modulation (1969-1972) (p. 530) |
by Antalova, A |
The prompt muon component in very high energy cosmic ray showers (p. 532) |
by Battistoni, G |
Inverse problem approach to gamma ray propagation (p. 532) |
by Entel M B |
Daily values of the solar SXR background and galactic cosmic ray modulation (1968-1972) (p. 534) |
by Antalova, A |
Analysis of muon events recorded with the NT-36 detector in Lake Baikal (p. 536) |
by Belolaptikov, I A |
Propagation of ultra high energy photons through the intergalactic medium (p. 536) |
by Lee, S |
Primary composition study using a new parameter for a constant efficiency selection of EAS at Mountain Altitudes (p. 536) |
by Batovsky, S A |
Galactic cosmic ray intensity at earth an polar coronal hole area (p. 538) |
by Bravo, S |
MACRO absolute muon flux measurement: comparison with Monte Carlo predictions (p. 540) |
by Bussino, S |
Observation of AGN at TeV energies by project CANGAROO (p. 540) |
by Kifume, T |
Selection of EAS with constant energy in the Tibet Experiment (p. 540) |
by Dumora, D |
Long-term cosmic ray variations and their relation with solar activity parameters (p. 542) |
by Belov, A V |
Comparison of the LVD single muon angular distribution with simulated data (p. 544) |
by De Silva, A |
Gamma-ray observations in moonlight with the whipple atmospheric Cherenkov Hybrid camera (p. 544) |
by Chantell, M |
Detection efficiency of a small size showers by a full coverage RPCs carpet (p. 544) |
by D'Ettorre-Piazzoli, B |
Power spectrum of cosmic rays in the frequency range (3x10 2x10 Hz) (p. 546) |
by Otaola, J |
Atmospheric single muon flux measured over five decades of intensity by LVD at Gran Sasso laboratory (p. 548) |
by Giusti, P |
Methods to reconstruct the energy of gamma ray atmospheric showers in the Themistocle experiment (p. 548) |
by Espigat, P |
The HiRes2 prototype and coincident measurements with HiRes1 (p. 548) |
by Bird, D J |
The energy hysteresis of the galactic cosmic ray intensity in 1988-1993 (p. 550) |
by Svirzhevsky, N S |
A study of single muon I (O, X) structure observed in the LVD particle astrophysics experiment (p. 552) |
by Hafen, E S |
Multi-spectral band observations on gamma-ray sources (p. 552) |
by Kaul, R K |
Reconstruction techniques of monocular HiRes data with a FADC electronics System (p. 552) |
by Boyer, J |
Present status of the recovery phase of cosmic ray eleven year modulation (p. 554) |
by Ahluwalia, H S |
The features of the long-period modulation of galactic cosmic rays (p. 555) |
by Alania, M V |
Study of primary cosmic ray composition using a very large area muon detector (GRAPES III experiment at Ooty (p. 556) |
by Kawakami, S |
Ability of cosmic ray rejection based on simultaneous registration of the integral Cherenkov light intensities from air showers by multitelescope system used in VHE ray (p. 556) |
by Konopelko, A K |
An analysis of EAS with energies above the GZK cit-off (p. 556) |
by Dedenko, L G |
Power index of pion and kaon spectrum in the atmosphere obtained with LVD at Gran Sasso (p. 557) |
by Kudryavtsev, V A |
The simulation of galactic cosmic rays heliolatitudinal modulation (p. 559) |
by Alania, M V |
The use of a UV camera in the atmospheric Cherenkov technique (p. 560) |
by Chantell, M C |
Atmospheric monitoring for fluorescence detector experiments (p. 560) |
by Bird D J |
27-day variation of galactic cosmic rays (p. 560) |
by Sabbah, I |
Detection of events with muon multiplicity N 1500 at the Baksan underground scintillation telescope (p. 561) |
by Bakatanov, V N |
Pion Eye a method of measuring the chemical composition of Auger radiation with high resolution up to and beyond 10 eV/nucleus (p. 564) |
by Linsley, J |
Images of atmospheric Cherenkov light showers for TeV energies (p. 564) |
by Aliaga, Z |
Amplitude of the 27-Day cosmic ray variation in 19-21 solar cycles (p. 564) |
by Vernova, E S |
High energy muon spectra at zenith angles 0 and 89 (p. 565) |
by Bhattacharya, D P |
The MIR-SPECTR gamma-astronomy experiment (p. 567) |
by Kudryavtsev, M I |
Relative elemental abundances of Ne to Ni in the primary cosmic rays over Alice Springs and the predicted source spectrum (p. 568) |
by Bhattacharya, D P |
Recurrent changes in cosmic ray neutron component (1958-1992) (p. 568) |
by Levitin, A E |
Low and high energy muons in extensive air showers of size 10 to 10 particles (p. 569) |
by Chakrabarti, C |
A prompt report on the first Russo-Japanese joint balloon experiment (p. 571) |
by Apanasenko, A V |
Some preliminary results of the ultra heavy cosmic ray elemental abundances measured on the ultra heavy cosmic ray experiment (UHCRE) (p. 572) |
by Domingo, C |
Long-term changes in galactic cosmic ray variation caused by the solar rotation (p. 572) |
by Bazilevskaya, G A |
High energy muon production in iron generated EAS for superposition and fragmentation models (p. 573) |
by Attallah, R |
A balloon borne electron telescope with scintillating fibers (p. 575) |
by Torii, S |
Voyager measurements of the isotopic composition of Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn and Fe Nuclei (p. 576) |
by Lukasiak, A |
27-Day waves in the cosmic ray north-south anisotropy (p. 576) |
by Swinson, D B, |
Study of interactions of TeV muons by means of underground cosmic ray experiments (p. 577) |
by Battistoni, G |
Performance of BESS detector (p. 579) |
by Nozaki, M |
Status report on HIIS observations of ultraheavy galactic cosmic rays (p. 580) |
by Tylka, A J |
Long-term variations of cosmic Ray north-south anisoptropy in 70-and 80-th years (p. 580) |
by Belov, A V |
Search for anisotropies in deep underground muons (p. 581) |
by Marshak, M L |
The Ultraheavy composition detector of the trek experiment (p. 581) |
by Westphal, A J |
A search for cosmic point sources of muons and for seasonal variations in the underground muon flux with the MACRO detector (p. 582) |
by Ahlen, S P |
Detecting cosmic ray iron using balloon-borne air Cherenkov detectors (p. 583) |
by Seckel, D |
Numerical simulations of the cosmic-ray diurnal anisotropy (p. 584) |
by Sabbah, I |
Measurement of the cosmic ray muon spectrum and charge ratio in the atmosphere from ground level to balloon altitudes (p. 585) |
by Basini, G |
The energy dependence of lithium to carbon abundance ratio in galactic cosmic rays (p. 585) |
by Evenson, P |
Results from the flight of BUGS-4 (p. 587) |
by Smith, A E |
