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CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 17th Particle Accelerator Conference
Related conference title(s) PAC '97
Date(s), location 12 - 16 May 1997, Vancouver, Canada
Editor(s) Comyn, M (ed.) ; Craddock, M K (ed.) ; Reiser, M (ed.) ; Thomson, J (ed.)
Imprint Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 1998 - 3 v.
ISBN 078034376X
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Free keywords beam dynamics ; linear colliders ; proton synchrotrons

Contributions in Inspire: C97-05-12
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

LEP2 : Present and Future Performance and Limitations(p. 1)
by Myers, S
First Commissioning of SPring-8 (p. 6)
by Kamitsubo, H
Laser Accelerators : Experiments, Computations and Prospects(p. 11)
by Joshi, C
Coherent nonlinear longitudinal phenomena in unbunched synchrotron beams : extract of the thesis(p. 16)
by Spentzouris, L K
The National Spallation Neutron Source (NSNS) Project (p. 20)
by Appleton, Bill R
The Duke Free Electron Laser Light Source Facility (p. 24)
by Madey, J M J
Future Directions of High Energy Physics (p. 29)
by Peoples, John
Future Directions for Nuclear Physics (p. 34)
by Gelbke, C K
Fourth generation light sources (p. 37)
by Winick, Herman
Ultra-High Intensity Proton Accelerators and Their Applications (p. 42)
by Weng, W T
Status of the Fermilab main injector and recycler (p. 47)
by Holmes, S D
HERA Status and Upgrade Plans (p. 51)
by Willeke, F
RHIC Status (p. 56)
by Peggs, S
Dynamic Effects and their Control at the LHC (p. 66)
by Bailey, R
RHIC Sextant Test - Physics and Performance (p. 69)
by Wei, J
Measurement of Tevatron Extraction Parameters and Comparison of Model to Measurements (p. 72)
by Martens, M A
Surface Resistance Measurements for the LHC Beam Screen (p. 75)
by Caspers, Friedhelm
820 GeV/c Polarized Protons in HERA (p. 78)
by Anferov, V A
Record deflection efficiencies measured for high energy protons in a bent germanium crystal (p. 80)
by Biino, C
Overview of the APT High-Energy Beam Transport and Beam Expanders (p. 83)
by Shafer, R E
The National Spallation Neutron Source Target Station : A General Overview(p. 86)
by Gabriel, Tony A
High Intensity Proton Acceleration at the Brookhaven AGS - An Update (p. 89)
by Ahrens, L
Spin Tracking in RHIC (p. 92)
by Luccio, A U
Flat Beams in a 50 TeV Hadron Collider (p. 95)
by Peggs, S
RHIC Sextant Test : Accelerator Systems and Performance(p. 98)
by Pilat, F
Preparing Accelerator Systems for the RHIC Sextant Commissioning (p. 101)
by Trbojevic, D
Synchrotron radiation dominated hadron colliders (p. 104)
by Keil, Eberhard
Summary of the single-beam collective effects in the LHC (p. 107)
by Berg, J S
Proposal for an aluminum beam screen in the LHC (p. 110)
by Chou, W
Dynamic aperture studies during collisions in the LHC (p. 113)
by Chou, W
Optimization of the LHC Beam Cleaning System with Respect to Beam Loss in the High Luminosity Insertions (p. 116)
by Drozhdin, A I
Optimization of the LHC Beam Cleaning System With Respect to Beam Losses in the High Luminosity Insertions (p. 116)
by Drozhdin, A I
Local chromaticity correction of the LHC (p. 119)
by Johnstone, C
Perturbation of the periodic dispersion under beam crossing optics in LHC (p. 121)
by Méot, F
Towards the optimal LHC interaction region : beam-induced energy deposition(p. 124)
by Mokhov, N V
Measurement and Analysis of Longitudinal Bunched Beam Echoes in the Fermilab Tevatron (p. 127)
by Assadi, S
Accelerator physics issues of a Very Large Hadron Collider, pt.1 (p. 130)
by Chou, W
Accelerator physics issues of a Very Large Hadron Collider, pt.2 (p. 132)
by Chou, W
Beam Loss Handling at Tevatron : Simulations and Implementations(p. 133)
by Drozhdin, A I
Using Luminosity Distributions to Determine Luminosity in a Collider with a Coupled Lattice (p. 136)
by Martens, M A
Excitation Characteristics of Fermilab Main Injector Dipoles and Magnetic Assignment to Reduce Closed Orbit Errors (p. 139)
by Martin, P S
Status of the Fermilab Fixed Target Program (p. 141)
by Moore, C D
Slip Stacking for the Fermilab Luminosity Upgrade (p. 144)
by Shukla, S
Numerical Optimization of Collimator Jaw Orientations and Locations in the LHC (p. 153)
by Kaltchev, D I
The IPNS Accelerator 50 MeV and 500 MeV Transport Lines (p. 156)
by Dooling, J C
H- Charge Exchange Injection for the NSNS Accumulator (p. 159)
by Blumberg, L N
First observation of the deflection of a 33 TeV Pb ion beam in a bent silicon crystal (p. 165)
by Biino, C
Energy Dependence of Crystal Assisted Extraction at the CERN SPS (p. 168)
by Arduini, Gianluigi
Extraction of 22 TeV/c lead ions from the CERN SPS using a bent silicon crystal (p. 171)
by Arduini, Gianluigi
Gabor-Plasma Lens Focusing for LEBT Systems (p. 174)
by Pozimski, J
An Idea for Selection of Short-Lived Particles by a Focusing Crystal (p. 177)
by Biryukov, V
An Idea for Studying a Multipass Crystal Extraction by the Energy Loss Detector (p. 179)
by Biryukov, V
Expected Characteristics of the Nuclotron Beams for Experimental Setups (p. 181)
by Issinsky, I
Beam Injection into the Nuclotron (p. 184)
by Buldakovskii, V N
Carbon Stripper Foils Used in the Los Alamos PSR (p. 187)
by Borden, M J
LANSCE Short-Pulse Spallation Source Target Upgrade (p. 190)
by Donahue, J B
Overview of the Bump-Magnet System at the LANSCE Proton Storage Ring (p. 193)
by Rose, C R
Design and Simulation Studies of a One-Tenth Scale Final Focus System for Heavy Ion Fusion (p. 195)
by Wu, X
Tracking Studies and Performance Simulations of the NSCL A1900 Fragment Separator (p. 198)
by Wu, X
Measurements on Injection Property in HIMAC Synchrotron (p. 201)
by Noda, K
Predicted foil temperatures in the Brookhaven Accumulator Ring for the NSNS (p. 204)
by Duke, J
Transfer of a polarized proton beam from AGS to RHIC (p. 207)
by Tsoupas, N
Beam Injection into RHIC (p. 210)
by Fischer, W
The RHIC Injection Kicker (p. 213)
by Hahn, H
Equivalent Circuit Analysis of the RHIC Injection Kicker (p. 216)
by Hahn, H
A Study of Betatron and Momentum Collimators in RHIC (p. 219)
by Trbojevic, D
Focusing and Matching Properties of the ATR Transfer Line (p. 222)
by Tsoupas, N
Design aspects related to the reliability of the LHC beam dump kicker systems (p. 225)
by Dieperink, J H
The CERN PS East Area in the LHC Era (p. 228)
by Durieu, L
PETRA Bunch Rotation (p. 231)
by Kriens, W
Development of a Beam Sweeping System for the Fermilab Antiproton Source Target (p. 234)
by Bieniosek, F M
Test of very fast kicker for TESLA damping ring (p. 237)
by Grishanov, B I
Optics and Field Error Compensation in the FNAL Permanent Magnet 8.9 GeV/c Proton Transfer Line (p. 240)
by Johnstone, John A
A High Intensity Beam Absorber Corebox for the Fermilab Main Injector Abort System (p. 243)
by Reichanadter, M
Diagnostic of the Compensation Process of Ion Beams with a Time-Resolving Ion Energy Spectrometer (p. 246)
by Jakob, A
Efficiency of the UNK Scraper System (p. 252)
by Degtyarev, I I
Substance Choice of the Scraper System Elements (p. 255)
by Degtyarev, I I
RTS&T Monte-Carlo Code (Facilities and Computation Methods) (p. 258)
by Blokhin, A I
Perturbation of Relevant Resonance for Slow Extraction Efficiency Increase (p. 261)
by Alexeev, N N
Beam Extraction System for the Cooler Injector Synchrotron at IUCF (p. 264)
by Kang, X
Intensity asymmetric multiple slow extraction at the KEK-PS (p. 267)
by Shirakata, M
PSR Injection-Line Upgrade (p. 270)
by Blind, B
Multi-Pulse Extraction from Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring for Radiographic Applications (p. 273)
by Thiessen, H A
Bremsstrahlung from a New Type of Target : Increased Intensity and Average Energy, and Reduced Divergence(p. 276)
by Bogdanovich, B Yu
Thermo Mechanical Calculations of a Cyclotron Deflector (p. 278)
by De Kamp, J
Operation of CEBAF with Heavy Beamloading (p. 281)
by Hutton, A
Progress on µ+µ- Colliders (p. 286)
by Palmer, Robert B
Beam backgrounds at CLEO : design and performance of the CESR high luminosity interaction region(p. 291)
by Henderson, S
B-factory interaction region design (p. 296)
by Sullivan, M
High Beam Current Experiments For The Kekb Conducted At The Tristan Accumulation Ring (p. 301)
by Funakoshi, Y
Experimental study of the ion trapping phenomenon in TRISTAN-AR (p. 306)
by Matsumoto, S
Experience with Bunch Train in LEP (p. 309)
by Herr, Werner
Low emittance lattice for LEP (p. 312)
by Alexahin, Yu I
Status and Early Commissioning Results for the PEP-II High Energy Ring (p. 315)
by Wienands, U
Dual Aperture High Luminosity Collider at Cornell (p. 318)
by Rubin, D
Beijing Tau-Charm Factory Design Study (p. 321)
by Wu, Y Z
Automated Tuning of the Advanced Photon Source Booster Synchrotron (p. 324)
by Biedron, S G
Concepts for a Slow-Positron Target at the Advanced Photon Source (p. 327)
by Lessner, E
ELFE@DESY : Slow Extraction from HERA(p. 330)
by Gentner, M
Beam lifetime at the SRS (p. 333)
by Owen, H L
Design of a Damping Ring for the SB-Linear-Collider Project at DESY (p. 336)
by Brinkmann, R
KSR as a Pulse Stretcher (p. 339)
by Noda, A
Accelerator modeling at SPEAR (p. 342)
by LeBlanc, G
Status of the MAX-II Storage Ring (p. 345)
by LeBlanc, G
High Duty Factor Beams Extracted from the MIT-Bates South Hall Ring (p. 348)
by Jacobs, K
Transverse Kick in Misaligned Traveling Wave Structures Driven at the Fundamental Mode (p. 351)
by Whittum, D H
Low-Level RF System Design for the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) Damping Ring (p. 354)
by Minty, Michiko G
Low-Level RF System Design for the Next Linear Collider Damping Ring (p. 357)
by Minty, Michiko G
Centroid and Emittance of a Kicked Beam in Rings (p. 360)
by Wang, C X
An $e^+ e^-$ top factory in a 50 + 50 TeV hadron collider tunnel (p. 363)
by Norem, J
Transverse Polarization beyond the Z Energy at LEP (p. 366)
by Blondel, A
Trapped Modes in CESR Sliding Joints (p. 369)
by Anderson, E B
CESR Status (p. 372)
by Rubin, D L
Beam-Beam Simulation Using the Unified Accelerator Libraries (p. 375)
by Koyama, T
Interaction Region Design for Beijing -Charm Factory (p. 378)
by Wu, Y Z
The Present Status of the KEKB Project (p. 381)
by Kurokawa, S
Simulation of Tail Distributions due to Random Processes and Beam-Beam Interaction in KEKB (p. 384)
by Kim, E S
HOM Heating at the PEP-II IR Beryllium Vacuum Pipe (p. 387)
by Lin, X
The PEP-II Injection Kicker System (p. 390)
by Pappas, G C
Target Options and Yields for a Muon Collider Source (p. 393)
by Ehst, D
Bunch shortening experiments in the Fermilab Booster and the AGS (p. 396)
by Norem, J
The Proton Driver for the µµ Collider (p. 399)
by Norem, J
Optimization of the Target for Muon Colliders (p. 402)
by Takahashi, H
A Lattice for the Muon Collider Demonstration Ring in the RHIC Tunnel (p. 405)
by Trbojevic, D
A Normal Conducting Accelerator for a Muon Collider Demonstration Machine (p. 408)
by Zhao, Y
A Ring Lattice for a 2-TeV Muon Collider (p. 411)
by Johnstone, C J
Shielding the Muon Collider Interaction Region (p. 414)
by Johnstone, C
Simulation studies of ionization cooling (p. 417)
by Neuffer, David V
An asymmetric muon proton collider : Luminosity consideration(p. 420)
by Shiltsev, V D
Control of longitudinal collective behavior in the muon collider rings (p. 422)
by Cheng Wen Hao
Results from the DESY TESLA Test Facility (p. 425)
by Aune, B
The SLAC damped detuned structure : concept and design(p. 429)
by Kroll, N M
Studies of beam induced dipole-mode signals in accelerating structures at the SLC (p. 434)
by Seidel, M
Results from the SLAC NLC Test Accelerator (p. 439)
by Ruth, Ronald D
Kek/atf Damping Ring (p. 444)
by Urakawa, J
Super-ASSET : A Technique for Measuring and Correcting Accelerator Structure Misalignments at the SLC(p. 449)
by Decker, Franz Josef
Limitations of interaction Spot-size tuning at the SLC (p. 452)
by Emma, P
Development of C-band 50 MW pulse klystron for $e^{+}e^{-}$ linear collider (p. 455)
by Shintake, T
Beam Characteristics Versus Cavity Models in CLIC (p. 458)
by Guignard, Gilbert
LIGA-Fabrication of mm-Wave Accelerating Cavity Structures at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) (p. 461)
by Song, J J
Design and fabrication of a traveling-wave muffin-tin accelerating structure at 90 GHz (p. 464)
by Chou, P J
Wakefield Dynamics in Quasi Periodical Structures (p. 467)
by Novokhatski, A
A Statistical Approach to Analyse Effect of Misalignments and Correction Algorithms in High-Energy Linacs (p. 470)
by Fartoukh, Stéphane David
Emittance Dilution in 1 and 5 TeV 3 GHz Linear Colliders (p. 473)
by Guignard, Gilbert
Emittance Dilution in 1 and 5 TeV 30 GHz Linear Colliders (p. 473)
by Guignard, Gilbert
A Low Emittance Lattice for the CLIC Damping Ring (p. 476)
by Potier, J P
Nulling Emittance Measurement Technique for CLIC Test Facility (p. 479)
by Braun, Hans Heinrich
A 30 GHz 5-TeV Linear Collider (p. 482)
by Delahaye, J P
Simulation of Ground Motion Induced Beam Jitter in the SBLC Main Linac (p. 485)
by Montag, C
Theoretical Study of Power Relativistic Amplifiers for Electron Beam Bunching (p. 488)
by Perelshtejn, E A
Emittance Dilution and Magnet Design for the TTF FEL Second Bunch Compressor (p. 491)
by Ivanov, I N
Possibility of precise wakefield measurement at ATF extraction line (p. 494)
by Kashiwagi, S
Beam-based monitoring of the SLC linac optics with a diagnostic pulse (p. 497)
by Assmann, R W
Observation of dark-current signals from the S-band structures of the SLAC linac (p. 500)
by Assmann, R W
Observation and analysis of static deflections from transverse long-range wakefields in the SLC (p. 503)
by Assmann, R W
Beam-Based Analysis of Day-Night Performance Variations at the SLC Linac (p. 506)
by Decker, Franz Josef
Longitudinal Phase Space Setup for the SLC Beams (p. 509)
by Decker, Franz Josef
Dynamic Focusing Schemes for Linear Colliders (p. 512)
by Irwin, J
The short-range wakefields in the SBLC linac (p. 515)
