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CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 17th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference
Related conference title(s) ICEC 17
Date(s), location 14 - 17 Jul 1998, Bournemouth, UK
Editor(s) Dew-Hughes, D (ed.) ; Scurlock, R G (ed.) ; Watson, J H P (ed.)
Imprint Bristol : IOP, 1998 - 895 p.
ISBN 0750305975
Subject category Engineering
Free keywords cryogenics ; liquid hydrogen ; refrigeration ; superconducting materials

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C98-07-14
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Performance Assessment of Industrial Prototype Cryogenic Helium Compressors for the Large Hadron Collider (p. 145)
by Bézaguet, Alain-Arthur
Cryogenic R&D at the CERN Central Cryogenic Laboratory (p. 181)
by Blin, M
A Microcryostat for Refrigeration at 1.8 K (p. 185)
by Bouyaya, A
Cryogenic System for the Test Facilities of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Modules (p. 189)
by Bremer, J
Thermal Performance of Insulating Cryogenic Pin Spacers (p. 205)
by Darve, C
Backstreaming of Impurity Gas Through a Leak in Pressurized Vessel (p. 209)
by Dauvergne, J P
A one kPa centrifugal cold compressor for the 1.8 K helium refrigeration system of LHC (p. 295)
by Saji, N
Thermal stability of large AI-stabilized superconducting magnets : theoretical analysis of CMS solenoid(p. 369)
by Juster, F P
Experimental Analysis and Modeling of the Electrical and Thermal Transients of the Diode-By-pass for the LHC- Magnet Protection at Cryogenic Temperatures (p. 463)
by Denz, R
A new resin system for the impregnation and bonding of large magnet coils (p. 467)
by Evans, D
Study of Heater Efficiency in the ATLAS Barrel Toroid Magnet (p. 479)
by Gastineau, B
Inductive method to measure very small joint resistances of superconducting wires (p. 495)
by Herzog, R
Thermo-hydraulic Quench Propagation at the LHC Superconducting Magnet String (p. 555)
by Rodríguez-Mateos, F
New cryogenic facilities for testing superconducting equipments for the CERN Large Hadron Collider (p. 623)
by Barth, K
Mechanical stability of the LHC dipole-dipole 50-75K thermal shield interconnect : "floating" expansion joint concept(p. 627)
by Skoczen, Blazej
Applying Advanced Control Techniques for Temperature Regulation of the LHC Superconducting Magnets (p. 631)
by Flemsæter, B
Quality Testing of Gaseous Helium Pressure Vessels by Acoustic Emission (p. 635)
by Barranco-Luque, M
Thermal Performance of the LHC External Auxiliary Bus-Bar Tube : Mathematical Modelling(p. 639)
by Kowalczyk, P
The liquid krypton calorimeter cryogenics for the NA48 experiment (p. 643)
by Bremer, J
Thermal Characterization of the HeII LHC Heat Exchanger Tube (p. 647)
by Camacho, D
Hydraulic Behaviour of He II in Stratified Counter-Current Two-Phase Flow (p. 671)
by Rousset, B
Analytical study of the behaviour of the cold mass supports of the ATLAS Barrel Toroid (p. 719)
by Alessandria, F
Preliminary results of thermal and electrical conductivity measurement at cryogenic temperatures of riveted junctions for the thermal shield of the ATLAS Barrel Toroid (p. 723)
by Alessandria, F
Neutron Irradiation Tests in Superfluid Helium of LHC Cryogenic Thermometers (p. 727)
by Amand, J F
Current Feedthroughs for Superconducting Magnets Operating Below 2 K (p. 739)
by Benda, V
The Cryogenics of the LHC Interaction Region Final Focus Superconducting Magnets (p. 743)
by Byrns, R A
Operation, Testing and Long Term Behaviour of the LHC Test String Cryogenic System (p. 747)
by Casas-Cubillos, J
Cryogenic thermometer calibration system using a helium cooling loop and a temperature controller [for LHC magnets] (p. 751)
by Chanzy, E
Thermo-mechanical Analysis of Cold Helium Injection into Gas Storage Tanks made of Carbon Steel Following Resistive Transition of the LHC Magnets (p. 755)
by Chorowski, M
Irradiation Tests at Cryogenic Temperatures on Diffusion Type Diodes for the LHC Superconducting Magnet Protection (p. 759)
by Denz, R
Development of a prototype superfluid helium safety relief valve for the LHC superconducting magnets (p. 763)
by Dorrenbach, C
Supercritical Helium Cooling of the LHC Beam Screens (p. 793)
by Hatchadourian, E
Cooldown and Warmup Studies for the Large Hadron Collider (p. 813)
by Lebrun, P
An original rotating cryostat for the experiment PVLAS (p. 851)
by Pengo, R
Numerical Model for helium flow in a dual-channel Cable -In-Conduit-Conductor (no pagination)
by Martinez, André
Operating experience with the first TESLA Test Facility (TTF) cryomodule
by Weisend, J G
The cryogenic supply of a VUV free electron laser at the TESLA Test Facility at DESY
by Petersen, B
FPS51B : A small piezo-resistive silicon pressure sensor for use in superfluid helium
by Haruyama, T
Thermal Stability of Large Al-stabilized Superconducting Magnets : Theoritical Analysis of CMS Solenoid.
by Juster, F P

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 Record created 1998-07-31, last modified 2021-07-30