The North-south asymmetry of cosmic rays as dependence from a sectorial structure of the interplanetary magnetic field (p. 588) |
by Gorchakov, E V |
Monte Carlo calculations of atmospheric electrons compared with data from HEAT (p. 589) |
by De Nolfo, G |
Ulysses high energy telescope elemental measurements: secondary to primary ratios of galactic cosmic rays (p. 589) |
by Duvernois, M A |
The magnetic spectrometer PAMELA for the study of cosmic antimatter in space (p. 591) |
by Adriani, O |
Cosmic-ray diurnal variation during the 1964-1992 epoch (p. 592) |
by Borello Filisetti, O |
Further results from the LDEF ultra heavy cosmic ray experiment (p. 593) |
by Thompson, A |
Measurement of the cosmic ray induced muon flux through the atmosphere using IMAX (p. 593) |
by Krizmanic, J F |
Ratio of sub-iron to iron ion abundances of low energy galactic cosmic rays (p. 594) |
by Vahia, M N |
Maximum energy Auger air shower satellite (MASS) for observing cosmic rays in the energy region 10 eV (p. 595) |
by Takahashi, Y |
Variation of diurnal anisotropy during Minimum of solar activity cycles 20 & 21 (p. 596) |
by Sharma, N K |
Study of the radiative interactions of 300 GeV muons in a high resolution calorimeter (p. 597) |
by Battistoni, G |
The deuterium cosmic ray intensity from balloon measurement in energy range 0.8-1.8 (p. 598) |
by Bogomolov, E A |
Flight performance of the HEAT rigidity spectrometer (p. 599) |
by Tomasch, A D |
Cosmic ray solar diurnal variations gradients and the interplanetary magnetic field (p. 599) |
by El-Borie, M A |
Multiple interactions of muon energy spectrum deep underground (p. 601) |
by Castagnoli, C |
The Ulysses cosmic ray isotope experiment: isotopic abundances of Fe and Ni from high resolution measurements (p. 602) |
by Connell, J J |
Flight performance and electron-hadron separation of the HEAT - e experiment (p. 603) |
by Torbet, E |
Dependence of the solar diurnal variations upon the magnetic polarity of the heliosphere (p. 603) |
by El-Borie, M A |
Muon transport in a random medium (p. 605) |
by Lagutin, A A |
The isotopic composition of anomalous and galactic cosmic rays from SAMPEX (p. 606) |
by Leske, R A |
A satellite born charged particles telescope for the study of cosmic ray nuclei (p. 607) |
by Barbiellini, G |
The parallel mean-free path of galactic cosmic rays at 1 AU (p. 607) |
by Hall, D L |
Helium 3 local interstellar spectra derived by demodulating measured spectra (p. 610) |
by O'Neil, P M |
Balloon flight tests of a Gas-ionization chamber-based isotope spectrometer (p. 611) |
by Wiedenbeck, M E |
Asymmetric heliospheric modulation of a galactic anisotropy (p. 611) |
by Hall, D L |
Search for point sources of deep underground muons (p. 613) |
by Marshak, M L |
Muons from the direction of cygnus X-3 1992-1994 (p. 614) |
by Tsuji, S |
Cosmic ray hydrogen isotopes from 0,2 to 3.0 GeV/nucleon (p. 614) |
by Davis, A J |
Antarctic balloon flights for JACEE (p. 615) |
by Wilkes, R J |
Observation of the first-three harmonics of cosmic-ray daily intensity variations and the magnetic polarity of the heliosphere (p. 615) |
by Munakata, Y |
Phase analyses of muons from the direction of Cygnus X-3 at large zenith angles: 1992 - 1994 (p. 618) |
by Tsuji, S |
The cosmic ray He He ratio from 0.2 to 3.6 GeV/nucleon (p. 618) |
by Reimer, O |
Long flying component and incorrect measurements of proton energy spectrum by shallow arrays at E>10 TeV (p. 619) |
by Yakovlev, V L |
Long term behaviour of semidiurnal variations of cosmic ray intensity (p. 619) |
by El-Borie, M A |
Muons from the direction of Cygnus X â 3 during july 1990-december 1991 radio flares (p. 622) |
by Tsutsui Y |
Interpretation of the helium isotope ratios measured by IMAX (p. 622) |
by Davis, A J |
A telemetry frame sync board for use in balloon payloads (p. 623) |
by Christian, E R |
Tri-diurnal variation in cosmic ray intensity on quiet days during solar cycles 21-22 (p. 623) |
by Kumar, S |
Estimation of integral muon spectrum from point source photon spectrum (p. 626) |
by Bhattacharya, D P |
Cosmic ray H and He isotopes in the outer heliosphere in 1994 (p. 626) |
by Seo, E S |
The space physics data system - cosmic and heliospheric nodes (p. 627) |
by Garrard, T L |
Diurnal variations underground since 1959 (p. 627) |
by Swinson, D B |
Muon range fluctuations in Rock (p. 630) |
by Makarov, V V |
Measurements of cosmic ray helium during the 1991 solar maximum (p. 630) |
by Wefel, J P |
Effects of galactic cosmic ray modulation in the heliosphere (p. 631) |
by Krymsky, G F |
Gamma-telescope with crystal converter (p. 631) |
by Khablo, V A |
The atmospheric background pf protons and deuterons measured at 5 cm2 (p. 634) |
by Wefel, J P |
Sidereal variations at high energies - observations at poatina (p. 635) |
by Fenton, K B |
Performance of the BUGS IV spherical drift chamber (p. 637) |
by Petruzzo, J J |
The HE muon and neutrino fluxes from measurements of horizontal air showers at EAS-TOP (p. 638) |
by Aglietta, M |
Isotopic composition of iron-group elements from the trek experiment (p. 638) |
by Westphal, A J |
Two hemisphere observations of the north-south sidereal asymmetry at 1TeV (p. 639) |
by Munakata, K |
Direct coulomb Electron pairs for energy measurement - design consideration (p. 641) |
by Derrickson, J H |
Interactions of the UHE cosmic ray neutrinos with the cosmological neutrino background (p. 642) |
by Sivaram, C |
Sanriku Balloon experiment for cosmic heavy primary observation (p. 642) |
by Dol, T |
Sidereal diurnal variations observed by the two hemisphere network of surface level muon telescopes (p. 643) |
by Munakata, K |
Application of the image calorimeter in the high energy gamma astronomy (p. 645) |
by Carlson, Per J |
The galactic cosmic ray all-particles spectrum, preliminary results from the TIC experiment (p. 646) |
by Adams, J H |
Muons of extra high energy horizontal EAS in geomagnetic field and nucleonic astronomy (p. 646) |
by Pavluchenko, V P |
Long term change in the sidereal diurnal variation observed by the Misato shallow underground muon telescope (p. 647) |
by Munakata, K |
Measurement of cosmic ray H and He spectra in a balloon bome experiment with a superconducting solenoid spectrometer (p. 648) |
by Seo, ES |
Observation of sidereal anisotropy of cosmic rays at 1 TV (p. 648) |
by Mori, S |
A study of a high pressure microstrip gas chamber (p. 649) |
by Ortuno-Prados, F |