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag
Design of a 30 GHz Damped Detuned Accelerating Structure (p. 518)
by Dehler, I
Analysis of HOM Interaction Between Cavities by Multimodal S-Parameter Measurements (p. 521)
by Glock, H W
The 36-Cell Structure - Calculations and Experiments (p. 524)
by Hýlsmann, P
Search for Trapped Modes in TESLA Cavities (p. 527)
by Marhauser, F
Development Of C-band (5712 Mhz) High Power Waveguide Components (p. 530)
by Matsumoto, H
Development of C-Band 50 MW Pulse Klystron for e+ e- Linear Collider (p. 533)
by Shintake, T
Input Coupler Design For C-band Accelerating Structure (p. 536)
by Suzuki, C
Development of Characterization Techniques for X-Band Accelerator Structures (p. 539)
by Hanna, S M
High-Gradient Cavity Beat-Wave Accelerator at W-Band (p. 542)
by Whittum, D H
Minimizing RF system costs in a linear collider by an optimized choice of beam and structure parameters (p. 545)
by Jones, R M
Advanced damped detuned structure (DDS) development at SLAC (p. 548)
by Jones, R M
Spectral function calculation of angle wakes, wake moments, and misalignment wakes for the SLAC damped detuned structures (DDS) (p. 551)
by Jones, R M
Analysis and application of microwave radiation from the damping manifolds of the SLAC damped detuned structures (DDS) (p. 554)
by Jones, R M
Spotsize Stabilization Studies for the TESLA Beam Delivery System (p. 557)
by Sery, A
Pre-Alignment of CLIC using the Double-Wire Method (p. 560)
by Coosemans, Williame
A Multi-Drive Beam Scheme for Two-Beam Acceleration in a TeV Linear Collider (p. 563)
by Corsini, R
Analysis of a Symmetric Triplet and its Application to Ring Insertions (p. 566)
by D'Amico, T E
The S-Band Linear Collider Test Facility at DESY (p. 569)
by Schmitz, S
An Asymmetric Linac-Ring Collider for Baryon Timelike Form Factor Measurements with Existing High Energy Storage Rings (p. 572)
by Patteri, P
MOPA FEL Scheme as a Source of Primary Photons for Gamma-Gamma Collider at TESLA and SBLC (p. 575)
by Saldin, E L
A Conventional Read-Out Electronics of Button-Type BPM in the ATF Damping Ring (p. 578)
by Hinode, F
Design Study Of A Cooling Water System For A Large Scale Linear Collider (p. 581)
by Matsumoto, H
SR monitor for the ATF damping ring (p. 584)
by Naito, T
Present status of 1.54 GeV ATF Linac (p. 587)
by Takeda, S
Design of a 1-MV Induction Injector for the Relativisitic Two-Beam Accelerator (p. 590)
by Anderson, D E
Efficiency Issue In C-band Klystron-modulator System For Linear Collider (p. 593)
by Oh, J S
SLAC accelerator operations report : 1995-1997(p. 596)
by Erickson, R
A Combined $\Delta$ T + $\Delta$ F Beam Loading Compensation Scheme for Power Saving (p. 599)
by Li, Z
Neutral Beam Collisions at 5 TeV (p. 602)
by Whittum, David H
RF system for a 30 GHz, 5 TeV linear collider based on conventional technology (p. 605)
by Wilson, P B
Performance issues, downtime recovery and tuning in the Next Linear Collider (NLC) (p. 608)
by Zimmermann, Frank
Channeling and Time Evolution of Laser Wakes and Electron Acceleration in a Self-Modulated Laser Wakefield Accelerator Experiment (p. 611)
by Ting, A
Inverse Free Electron Laser Accelerator Development (p. 616)
by Van Steenbergen, A
Experimental observation of IFEL micro-bunching using coherent transition radiation (p. 621)
by Liu, Y
Acceleration for the µ+- Collider (p. 624)
by Summers, D
Results of Blowout Regime Propagation Experiments of an Electron Beam in a Plasma (p. 627)
by Barov, N
Femtosecond Electron Bunches from Colliding Laser Pulses in Plasmas (p. 630)
by Esarey, E
The Argonne Wakefield Accelerator : upgrade scenarios and future experiments(p. 633)
by Gai, W
Externally powered dielectric loaded waveguides as accelerating structures (p. 636)
by Gai, W
High gradient dielectric wakefield device measurements at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (p. 639)
by Schoessow, P
Enhanced IFEL Performance Using a Novel Wiggler (p. 642)
by Parsa, Z
Emerging Terawatt Picosecond CO2 Laser Technology and Possible Applications in Accelerator Physics (p. 645)
by Pogorelsky, I V
High Energy-Gain Laser Wakefield Acceleration (p. 648)
by Nakajima, K
Focusing of Relativistic Electron Bunches at the Wake-Field Excitation in Plasma (p. 651)
by Fainberg, Y
Experimental Observation of Electron Beam Focusing Through Plasma Lenses (p. 654)
by Govil, R
Driving Laser Pulse Evolution in a Laser Wakefield Accelerator (p. 657)
by Volfbeyn, P
Laser Acceleration in Vacuum with an Open Iris-Loaded Waveguide (p. 660)
by Xie, M
Ion Cyclotron Resonance Accelerator (p. 663)
by Grimm, T L
Stimulated Dielectric Wakefield Accelerator (p. 666)
by Zhang, T B
Beam Slicing with Lasers and Plasmas for a High-Transformer-Ratio Plasma Wakefield Accelerator (p. 669)
by Shvets, G
RF measurements of a traveling-wave muffin-tin accelerating structure at 90 GHz (p. 672)
by Chou, P J
Design and model simulations of inverse Cerenkov acceleration using inverse free electron laser prebunching (p. 675)
by Kimura, W D
The NEPTUNE Facility for 2nd Generation Advanced Accelerator Experiments (p. 678)
by Clayton, C E
Optical Bunching of Relativistic Electrons for Injection into a GeV Plasma Beatwave Accelerator (p. 681)
by Gordon, D
Laser Acceleration in Vacuum (p. 684)
by Hus, J L
Self-Acceleration of Electrons in One-Dimensional Bunches, Moving in Cold Plasma (p. 693)
by Amatuni, A T
Generator-Invertor-Damper System of Electron (Positron) Bunches Moving in Cold Plasma (p. 695)
by Amatuni, A T
Performance of the Advanced Photon Source (p. 698)
by Decker, Glenn
Improving and extending performance at synchrotron radiation facilities (p. 703)
by Jackson, A
Beam-Based Modeling and Control of Storage Rings (p. 708)
by Lisowski, P W
Status of the High Brilliance Synchrotron Light Source BESSY-II (p. 713)
by Jaeschke, E
Canadian Light Source Proposal (p. 716)
by Dallin, L O
The TESLA Free Electron Laser (p. 719)
by Rossbach, J
Recent Results of the Commissioning of the DELTA Facility (p. 724)
by Friedl, Jeffrey
Insertion Device Development in the X13 Straight of the NSLS X-Ray Ring (p. 727)
by Stefan, P M
Operation of FIR- and UV-FEL Facilities and FEL Beam Sharing to User's Rooms at the FELI (p. 730)
by Tomimasu, T
Stimulated Transition Radiation in the Far-Infrared (p. 733)
by Settakorn, C
Measurements of High Gain and Noise Fluctuations in a SASE Free Electron Laser (p. 736)
by Hogan, M
Use of Jefferson Lab's High Average Power FEL as a Thomson Backscatter X-Ray Source (p. 739)
by Krafft, G A
Advances in Orbit Drift Correction in the Advanced Photon Source Storage Ring (p. 742)
by Emery, L
Investigation of Open-Loop Beam Motion in Low Frequencies at the APS (p. 745)
by Kim, S H
Experimental Calibration of VUV Ring Optics (p. 748)
by Safranek, J
Status Report on the ESRF (p. 751)
by Filhol, J M
Lattice Related Brilliance Increase at the ESRF (p. 754)
by Ropert, A
VUV and Soft X-Ray Light Source ``new SUBARU'' (p. 757)
by Ando, A
A Short Pulse X-Ray Generation via Thomson Scattering of Ultrashort Laser Pulses by Relativistic Electron Beams (p. 760)
by Nakajima, K
ANKA - Status of the 2.5 GeV Synchrotron Light Source at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (p. 763)
by Einfeld, D
Spatial Coherency Of The Synchrotron Radiation At The Visible Light Region And Its Application For The Electron Beam Profile Measurement (p. 766)
by Mitsuhashi, T
Longitudinal Beam Transfer Function Diagnostics in the ALS (p. 769)
by Byrd, J
Controlling the Vertical Mode Coupling Instability with Feedback in the Advanced Light Source (p. 772)
by Byrd, J M
Commissioning of the Advanced Light Source dual-axis streak camera (p. 775)
by Hinkson, J
ALS-N : a candidate for a next-generation synchrotron light source(p. 778)
by Jackson, A
Transfer functions for the ALS lattice magnets (p. 781)
by Keller, R
Orbit stability of the ALS storage ring (p. 784)
by Keller, R
Tune-split effects at the ALS storage ring (p. 787)
by Keller, R
A code for calculating intrabeam scattering and beam lifetime (p. 790)
by Kim, C H
Measurement of storage ring motion at the Advanced Light Source (p. 793)
by Krebs, G F
Measurement of the radiation incident on ALS NdFeB permanenet magnet insertion device structures and a determination of their lifetime (p. 796)
by Krebs, G F
Global beta-beating compensation of the ALS W16 wiggler (p. 799)
by Robin, D
Crossed elliptical polarization undulator (p. 802)
by Sasaki, S
Accelerator control software construction based on software object components (p. 805)
by Timossi, C
Modification of the ALS Booster Synchrotron for an Experiment on Optical Stochastic Cooling (p. 808)
by Zholents, A
Commissioning and Operations of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source (p. 811)
by Rodrigues, A R D
Current Status of the LSB Project (p. 814)
by Muñoz, M
Status of the SOLEIL Project (p. 817)
by Laclare, J L
A Plan of Synchrotron Light Source for Medical Applications at NIRS (p. 820)
by Torikoshi, M
The Operational Status of the Pohang Light Source (p. 823)
by Lee, T Y
ELETTRA Performance and Upgrades (p. 826)
by Bocchetta, C J
Beam Density Manipulations in the ELETTRA Storage Ring (p. 829)
by Bocchetta, C J
Ideas for fast accelerator model calibration (p. 832)
by Corbett, J
The SPEAR RF Cavity Characterization at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (p. 835)
by Park, S
SPEAR III : a brighter source at SSRL(p. 838)
by Hettel, R O
Experimental Calibration of SRRC Lattice Optics (p. 841)
by Kuo, C C
Preliminary Study of the Wavelength Shifter Effect in SRRC Storage Ring (p. 844)
by Lee, J C
Operation Experience at SRRC (p. 847)
by Liu, Y C
Analyzing the Relationship Between the Beam Life Time and Average Gas Pressure (p. 850)
by Luo, G H
The 1.5 GeV Operation Parameters and Performance at SRRC (p. 853)
by Luo, G H
A Lattice for the Future Project of VUV and Soft X-Ray High Brilliant Light Source (p. 856)
by Takaki, H
Wavefront Distortion Measurement Of A Sr Extraction Mirror For The Beam Profile Monitor Using Shack-hartmann Method (p. 859)
by Takeuchi, N
Instability Analysis of an Active Higher-Harmonic Cavity (p. 862)
by Bosch, R A
Aladdin, Present and Future (p. 865)
by Trzeciak, W
An Alternative Lattice Design for a Compact Light Source Ring (p. 868)
by Garren, A A
Planned Optical Diagnostics for the APS Low-Energy Undulator Test Line (p. 871)
by Lumpkin, Alex H
Initial Application of a Dual-Sweep Streak Camera to the Duke Storage Ring OK-4 Source (p. 874)
by Lumpkin, Alex H
The Advanced Photon Source Low-Energy Undulator Test Line (p. 877)
by Milton, S V
Gamma-Ray Production Using Multi-Photon Compton Scattering (p. 880)
by Takahashi, H
Unique Features of the OK-4/Duke Storage Ring XUV FEL and Monochromatic -Ray Source (p. 883)
by Litvinenko, V N
A Laser Pulse Trapper for Compton Backscattering Applications (p. 886)
by Yu, D
High Current FEL Oscillator on Base of MSU Electron Accelerators (p. 889)
by Grishin, V K
Possibility of X-Ray Free Electron Laser with Single Crystal Optical Resonator for Bragg Reflection (p. 891)
by Miyahara, Y
On the Analytic Representation of Periodic Magnetostatic Fields (p. 894)
by Smirnov, A V
A High-Power Compact Regenerative Amplifier FEL (p. 897)
by Nguyen, D C
W-Band Free Electron Laser for High Gradient Structure Research (p. 900)
by Lidia, S M
Linac design for the LCLS project at SLAC (p. 903)
by Bharadwaj, V K
First Lasing of the Israeli Tandem Electrostatic Accelerator Free Electron Laser (p. 906)
by Sokolowski, J S
Recirculating Accelerator Driver for a High-Power Free-Electron Laser : A Design Overview(p. 909)
by Bohn, Courtlandt L
Electron-Beam Diagnostics for Jefferson Lab's High Power Free Electron Laser (p. 912)
by Krafft, G A
New High Power Linacs and Beam Physics Issues (p. 915)
by Wangler, Thomas P
The Japanese Hadron Facility (p. 920)
by Mori, Y
Review of Radioactive Beam Accelerators (p. 925)
by Bricault, Pierre G
RIKEN RI-Beam Factory Project (p. 930)
by Yano, Y
Status of the IUCF Cooler Injector Synchrotron (p. 935)
by Friesel, D L
Acceleration test of radioactive nuclear beam at INS (p. 938)
by Tomizawa, M
Acceleration Test of the Folded-Coaxial RFQ Linac for the RILAC (p. 941)
by Kamigaito, O
Recent Lead Ion Storage Tests on LEAR (p. 944)
by Bosser, Jacques
The REX-ISOLDE project (p. 947)
by Von Hahn, R
Development of HILBILAC for Initial Part of ADTT Accelerator (p. 950)
by Batskikh, G I
A 1- to 5-MW, RCS-Based, Short-Pulse Spallation Neutron Source (p. 953)
by Cho, Y
Status of the TRIUMF ISAC-Facility for Accelerating Radioactive Beams (p. 956)
by Schmor, P W
Anomalous, Intensity Dependent Losses in Au(32+) Beams (p. 959)
by Blaskiewicz, M
Accumulator Ring Lattice for the National Spallation Neutron Source (p. 962)
by Gardner, C J
Micro-Bunching the AGS Slow External Beam (p. 967)
by Glenn, J W
Accumulator Ring Design for the NSNS Project (p. 970)
by Weng, W T
Conversion of the PS complex as LHC proton pre-injector (p. 973)
by Blas, F
Combined longitudinal and transverse multiturn injection in a heavy ion accumulator (p. 976)
by Carli, Christian
The antiproton decelerator : AD(p. 979)
by Baird, S A
Overview of the recent operation of the AAC and LEAR for the low-energy antiproton physics programme (p. 982)
by Baird, S A
The proton synchrotron Desy III (p. 985)
by Ebeling, W
Intensity limitations in Fermilab main injector (p. 991)
by Chou, W
Design of a gamma(t) jump system for Fermilab main injector (p. 994)
by Chou, W
Design and Simulation of the Antiproton Recycler Lattice (p. 997)
by Johnson, D E
An Imaginary-t Lattice with Dispersion-Free Straights for the 50 GeV High-Intensity Proton Synchrotron (p. 1000)
by Ng, K Y
An imaginary- gamma /sub t/ lattice with dispersion-free straights for the 50 GeV high-intensity proton synchrotron (p. 1000)
by Ng, K Y
Multiple injections with barrier buckets (p. 1003)
by Ng, K Y
The Fermilab Accumulator Ring Lattice Upgrade (p. 1006)
by O'Day, S