Characterisation of the energy spectrum of Ni from stellar collapses with the detector (p. 650) |
by Chinellato, J A |
The relative fluxes of protons and helium nuclei up to 100 GeV/n (p. 652) |
by Swordy, S P |
Cosmic-ray sidereal daily variation, showing of the coexistence of the galactic and heliomagnetotail-In anisotropies (p. 652) |
by Nagashima, K |
The ACE-CRIS scintillating fiber hodoscope: A prototype calibration at the MSU NSCL (p. 653) |
by Hink, P L |
A search for radiative neutrino decay from supermovae (p. 654) |
by Miller, S |
Cosmic ray individual element spectra: Prediction and data (p. 656) |
by Wiebel-Sooth, B |
Cosmic-ray excess flux from heliomagnetotail (p. 656) |
by Nagashima, K |
The CAPRICE RICH detector (p. 657) |
by Barbiellini, G |
A system to search for supernova bursts with the AMANDA detector (p. 658) |
by Wischnewski, R |
To the problem on the primary nucleon spectrum (p. 660) |
by Apanasenko, A V |
The cosmic ray convection-diffusion anisotropy according to ground and underground observations in 1965-1990 (p. 660) |
by Ahluwalia, H S |
Analysis of underground events recorded in the Lvd experiment at Gran Sasso correlated with ray bursts (p. 662) |
by Galleotti, P |
Study of the primary composition from the Ne data at EAS-TOP (p. 664) |
by Alessandro, B |
Drift anisotropy and transverse gradients of cosmic rays in the interplanetary space (p. 664) |
by Dorman, L I |
Instrumental background in high pressure X-ray gas detectors (p. 665) |
by Feroci, M |
Neutral current interactions of high energy neutrinos with matter of the sun and earth (p. 666) |
by Bugaev, E V |
Muons in extensive air showers and the cosmic-ray composition near the Knee (p. 668) |
by Bernlöhr, K |
The important parameters of solar wind and IMF for cosmic ray anisotropy and their dependence on heliolatitude and solar activity (p. 668) |
by Dorman, L I |
Status of the GILDA project for the 30 Mev- 100 GeV high energy gamma ray astrophysics (p. 669) |
by Morselli, A |
Possible parameterizati9on of parton distributions at small-x and neutrino-nucleon total cross section (p. 670) |
by Butkevich, A V |
Higher harmonics of cosmic ray solar diurnal variation. 1. persistence analysis (p. 672) |
by Fikani, M M |
Re-examination on primary cosmic ray composition above 10 eV (p. 672) |
by Dai, H Y |
Higher harmonics of cosmic ray solar diurnal variation. 2. amplitude dependence on asymptotic latitude of viewing (p. 673) |
by Fikani, M M |
The ACE-CRIS scintillating optical fiber trajectory (SOFT) detector (p. 673) |
by Klarmann, J |
Higher harmonics of cosmic ray solar diurnal variation. 3. dependence on primary rigidity (p. 674) |
by Fikani, M M |
The cxlculated rate of cosmogenic isotopes production by cosmic ray muons inside bulk water detectors (p. 674) |
by Dedenko, L G |
On correlation between Tilt of heliospheric current sheet and transverse cosmic ray particle density gradient (p. 675) |
by Ygbuhay, R C |
Composition studies with the CASA-MIA detector (p. 676) |
by Borione, A |
Modulation of high energy cosmic rays throughout the solar activity and the magnetic cycles (p. 676) |
by Bennett, E |
Energy estimate for very high energy cascade by core-size method in the jacee emulsion chamber (p. 677) |
by Takahashi, Y |
The neutrino cross section and atmospheric Neutrinos (p. 678) |
by Lipari, P |
Chemical composition of primary cosmic rays with energies above 100 Tev observed at Mt. Chacaltaya (p. 680) |
by Kakimoto, F |
3-D Distribution of cosmic rays in the outer heliosphere (p. 680) |
by Kota, J |
Primary mass composition around the âワkneeâ in the primary spectrum (p. 681) |
by Kempa, J |
The trans-iron galactic element recorder (TIGER) experiment (p. 681) |
by Lawrence, D J |
On the high-energy limit of cosmic-ray modulation and anisotropies (p. 684) |
by Kota, J |
A thin electronic calorimeter for galactic cosmic ray spectral measurements (p. 685) |
by Adams, J H |
Measurement of the upward-going muon flux with the baksan underground telescope (p. 686) |
by Boliev, M M |
On the 2D and 3D cosmic ray transport equations (p. 688) |
by Kalinin, M S |
Estimate of the primary cosmic ray composition from a multi-parametric fit of MACRO multimuon events (p. 689) |
by Palamara, O |
Very heavy nuclei charge detection in fuji ET-7B nuclear emulsion in a balloon-borne (p. 689) |
by Basu, B |
Measurement of the ratio as a function of depth in the atmosphere (p. 690) |
by Schneider, E |
The influence of the nonsteady solar magnetic fields on the galactic cosmic rays (p. 692) |
by Kalinin, M S |
The galactic cosmic ray - current sheet relationship during last four solar cycles (p. 693) |
by Korolkov, D N |
A study of the coarse chemical composition of cosmic radiation between 300 and 1000 TeV (p. 693) |
by Plaga, R |
A new type of emulsion chamber for RUNJOB-program (1) â chamber-designing and data processing (p. 693) |
by Apanasenko, A V |
An improved calculation of the atmospheric neutrino flux in the GeV range (p. 694) |
by Gaisser, T K |
The diffusion tensor throughout the heliosphere (p. 694) |
by Bieber, J W |
Expectations for cosmic ray composition changes in the region 10**14 to 10**16 eV (p. 697) |
by Swordy, S P |
A new type of emulsion chamber for runjob-program energy determination (p. 697) |
by Apanasenko, A V |
The mathematical treatment of the passage of neutrinos through the universe with the fractal structure (p. 698) |
by Uchaikin, V V |
Heliospheric propagation of galactic cosmic rays: quasilinear theory versus hard-sphere scattering (p. 698) |
by Hattingh, M |
Study of primary cosmic ray composition at 10**14 - 10**15 eV: results from GRAPES II array at Ooty (p. 701) |
by Tonwar, S C |
A new detection technique for ZeV cosmic rays (p. 701) |
by Kieda, D B |
Study of primary cosmic ray composition at 10**13 - 10**14 eV with the GRAPES III array at Ooty (p. 702) |
by Ito, N |
Comparison of neutrino flux calculations (p. 702) |
by Gaisser, T K |
Phase lag effects in cosmic ray modulation (p. 702) |
by Steenberg, C D |
Composition and energy spectrum of cosmic rays above 30 TeV (p. 703) |
by Yoshi, H |
Gamma-radiation of the high energy and GAMMA-400 Project (p. 705) |
by Fradkin, M I |
Atmospheric neutrino oscillations in a scheme with mixing between three generations and long baseline experiments (p. 706) |
by Bilensky, S M |
Cosmic-ray electron modulation using current knowledge of the heliosphere (p. 706) |
by Haasbroek, L J |
Energy spectra and elemental composition of nuclei above 100 TeV from a series of the JACEE balloon Flight (p. 707) |
by Asakimori, K |
Prototype studies by the Haverah park group for the giant air shower project (p. 709) |
by Beaman, J |
Calculation of atmospheric neutrino fluxes in energy range of 1-3000 GeV (p. 710) |
by Honda, M |
Study of the primary cosmic ray composition in the PeV region with EAS-TOP and Macro (p. 710) |
by Vallania, P |
Cosmic ray ion identification using multistrip silicon dE/dx detectors (p. 710) |
by Menichelli, M |
The time-dependent Recovery after the large cosmic-ray decrease in 1991 (p. 710) |
by Haasbroek L J |
Study of the neutrino oscillation using atmospheric neutrinos (p. 714) |
by Honda, M |
Performance of the transition radiation detector flown on the NMSU/WIZARD TS93 balloon-borne instrument (p. 714) |
by Aversa, F |
Heliospheric cosmic ray distributions: a tool for probing the solar wind termination (p. 714) |
by Fichtner, H |
Underground-surface coincidences at Soudan (p. 714) |
by Border, P |
Cosmic rays shower maximum in the 0.01 to 1 EeV region - results from HiRes/FE2 coincident data (p. 718) |
by Bird, D J |
Preliminary Results from IMB3 muon/electron identification tests at KEK (p. 718) |
by Bratton, C B |
Advanced thin ionization calorimeter (ATIC) (p. 718) |
by Isbert, J |
The maximum energy of anomalous cosmic rays (p. 718) |
by Jokipii, J R |
On the chemical composition of primary cosmic rays in the energy region E = (40 - 100) TeV/n (BAKSAN experiment) (p. 720) |
by Bakatanov, V N |
Search for astro[physical sources of neutrinos oscillations using the baksan data (p. 722) |
by Boliev, M M |
Study of cosmic ray nuclei detection by an image calorimeter (p. 722) |
by Carlson, Per J |
A transport model for the diffusive shock acceleration and modulation of the anomalous component in the heliosphere (p. 722) |
by Le Roux, J A |
The energy spectrum of primary cosmic rays by the data of tunka Cherenkov array (p. 724) |
by Bryanski, S V |
Absolute measurement of the muon and electron neutrino flux with the Frejus experiment (p. 726) |
by Rhode, W |
Ion identification method using E-E measurements (p. 726) |
by Bronchalo, E |
The dynamic relevance of the heliospheric magnetic field accordind to a spherically-symmetric particle hydromagnetic model (p. 726) |
by Le Roux, J A |
Cosmic ray proton and helium spectra - combined JACEE results (p. 728) |
by Cherry, M L |
Statistical studies of the pressure of interstellar pick-up ions: implications for the outer heliosphere (p. 730) |
by Fisk, L A |
Upward-going muons in macro (p. 730) |
by Di Credico, A |
Use of neutral network techniques to identify cosmic ray electrons and positrons during the 1993 balloon flight of the NMSU/Wizard-TS93 instrument (p. 730) |
by Bellotti, R |
Continuous production of anomalous cosmic rays forming a dissipative shock precursor (p. 731) |
by Chalov, S V |
A measurement of the EAS differential size spectrum for 10 >Ne< 10 and of the absorption of EAS in the atmosphere (p. 732) |
by Chiavassa, A |
Neutrino-induced single-muon flux measured by LVD at Gran Sasso (p. 734) |
by Sartorelli, G |
Computer network-based data acquisition and control system for TACTIC (p. 734) |
by Koul, R |
A numerical model for the anomalous component of cosmic rays (p. 735) |
by Steenkamp, R |
Primary cosmic rays at the âワKneeâ energy region observed with the Tibet air shower array (p. 736) |
by Amenomori, M |
Variation of the atmospheric neutrino integral fluxex from up and down earth's hemispheres (p. 738) |
by Kolomeets, E V |
Front-end instrumentation of TACTIC imaging ray telescope (p. 738) |
by Rannot, R C |
Model calculations on anomalous hydrogen (p. 739) |
by Steenberg, C D |
The cosmic ray energy spectrum above 1X10 eV determined by AGASA (p. 740) |
by Doi, T |
The lake BAIKAL neutrino project : status report(p. 742) |
by Belolaptikov, I A |
Optimizing the non-linear gamma-ray domain in VHE gamma-ray astronomy using a neural network classifier (p. 742) |
by Chilingarian, A A |
The effect of drifts on the calculation of the spectra of anomalous cosmic ray during solar minimum conditions (p. 743) |
by Reinecke, J P |
The energy spectrum of cosmic rays with the CASA-MIA air shower array (p. 744) |
by Borione, A |
KM3 as a detector of atmospheric muons (p. 746) |
by Kokoulin, R P |
The use of GPS clocks for high relative timing accuracy between HiRes sites (p. 746) |
by Bird, D J |
the cosmic ray state of the heliosphere during solar minimum (p. 747) |
by Reinecke, J P |
The primary cosmic ray spectrum at 2X10 -2X10 eV and its peculiarity above 10 eV according to Tien-Shan data (p. 748) |
by Nesterova, N M |
Possible signatures of a large extragalactic proton flux at HiRes (p. 750) |
by Boyer, J |
A flash ADC electronics system for the HiRes Detector (p. 750) |
by Boyer, J |
The modeling study of cosmic ray long-period modulation (p. 751) |
by Alania, M V |
results from an Antarctic balloon flight (p. 752) |
by Olson, E D |
Evolution of the electron/proton ratios between 1 and 7 GV measured at Ulysses, as a function of time and latitude (p. 752) |
by Ferrando, P |
Flux of high-energy neutrino-induced muons from active galactic nuclei (p. 754) |
by Minorikawa, Y |
A genetic algorithm for optimizing TeV gamma-ray selection (p. 754) |
by Lang, M J |
The primary spectrum of cosmic rays of energy above 10 eV by the Yakutsk EAS array data (p. 756) |
by Afanasiev, B V |
Latitudinal effects of galactic cosmic rays observed onboard the Ulysses spacecraft (p. 756) |
by Paizis, C |
Status and capabilities of AMANDA-94 (p. 758) |
by Mock, P C |
Calibration studies of the FADC electronics system for the HiRes detector (p. 758) |
by Boyer, J |
Multi-component observations of 10eV EAS with the CASA-MIA and HiRes detectors (p. 760) |
by Bird, D J |
The latitudinal gradient of anomalous cosmic rays: Ulysses observations (p. 760) |
by Trattner, K J |
Search for neutrinos from collapsing stars with the LVD experiment in Gran Sasso (p. 762) |
by Galleotti, P |
Nucleon modulation from the ULYSSES rapid latitude scan: COSPIN/KET results (p. 764) |
by Heber, B |
Monte Carlo study of DUMAND Three-string array (p. 766) |
by Okada, A |
A data acquisition system for TeV stereo imaging telescopes (p. 766) |
by Rose, H J |
SPASE - AMANDA coincidences at the south pole (p. 768) |
by Miller, T C |