Intensity Upgrade Studies At The Kek-ps (p. 1009)
by Sato, H
Overview and Status of the Los Alamos PSR Injection Upgrade Project (p. 1012)
by Fitzgerald, D H
Comparison of Beam Transport Simulations to Measurements at the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring (p. 1015)
by Wilkinson, C
Accumulator Ring H- Injection Optimization Studies (p. 1018)
by Galambos, J D
A possible upgrade for ISIS (p. 1021)
by Harold, M R
Design of Booster Synchrotron for MUSES (p. 1024)
by Katayama, T
ELISA - An Electrostatic Storage Ring for Atomic Physics (p. 1027)
by Møller, S P
A proton driver for the Muon Collider source with a tunable momentum compaction lattice (p. 1030)
by Trbojevic, D
Correction of Depolarizing Resonances in ELSA (p. 1033)
by Steier, C
Continuous Electron-Energy Variation of the Eindhoven Racetrack Microtron (p. 1036)
by Theuws, W H C
The IASA RaceTrack Microtron Facility, a Progress Report (p. 1042)
by Stiliaris, E
Extracted Beams from IBA's C235 (p. 1045)
by Van de Plassche, D
The Cooler Synchrotron COSY Facility (p. 1048)
by Stockhorst, H
Beams for Gammasphere at the LBNL 88-Inch Cyclotron (p. 1051)
by Clark, D J
A Compact Superconducting Cyclotron for the Production of High Intensity Protons (p. 1054)
by Blosser, H
A Separated Sector Cyclotron for the Production of High Intensity Protons (p. 1057)
by Marti, F
Conceptual Design of a High Field Ultra-Compact Cyclotron for Nuclear Physics Research (p. 1060)
by Schubert, J
Polarized Electrons in the AmPS Storage Ring (p. 1063)
by Luijckx, G
Numerical Analyses of the Injection and Extraction Trajectories for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 1066)
by Fujishima, S
Orbit Analysis for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 1069)
by Mitsumoto, T
Design Study of Accumulator Cooler Ring for MUSES (p. 1072)
by Ohtomo, K
Design Study of the Injection and Extraction Systems for the Riken Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 1075)
by Okuno, H
Status of the HMI-RFQ-Injector (p. 1078)
by Engels, O
A Two-Beam RFQ for Ion Beam Funneling (p. 1081)
by Firjahn-Andersch, A
Design of a High Current H- RFQ Injector (p. 1084)
by Schempp, A
Prototype of a Superconducting RFQ for a Heavy Ion Injector Linac (p. 1087)
by Bisoffi, G
Development of the ITEP 27 MHz Heavy Ion RFQ (p. 1090)
by Andreev, V A
A 6.7 MeV CW RFQ Linac (p. 1093)
by Schrage, D
NSNS RFQ Mechanical Design (p. 1096)
by Hoff, Matthew D
Status of the RFD Linac Prototype (p. 1099)
by Swenson, D A
Beam Dynamics Studies on the ISAC RFQ at TRIUMF (p. 1102)
by Koscielniak, S
Construction Criteria and Prototyping for the ISAC RFQ Accelerator at TRIUMF (p. 1105)
by Poirier, R L
A High-Power Radiofrequency Focusing Continuous Wave Electron Linac (p. 1108)
by Sobenin, N P
The Beam Loading Effect in the Multicavity Linear Accelerator and the Requirements for the RF Control System (p. 1111)
by Senichev, Yu
A Superconducting Linac for the Energy Amplifier (p. 1114)
by Ruggiero, Alessandro G
Low-Beta Structures for CW Operation (p. 1117)
by Leboutet, H
IPHI the Saclay High-Intensity Proton Injector Project (p. 1120)
by Lagniel, J M
Status on Linacs Developed at Institute of Atomic Physics - Bucharest, Romania (p. 1123)
by Martin, D
A High-Current Superconducting Proton Linac for an Accelerator-Driven Transmutation System (p. 1126)
by Pagani, C
The New Positive Ion Injector PIAVE at LNL (p. 1129)
by Lombardi, A
Complete Simulation of the Heavy Ion Linac PIAVE (p. 1132)
by Pisent, A
A Triple Gap Resonator Design for the Separated Function DTL at TRIUMF (p. 1135)
by Bylinsky, Y
BBU Gain Measurements on the ITS 6-MeV, 4-kA Linac (p. 1138)
by Allison, P
Quadrupole Image-Current Effects in the ITS 6-MeV, 4-kA Linac (p. 1141)
by Allison, P
Observation of Self-Steering Effects on the ITS 6-MeV Linac (p. 1144)
by Allison, P
An overview of the low-energy demonstration accelerator (LEDA) project rf systems (p. 1147)
by Bradley, J
Commissioning Plan for a High-Current Proton Linac (p. 1150)
by Chan, K C D
Simulated Performance of the Superconducting Section of the APT Linac Under Various Fault and Error Conditions (p. 1153)
by Gray, E R
Integrated Normal-Conducting/Superconducting High Power Proton Linac for APT Project (p. 1156)
by Lawrence, G P
Overview of Progress on the Improvement Projects for the LANSCE Accelerator and Target Facilities (p. 1159)
by Macek, R J
Beam Dynamics Aspects for the APT Integrated Linac (p. 1162)
by Nath, S
Availability Results for the LANSCE Accelerator Complex (p. 1165)
by Callaway, N T
Progress Update on the Low-Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA) (p. 1168)
by Schneider, J D
Physics Design of the National Spallation Neutron Source Linac (p. 1171)
by Takeda, H
The NSNS Front End Accelerator System (p. 1174)
by Staples, J W
A Proposed Superconducting Booster Linac for the HRIBF (p. 1177)
by Bailey, J D
A 100 MeV MultiTank Drift Tube Linac for Proton Acceleration (p. 1180)
by D'Auria, G
RF Low Level and Power Distribution of the 100 MeV Proton Multi-Tank Drift Tube Linear Accelerator (p. 1182)
by D'Auria, G
Linear Beam Dynamics in the Superconducting Linear Accelerator of the Energy Amplifier (p. 1185)
by Iazzourene, F
Optimization of the Accelerating Structures for the Superconducting Linear Accelerator of the Energy Amplifier (p. 1188)
by Wrulich, A F
Optimization of the accelerating structure for the superconducting, linear accelerator of the Energy Amplifier (p. 1188)
by Wrulich, A F
A DTL with Short Tanks and External Focusing for High Power CW Linacs (p. 1191)
by Bourat, C
A Separated Function Drift-Tube Linac for the ISAC Project at TRIUMF (p. 1194)
by Laxdal, R E
Design of the Source Development Lab Bunch Compressor (p. 1197)
by Graves, W S
Electron Beam Dynamics for a Low-Energy Electron Linac (p. 1200)
by Hammen, A F J
Fabrication of Biperiodic DAW Cavity (p. 1203)
by Iwashita, Y
Present Status of the Electron Linac as the Injector for KSR (p. 1206)
by Sugimura, T
Upgrading of the LNLS Injection System (p. 1209)
by Wisnivesky, D
Operation and Status of the ELETTRA Injector Linac (p. 1212)
by D'Auria, G
Backward Traveling Wave Electron Linac (p. 1215)
by Chen Huai Bi
A 14 MeV Single-Section SW Guide for Medical Accelerators (p. 1218)
by Jin, Q
A Portable X-Band On-Axis Standing Wave Linac Structure (p. 1221)
by Sun, X
Beijing Radioactive Nuclear Beam Facility (BRNBF) (p. 1224)
by Ling, G X
Development of the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (p. 1227)
by Tatum, B A
Experiments in Heavy-Ion Fusion Beam Physics at LBNL, LLNL, and the University of Maryland (p. 1230)
by Kwan, J W
PBFA Z : A 55 TW/4.5 MJ Electrical Generator(p. 1235)
by Spielman, R B
3D Particle Simulations of Space-Charge-Dominated Beams in HIF Accelerator Experiments (p. 1240)
by Grote, D P
Experiments Investigating the Generation and Transport of 10-12 MeV, 30-kA, mm-Size Electron Beams with Linear Inductive Voltage Adders (p. 1245)
by Mazarakis, M G
Linear Induction Accelerator Approach for Advanced Radiography (p. 1248)
by Caporaso, George J
Performance of the Spiral Line Induction Accelerator (p. 1251)
by Smith, J R
AIRIX Prototype Technological Results at CESTA (p. 1254)
by Anthouard, P
Beam Transport and Characterization on AIRIX Prototype at CESTA (p. 1257)
by Eyharts, P
ETA-II Experiments for Determining Advanced Radiographic Capabilities of Induction Linacs (p. 1260)
by Weir, J T
800-keV Electron Induction Injector with High Average Power (p. 1263)
by Mamaev, G
Output Beam Characteristics of 150 MeV Microtron (p. 1266)
by Hori, T
Constant-Current Charging Supplies for the Advanced Photon Source (APS) Linear Accelerator Modulators (p. 1269)
by Fuja, R
New Results on Electron Emission from PZT Ferroelectric Cathodes (p. 1272)
by Flechtner, D
A Ferroelectric Cathode Electron Gun for High Power Microwave Research (p. 1275)
by Ivers, J D
Thirty Mega-Watt Klystron Modulator Development at the Duke University Free-Electron Laser Laboratory (p. 1278)
by Sachtschale, Richard J
A Thyratron Trigger with Low Jitter (p. 1281)
by Jensen, C
A 40 kV, 3.1 PFN for the Main Injector Abort Kicker (p. 1284)
by Jensen, C C
Kicker System for 8 GeV Proton Injection (p. 1287)
by Qunell, D
High power modulator for linear induction accelerator SILUND-21 (p. 1290)
by Dolbilov, G V
A 200-A, 500-Hz, Triangle Current-Wave Modulator and Magnet Used for Particle Beam Rastering (p. 1293)
by Rose, C R
Arbitrary Waveform Generator for Electrostatic Dipoles in a Heavy Ion Recirculator (p. 1296)
by Berners, D P
Dynamics of Magnetic Insulation Violation in Smooth-Bore Magnetrons (p. 1299)
by Agafonov, A V
Brillouin Flow in a Magnetron Diode as the Kinetic Model Limit (p. 1302)
by Agafonov, A V
A Novel Design for a High Power Superconducting Delay Line (p. 1305)
by Chen, Y J
High-Performance Insulator Structures for Accelerator Applications (p. 1308)
by Sampayan, S E
150 kV Magnetic Pulse Compressor (p. 1311)
by Mamaev, G
Technology for Production of Amorphous Alloy Large Scale Cores (p. 1313)
by Mamaev, G
The PEP-II Abort Kicker System (p. 1316)
by De Lamare, J
NLC Klystron Pulse Modulator R&D at SLAC (p. 1319)
by Koontz, R
Development of the pulse transformer for NLC klystron pulse modulator (p. 1322)
by Akemoto, M
A fast 60 kV resonant charging power supply for the LHC inflectors (p. 1325)
by Barnes, M J
The application of saturating inductors for improving the performance of the CERN PS kicker systems (p. 1328)
by Wait, G D
Beam dynamics in SLC (p. 1331)
by Assmann, R W
Rigorous Integration of Maps and Long-Term Stability (p. 1336)
by Makino, K
Analytic Nonlinear Methods for Beam Optics (p. 1341)
by Irwin, J
Nonlinear Dynamics Issues for Quasi-Isochronous Storage Rings (p. 1346)
by Jeon, D
Lattice Design for a High-Power Infrared FEL (p. 1351)
by Douglas, D R
Overview of the LHC dynamic aperture studies (p. 1356)
by Koutchouk, Jean-Pierre
Global and Local Horizontal-Vertical Decoupling (p. 1359)
by Teng, L C
Analytic Lattice Design with BeamOptics (p. 1362)
by Autin, Bruno
Analytic Lattice Design with Beam Optics (p. 1362)
by Autin, Bruno
Experimental Measurement of High-Gradient Standing Wave Accelerator Transport Matrix (p. 1365)
by Reiche, S
Method of Strong Focusing (p. 1368)
by Shapiro, V E
A Standard FODO Lattice with Adjustable Momentum Compaction (p. 1371)
by Trbojevic, D
Beam-Based Calibration of the Linear Optics Model of ELSA (p. 1373)
by Keil, J
Lattices for medical synchrotrons employing active scanning (p. 1376)
by Benedikt, Michael
Matching to gantries for medical synchrotrons (p. 1379)
by Benedikt, Michael
Beam optics issues for the antiproton decelerator (p. 1382)
by Belochitskii, P
Longitudinal Radiation Excitation of Quasi-Isochronus Storage Ring ``New SUBARU'' (p. 1385)
by Shoji, Y
Lattice Design of BTCF Storage Ring (p. 1388)
by Huang, N
The focusing structure of the Prague proton synchrotron for hadron therapy (p. 1391)
by Molodozhentsev, A Yu
Dynamic Aperture with Multipoles of Special Quadrupole Magnets in the KEKB Interaction Region (p. 1394)
by Koiso, H
Magnetic Optics for Proton Radiography (p. 1397)
by Mottershead, C T
Design of Double Storage Rings at MUSES (p. 1400)
by Inabe, N
Ion Optical Design of the BRF-FNAL-SAIC-UW PET Accelerator (p. 1403)
by Larson, D J
Optics for SOLEIL at 2.5 GeV (p. 1406)
by Nghiem, P
Emittance Study of Combined Function TBA Lattice at SRRC (p. 1409)
by Wang, M H
Beam Optics for the Target Beam Lines of the European Spallation Source (p. 1412)
by Ziemann, V
Intrinsic Third Order Aberrations in Electrostatic and Magnetic Quadrupoles (p. 1415)
by Baartman, R
Canonical Particle Tracking and End Pole Matching of Helical Insertion Devices (p. 1418)
by Wýstefeld, G
Particle Motion Inside and Near a Linear Half-Integer Stopband (p. 1424)
by Parzen, G
Dynamic Aperture of the Storage Ring VEPP-2M in Round Beam Mode (p. 1433)
by Koop, I A
Tracking Studies for the LHC Optics Version 4 at Injection Energy (p. 1436)
by Böge, M
Tracking studies for the LHC optics 4 at injection energy (p. 1436)
by Böge, M
Estimates for Long-term stability for the LHC (p. 1439)
by Böge, M
A more robust and flexible lattice for LHC (p. 1442)
by Koutchouk, Jean-Pierre
Inverse logarithm decay of long-term dynamic aperture in hadron colliders (p. 1445)
by Giovannozzi, Massimo
Dynamic Aperture Study on the Beijing Tau-Charm Factory Design (p. 1448)
by Qin, Q
Computation of the Dynamic Aperture of 2D Generic Maps Using Invariant Manifolds (p. 1451)
by Giovannozzi, Massimo
An Orbit and Dispersion Correction Scheme for the PEP-II (p. 1454)
by Donald, M H R
Experimental Non Linear Beam Dynamics Studies at SPEAR (p. 1457)
by Terebilo, A
Overcoming Weak Intrinsic Depolarizing Resonance with Energy-Jump (p. 1460)
by Huang, H
Nonlinear Beam Dynamics Study at the VEPP-4M (p. 1463)
by Kiselev, V
Dynamic Aperture Study in the VEPP-4M Storage Ring (p. 1466)
by Kiselev, V
Sorting Strategies for the CERN-LHC Dipoles (p. 1469)
by Bartolini, R
Sorting Strategies for the LHC Dipoles (p. 1469)
by Bartolini, R
Investigation of Chromaticity Sharing at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (p. 1472)
by Henderson, S
Beam dynamics with noise in superferric Very Large Hadron Collider ("Pipetron") (p. 1475)
by Shiltsev, V D
Overcoming Intrinsic Spin Resonance by Using an AC Dipole (p. 1478)
by Bai, M
First Test of Orbit Response Matrix in Proton Storage Ring (p. 1481)
by Chu, C M
Test of Optics Diagnostics in ATF (p. 1484)
by Kubo, K
Effect of RF Phase Modulation on the Longitudinal Beam Dynamics (p. 1487)
by Wang, M H
Measurement of the Variation of Machine Parameters and the Effect of the Power Supplies Ripple on the Instantaneous Tunes at SPEAR (p. 1490)
by Terebilo, A
Some Results of the Advanced Photon Source Beam Lifetime Studies (p. 1493)
by Bizek, Hana M
The Extended Touschek Lifetime (p. 1496)
by Bizek, H M
``Integrable Accelerator'' Structure for Round Beams with Soliton-Like Force (p. 1499)