Long-term cosmic-ray modulation along the Ulysses trajectory: a numerical simulation (p. 768) |
by Haasbroek, L J |
Variation of water parameters at the site of the Baikal experiment and their effect on the detector performance (p. 770) |
by Belolaptikov, I A |
Neural networks for hadron-separation with the HEGRA Geiger towers (p. 770) |
by Westerhoff, S |
The energy spectrum and the mass composition of the primary cosmic rays around the Knee (p. 772) |
by Kristiansen, G B |
Radial density gradients of galactic cosmic rays from 1973 to 1995 (p. 772) |
by Fujii, Z |
Possibility to select neutrino-induced muons in Cherenkov water detector on the earth's surface (p. 773) |
by Aynutdinov, V M |
Cosmic rays as energy sources for chemical evolution (p. 774) |
by Saitô, T |
Energy spectrum of primary cosmic rays at energies 100-200 TeV measured with Thian - Shan atmospheric Cerenkov telescope (TACT) (p. 776) |
by Antonov, R A |
Properties of step decreases observed in solar cycle 22 (p. 776) |
by Fujii, Z |
Optical properties of south pole ice for neutrino astrophysics (p. 777) |
by Price, P B |
The arrival direction of EAS above 10 eV determined with Kinki array at sea level (p. 780) |
by Chikawa, M |
The initial cosmic ray recovery phase of solar cycle 22 (p. 780) |
by McDonald, F B |
Search for high energetic muon neutrinos with the Frejus detector (p. 781) |
by Rhode, W |
Solid hydrogen as dark matter? (p. 782) |
by Stephen White, R |
Galactic anisotropy above 1 EeV (p. 784) |
by Smith, A G |
Radial and latitudinal cosmic ray intensity gradients in the outer heliosphere (p. 784) |
by McDonald, F B |
Possibilities of construction and development of big underwater neutrino telescope on Lake Baikal (p. 785) |
by Bezrukov, L B |
One possible mechanism of electromagnetic radiation arising from intermediate boundary between conducting ans superconducting media within pulsar (p. 786) |
by Ahmedov, B J |
CASA-MIA observation of sun and Moon shadows (p. 788) |
by Borione, A |
Studies of anomalous cosmic ray hydrogen in the outer heliosphere (p. 788) |
by McDonald, F B |
Separation of upward moving muons in the Baikal underwater telescope (p. 789) |
by Belolaptikov, I A |
Triplet pair production in electron-photon cascading in a soft photon field (p. 790) |
by Anguelov, V |
EAS-sideral anisotropies as seen by power spectrum techniques (p. 792) |
by Martinic, N J |
Evolution of the energy spectra of anomalous cosmic rays in the outer heliosphere and the distance to the solar wind termination shock (p. 792) |
by Stone, Edward C |
EHE neutrinos from topological defects (p. 793) |
by Yoshida, S |
Positron propagation in MID-relativistic thermal plasmas (p. 794) |
by Moskalenko, I V |
The arrival directions of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays (p. 796) |
by Afanasiev, B N |
Radial and latitudinal gradients of anomalous cosmic rays in the outer heliosphere (p. 796) |
by Stone, Edward C |
Acoustic signals produced by ultrahigh energy neutrinos in water (p. 797) |
by Dedenko, L G |
Sensitivity of MACRO to U.H.E. neutrinos (p. 800) |
by Corona, A |
Radial and latitudinal gradients of anomalous cosmic ray oxygen throughout the heliosphere (p. 800) |
by Cummings, A C |
Study of the cosmic ray anisotropy at Eo - 100 TeV from EAS-TOP: 1992-1994 (p. 800) |
by Aglietta, M |
Mapping the earth's interior with astrophysical neutrinos (p. 804) |
by Crawford, H J |
Point source search for cosmic rays above 3X10 eV by AGASA (p. 804) |
by Doi, T |
Solar and interplanetary particles re-accelerated at the solar wind termination shock (p. 804) |
by Mewaldt, R A |
Point-source searches above 10 eV using the haverah Park Database (p. 808) |
by Chikawa, M |
Search for AGN v's with the Soudan 2 detector (p. 808) |
by DeMuth, D M |
Evidence for anomalous cosmic ray hydrogen during the 1976-1977 solar minimum (p. 808) |
by Mewaldt, R A |
The origin of the highest energy cosmic rays and the large scale structure of the universe (p. 809) |
by Biermann, P L |
Estimated flux limits for UHE neutrinos via acoustical detection techniques (p. 812) |
by George, J |
The deuterium/proton ratio as a measure of anomalous hydrogen (p. 812) |
by Lopate, C |
The design of a neutrino telescope using natural deep ice as a particle detector (p. 816) |
by Gray, L |
The reappearance of anomalous cosmic ray hydrogen (p. 816) |
by Christian, E R |
Point source search at great underground depth (p. 820) |
by Adarkar, H |
Energy spectrum of neutrino induced muons in deep underground calculated from the latest primary spectrum (p. 824) |
by Bhattacharya, D P |
Cosmic electron observations from the ice spacecraft (p. 824) |
by Evenson, P |
Calculation of muon flux at great depth produced neutrino from astronomical sources (p. 828) |
by Battacharyya, D P |
Solar modulation of hydrogen and helium cosmic ray nuclei spectra above 400 MeV/nucleon, from 1976 to 1993 (p. 828) |
by Golden, R L |
Recent production of the highest energy cosmic rays and the puzzles of their origin (p. 832) |
by Bhattacharya, D P |
Fluxes of ACR ions in the earth's magnetosphere at the end of the 22nd solar cycle (p. 832) |
by Grigorov, N L |
Investigation of GCR with the help of SONG instrument on-board KORONAS-I satellite (p. 836) |
by Bogomolov, A V |
Nestor, a neutrino astroparticle physic physics laboratory for the Mediterranean: The physics perspective (p. 836) |
by Capone, A |
Shadowing of cosmic rays by the sun near maximum or at the decreasing phase of solar activity (p. 840) |
by Nishizawa, M |
Search for magnetic monopoles with the Baikal neutrino telescope (p. 841) |
by Belolaptikov, I A |
Association of solar flare and radio burst with sunspot Magnetic field (p. 844) |
by Gupta, D K |
Search for dirac magnetic monopole production in high energy heavy ion collisions (p. 845) |
by He, Y D |
Peak flux density spectra of solar radio burst in relation to sunspot configuration (p. 848) |
by Mishra, A P |
Search for fast magnetic monopoles with the MACRO scintillator system (p. 849) |
by Grassi, M |
E - W distribution of solar LDE - Type flares and galactic cosmic Ray modulation ( 1969-1972) (p. 852) |
by Jakimiec, M |
Search for GUT monopoles with the MACRO streamer tube and track etch system (p. 853) |
by Sciubba, A |
Preliminary results of observations of relationships between solar radio bursts, sudden commencements on earth and interplanetary disturbances measured by (p. 856) |
by Jansen, F |
Cosmic ray signals from halo neutralinos (p. 857) |
by Diehl, E |
The features of the relationship of cosmic ray Forbush decreases and the solar wind parameters' fluctuations (p. 860) |
by Alania, M V |
Landau energy loss in liquid scintillator and the search for weakly interacting fractionally charged particles with the LVD experiment (p. 861) |
by Fulgione, W |
The development of observations and models of cosmic ray forbush-effects (p. 864) |
by Dorman, I V |
Particle dark matter search with low activity scintillators: An update (p. 865) |
by Bacci, C |
Regions of abnormally low proton temperature as signatures of ejecta in the solar wind and their solar cycle dependence (p. 868) |
by Richardson, I G |
Capture of galactic cold dark matter by the sun (p. 870) |
by Mitra, A |
Short-term cosmic ray decreases: 1964-1994 (p. 872) |
by Cane, H V |
Nal limits to cold galactic Dark matter interaction rates (p. 874) |
by Quenby, J J |
On structure of forbush effect on results of joint analysis od scintillation index and solar wind parameters (p. 876) |
by Kozlov, V I |
Possible candidates for cosmic ray anomalous massive particles (p. 878) |
by Mori, K |
Cosmic ray fluctuation power spectra dynamics during the great interplanetary disturbance on the October 19-21, 1989 (p. 880) |
by Vashenyuk, E V |
Search for neutron antineutron oscillations (p. 882) |
by Adarkar, H |
The angular extents of solar/interplanetary disturbances and modulation of galactic cosmic rays (p. 884) |
by Cliver, E W |
MINIMAX: a modest collider experiment to search for the centauro phenomenon: disoriented chiral condensates (p. 886) |
by Jones, L W |
Search for predictors of forbush decreases (p. 888) |
by Belov, A V |
Search for long-mean-free-path nuclei with a balloon-borne emulsion chamber (p. 890) |
by Miyamura, O |
The nature of cosmic ray forbush-decrease and precursory effects (p. 892) |
by Dorman, L I |
Search for isotropic gamma radiation between 65 and 200 TeV: constraints on topological defects and galactic dark matter in the form of molecular hydrogen (p. 894) |
by Karle, A |
Precursory decrease of cosmic rays, in front of forbush decrease associated IMF-shock wave, caused by CME lifting off the sun on april 14, 1994 (p. 896) |
by Sakakibara, S |
Anomalous massive particles in cosmic rays (p. 898) |
by Saitô, T |
Observation of GV protons associated with an interplanetary shock (p. 900) |
by Humble, J E |
High energy gravitons and prospects for detection (p. 902) |
by Slobodrian, R J |
The 24 March 1991 Forbush decrease (p. 904) |
by Fluckiger, E O |
Experiments of TL-stacks at the Mt. Blanc laboratory for heavy slowly particles (p. 906) |
by Aglietta, M |
An application of the pulse superposition method to cosmic ray time variations (p. 908) |
by Petlenko, A V |
Flux of hyper-strange matter on supersonic concord (p. 910) |
by Capdevielle, J N |
Anisotropy of cosmic rays and Forbush decreases in 1991 (p. 912) |
by Belov, A V |
The milagro data acquisition system (p. 914) |
by Allen, G E |
Characteristics of diurnal variations of cosmic rays and solar wind stream in Forbush decrease (p. 916) |
by Darwish, A A |
Water Cherenkov detectors for large air showers (p. 918) |
by Yodh, G B |
The dependence of solar diurnal variations of cosmic rays on Forbush decrease (p. 920) |
by Darwish, A A |
Glass RPCs for giant airshower detectors (p. 922) |
by Nakamura, M |
Effect of interplanetary magnetic clouds on cosmic ray diurnal anisotropy (p. 924) |
by Chauhan, M L |
Study of the punch-through of gamma showers in a muon detector and discrimination against hadron showers (p. 926) |
by Ghesquière, C |
Cosmic ray variations: Periodicities at T<24 hours (p. 928) |
by Kudela, K |
Mass resolution of ground based air shower experiments in the 10 to 10000 TeV range (p. 930) |
by Yodh, G B |
Study of cosmic ray daily variations during quiet periods at neutron monitor energies (p. 932) |
by Agrawal, S P |
Streamer tube muon detectors for kascade (p. 934) |
by Doll, P |
Long-term nature of the latitudinal cosmic ray gradient (p. 936) |
by Darwish, A A |
The new south pole air shower experiment spase 2 (p. 938) |
by Beaman, J |
High amplitude anisotropic wave train events in cosmic ray intensity during 1981-90 (p. 940) |
by Kumar, S |
The milagro detector (p. 942) |
by Allen, G E |
Anomalous behaviour of the low amplitude anisotropic wave trains in cosmic ray intensity during 1981-90 (p. 944) |
by Kumar, S |
Status and prospects of the EAS experiment KASCADE (p. 946) |
by Klages, H O |
Peculiar characteristics of low amplitude wave train events during solar cycle 21 (p. 948) |
by Tiwari, A K |
Design and performance of the lead-concrete Geiger tower array within the HEGRA experiment (p. 950) |
by Rhode, W |
Influence of coronal high-speed solar wind streams on cosmic ray intensity (p. 952) |
by Sharma, N K |
The AUGER project: first results from the Orsay prototype station (p. 954) |
by Boratav, M |
Ulysses observations of 26 day intensity variations of cosmic rays and anomalous helium over the south pole (p. 956) |
by Zhang, M |
A new system of high resolution imaging air Cherenkov telescopes for the Hegra experiment (p. 958) |
by Panter, M |
Corotating >60 MeV/amu cosmic ray depressions observed by spacecraft anti-coincidence guards (p. 960) |
by Richardson, I G |
On the optimal choice of EAS telescope-array in UHE ray astronomy (p. 962) |
by Andreyev Yu M |
Fractal analysis of cosmic ray signals detected in the EAS-TOP experiment (p. 964) |
by Aglietta, M |
Reflectometer for fast measurement of mirror reflectivity in the field (p. 966) |
by Wild, N |
Power spectrum of irregular time series of cosmic rays in a wide range of rigidity: 0.3-20 TeV (p. 968) |
by Yasue, S I |
Simulating high energy air showers at Soudan (p. 970) |
by Border, P |
The peculiarity of cosmic ray intensity of recurrent Forbush effects in two different 11-year cycles of solar activity (p. 972) |
by Shatashvili, L Kh |
Performance of cosmic rar tracking (CRT) detectors (p. 974) |
by Bernlöhr, K |
Cosmic ray modulation by expanding, high-latitudes streams (p. 976) |
by Drolias, B |
A new underground muon detector on MT Liang Wang (p. 978) |
by Gao, X Y |
On the potential of cosmic ray time variation studies with Milagro detector (p. 980) |
by Ahluwalia, H S |
Injection and fast radial diffusion of energetic electrons into the inner magnetosphere (p. 981) |