by Danilov, V V
Wavelet Approach to Accelerator Problems, I. Polynomial Dynamics (p. 1502)
by Fedorova, A
Wavelet Approach to Accelerator Problems, II. Metaplectic Wavelets (p. 1505)
by Fedorova, A N
Wavelet Approach to Accelerator Problems, III. Melnikov Functions and Symplectic Topology (p. 1508)
by Fedorova, A N
Some Interaction Peculiarities of Relativistic Particles with UHF Electric Field of High Intensity at Large Distances (p. 1511)
by Korovin, O P
Nonlinear longitudinal dynamics studies at the ALS (p. 1514)
by Byrd, J M
Energy Acceptance and Touschek Lifetime Calculations for the SOLEIL Project (p. 1517)
by Nadji, A
Simulations of Non-Linear Beam Dynamics Effects Due to an Electromagnetic Elliptical Wiggler (p. 1520)
by Tosi, L
Dispersion in the presence of strong transverse wakefields (p. 1523)
by Assmann, R W
Review of Image Effects on Particle Beams in Cylindrical Pipes (p. 1526)
by Allen, C K
A Multimedia Tutorial for Charged-Particle Beam Dynamics (p. 1529)
by Silbar, Richard R
Energy dependence of beam-beam interactions at LEP (p. 1532)
by Burkhardt, H
Beam Dynamics Problems for a u+ - u- Collider (p. 1537)
by Neuffer, David V
Collisions of Resonantly Coupled Round Beams at the Cornell Electron-Positron Storage Ring (CESR) (p. 1542)
by Young, E
Longitudinal Beam Instabilities in the Barrier RF System (p. 1545)
by Chin, Y H
Longitudinal bunched-beam instabilities in a barrier RF system (p. 1545)
by Chin, Y H
Microwave instability at transition crossing in the KEK-PS (p. 1548)
by Takayama, K
Fractional Filling Induced Landau Damping of Longitudinal Instabilities at the ESRF (p. 1551)
by Naumann, O
Effects of Incoherent Space Charge Forces on the Fast Head-Tail Instability (p. 1554)
by Blaskiewicz, M
First Operation of the Superconducting Electron Cooler at the Storage Ring TARN II (p. 1557)
by Tanabé, T
Lasers and Laser-Cooling Used for Studies of Beam Dynamics (p. 1560)
by Madsen, N
First Observations of a ``Fast Beam-Ion Instability'' at the ALS (p. 1563)
by Byrd, J M
The Experimental Study on Beam-Photoelectron Instability in BEPC (p. 1566)
by Guo, Z Y
Operation and Performance of Bunch Precompression for Increased Current Transmission at the SLC (p. 1569)
by Minty, Michiko G
Ultra-Short Bunches by Using a Quasi-Continous Compressor Scheme in a Long Beam Transfer Line (p. 1572)
by Schlarb, H
Compensation of Longitudinal Coupled-Bunch Instability in the Advanced Photon Source Storage Ring (p. 1575)
by Harkay, K C
Fast Transverse Instability in the NSNS Accumulator Ring (p. 1578)
by Ruggiero, A G
e-p Instability in the NSNS Accumulator Ring (p. 1581)
by Ruggiero, Alessandro G
Microwave Instability Thresholds (p. 1584)
by Zhang, S Y
Longitudinal coupled-bunch instability around 1 GHZ at the CERN PS booster (p. 1587)
by Caspers, P
Beam intensity limits in the Main Injector through transition with a normal phase jump scheme (p. 1590)
by Bhat, C M
Longitudinal Instability Due to the Randomness of Higher Mode Frequencies of RF Cavity (p. 1593)
by Nam, S K
Experimental Observations of the Ion-Related Coupled Bunch Instability in a Bunch Train in TRISTAN AR (p. 1596)
by Fukuma, H
Beam loss at the beginning of acceleration in the KEK-PS main ring (p. 1599)
by Toyama, T
Bunch Lengthening and Energy Spread Increasing in Electron Storage Rings (p. 1602)
by Gao, J
Theory of Single Bunch Transverse Collective Instabilities in Electron Storage Rings (p. 1605)
by Gao, J
Theoretical Investigations on Multibunch Instabilities in Electron Storage Rings and Linear Accelerators (p. 1608)
by Gao, J
Recent Experimental Evidence for the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring Beam Instability (p. 1611)
by Plum, M A
Increase of the transverse strong head-tail stability threshold by an alternating chromaticity (p. 1614)
by Cheng Wen Hao
The electron-cloud instability in PEP-II : an update(p. 1617)
by Furman, M A
Saturation of the ion transverse instability (p. 1620)
by Heifets, S
A coupled-bunch ion instability in the SLC electron damping ring (p. 1623)
by Krejcik, P
Ion effects in the SLC electron damping ring (p. 1626)
by Krejcik, P
Saw-tooth instability studies in the Stanford Linear Collider damping rings (p. 1629)
by Podobedov, B V
Fast Ion Instability in Real Lattice (p. 1632)
by Stupakov, G V
Nonlinear dynamics of single bunch instability in accelerators (p. 1635)
by Stupakov, G V
Stablization of the Spectral Intensity Fluctuations with the Higher Order Mode Frequency Tuners (p. 1638)
by Wang, C
Shielding Transient Self-Interaction of a Bunch Entering a Circle from a Straight Path (p. 1641)
by Li, R
Analysis on the Steady-State Coherent Synchrotron Radiation with Strong Shielding (p. 1644)
by Li, R
Landau damping of the weak head-tail instability for beams with quadratic amplitude-dependent betatron tunes and binomial amplitude distributions (p. 1647)
by Tran, H J
Preliminary Measurement of Energy-Spread Change Resulting from the Resistive-Wall Instability (p. 1650)
by Suk, H
Space-Charge Effects on the Beam Resonance Instability (p. 1653)
by Ottinger, M B
Longitudinal Coupled Bunch Instabilities in the JHP 50 GeV Main Ring (p. 1656)
by Uesugi, T
Longitudinal coupled bunch instabilities in the JHF 50 GeV main ring (p. 1656)
by Uesugi, T
On the coherent radiation of an electron bunch moving in an arc of a circle (p. 1658)
by Saldin, E L
Wakefields of Short Bunches in the Canal Covered with Thin Dielectric Layer (p. 1661)
by Novokhatski, A
Measurement of the Longitudinal Wake Potential in the Photon Factory Electron Storage Ring (p. 1664)
by Tamura, K
Weak-strong simulation of beam-photoelectron instability in a positron storage ring (p. 1667)
by Ohmi, K
Equivalent circuit study of beam-loading using a moment method (p. 1670)
by Wang, T S F
Collective centroid oscillations as an emittance preservation diagnostic in linear collider linacs (p. 1673)
by Adolphsen, C E
Beam loading compensation in the NLCTA (p. 1676)
by Adolphsen, C E
Emittance dilution through coherent energy spread generation in bending systems (p. 1679)
by Emma, P
Single bunch stability in LER of PEP-II (p. 1682)
by Heifets, S A
Geometrical wake of a smooth flat collimator (p. 1685)
by Stupakov, G V
Synchrotron Radiation Wake in Free Space (p. 1688)
by Stupakov, G V
Effects of the Landau Cavity on the Electron Beam (p. 1691)
by Chang, L H
Beam Breakup in a Microtron (p. 1694)
by Yunn, Byung C
Beam Loading Optimized Filling Patterns for Partially Filled Storage Rings (p. 1697)
by Bogacz, S A
A Potpourri of Impedance Measurements at the Advanced Photon Source Storage Ring (p. 1700)
by Sereno, N S
Beam Impedance Study for the BESSY-II Storage Ring (p. 1703)
by Khan, S
The Coupling Impedance of the RHIC Injection Kicker System (p. 1706)
by Hahn, H
Design of a Heavily Damped Superconducting Cavity for SOLEIL (p. 1709)
by Mosnier, A
Stability Diagrams for Landau Damping (p. 1712)
by Berg, J S
Stability diagrams for Landau damping (p. 1712)
by Berg, J S
An Impedance Data Base Program for LEP2 and the LHC (p. 1715)
by Brüning, Oliver Sim
The HOM Study of CESR RF Cavities Studied Using a Single Circulating Bunch (p. 1718)
by Temnykh, A
Controlling the Resistive Wall Instability in the Fermilab Main Ring (p. 1721)
by Capista, D
Impedance scaling and impedance control (p. 1724)
by Chou, W
Measurement of the Kicker Coupling Impedances in the SIS and ESR at GSI (p. 1727)
by Blell, U
Impedance Studies for BEPC (p. 1729)
by Zhou, F
Improvements in Curing Coupled Bunch Instabilities at ELETTRA by Mode Shifting after the Installation of the Adjustable Higher Order Mode Frequency Shifter (HOMFS) (p. 1735)
by Svandrlik, M
Estimate of the impedance due to wall surface roughness (p. 1738)
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag
Longitudinal beam-transfer-function measurements at the SLC damping rings (p. 1741)
by Minty, Michiko G
Analytic and Numerical Analysis of the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of an Annular Cut in a Coaxial Liner (p. 1744)
by Fedotov, Alexei V
General Analysis of the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Rectangular Slot in a Thin Coaxial Liner (p. 1747)
by Fedotov, Alexei V
Resonant Effects in the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Rectangular Slot in a Coaxial Liner (p. 1750)
by Fedotov, Alexei V
Path integral computation of Laslett coefficients in pipes with arbitrary transverse geometry (p. 1753)
by Petracca, S
Influence of Resistive Wall Impedance on the VSX Light Source (p. 1756)
by Nakamura, N
Two Examples of Integrable Systems with Round Colliding Beams (p. 1759)
by Danilov, V V
Beam-Beam Effects Simulation for VEPP-2M with the Flat and the Round Beams (p. 1762)
by Nesterenko, I N
A Luminosity Monitor Using the Coherent Beam-Beam Interaction (p. 1765)
by Sagan, D
The Incoherent Long Range Beam-Beam Interaction in CESR (p. 1768)
by Temnykh, A
Measurement and Simulation of Nonlinear Beam-Beam Mode Coupling in the Fermilab Tevatron (p. 1771)
by Assadi, S
Beam-beam simulation with crossing angle in TEV33 (p. 1774)
by Shiltsev, V D
"Evalution of ""Round colliding beams"" for Tevatron" (p. 1777)
by Danilov, V V
Dispersion in the interaction point (p. 1783)
by Petracca, S
Effect of Noise in Beam-Beam Interaction (p. 1786)
by Batygin, Yuri K
Beam-beam simulations with non-gaussian distributions for SLC and SLC-2000 (p. 1789)
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag
High Current Magnetized Plasma Discharges and Electron Beams for Capture and Cooling of Charged Leptons and Hadrons (p. 1792)
by Hershcovitch, A
Linac-Based Electron Cooling Device (p. 1795)
by Dikanskij, N S
The Coupling-Cavity Scheme for Three-Dimensional Laser Cooling (p. 1798)
by Kihara, T
Design and Analysis of a Cooling Insertion Lattice for Optical Stochastic Cooling (p. 1801)
by Zholents, A
An Amplifier for Optical Stochastic Cooling (p. 1804)
by Zholents, A
Simulation of Beam Bunching with Electron Cooling for the Ion Storage Ring of RIKEN RI-Beam Factory Project (p. 1807)
by Takanaka, M
Generation of Sub-Picosecond X-Ray Pulses at BESSY-II (p. 1810)
by Khan, S
Energy loss of proton and lead beams in the CERN-SPS (p. 1813)
by Arnold, J
Beam Echoes in the CERN SPS (p. 1816)
by Brüning, Oliver Sim
Observations and simulations of beam tails in LEP (p. 1819)
by Reichel, I
Synchrotron Oscillation Driven by RF Phase Noise (p. 1822)
by Ormond, Kern W
Numerical Solution for Fokker-Planck Equations in Accelerators (p. 1825)
by Zorzano-Mier, M P
Multibunch Collision Scheme in BEPC (p. 1828)
by Wang, L F
Emittance measurement from the decay rate of coherent oscillation through nonlinear filamentation (p. 1831)
by Kamada, S
Effect of Diffusion on Bunched Beam Echo (p. 1834)
by Stupakov, G V
Advances in 3D Electromagnetic Finite Element Modeling (p. 1837)
by Nelson, E M
Experimental Results on Beam Halo (p. 1841)
by Haouat, G
Core and Halo Particle Dynamics of High Intensity Proton Beams (p. 1846)
by Pabst, M
The Fine Structure of the Longitudinal Machine Impedance Observed with Single Bunches (p. 1849)
by Bohl, T
Equipartitioning and Halo Due to Anisotropy (p. 1852)
by Hofmann, I
Design and Development of an Electron Recirculator for Study of High-Current Beam Dynamics (p. 1855)
by Wang, J G
Parasitic Energy Loss in the LEP Superconducting Cavities (p. 1858)
by Arduini, Gianluigi
Transmission Line Analysis of Beam Deflection in a BPM Stripline Kicker (p. 1861)
by Caporaso, George J
Space-Charge Forces of a DC Beam in a Continuous Bend (p. 1864)
by Chen, Y J
Diode and Final-Focus Simulations for DARHT (p. 1867)
by Hughes, Thomas P
Influence of Ion Channel on Electron Beam Propagation (p. 1870)
by Uhm, Han S
Simulation of bunch precompression at high currents in the SLC damping rings (p. 1873)
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag
Measurement of the longitudinal wakefield and the bunch shape in the SLAC linac (p. 1876)
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag
Analytic Expressions for Longitudinal Schottky Signals from Beams with Gaussian Momentum Distribution (p. 1879)
by Ziemann, V
Proton Injection and RF Capture in the National Spallation Neutron Source (p. 1882)
by Luccio, A U
Transverse Instability in High Intensity Proton Rings (p. 1885)
by Zhang, S Y
Compensation of Bend-Plane Emittance Growth in a 180 Degree Bend (p. 1888)
by Dowell, David H
Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Induced Emittance Growth in a Chicane Buncher (p. 1891)
by Dowell, David H
Free Energy Relaxation in a Drift-Tube Linac (p. 1894)
by Brown, Nathan A
High Current Beam Dynamics for the Upgraded UNILAC (p. 1897)
by Barth, W
Considerations on Particle Dynamics in a Heavy Ion DTL (p. 1900)
by Deitinghoff, H
Bunch Space Charge Limits in an RTM (p. 1902)
by Shvedunov, V I
Comparative Study of Accelerating Structures Proposed for High Power Linac (p. 1905)
by Kolomiets, A
Intensity dependence of betatron resonances observed at the KEK-PS (p. 1908)
by Shoji, Y
Halo Formation from Axisymmetric Breathing Beams (p. 1911)
by Ikegami, M
Emittance Growth of an Intense Electron Beam in a Focusing Channel (p. 1914)
by Carlsten, B E
Beam Matching and Halo Control (p. 1917)
by Lysenko, W
Equipartitioning in a High Current Proton Linac (p. 1920)
by Young, Lloyd M
Numerical Simulation Studies of the LBNL Heavy-Ion Beam Combiner Experiment (p. 1923)
by Fawley, W M
A Scaled Beam-Combining Experiment for Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion (p. 1926)
by Seidl, P A
Theory of Longitudinal Beam Halo in RF Linacs : I. Core/Test-Particle Formulation(p. 1929)
by Barnard, John J
Theory of Longitudinal Beam Halo in RF Linacs : II. Envelope-Particle Resonances(p. 1932)
by Lund, Steven M
Self-Pinched Transport Theory for the SABRE Ion Diode (p. 1935)
by Welch, Dale R
Emittance Growth and Particle Diffusion Induced by Discrete-Particle Effects in Intense Beams (p. 1938)
by Pakter, R
Prevention of Halo Formation in High Brightness Beams (p. 1941)