by Gusev, A A |
Coordinate detector for horizontal cosmic ray flux investigations (p. 982) |
by Aglietta, M |
Measurements of flux and spectrum of electrons with energy of 7 - 40 MeV near the earth (p. 985) |
by Lupenko, G V |
The effect of lead screen to scintillation detectors (p. 986) |
by Luruoi, S |
Nature of high energy electrons in the inner radiation belt (p. 989) |
by Voronov, S A |
âワGamma-raysâ bundies at the cores of extensive air showers and the primary cosmic ray identification (p. 990) |
by Augusto, C R A |
Electron and positron Albedo spectra with energy more than 20 MeV (p. 993) |
by Koldashov, S V |
Study of particle tracking from EASCAMP (p. 994) |
by Biral, A R |
Natural energetic positrons in the inner zone (p. 997) |
by Martin, I M |
A nucleonic inverse problem (p. 998) |
by Portella, H M |
An sonar triangulation system for position monitoring of the Baikal underwater array (p. 1001) |
by Belolaptikov, I A |
Chaos problem in the capture of anomalous cosmic ions (p. 1001) |
by Pugacheva, G I |
On the possible use of the solar power plant CESA-1 field at tabernas as Cerenkov detector (p. 1005) |
by Plaga, R |
Frift Hamiltonian in a dipole magnetic field (p. 1005) |
by Nosov, S F |
Remote surveys of AMANDA (p. 1009) |
by Askebjer, P |
Trapped oxygen and neon measurements on LDEF (p. 1009) |
by Barz, S |
Indirect Evidence for long absorption lengths in Antarctic ice (p. 1011) |
by Tilav, S |
Observations of geomagnetically trapped anomalous cosmic rays (p. 1013) |
by Selesnick, R S |
1-20 KeV ion experiments with TL-Sheets (p. 1015) |
by Kuga, K |
Energy spectra of oxygen ions at E<40 MeV/nuc inside the magnetosphere (p. 1017) |
by Leicher, M |
SuperKamiokande outer DAQ system (p. 1019) |
by Wilkes, R J |
The isotopic composition of geomagnetically trapped helium (p. 1021) |
by Wefel, J P |
Radio detection of high energy showers (p. 1023) |
by Alvarez-Muñiz, J |
The energy spectra of interplanetary and trapped anomalous cosmic rays (p. 1025) |
by Grigorov, N L |
Using extra clear antartic ice as a supernova detector (p. 1027) |
by Halzen, F |
Differential flux measurement of atmospheric pion, muon electron and positron energy spectra at balloon altitudes (p. 1029) |
by Grimani, C |
Performance of transition radiation detector in MACRO (p. 1031) |
by Spinelli, P |
Atmospheric proton and deuterium energy spectra determination with the MASS2 (p. 1033) |
by Papini, P |
Ground level cosmic ray observations (p. 1037) |
by Stephens, S A |
Measurements of the absorption length of the ice at the South Pole in the Wavelength interval 410 nm to 610 nm (p. 1039) |
by Erlandsson, B |
He spectrum at small atmospheric depths for different geomagnetic cutoff values (p. 1041) |
by Papini, P |
Response of the NT-36 Array to a distant point-like light source (p. 1043) |
by Belolaptikov, I A |
Production of secondary deuterium in the atmosphere at various latitudes (p. 1044) |
by Papini, P |
A measurement of the fluorescence efficiency of air (p. 1047) |
by Kakimoto, F |
Secondary proton production at small atmospheric depths as a function of geomagnetic cut-off (p. 1047) |
by Papini, P |
Peculiarities of iron and subiron energy spectra at low energies (p. 1051) |
by Baranov, D G |
A project for a 17m imaging Cerenkov telescope (p. 1051) |
by Bradbury, S M |
Additional particle flux in upper earth atmosphere levels (p. 1055) |
by Kolomeets, E V |
Proposal to search for hypothetic heavy cosmic ray particles (p. 1056) |
by Bazhutov, Yu N |
The radial diffusion and the high frequency radio emission of energetic electrons of inner radiation belt during geomagnetic storm with D 110 nT (p. 1058) |
by Dudnik A V |
Data acquisition system for the Cherenkov water detector on the earth's surface (p. 1060) |
by Aynutdinov, V M |
The difference between offset dipole coordinates andcoordinates based on cutoff rigidity contours (p. 1062) |
by Smart, D F |
Study on the ELF?VLF noise for the nuclearites search experiment (p. 1064) |
by Sasaki, H |
Cosmic ray cutoff rigidities in the Tsyganenko magnetospheric magnetic field models of 1989 and 1987 years (p. 1066) |
by Danilova, O A |
Measurements with the altazimuthal counter telescope with a magnet spectrometer (p. 1068) |
by Wada, T |
Effects of the magnetosheath on cosmic ray particle propagation in near-earth space (p. 1070) |
by Butikofer, R |
Reconstruction of events in a water detector with quasispherical modules (p. 1072) |
by Aynutdinov, V M |
Cosmic ray asymptotic directions for Chilean neutron monitors (p. 1074) |
by Storini, M |
NEVOD - Neutrino water detector on the earth's surface (p. 1076) |
by Aynutdinov, V M |
Neutron monitor survey of the southern ocean (p. 1078) |
by Bieber, J W |
Present status of the NESTOR project (p. 1080) |
by Bottai, S |
Neutron monitor latitude surveys, response functions and 22-year modulation (p. 1082) |
by Stoker, P H |
A comparative study of geomagnetic storms for discrete activities during 1978-81 (p. 1086) |
by Kumar, S |
Magnetospheric effects of cosmic rays within the different phases of the magnetic storms (p. 1090) |
by Baisultanova, L M |
Fluctuations of cosmic rays of the geophysical origin (p. 1094) |
by Antonova, V P |
On a possibility of predicting the level of geomagnetic disturbance from effects in cosmic rays (p. 1098) |
by Dvornikov, V M |
The multiple relation among the cosmic ray geomagnetic activity and atmospheric noise (p. 1102) |
by Szocs, H L |
Forbush decreases as Indicators of health-hazardous geomagnetic storms (p. 1106) |
by Villoresi, G |
The influence of geomagnetic disturbances on the meteorological parameters in the BMA region (p. 1110) |
by Pugacheva, G I |
The precipitations of electrons into the earth's atmosphere during 1994 (p. 1114) |
by Makhmutov, V S |
Space shuttle measurements of the galactic cosmic radiation linear energy transfer spectra over a solar cycle and their comparison with radiation transport model (p. 1118) |
by Badhwar, G D |
Cosmic ray fluxes in atmosphere and precipitations (p. 1122) |
by Stozhkov, Yu I |
Solar protons from August 1972 flare and nitrate abundance in Antarctic snow (p. 1126) |
by Gladysheva, O G |
Unique possibility to obtain upper limit of total energy induced by solar flare protons (p. 1129) |
by Gladysheva, O G |
Polar cap intensity structures during the 22 july 1982 flare: correlation to interplanetary fluxes and anisitropies (p. 1133) |