by Batygin, Yuri K
New Classes of Uniform Distributions for Charged Particles in Longitudinal Magnetic Field (p. 1944)
by Drivotin, O
The Calculation, Simulation, and Measurement of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in Electron Injectors (p. 1947)
by Dunham, B
KV-Beam in a Dispersive Channel (p. 1953)
by Venturini, M
Longitudinal Focusing of Space-Charge Dominated Beams in the UMD Electron Ring (p. 1956)
by Deng, J J
Injector Design for a Model Electron Ring at the University of Maryland (p. 1959)
by Godlove, T F
High Beam Current Handling in the HF Main Ring (p. 1962)
by Machida, S
Space Charge Dominated Envelope Dynamics of Asymmetric Beams in RF Photoinjectors (p. 1965)
by Rosenzweig, J B
Beam Dynamics in an Integrated Plane Wave Transformer Photoinjector at S- and X-Band (p. 1968)
by Rosenzweig, J B
Picosecond-Resolution `Slice' Emittance Measurement of Electron Bunches (p. 1971)
by Zvi, I B
Electron Beam Instrumentation Techniques Using Coherent Radiation (p. 1976)
by Wang, D X
A laser-heterodyne bunch length monitor for the SLC interaction point (p. 1981)
by Kotseroglou, T
Laser based sub-picosecond electron bunch characterization using $90^{o}$ Thomson scattering (p. 1984)
by Leemans, W P
Synchrotron Radiation Interferences Between Small Dipoles at LEP (p. 1987)
by Bovet, Claude
Synchrotron radiation interferences between short dipoles at LEP (p. 1987)
by Bovet, Claude
Electron Bunch Length Diagnostic with Coherent Smith-Purcell Radiation (p. 1990)
by Nguyen, D C
A High Resolution Electron Beam Profile Monitor (p. 1993)
by Graves, W S
The Argonne wakefield accelerator : diagnostics and beam characterization(p. 1996)
by Conde, M
Time-Resolved Imaging of Electron and Positron Beams at APS (p. 1999)
by Lumpkin, Alex H
Optical Transition Radiation Measurements on the ELETTRA Linac (p. 2002)
by Giove, D
Measuring the RMS Length of Short Electron Pulses with an RF Cavity and a Beam Position Monitor (p. 2005)
by Russell, Steven J
Device for the Electron Bunch Length Measurement of 1-5 mm RMS (p. 2008)
by Kaljuzhny, V E
A New Frequency-Domain Method for Bunch Length Measurement (p. 2011)
by Ferianis, M
Mechanical Design of the HER Synchrotron Light Monitor Primary Mirror for the PEP-II B-Factory (p. 2014)
by Daly, Edward F
Sub-Picosecond Electron Bunch Length Measurement (p. 2017)
by Settakorn, C
Measuring Longitudinal Distribution and Bunch Length of Femtosecond Bunches with RF Zero-Phasing Method (p. 2020)
by Wang, D X
Noise Reduction on the LEP bunch current measurement system (p. 2026)
by Burns, A
A Beamloss Diagnostic System for CESR (p. 2029)
by Henderson, S
A New Flying Wire System for the Tevatron (p. 2032)
by Blokland, W
A High Speed, Multi-Sampling Data Acquisition System for Beam Diagnostics (p. 2035)
by Yang, M J
Low Intensity Beam Diagnostics with Microchannel Plate Detectors (p. 2038)
by Cuttone, G
Design of a VXI Module for Beam Phase and Energy Measurements for LEDA (p. 2041)
by Power, J F
Description and Operation of the LEDA Beam Position/Intensity Measurement Module (p. 2044)
by Rose, C R
Design Study for an Undulator Photon Beam Position and Profile Monitor (p. 2047)
by Hsu, Ian C
An RF signal processing module for the SPS Orbit Observation System upgrade (p. 2049)
by Rawnsley, W R
Characterization of Beam Dynamics in the APS Injector Rings Using Time-Resolved Imaging Techniques (p. 2052)
by Yang, B X
Lattice Function Measurements in the Fermilab Accumulator Ring (p. 2055)
by Church, M
Real time tune measurements in slow cycling accelerators (p. 2058)
by Herrup, D A
Tune Measurement Methods in the Fermilab Main Ring (p. 2061)
by Still, D
Automatic Beam Position Control at LASREF (p. 2064)
by Oothoudt, M A
Mechanical design of a pinger system for the LBNL Advanced Light Source accelerator (p. 2067)
by Thur, W
Performance of the Upgraded NSLS Beam Position Monitors (p. 2069)
by Nawrocky, R J
A Compact BPM for the Fermilab Main Injector (p. 2072)
by Fitzgerald, J
Upgrade of the BPM System for the BEPC Storage Ring (p. 2075)
by Ma, L
Bunch Shape Monitors for the DESY H- Linac (p. 2078)
by Feschenko, A V
Design and Commissioning of Beam Position Monitors in the IUCF Cooler Injector Synchrotron (p. 2081)
by Ball, M S
Measurement of injection orbit using a single pass BPM system at the PF ring (p. 2084)
by Honda, T
Calibration of KEKB beam position monitors (p. 2087)
by Satoh, K
Comparison of Beam-Position-Transfer Functions Using Circular Beam-Position Monitors (p. 2090)
by Gilpatrick, J D
The LEDA Beam-Position Measurement System (p. 2093)
by Rose, C R
Orbit Measurement and Correction in the LNLS Synchrotron Light Source (p. 2096)
by Farias, R H A
Real Time Dispersion Measurements at the MIT-Bates Linac (p. 2099)
by Jacobs, K
Beam size effects on beam position measurements in proton synchrotron (p. 2102)
by Nakagawa, T
Two Frequencies Cavities for Beam Position Monitor (p. 2104)
by Kaljuzhny, V E
Beam-Based Offset Calibration of the PLS BPM (p. 2107)
by Huang, J Y
A Two-Bunch Beam Position Monitor (p. 2113)
by Medvedko, E
Effect of TE Mode Power on the PEP-II LER BPM System (p. 2116)
by Corlett, J
Detection of beam induced dipole-mode signals in the SLC S-band structures (p. 2119)
by Seidel, M
Calibration of the beam-position monitor system for the SLAC PEP-II B factory (p. 2122)
by Johnson, R
Optics Measurement Resolution and BPM Errors (p. 2125)
by Chao Yu Chiu
Linear Optics Correction in the CEBAF Accelerator (p. 2128)
by Lebedev, V A
1 nA Beam Position Monitoring System (p. 2131)
by Ursic, R
Beam Position Monitors Inside the FEL-Undulator at the TESLA Test Facility Linac (p. 2134)
by Lorenz, R
First Operating Experiences of Beam Position Monitors in the TESLA Test Facility Linac (p. 2137)
by Lorenz, R
The Closed Orbit Measuring System at the DELTA Synchrotron Radiation Facility (p. 2140)
by Jankowiak, A
Development of a Resistive Beam Position/Current Monitor for the UMD Electron Ring (p. 2143)
by Suk, H
Performance of the Single-Pass Position Monitor at SOR-RING (p. 2146)
by Kudo, H
A Scanning Target Profile Monitor for the Slow Extracted Beam at the AGS (p. 2149)
by Brown, K A
A Prototype Ionization Profile Monitor for RHIC (p. 2152)
by Connolly, R
A Multi-Wire Beam Profile Monitor in the AGS (p. 2155)
by Huang, H
RADON Reconstruction in Longitudinal Phase Space (p. 2158)
by Mane, V
Orbit Compensation for the Time Varying Elliptically Polarized Wiggler with Switching Frequency at 100 Hz (p. 2161)
by Singh, O
A Turn-by-turn vertical profile monitor (p. 2164)
by Smith, R S
Fermilab Main Ring Ion Profile Monitor System (p. 2166)
by Zagel, J R
First Test Results of a Residual Gas Beam Profile Monitor (p. 2169)
by Variale, V
A longitudinal phase space monitor at the Photon Factory Storage Ring (p. 2171)
by Kobayashi, Y
Study of a Non-Intrusive Electron Beam Radius Diagnostic (p. 2174)
by Kwan, Thomas J T
Preliminary Results of RMS Emittance Measurements Performed on the Sub-Picosecond Accelerator Using Beam Position Monitors (p. 2177)
by Russell, Steven J
Spectral Fluctuations of Incoherent Radiation and Measurement of Longitudinal Bunch Profile (p. 2180)
by Zolotorev, M S
A Turn by Turn Photon Beam Profile Observation by a Laser Beam Saturated Photodiode (p. 2183)
by Hsu, Ian C
Beam profile monitors in the NLCTA (p. 2186)
by Nantista, C D
An RF bunch length monitor for the SLC final focus (p. 2189)
by Zimmermann, Frank
Analysis of a Novel Diffractive Scanning-Wire Beam Position Monitor (BPM) for Discriminative Profiling of Electron vs. X-Ray Beams (p. 2192)
by Tatchyn, R
Analysis of a Single-Shot Longitudinal Bunch Profiling System Based on an Ultra-Short Pulse Ti : Sapphire Laser(p. 2195)
by Tatchyn, R
High Power Beam Profile Monitor with Optical Transition Radiation (p. 2198)
by Denard, J C
An Emittance Measurement System for a Wide Range of Bunch Charges (p. 2201)
by Dunham, B
A Multislit Transverse-Emittance Diagnostic for Space-Charge-Dominated Electron Beams (p. 2204)
by Piot, P
Status of the APS Diagnostics Undulator Beamline (p. 2207)
by Yang, B X
Tests of APS X-Ray Transmitting Beam Position Monitors at ESRF (p. 2210)
by Shu, D
Observations of Secondary Emission Chamber Degradation from Very High Intensity Proton Beams at the AGS (p. 2213)
by Brown, K A
Performance of the RHIC Injection Line Instrumentation Systems (p. 2215)
by Shea, T J
RHIC Beam Loss Monitor System Design (p. 2218)
by Witkover, R
Instrumentation for Low Energy Electron Measurements (p. 2221)
by Tan, C Y
A Proposed New HOM Monitoring System on the SRS (p. 2223)
by McIntosh, P A
Online calculation of Tevatron collider luminosity using accelerator instrumentation (p. 2226)
by Hahn, A A
A Beam Monitoring & Calibration System for High-Power Electron Linacs (p. 2229)
by Uvarov, V L
LEDA and APT Beam Diagnostics Instrumentation (p. 2232)
by Gilpatrick, J D
PEP-II Bunch-by-Bunch Current Monitor (p. 2235)
by Chin, M J
Optical Beam Diagnostics for the LNLS Synchrotron Light Source (p. 2238)
by Farias, R H A
Vibration Measurement for Instrumentation and Diagnostics (p. 2241)
by Sarkar, S
Option of Method for Electron Bunch Phase Distribution Monitoring (p. 2244)
by Tron, A
Space Charge Effect in Secondary Electron Monitors (p. 2247)
by Tron, A
Equipment for Beam Current and Electron Energy Monitoring During Industry Irradiation (p. 2250)
by Zavadtsev, A A
Design and Initial Commissioning of Beam Diagnostics for the PEP-II B Factory (p. 2253)
by Fisher, A S
Real-Time Beam Loss Monitoring System and its Application at SRRC (p. 2259)
by Hsu, K T
Methods of Orbit Correction System Optimization (p. 2262)
by Chao Yu Chiu
Automated Path Length and M56 Measurements at Jefferson Lab (p. 2265)
by Hardy, D
Analyzing Measurements of Nonlinear Transfer Functions with Tschebyshev Polynomials (p. 2268)
by Krafft, G A
Beam-Based Phase Monitoring and Gradient Calibration of Jefferson Laboratory RF Systems (p. 2271)
by Tiefenback, M G
A High Power Faraday Cup to Measure Extracted Beam Current from the Bates South Hall Ring (p. 2274)
by Shaw, J
Photoemission Instabilities : Theory and Experiment(p. 2276)
by Rogers, Joseph T
Commissioning of the APS Real-Time Orbit Feedback System (p. 2281)
by Carwardine, J
Control Of Multibunch Longitudinal Instabilities And Beam Diagnostics Using A Dsp-based Feedback System (p. 2284)
by Teytelman, D
Global Orbit Feedback Utilizing Analog and Digital Technologies (p. 2287)
by Singh, O
Evaluation of the Global Orbit Correction Algorithm for the APS Real-Time Orbit Feedback System (p. 2290)
by Carwardine, J
Characterization and Equalization of the AC Responses of the Corrector Magnets for the APS Local Orbit Feedback System (p. 2293)
by Doose, C
Simulation of the APS Storage-Ring RF Accelerating System (p. 2296)
by Schwartz, C
Multiple Control for Feedback Tuning of the Advanced Photon Source Storage Ring/Booster RF Cavities (p. 2299)
by Smith, T L
An Example of a Digital Synthesis Approach to DSP Design : The AGS Transverse Damper(p. 2302)
by Brown, K A
Longitudinal Coupled Bunch Instabilities on the NSLS X-Ray Ring (p. 2305)
by Klaffky, R W
AGS Slow Extracted Beam Improvement (p. 2308)
by Marneris, I
RF Control System for the SC Cavity of the Tesla Test Facility Injector (p. 2311)
by Mosnier, A
Emittance preservation in the PS complex (p. 2314)
by Autin, Bruno
Observation of a longitudinal coupled bunch instability with trains of bunches in CESR (p. 2317)
by Billing, M G
A design and performance analysis tool for superconducting RF systems (p. 2320)
by Schilcher, T
Observation and Cure of Longitudinal Coupled-Bunch Instabilities in the Fermilab Main Ring (p. 2323)
by Assadi, S
Digital Low Level RF Systems for Fermilab Main Ring and Tevatron (p. 2326)
by Chase, B E
Damping of Injection Oscillations (p. 2329)
by Zhabitsky, V M
Strategy for developing fast bunch feedback systems for KEKB (p. 2332)
by Kikutani, E
Study of bunch by bunch feedback system in TRISTAN-AR (p. 2335)
by Tobiyama, M
APT LLRF Control System Model Results (p. 2338)
by Regan, A
Algorithms and Implementation of APT Resonant Control System (p. 2341)
by Wang, Y M
Status of the PEP-II Transverse Feedback Systems (p. 2344)
by Barry, W
Beam Test of the Acceleration System with the DDS in HIMAC Synchrotron (p. 2347)
by Kanazawa, M
Transverse Beam Feedback System in the PLS (p. 2350)
by Huang, J Y
The Design of the ELETTRA Fast Local Feedback System (p. 2353)
by Bocchetta, C J
First Operational Results with the ELETTRA Fast Local Feedback System (p. 2356)
by Bocchetta, C J
Commissioning experience with the PEP-II low-level RF system (p. 2359)
by Corredoura, P L
Design and Verification of Controllers for Longitudinal Oscillations Using Optimal Control Theory and Numerical Simulation : Predictions for PEP-II(p. 2362)
by Hindi, H
Gap voltage feed-forward module for PEP-II low level RF system (p. 2365)
by Ross, W R
VXI based multibunch detector and QPSK modulator for the PEP-II/ALS/DA$\phi$NE longitudinal feedback system (p. 2368)
by Young, A
Local Feedback Experiment in the Taiwan Light Source (p. 2371)
by Kuo, C H
Digital Global Orbit Feedback System Developing in SRRC (p. 2374)
by Kuo, C H
Developement of a Digital Longitudinal Damper for the TLS Storage Ring (p. 2377)
by Lau, W K
Optimising Injection into CELSIUS with a Steering Feedback and Beta-Matching System (p. 2380)
by Mohammadzadeh, A
Development of Digital Feedback Systems for Beam Position and Energy at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (p. 2383)
by Karn, J
Design and Implementation of a Slow Orbit Control Package at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (p. 2386)
by Van Zeijts, Johannes
Robinson-Type Criteria for Beam and RF Cavity with Delayed, Voltage-Proportional Feedback (p. 2389)
by Koscielniak, S
Study of Orbit Feedback Systems for the TESLA Linear Collider (p. 2392)
by Lorenz, R
Object Oriented Programming Interfaces for Accelerator Control (p. 2395)
by Hoff, Lawrence T