by Cooper, J F |
GCR, the cirrus hole, global warming and record floods (p. 1137) |
by Ely, J T |
Temporal and latitudinal dependence of the temperature effect for neutron component if cosmic ray (p. 1141) |
by Belov, A V |
Modulation effect of barometric coefficient of neutron component of secondary cosmic rays (p. 1145) |
by Yanchukovsky, V L |
Day-night moon shadow difference and comparison with the sun shadow at 10 13 eV using the Tibet air shower array (p. 1148) |
by Yamamoto, Y |
The effect of neutron intensity increase formation during new-moon and full-moon period (p. 1151) |
by Volodichev, N N |
Energy deposit into the brain of an astronaut in space station by solar flare heavy particles (p. 1155) |
by Young, P S |
On a possible relationship between atmospheric dynamics ozone and global auroral activity (p. 1156) |
by Marcucci, M F |
On the theory of atmospheric electric field effect in cosmic ray muon component (p. 1160) |
by Dorman, L I |
On the possibility of atmospheric electric field effect in cosmic ray neutron component (p. 1164) |
by Dorman, L I |
Global ELF?VLF wave observation at the SL-9 comet crash on Jupiter (p. 1168) |
by Chechin, V |
Numerical simulations of Non-adiabatic particle motions in the jovian magnetosphere comparison with âワUlyssesâ observations (p. 1172) |
by Drolias, B |
The cyclic variations of the barometric coefficient of the cosmic ray neutron component intensity (p. 1176) |
by Shatashvili, L |
An influence of cosmic rays and geomagnetic disturbances on the cardiopathology tendency (p. 1180) |
by Alania, M V |
Solar flare tracks in Rio Negro (L4) chondrite (p. 1181) |
by Bhandari, N |
Cosmic ray gradients in the heliosphere based on isotope production rates in meteorites (p. 1184) |
by Bhandari, N |
Galactic cosmic ray variations over a scale of meteorite exposure ages (p. 1188) |
by Alexeev, V A |
GCR modulation in meteorites (p. 1192) |
by Bonino, G |
The solar signal in a 415-year nitrate record from a polar ice core (p. 1196) |
by Dreschhoff, G A |
Medium-and long-term cyclic variations of cosmic rays in the past (p. 1200) |
by Dergachev, V A |
Cosmogenic isotopes, geomagnetic and geochemical signals in a Mediterranean sea sediment at 35000 yr BP (p. 1204) |
by Cini castagnoli, G |
New model on solar neutrino (p. 1212) |
by Yi-Fang, C |
Are solar neutrinos electrically charged ? (p. 1216) |
by Ignatiev, A Yu |
Enhancement of the oscillations of neutrinos of different masses in matter (p. 1220) |
by Beshtoev, K M |
Implications of solar neutrino experiments for solar magnetic fields (p. 1228) |
by Pandey, U C |
Comments on a solar neutrino flux of the Kamiokande observation (p. 1231) |
by Nakatsuka, T |
Experimental limit on the solar antineutrino flux (p. 1235) |
by Khalchukov, F F |
The solar neutrino flux and heliolatitude anisotropy (p. 1239) |
by Dorman, L I |
Summary of correlative analyses between homestake neutrino data and parameters (p. 1243) |
by Massetti, S |
Green corona brightness and homestake neutrino data (p. 1247) |
by Massetti, S |
Is there a north-south asymmetry in the homestake neutrino data connected with solar activity ? (p. 1251) |
by Massetti, S |
Solar neutrino observations with superkamiokande (p. 1255) |
by Conner, Z |
Anticorrelation between neutrino flux and activity in the sun (p. 1259) |
by Tomozawa, Y |
Satellitte project PHOTON for study of the solar flare hard radiation (p. 1263) |
by Kotov, Y D |
Wide-band spectrometer of rays and neutrons for solar satellite project âワPHOTONâ (p. 1267) |
by Kotov, Y D |
Monte Carlo simulation of the response of inorganic scintillators to medium energy solar neutrons (p. 1271) |
by Kotov, Y D |
Anomalous and solar cosmic ray observations with the first brazilian scientific microsatellite (p. 1275) |
by Turtelli, A |
Performance of a magnet spectrometer based on digitzing optical spark chambers (p. 1279) |
by Clem, J M |
Silicon detector studies with an interferometric thickness mapper (p. 1283) |
by Milliken, B |
Specific energy loss rate measurements in low earth orbit (p. 1287) |
by Williamson, P R |
Large aperture muon hodoscope for studies in solar-terrestrial physics (p. 1291) |
by Borog, V V |
Internet access to NASA's OMNI and COHO data bases for interplanetary missions (p. 1295) |
by Cooper, J F |
Two-dimensional low power MWPC for long duration balloon flights (p. 1299) |
by Moiseev, A A |
The radiosonde for the neutron component of cosmic rays measurements in the strastosphere (p. 1304) |
by Asatrian, G A |
Solar physics with the Milagro telescope (p. 1308) |
by Gisler, G |
New experiment on the observation of solar neutrons at Chacataya (p. 1312) |
by Matsubara, Y |
Spaceship earth- An optimized Network of neutron monitors (p. 1316) |
by Bieber, J W |
Antarctic laboratory for cosmic rays: 1991-1995 (p. 1320) |
by Cordaro, E G |
The cosmic ray data database (p. 1324) |
by Belov, A V |
An application of cosmic rays for solving some ecology and hydrology problems (p. 1326) |
by Fridman, Sh D |
A real time compact monitor for environmental radiation: cosmic rays and radioactivity (p. 1329) |
by Cecchini, S |
Cosmic Ray propagation in turbulent media with non-zero helicity of random velocity field (p. 3001) |
by Katz, M |
Solar energetic electron events observed by phobos-2 (p. 3001) |
by Stolpovski, V G |
Is there a drift of anomalous cosmic ray particles? Measurements of the ULYSSES EPAC instrument (c820-823) |
by Franz, M |
The luminosity function of gamma-ray bursts (no pagination) |
by Pizzichini, G |
Atmospheric proton and deuterium energy spectra determination with the MASS2 experiment |
by Papini, P |
Measurement of the electron and positron energy differential fluxes with MASS2 apparatus |
by Basini, G |
Observations of cosmic ray positrons during the 1993 flight of the NMSU / WIZARD TS93 balloon borne apparatus |
by Aversa, F |
Cosmic ray anti-proton measurements in the 4-GeV - 19-GeV energy range using the NMSU / WIZARD matter antimatter superconducting spectrometer 2 (MASS2) |
by Hof, M |
anti-p and e+ identification capabilities of CAPRICE |
by Barbiellini, G |
Use of neural network techniques to identify cosmic ray electrons and positrons during the 1993 balloon flight of the NMSU/WIZARD TS93 instrument |
by Bellotti, R |
Cosmic ray spectrum and composition : direct observation |
by Shibata, T |
Violation of Feynman scaling law in the forward region |
by Ohsawa, A |