A portable accelerator control toolkit (p. 2398)
by Watson, W A
Experience with EPICS in a Wide Variety of Applications (p. 2403)
by Kraimer, Martin R
The Procedure Execution Manager and Its Application to Advanced Photon Source Operation (p. 2410)
by Borland, M
Data Warehouse on the Web for Accelerator Fabrication and Maintenance (p. 2413)
by Chan, A
COSY INFINITY Version 7 (p. 2416)
by Berz, M
A Solving Module of an Expert System for Nonlinear Beam Dynamics (p. 2419)
by Andrianov, S
Designing a Portable Architecture for Intelligent Particle Accelerator Control (p. 2422)
by Klein, W
A hybrid numerical method for orbit correction (p. 2425)
by White, G
Electron Multipactor Code for High-Power RF Devices (p. 2428)
by Humphries, S
Eigenmodes of Microwave Cavities Containing High-Loss Dielectric Materials (p. 2431)
by Cooke, S J
Status of Unified Accelerator Libraries (p. 2434)
by Malitsky, N
Innovative Aspects of the SDL Control System (p. 2437)
by Graves, W S
Control and operational models for vacuum equipment (p. 2440)
by Strubin, Pierre M
PC-based applications programming on the SRS control system (p. 2443)
by Martlew, B G
The Usage of Transient Recorders in the Daily HERA Machine Operation (p. 2446)
by Bacher, R
A High Reliability Accelerator Control System (p. 2449)
by Callahan, J
Nuclotron Control System (p. 2452)
by Andreev, V
Use of a Virtual Accelerator for a Development of an Accelerator Control System (p. 2455)
by Yamamoto, N
Operation Logging System Using the Database for Synchrotron Radiation Beam Lines at the Photon Factory (p. 2458)
by Kanaya, N
Integrating Commercial and Legacy Control Systems With EPICS (p. 2461)
by Hill, J O
Completion of the LANSCE Proton Storage Ring Control System Upgrade - A Successful Integration of EPICS into a Running Control System (p. 2464)
by Schaller, S C
Automating ELETTRA Operation with ``One Button Machine'' (p. 2467)
by Bulfone, D
Operator interface for the PEP-II low level RF control system (p. 2470)
by Allison, S
Network Upgrade for the SLC : PEP-II Network(p. 2473)
by Crane, M
Network Upgrade for the SLC : Control System Modifications(p. 2476)
by Crane, M
Using WWW in SRRC Control System (p. 2479)
by Chen, J S
The Design of the Control System for ANKA (p. 2481)
by Avsec, S
Automated Startup of the CEBAF 45 MeV Injector (p. 2484)
by Kehne, D
Applications Toolkit for Accelerator Control and Analysis (p. 2487)
by Borland, M
A Bunch Clock for the Advanced Photon Source (p. 2490)
by Lenkszus, Frank R
Embedded Controllers, Field Bus and a Modular IO Concept : Central Elements of BESSY II Controls(p. 2493)
by Bergl, J
RHIC Beam Permit and Quench Detection Communications System (p. 2496)
by Conkling, C R
The RHIC Real Time Data Link System (p. 2499)
by Hartmann, H
Evaluation of IEEE 1394 Serial Bus for Distributed Data Acquisition (p. 2502)
by Shea, T J
Precision Timing Control System (p. 2505)
by Meller, Robert E
Implementation of a new RF monitoring system for the SRS using LabVIEW (p. 2508)
by Pugh, M J
Commissioning of SPring-8 Linac Control System (p. 2511)
by Sakaki, H
Improvements to the LANSCE Accelerator Timing System (p. 2514)
by Rybarcyk, L J
A Components Database Design and Implementation for Accelerators and Detectors (p. 2517)
by Meyer, S
Arc Detection and Interlock Module for the PEP-II Low Level RF System (p. 2520)
by Tighe, R
Automatic Lattice Parameters Measurement Tools at SRRC (p. 2523)
by Chen, J
Orbit Correction Using Virtual Monitors at Jefferson Lab (p. 2526)
by Chao Yu Chiu
Pulse Selection Control for the IR FEL Photocathode Drive Laser (p. 2529)
by Jordan, K
Experience With Vsystem in a Wide Variety of Applications (p. 2532)
by Clout, Peter N
Tuning and optimization at Brookhaven and Argonne : results of recent experiments(p. 2535)
by Klein, W
Spin Tracking Study of the AGS (p. 2538)
by Huang, H
An Interactive Beam Line Simulator Module for RHIC (p. 2541)
by MacKay, W W
Modeling RHIC Using the Standard Machine Format Accelerator Description (p. 2544)
by Pilat, F
3-D Numerical Field Calculations of CESR's Upgraded Superconducting Magnets (p. 2547)
by Greenwald, Z
Wake Fields of a Bunch on a General Trajectory Due to Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (p. 2550)
by Dohlus, M
Application of the GSM Method and TD Computation of the Long Range Wake in Linear Accelerator Structures (p. 2553)
by Jöstingmeier, A
Enhancements to the longitudinal dynamics code ESME (p. 2556)
by MacLachlan, J A
Optics Elements for Modeling Electrostatic Lenses and Accelerator Components I. Einzel Lenses (p. 2559)
by Gillespie, George H
The Particle Beam Optics Interactive Computer Laboratory for Personal Computers and Workstations (p. 2562)
by Gillespie, George H
Lorentz Group Lie Algebra Map of Ultra-Relativistic Radiating Electron (p. 2565)
by Kawaguchi, H
PLATO : A Program Library for the Analysis of 4D Nonlinear Transverse Motion(p. 2568)
by Giovannozzi, Massimo
Parallel algorithms for the analysis of nonlinear betatronic motion (p. 2571)
by Giovannozzi, Massimo
Further Improvements in TRACE 3-D (p. 2574)
by Rusthoi, D P
Applications of the General Particle Tracer Code (p. 2577)
by Van der Geer, S B
The computer program LIAR for the simulation and modeling of high performance linacs (p. 2580)
by Assmann, R W
LEGO : A Modular Accelerator Design Code(p. 2583)
by Cai, Y
Lattice commissioning strategy for the B-factory (p. 2586)
by Lee, M
Transverse Wakefield Analysis for the NLC & JLC Detuned Structures on a Parallel Computer (p. 2589)
by Zhan, X
MAPA : Implementation of Standard Interchange Format and Use of Analyzing Lattices(p. 2592)
by Shasharina, Svetlana G
Ion Optical Stray Field Analysis of an ESR Dipole (p. 2594)
by Schillinger, B
Development of the ACCSIM Tracking and Simulation Code (p. 2597)
by Jones, F W
A Graphical User Interface for RELAX3D (p. 2600)
by Jones, F W
HESHBEAM - A Program with a Graphical User Interface for Calculation of the Luminosity Spectrum and the Differential Luminosity (p. 2603)
by Heydari, H
Tracking Routines for General Insertion Devices (p. 2606)
by Scheer, M
Simulation of Multipacting in RF Cavities and Periodical Structures (p. 2609)
by Grudiev, A V
A Self-Consistent Beam Loaded Traveling Wave Accelerator Model for Use in TRACE 3-D (p. 2615)
by Lampel, M C
Monte Carlo Simulation of Nonlaminar DC Beam Including the Influence of Self-Fields (p. 2618)
by Zapalac, G
Use of the LANA Code for the Design of a Heavy Ion Linac (p. 2621)
by Gorelov, D V
Relativistic Klystron Two-Beam Accelerator Simulation Code Development (p. 2624)
by Lidia, S M
Measured and Theoretical Characterization of the RF Properties of Stacked, High-Gradient Insulator Material (p. 2627)
by Houck, T L
Wake Properties of a Stripline Beam Kicker (p. 2630)
by Poole, Brian R
BBU Design of Linear Induction Accelerator Cells for Radiography Application (p. 2633)
by Shang, C C
A Flexible-Variable Truncated Power Series Algebra in Zlib (p. 2636)
by Yan, Y T
A Field-Cancellation Algorithm for Constructing Economical Planar Permanent Magnet (PM) Multipoles with Large High-Quality Field Apertures (p. 2639)
by Tatchyn, R
Aperture Calculation of AURORA-2D Compact Electron Storage Ring with Superconducting Wiggler (p. 2642)
by Tsutsui, H
Numerical Simulation and RF Model Measurements of the New GSI IH-DTL (p. 2645)
by Krietenstein, B
Broad-band impedance of LHC shielded bellows (p. 2648)
by Dyachkov, M
GdfidL : A Finite Difference Program with Reduced Memory and CPU Usage(p. 2651)
by Bruns, W
Expression Templates for Truncated Power Series (p. 2654)
by Cary, John R
Laser-Driven Plasma-Cathode Electron Injector (p. 2657)
by Umstadter, D
State of the Art of ECR Ion Sources (p. 2662)
by Xie, Z Q
Very-Low-Energy-Spread Ion Sources (p. 2667)
by Lee, Y
Recent Progress of RIKEN 18 GHz ECRIS (p. 2672)
by Nakagawa, T
Initial Test Results from a Multicusp Source for TRIUMF's Radioactive Beam Facility (p. 2675)
by Kuo, T
Results from ZMEVVA : A New Source for Heavy-Ion Accelerators(p. 2678)
by Johnson, B M
Intense, High Brightness H- Beams from Surface Plasma Sources (p. 2681)
by Guharay, S K
The Dependence of Longitudinal Emittance upon Surface Charge Density in a RF Photoinjector (p. 2684)
by Dowell, D H
Emittance studies of the BNL/SLAC/UCLA 1.6 cell photocathode rf gun (p. 2687)
by Palmer, D T
Experimental Operation of a 17 GHz Photocathode RF Gun (p. 2690)
by Trotz, S
A High-DC-Voltage GaAs Photoemission Gun : Transverse Emittance and Momentum Spread Measurements(p. 2693)
by Engwall, D
The Production and Transport of Radioactive 17F at ATLAS for Research (p. 2696)
by Harss, B
The production and transport of radioactive$^{17}F$ at ATLAS for research (p. 2696)
by Harss, B
Beam Chopper for the Low-Energy Undulator Test Line (LEUTL) in the APS (p. 2699)
by Kang, Y W
A new 14 GHz electron-cyclotron-resonance ion source (ECRIS) for the heavy ion accelerator facility ATLAS (p. 2702)
by Schlapp, M
Characterization and Recent Modification of a Compact 10 GHz ECRIS for Atomic Physics Experiments and Spectroscopic Investigations (p. 2705)
by Schlapp, M
A Low Power Low Cost 2.45 GHz ECRIS for the Production of Multiply Charged Ions (p. 2708)
by Schlapp, M
Progress on an EBIS for RHIC (p. 2711)
by Alessi, J
Improved Version of Surface Plasma Negative Ion Source (p. 2714)
by Dudnikov, V G
Cadarache 1 MeV Negative Ion Accelerator Development for Application in Thermonuclear Fusion Research (p. 2717)
by Simonin, A
First Beam of the CEA-Saclay CW High-Intensity Microwave Source (p. 2720)
by Beauvais, Pierre Yves
Space-Charge Neutralization Measurement of a 75-keV, 130-mA Hydrogen-Ion Beam (p. 2723)
by Ferdinand, R
Upgrade of the H--Injection System at the DESY Proton Linac III (p. 2726)
by Kleffner, C M
Upgrade of the $H^{-}$ injection system at the DESY proton linac, 3 (p. 2726)
by Kleffner, C M
Trapped Ion Source (p. 2729)
by Brautti, G
Beam Chopper for the 750 keV LEBT of MMF Linac (p. 2732)
by Novikov, A V
Test of Duoplasmatron with Cold Cathode for CW Operation (p. 2735)
by Kolomiets, A
A Pulsed Ion Source for the IUCF Cooler Injector Synchroton (p. 2737)
by Derenchuk, V P
Mechanical Engineering of a 75-keV Proton Injector for the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator (p. 2740)
by Hansborough, L D
Performance of the LANSCE H- Source and Low Energy Beam Transport at Higher Peak Current (p. 2743)
by Pillai, C
Simulations of the LEDA LEBT H+ Beam (p. 2746)
by Vernon-Smith, H
Simulations of the LEDA LEBT with H+, H2+, and e- Particles (p. 2749)
by Young, Lloyd M
Simulations of the LEDA RFQ 6.7 MeV Accelerator (p. 2752)
by Young, Lloyd M
High Current Density Ion Sources for Heavy Ion Fusion Accelerators (p. 2755)
by Kwan, J W
H- Ion Source Development for the National Spallation Neutron Source (p. 2758)
by Leitner, M A
A Compact, RF-Driven, Pulsed Ion Source for Intense Neutron Generation (p. 2761)
by Perkins, L T
Development of a High Duty Factor, Surface Conversion H- Ion Source for the LANSCE Facility (p. 2764)
by Wengrow, A B
Development of an RF Driven Plasma Cathode for Ion Sources (p. 2767)
by Williams, M D
A Multicusp Ion Source for Radioactive Ion Beams (p. 2770)
by Wutte, D C
Ion Microwave Source for Linear Accelerator (p. 2773)
by Nesterovich, A V
Toward a Realistic and Tractable Model for Negative Ion Extraction from Volume Sources (p. 2775)
by Whealton, J H
60 keV Beam Transport Line and Switchyard for ISAC (p. 2778)
by Baartman, R
OPPIS Development at TRIUMF (p. 2781)
by Zelenski, A
Reason for Free Electrons from the Surface of Ferroelectrics with a Metal Lattice Structure (p. 2784)
by Heydari, H
Effect of the Long Solenoid Tunnel on the Growth of Emittance in the PNC High Power Electron Linac (p. 2787)
by Nomura, M
Performance of Magnesium Cathode in the S-Band RF Gun (p. 2790)
by Srinivasan-Rao, T
Longitudinal Emittance Compensation In a Photocathode RF Gun Injector (p. 2793)
by Wang, X J
Beam Dynamics in RF-Gun Cavity with a Modified First Cell (p. 2796)
by Volkov, V
Single Bunch Injection System for an Electron Storage Ring Using an RF Photoinjector (p. 2799)
by O'Shea, P G
A Plane-Wave-Transformer Photoelectron Linac (p. 2802)
by Yu, D
Proposed intense positron source for TESLA based on HERA e (p. 2805)
by Kiselev, A V
A Fully Demountable 550 kV Electron Gun for Low Emittance Beam Experiments with a 17 GHz Linac (p. 2808)
by Haimson, J
Commissioning of the IUCF 7 MeV H- Linac (p. 2811)
by Friesel, D L
Performance of Electron Gun for SPring-8 Linac (p. 2814)
by Asaka, T
Thermionic RF Gun with High Duty Factor (p. 2817)
by Mitrochenko, V
Obtaining the Linear Electron Beams by Using the Magnetron Injection Guns with Cold Secondary Emission Metallic Cathodes (Experiment) (p. 2820)
by Tur, Yu D
First Beam Tests of the TTF Injector (p. 2823)
by Garvey, Terence
Multi-kiloampere, electron-beam generation from bare aluminum photo-cathodes driven by an ArF laser (p. 2826)
by Carlson, R L
Development and Characterization of Diamond Film and Compound Metal Surface High Current Photocathodes (p. 2829)
by Shurter, R P
High Voltage, High Current, Long Pulse Electron Beam Injector for DARHT (p. 2832)
by Henestroza, E
Focusing of Ribbon Beam in Undulator Linear Accelerator (p. 2835)
by Masunov, E S
The Development of a Superconducting RF Gun : Status of the Drossel Collaboration(p. 2838)
by Janssen, D
Emittance Measurements for the SLAC Gun Test Facility (p. 2840)
by Hernández, M
Experimental results of a single emittance compensation solenoidal magnet (p. 2843)
by Palmer, D T
Beam dynamics enhancement due to accelerating field symmetrization in the BNL/SLAC/UCLA 1.6 cell S-band photocathode RF gun (p. 2846)
by Palmer, D T
Polarized electron sources for future $e^{+}/e^{-}$ linear colliders (p. 2849)
by Tang, H
NLCTA injector experimental results (p. 2852)
by Yeremian, A D
A proposed injector for the LCLS linac (p. 2855)
by Yeremian, A D
The Construction and Initial High Power Test Results of an X-Band RF Gun (p. 2858)
by Ho, C H
An Injection Modelocked Ti-Sapphire Laser for Synchronous Photoinjection (p. 2861)
by Hovater, C
Atomic Hydrogen Cleaning of Semiconductor Photocathodes (p. 2864)
by Sinclair, C K
Laser System for the TTF Photoinjector at Fermilab (p. 2867)
by Fry, A R
Cathodeless, High Brightness Electron Beam Production by Multiple Laser Beams in Plasmas (p. 2870)
by Hemker, R G
Experimental Testing of the TTF RF Photoinjector (p. 2873)
by Colby, E
Optimum Operation of Split RF Photo-Injectors (p. 2876)
by Serafini, L
Performance of the LEP2 SRF system (p. 2879)
by Boussard, Daniel
Overview of Advances in the Basic Understanding of Dark Current and Breakdown in RF Cavities (p. 2884)
by Padamsee, H
Design of 250-MW CW RF System for APT (p. 2889)
by Rees, D
Development of X-band klystron technology at SLAC (p. 2894)
by Caryotakis, G
A New Generation of Gridded Tubes for Higher Power and Higher Frequencies (p. 2899)
by Clerc, G
Development of high-power ARES cavities (p. 2902)
by Kageyama, T
Design of Three Recirculating-Linac SRF Systems for a 4-TeV µ+ - µ- Collider (p. 2905)
by Shu, Q S
Status and Developments of Superconducting Cavity for KEKB (p. 2908)
by Mitsunobu, S
Design and construction of a 500 KW CW, 400 MHz klystron to be used as RF power source for LHC/RF component tests (p. 2911)
by Frischholz, Hans
Superconducting Cavities for the APT Accelerator (p. 2914)
by Krawczyk, Frank L
Test Results on the 9-Cell 1.3 GHz Superconducting RF Cavities for the TESLA Test Facility Linac (p. 2917)
by Pekeler, M
Solving the Problem of Heating of RF Contacts in Cavity Tuners (p. 2923)
by Senichev, Yu
A Divide-Down RF Source Generation System for the Advanced Photon Source (p. 2926)
by Horan, D
Mechanical Design Upgrade of the APS Storage Ring RF Cavity Tuner (p. 2929)
by Jones, J
Coaxial Higher-Order Mode Damper Employing a High-Pass Filter (p. 2932)
by Kang, Y W
Reconfigurable High-Power RF System in the APS (p. 2935)
by Kang, Y W
Upgraded Cavities for the Positron Accumulator Ring of the APS (p. 2938)
by Kang, Y W
An Overview of the APS 352-MHz RF Systems (p. 2941)
by Nassiri, A
Higher-Order Modes of Storage Ring RF Cavities and Their Interaction with the Beam at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) (p. 2944)
by Song, J J
Modifying CERN SPS cavities and amplifiers for use in RHIC (p. 2947)
by Connolly, R
First Operation of the HAP/MOPA Traveling Wave Structure at Boeing FEL (p. 2950)
by Vetter, A M
The PS 40 MHz bunching cavity (p. 2953)
by Garoby, R
The tuning of the cavity options for DIAMOND (p. 2956)
by Dawson, C L
Effective Compact Accelerating Structures for Heavy Ions (p. 2959)
by Paramonov, V V
The Cut Disk Accelerating Structure for High Energy Linacs (p. 2962)
by Paramonov, V V
The Design of High Reliable RF System for High Power Linacs (p. 2965)
by Kozodaev, A M
An RF system for a compact synchrotron (p. 2968)
by Pei, A
RF Stations of the SPring-8 Storage Ring (p. 2971)
by Hara, M
Fundamental Mode Characteristics Of Ares Cavity Under Beam Environment (p. 2974)
by Akasaka, N
Coupling cavity damper for the ARES (p. 2977)
by Naito, F
Construction of a 714-MHz RF system for the ATF damping ring (p. 2980)
by Sakanaka, S
Development of a broadband HOM load for the 714-$MH_{z}$ HOM-damped cavity (p. 2983)
by Sakanaka, S
HOM absorber for the ARES cavity (p. 2986)
by Tekeutchi, F
Beam Test of an RF Damped Cavity at the Photon Factory Storage Ring (p. 2989)
by Izawa, M
Studies of Magnetic Cores for JHF Synchrotrons (p. 2992)
by Fujieda, M
A Wideband Rf Cavity For Jhf Synchrotrons (p. 2995)
by Ohmori, C
Plunger Frequency Control of a Side Coupled Accelerating Structure for the IFUSP Microtron (p. 2998)
by Takahashi, J
Measurement and identification of HOM's in RF cavities (p. 3001)
by Goldberg, D A
High-Power Testing of RF Cavities for the PEP-II B Factory (p. 3004)
by Rimmer, R A
Fabrication Processes for the PEP-II RF Cavities (p. 3007)
by Franks, R M
Operation of the LNLS Storage Ring RF System (p. 3010)
by Wisnivesky, D
On The Limitations of Accelerating Gradient in Linear Colliders Due to the Pulse Heating (p. 3013)
by Nezhevenko, O A
Operational Characteristics of RF System Affecting PLS Beam Stability (p. 3015)
by Kwon, M
Design and Operation of PET Radio Frequency Quadrupoles (p. 3018)
by Sun, D
SLC Interferometer System and Phase Distribution Upgrades (p. 3021)
by Akre, R
Calibration System for SLC 476 MHz to 2856 MHz Multipliers (p. 3024)
by Akre, R
Low-Level RF Signal Processing for the Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator (p. 3027)
by Holmes, S
Waveguide stub-line tuning of RF cavities with heavy beam loading (p. 3030)
by Krejcik, P
HOM Power Generation and Propagation in the PEP-II B-Factory (p. 3033)
by Lin, Xintian E
Experimental study of pulsed heating of electromagnetic cavities (p. 3036)
by Pritzkau, D P
Development of a movable plunger tuner for the high-power RF cavity for the PEP-II B-factory (p. 3039)
by Schwarz, H D
RF systems for the NLCTA (p. 3042)
by Wang, J W
RF breakdown studies in X-Band klystron cavities (p. 3045)
by Xu, X
Upgrade Issues of the TLS Storage Ring RF System (p. 3048)
by Lau, W K
Design of a Third Harmonic Landau Cavity for the SRRC Storage Ring (p. 3051)
by Wang, C
On the Mechanical Design of a 1.5 GHz Landau Cavity (p. 3054)
by Yang, T T
Sawtooth Wave Generation for Pre-Buncher Cavity in ISAC (p. 3057)
by Fong, K
Coarse and Fine Tuners for the CERN PS 40 MHz Bunching Cavity (p. 3060)
by Mitra, A K
Coarse and fine tuners for the CERN PS 40 MHz buncher cavity (p. 3060)
by Mitra, A
Measurements at TRIUMF on a 80 MHz cavity model for the CERN PS upgrade for LHC (p. 3063)
by Mitra, A
High Power Test of the Damped RF-Cavity (p. 3066)
by Koseki, T
HOM characteristics of the ARES cavity (p. 3069)
by Kobayashi, T
Niobium Quarter-Wave Cavity for the New Delhi Booster Linac (p. 3072)
by Shepard, K W
Development of Superconducting RF for CESR (p. 3075)
by Belomestnykh, S
Superconducting RF System Options for DIAMOND (p. 3078)
by Dykes, D M
Note on the SC linear collider TESLA cavity design (p. 3081)
by Sekutowicz, J
Mechanical Stabilisation of Superconducting Quarter Wave Resonators (p. 3084)
by Facco, A
Higher Order Mode Analysis of the APT Superconducting Cavities (p. 3093)
by Krawczyk, Frank L
In-Situ Proton Irradiation and Measurement of Superconducting RF Cavities Under Cryogenic Conditions (p. 3096)
by Rusnak, B
Superconducting cavities for the reduced-beta section of a proton linac (p. 3099)
by Pasotti, C
New Window Design Options for CEBAF Energy Upgrade (p. 3102)
by Phillips, L
Improvement of the Operational Performance of SRF Cavities via In Situ Helium Processing and Waveguide Vacuum Processing (p. 3105)
by Reece, C
Jefferson Lab IR FEL Cryomodule Modifications and Test Results (p. 3108)
by Wiseman, M
Phase Loop Bandwidth Measurements on the Advanced Photon Source 352-MHz RF Systems (p. 3111)
by Horan, D
7 GHz Pulsed Magnicon : Study and New Results(p. 3114)
by Kozyrev, E
High Efficiency TWT Amplifiers (p. 3117)
by Naqvi, S
Microwave Cold Tests of Planar RF Cavities (p. 3120)
by Chen, J
The 101 MHz amplifier system of the new CERN Lead Injector (p. 3123)
by Hutter, G
Design of 135 MW X-Band Relativistic Klystron for Linear Collider (p. 3126)
by Dolbilov, G V
Large-Signal Klystron Simulations Using KLSC (p. 3129)
by Carlsten, Bruce E
Rippled-Beam Free-Electron Laser (p. 3132)
by Carlsten, B E
Annular-Beam, 17 GHz Free-Electron Maser Experiment (p. 3135)
by Earley, L M
The RF System for the National Spallation Neutron Source Linac (p. 3138)
by Tallerico, P
Double-Sided Relativistic Magnetron (p. 3141)
by Agafonov, A V
Circuit Aspects of the NRL/Industrial 94 GHz Gyroklystron Amplifier (p. 3144)
by Pershing, D
Electron Beam Propagation with Premodulated Energy and Current (p. 3147)
by Uhm, Han S
Experimental Investigation of a W-Band Gyroklystron Amplifier (p. 3150)
by Blank, M
X-Band Magnicon Amplifier for the Next Linear Collider (p. 3153)
by Gold, Steven H
34-GHz Pulsed Magnicon for Linear Collider Application (p. 3156)
by Nezhevenko, O A
High Power 35 GHz Gyroklystron Amplifiers (p. 3159)
by Choi, J J
Feasibility Study of a HOM IOT for TESLA (p. 3162)
by Schýtt, P
Operating Experience and Reliability Improvements on the 5 kW CW Klystron at Jefferson Lab (p. 3165)
by Nelson, R
Initial Operation of the Maryland Coaxial Gyroklystron Experiment (p. 3168)
by Lawson, W
High Power 20 GHz RF Source Based on Seventh Harmonic Co-Generation (p. 3171)
by Wang, C
High Peak Power Test of S-Band Waveguide Switches (p. 3174)
by Nassiri, A
Design of a High Average Power Waveguide Window (p. 3177)
by Chojnacki, E
Electron Gun and Collector Design for 94-GHz Gyro-Amplifiers (p. 3180)
by Nguyen, K
Experimental Evaluation of 350 MHz RF Accelerator Windows for the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator (p. 3183)
by Cummings, K
Electron Gun for a High-Power X-Band Magnicon Amplifier (p. 3186)
by Yakovlev, V P
An All-Metal High Power Circularly Polarized X-Band RF Load (p. 3189)
by Fowkes, W R
The Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator's RF Pulse Compression and Transmission Systems (p. 3192)
by Fant, K
Upgrade of the SLAC SLED-II Pulse Compression System Based on Recent High Power Tests (p. 3195)
by Vlieks, A E
Multipactor Discharge on a Dielectric (p. 3198)
by Kishek, R A
Overview of Hot Topics in Insertion Device Design (p. 3201)
by Robinson, K E
Experiments and Cycling at the LHC Prototype Half-Cell (p. 3206)
by Saban, R
Experiments and cycling at the LHC prototype helf-cell (p. 3206)
by Casas-Cubillos, J
Quench Performance and Field Quality Measurements of the First LHC Low-beta Quadrupole Model (p. 3209)
by Ostojic, R
Quench Performance and Field Quality Measurements of the First LHC low-$\beta$ Quadrupole Model (p. 3209)
by Ostojic, R
Test Results for a High Field (13 T) Nb3Sn Dipole (p. 3212)
by McInturff, A D
Low Field Magnets with High Temperature Superconductors for an Upgrade of CESR (p. 3215)
by Dugan, G
Vibrating Wire Field-Measuring Technique (p. 3218)
by Temnykh, A
The Advanced Light Source elliptically polarizing undulator (p. 3221)
by Marks, S
Magnetic Performance of Insertion Devices at the Advanced Photon Source (p. 3224)
by Moog, E R
Temperature Compensation of NdFeB Permanent Magnets (p. 3227)
by Kim, S H
The STAR Detector Magnet Subsystem (p. 3230)
by Brown, R L
Magnets for the National Spallation Neutron Source Accumulator Ring (p. 3233)
by Tuozzolo, J
Permanent Magnet Quadrupoles for CESR Phase-III Upgrade (p. 3236)
by Lou, W
The Use of Correcting Coils in End Magnets of Accelerators (p. 3239)
by Kassab, L R P
Magnetic field measurements of the main injector sextupole magnets (p. 3242)
by Bhat, C M
Design for Fermilab Main Injector Magnet Ramps which Account for Hysteresis (p. 3245)
by Brown, B C
Magnet development for the BRF positron emission tomography accelerator (p. 3248)
by Chester, N S
Analysis and measurements of eddy current effects of a beam tube in a pulsed magnet (p. 3251)
by Fang, S
Experience with the procurement of ferrite and temperature compensator for permanent magnets for accelerators (p. 3254)
by Fowler, W B
Permanent dipole magnets for the 8-GeV transfer line at FNAL (p. 3257)
by Glass, H D
Stability tests of permanent magnets built with strontium ferrite (p. 3260)
by Glass, H D
Permanent gradient magnets for the 8-GeV transfer line at FNAL (p. 3263)
by Glass, H D
Automated Permanent Magnet Magnetization System for 8 GeV Transfer Line and Recycler Ring Production at Fermilab (p. 3266)
by Haggard, E
Magnetic Field Strength and Shape Measurements of the Fermilab Main Injector Quadrupoles (p. 3269)
by Harding, D J
Design and Magnetic Measurements of the Fermilab Main Injector Lambertson (p. 3272)
by Johnson, D E
Variations in the Steel Properties and the Excitation Characteristics of Fermilab Main Injector Dipoles (p. 3275)
by Martin, P S
Modifications to the Excitation Characteristics of Fermilab Main Injector Dipoles by Machining (p. 3278)
by Martin, P S
The Design and Construction of Permanent Magnet Lambertson for the Recycler Ring at Fermilab (p. 3280)
by May, M P
Design and Fabrication of Achromatic Bend for Medium Energy Electron Cooling at Fermilab (p. 3283)
by McGee, M W
Hybrid permanent quadrupoles for the 8 GeV transfer line at Fermilab (p. 3286)
by Pruss, S M
Selecting magnet laminations recipes using the method of simulated annealing (p. 3288)
by Russel, A D
Air cooled trim dipoles for the Fermilab main injector (p. 3291)
by Harding, D J
A combined function magnet for a compact synchrotron (p. 3294)
by Tadokoro, M
Field Measurements of PEP-II LER Dipoles and Quadrupoles at IHEP (p. 3297)
by Hou, R
The Fabrication of Quadrupole Magnets for PEP-II LER (p. 3300)
by Huang, F
3D Design, Contruction, and Field Analysis of CIS Main Dipole Magnets (p. 3303)
by Berg, G P A
Magnets and their Power Supplies of JHP 50-GeV Synchrotron (p. 3306)
by Muto, M
Magnets and their power supplies of JHF 50-GeV synchrotron (p. 3306)
by Muto, M
Magnetic Design and Measurement of Nonlinear Multipole Magnets for the APT Beam Expander System (p. 3309)
by Barlow, D
Optimization of the PEP-II Low Energy Ring Dipoles (p. 3312)
by Barale, P
Harmonic Correction Rings for the PEP-II I.R. Quadrupole Magnets (p. 3315)
by Humphries, D
Performance of the PEP-II Low-Energy Ring Quadrupoles (p. 3318)
by Li, N
Design of the PEP-II Interaction Region Septum Quadrupole (p. 3321)
by Osborn, J
Pulsed Septa for the LNLS Injector (p. 3324)
by Rodrigues, A R D
Eddy Current Effect of Very Long Time Constant of Block Magnets (p. 3327)
by Kumada, M
Magnetic Measurements of the Prototype Dipole for the IR-FEL at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (p. 3333)
by Karn, J
Magnets for the CERN PS booster transfer line (p. 3336)
by Clark, G S
Removal of Axial Twist in RHIC Insertion Quadrupole Magnets (p. 3338)
by Cozzolino, J P
Parameterization and Measurements of Helical Magnetic Fields (p. 3341)
by Fischer, W
A Common Coil Design for High Field 2-in-1 Accelerator Magnets (p. 3344)
by Gupta, R
Change in Field Harmonics after Quench and Thermal Cycles in Superconducting Magnets (p. 3347)
by Gupta, R
Magnetic Design of Superconducting Quadrupoles for a SC LINAC for APT (p. 3350)
by Kahn, S
Test Results from the Completed Production Run of Superconducting Corrector Magnets for RHIC (p. 3353)
by Muratore, J
RHIC D0 Insertion Dipole Design Iterations During Production (p. 3356)
by Schmalzle, J D
Helical Dipole Magnets for Polarized Protons in RHIC (p. 3359)
by Syphers, M J
A Helical Magnet Design for RHIC (p. 3362)
by Willen, E
Dynamic field quality of LHC/Saclay arc quadrupole magnet prototype (p. 3365)
by Devred, Arnaud
Mechanical design and layout of the LHC standard half-cell (p. 3368)
by Brunet, J C
State of the LHC Main Magnets (p. 3371)
by Perin, R
The short straight sections for the LHC (p. 3374)
by Tortschanoff, Theodor
Towards series measurements of the LHC superconducting dipole magnets (p. 3377)
by Walckiers, L
Forces on Interaction Region Quadrupoles and Dipoles Due to a Detector Solenoid Magnet (p. 3380)
by Welch, James J
The Superconducting Interaction Region Magnet System for the CESR Phase III Upgrade (p. 3383)
by Welch, James J
Configuration of the Proposed Diamond Superconducting Dipole Magnet (p. 3386)
by Marks, N
Quench protection of SC quadrupole magnets (p. 3389)
by Fehér, S
Design and Operation of an Experimental ``Double-C'' Transmission Line Magnet (p. 3392)
by Foster, G W
A new facility to test superconducting accelerator magnets (p. 3395)
by Lamm, M J
Magnetic Design of a High Gradient Quadrupole for the LHC Low-beta Insertions (p. 3398)
by Sabbi, G
Magnetic design of a high gradient quadrupole for the LHC low- beta insertions (p. 3398)
by Sabbi, G L
A Mu Mu Collider Capture Solenoid System for Pions from a Tilted Target (p. 3401)
by Green, M A
Tutorial on Superconducting Accelerator Magnets (p. 3404)
by Penny Ball, M J
Superconducting Solenoids for the Polarized Electron Spin Control System of the MIT-Bates South Hall Ring (SHR) (p. 3407)
by Averill, R
Measurement of Young's modulus and shim calculation for LHC prototype dipole magnets (p. 3410)
by Eysselein, F G
Progress in the Design, Manufacture and Testing of the KLOE Solenoid for the DANE Ring at Frascati (p. 3413)
by Andrews, D E
Maxwellian field expansion of helical magnet (p. 3416)
by Hatanaka, K
Design of the Sector Magnets for the Riken Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 3419)
by Kawaguchi, T
Trim Coil System for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 3422)
by Kim, J W
A Superconducting Solenoid for Heavy Ion Beam Focusing (p. 3425)
by Kim, J W
Design of a Model Sector Magnet for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 3428)
by Kubo, T
Three dimensional field analysis of helical magnet for RHIC Siberian snake (p. 3431)
by Okamura, M
Multipole Expansion for a Single Helical Current Conductor (p. 3434)
by Tominaka, T
Analytical Field Calculation of Helical Dipole Magnets for RHIC Snake (p. 3437)
by Tominaka, T
Design Study of the Injection and Extraction Elements for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 3440)
by Tominaka, T
Stress Management in High-Field Dipoles (p. 3443)
by Diaczenko, N
Quench Simulation for 16 T Dipole Built at Texas A&M University (p. 3446)
by Latypov, D
Quench simulation for 16T dipole built at Texas A&M University (p. 3446)
by Latypov, D
Overview of the ATR Power Supplies (p. 3449)
by Bruno, D
Power Systems for the RHIC First Sextant Test (p. 3452)
by Schultheiss, C
The Power Supply Systems for Elliptical Multipole Wigglers (p. 3455)
by Medvedko, A S
Failure Statistics of DESY Power Supplies in 1996 (p. 3458)
by Eckoldt, H J
Four Quadrant DC to DC Switching Supply for the Fermilab Main Injector (p. 3461)
by Bartelson, L
An Embedded Power Supply Controller (p. 3464)
by Sharonov, S
Magnet Power Supply System for KEK B-Factory (p. 3467)
by Kubo, T
Effect of source voltage subharmonics on a rapid cycling synchrotron power supply (p. 3470)
by Zhang, F Q
Development of a High Speed Crowbar for LANSCE (p. 3473)
by Friedrichs, C C
Commissioning and First Year Operation of the LNLS Magnet Power Supplies (p. 3476)
by Wisnivesky, D
High Current Shunt Regulator for Quadrupole Magnets in PLS 2-GeV Storage Ring (p. 3479)
by Nam, S H
A Unique Power Supply for the PEP-II Klystron at SLAC (p. 3482)
by Cassel, R L
PEP-II 16-Channel Corrector Controller Using BITBUS (p. 3485)
by Olsen, R
New Power Supply Control Interface and Energy Ramping in SRRC (p. 3488)
by Chen, C S
An Electromagnetic Micro-Undulator (p. 3491)
by Nassiri, A
A Superconducting Wiggler Magnet for the NSLS X-Ray Ring (p. 3494)
by Blum, E B
Magnetic Measurements on an In-Vacuum Undulator for the NSLS X-Ray Ring (p. 3497)
by Rakowsky, G
Siberian Snakes for Electron Storage Rings (p. 3500)
by Ptitsin, V
The magnetic design of a high field permanent magnet multipole wiggler for the SRS (p. 3503)
by Clarke, J A
Recent Developments of Insertion Devices at the ESRF (p. 3506)
by Chavanne, J
Computing 3D Magnetic Fields from Insertion Devices (p. 3509)
by Elleaume, P
Development of an In-Vacuum Minipole Undulator (p. 3515)
by Tanabé, T
Novel Structure of Short-Period Twisted Undulator Spontaneous Emission Properties (p. 3518)
by Smirnov, A V
Design of an Elliptical Undulator and X-Ray Beam Line at DSR of RIKEN RI Beam Factory Project (p. 3521)
by Wakasugi, M
Operation of Insertion Devices in ELETTRA and Plans for Future Devices (p. 3524)
by Walker, R P
Design of an Electromagnetic Elliptical Wiggler for ELETTRA (p. 3527)
by Walker, R P
Design Features of a Planar Hybrid/Permanent Magnet Strong-Focusing Undulator for Free Electron Laser (FEL) and Synchrotron Radiation (SR) Applications (p. 3530)
by Tatchyn, R
Linear Beam Dynamics Effects of Three Dimensional Static Magnetic Fields of Insertion Devices at SRRC (p. 3533)
by Chang, P
Magnet Sorting Algorithms for a Prototype of the SRRC EPU (p. 3536)
by Fan, T C
Insertion Devices Control Development at SRRC (p. 3539)
by Pan, K T
The LHC Vacuum System (p. 3542)
by Gröbner, Oswald
Dust in Accelerator Vacuum Systems (p. 3547)
by Kelly, Darren R C
APS Storage Ring Vacuum System Performance (p. 3552)
by Noonan, J R
Advanced Photon Source Experience with Vacuum Chambers for Insertion Devices (p. 3556)
by Den Hartog, P K
Massive Titanium Sublimation Pumping in the CESR Interaction Region (p. 3559)
by Mistry, N B
Interaction Region Vacuum System Design at the PEP-II B-Factory (p. 3562)
by Bertolini, L
Survey of Electronic Safety Systems in Accelerator Applications (p. 3565)
by Mahoney, K
TiN coating of the PEP-II low-energy ring aluminum arc vacuum chambers (p. 3568)
by Kennedy, K
Bremsstrahlung Measurements at the ESRF (p. 3571)
by Berkvens, P
Design and Analysis of a Be Window for the APS Diagnostics Undulator Beam Line (p. 3574)
by Ching Sheng, I
In Situ Measurement of Ceramic Vacuum Chamber Conductive Coating Quality (p. 3577)
by Doose, C
An Ancillary Pumping System for the APS Vacuum System (p. 3580)
by Walters, D
Stress Rupture Considerations in the Design of Large Aperture, Low Mass Composite Vacuum Windows (p. 3583)
by Leonhardt, W J
Mechanical Design Aspects of The LHC Beam screen (p. 3586)
by Cruikshank, P
Beam Induced Multipacting (p. 3589)
by Gröbner, Oswald
Operation of CESR Distributed Ion Pumps at Reduced Voltage (p. 3592)
by Li, Y
A Titanium Sublimation Control System for the CESR Interaction Region (p. 3595)
by Li, Y
The design, construction and testing of a multipole wiggler magnet titanium vacuum chamber for the SRS (p. 3598)
by Bliss, N
FNAL Main Injector t-Jump System Beamtube Design (p. 3601)
by Leibfritz, J R
Comparison of the Quality of Two ECRIS Vacuum Stands (p. 3604)
by Pivarc, J
Vacuum Beam Losses in the Axial Injection Systems of the FLNR Heavy Ion Cyclotrons (p. 3607)
by El-Shazly, M N
Beam Loss Due to the Charge Exchange in the Residual Gas of the FLNR Heavy Ion Cyclotrons (p. 3610)
by Gulbekyan, G G
The Vacuum System of the Synchrotron Radiation Source ANKA (p. 3613)
by Huttel, E
Experience with the Ultra-High-Vacuum Protection System for the Synchrotron Radiation Beam Lines with High-Power Wigglers/Undulators at the Photon Factory (p. 3616)
by Kanaya, N
Status of the PEP-II Low-Energy Ring Vacuum System (p. 3619)
by Cheng, D
Design of the Linear Non-Evaporable Getter Pump for the PEP-II B-Factory (p. 3622)
by Bertolini, L
APT/LEDA RFQ Vacuum Pumping System (p. 3625)
by Shen, S
LNLS Vacuum System Commissioning (p. 3628)
by Ferreira, M J
Internal Gas Targets in AmPS (p. 3630)
by Kaan, A P
Operation Experiences for PLS Vacuum System (p. 3633)
by Park, D
Vacuum System Design Using Symbolic Numeric Processors (p. 3636)
by Cornelius, Wayne D
Final Design and Manufacturing of the PEP-II High Energy Ring Arc Bellows Module (p. 3639)
by Kurita, Nadine R
Photon Stimulated Desorption Phenomena at the Taiwan Light Source Vacuum System (p. 3642)
by Hsiung, G Y
Closed orbit feed-back from low-$\beta$ quadrupole movements at LEP (p. 3645)
by Tecker, F A
Beam position monitor offset determination at LEP (p. 3648)
by Tecker, F A
Alignment of the High Beta Magnets in the RHIC Interaction Regions (p. 3651)
by Trbojevic, D
The Superconducting Interaction Region Magnet Positioning System for the CESR Phase III Upgrade (p. 3654)
by Welch, James J
A Wire Position Monitor (WPM) System to Control the Cold Mass Movements Inside the TTF Cryomodule (p. 3657)
by Giove, D
Ground Motion Studies For Large Future Linear Colliders (p. 3660)
by Takeda, S
Precision Surveying and Smoothing Analysis for Pohang Light Source (p. 3663)
by Seo, K W
Survey and Alignment of SLAC's B-Factory (p. 3666)
by Pietryka, M
Access Control and Interlock System at the Advanced Photon Source (p. 3669)
by Forrestal, J
Radiation levels around the Fermilab main injector extraction Septa (p. 3672)
by Bhat, C M
Radiation protection in the NLC test accelerator at SLAC (p. 3675)
by Lavine, T L
Modular Reliability Modeling of the TJNAF Personnel Safety System (p. 3678)
by Cinnamon, J
Jefferson Lab Personnel Safety Fast Beam Kicker System (p. 3681)
by Mahoney, K
Emerging Standards with Application to Accelerator Safety Systems (p. 3684)
by Mahoney, K L
Design and construction of a 1-MW, 352-MHz RF test load (p. 3687)
by Horan, D
Design and Construction of the Advanced Photon Source 352-MHz RF System Switching Control (p. 3690)
by Horan, D
Supports and Installation System of the RHIC Superconducting Magnets (p. 3693)
by Alforque, R
Systems Layout of the Low-beta Insertions for the LHC Experiments (p. 3696)
by Ostojic, R
Systems Layout of the Low-$\beta$ Insertions for the LHC Experiments (p. 3696)
by Ostojic, R
Higher Order Modes Power Loss in the Vertical Separators at CESR (p. 3699)
by Greenwald, S
Photocurrents in Electrostatic Separators at CESR (p. 3702)
by Greenwald, S
REC Quadrupole's Beam Pipe Temperature Control (p. 3705)
by Greenwald, Z
Improved Measurement of Electric Field Uniformity in Horizontal Electrostatic Separators (p. 3708)
by Temnykh, Alexander B
Permanent Magnet Assembly Tooling for the 8 GeV Transfer Line and Recycler Ring at Fermilab (p. 3710)
by Nicol, T H
A Distributed Monitoring and Control System (p. 3713)
by Nogiec, J M
Pulsed Magnetic Field Measurement Using a Ferrite Waveguide in a Phase Bridge Circuit (p. 3716)
by Pellico, W
Longitudinal Impedance Measurements of an RK-TBA Induction Accelerating Gap (p. 3719)
by Eylon, S
Stack Insulator Induction Accelerator Gaps (p. 3722)
by Houck, T L
Resonant Ring For Testing of Accelerator RF Windows (p. 3725)
by Gerken, E
Beam Expansion with Specified Final Distributions (p. 3728)
by Jason, Andrew J
Development of a Fast Traveling-Wave Beam Chopper for National Spallation Neutron Source (p. 3731)
by Kurennoy, Sergey S
Design of quasi-traveling wave pinger magnet for beam diagnostics on the Advanced Light Source (p. 3734)
by Anderson, D E
TiN Coating of Accelerator Beamline Chambers (p. 3737)
by Leung, K N
Ramping Efficiency Studies in the LNLS Synchrotron Light Source (p. 3740)
by Farias, R H A
Power Factor Correction at MIT-Bates Linear Accelerator Center with Pulsed Loads of up to 180 MW Peak (2.7 MW Average) (p. 3743)
by Averill, R
Harmonic resonance analysis for PEP-II power factor correction upgrades (p. 3746)
by Corvin, C
A Dynamic Local Bump System for Producing Synchrotron Radiation with an Alternate Elliptical Polarization (p. 3749)
by Hsu, K T
A Method of Producing Surface Conduction on Ceramic Accelerator Components Using Metal Ion Implantation (p. 3752)
by Liu, F
Interactive Troubleshooting Guide for Accelerators (p. 3755)
by Legg, R
Runtime Accelerator Configuration Tools at Jefferson Laboratory (p. 3758)
by Tiefenback, M G
High Power Electron Beam Dumps at CEBAF (p. 3761)
by Wiseman, M
Diagnosis of Individual Cell Frequencies in a Coupled Cavity Chain Without Introducing Objects into the Cavity (p. 3764)
by Ni, Y
A new measurement method of the delay line length in the X-band Delay Line Distribution System (DLDS) (p. 3767)
by Tamura, F
Review of Compact Commercial Accelerator Products and Applications (p. 3770)
by Jongen, Y
A High Current Tandem Accelerator for Gamma-Resonance Contraband Detection (p. 3775)
by Milton, B F
The Accelerator Production of Tritium Project (p. 3780)
by Lisowski, P W
Commissioning of the 1 MW Spallation Neutron Source SINQ (p. 3785)
by Bauer, G S
Synchrotrons and Beamlines for Proton Radiography (p. 3788)
by Neri, F
Clinical Requirements and Accelerator Concepts for BNCT (p. 3791)
by Ludewigt, B A
Market Driven Design of Accelerator Systems for Sterilization of Medical Products (p. 3796)
by Whitham, K
The GSI Cancer Therapy Project (p. 3801)
by Eickhoff, H
A 3He++ RFQ accelerator for the production of PET isotopes (p. 3804)
by Pasquinelli, R J
A New Intense Neutron Tool for Radiography and Detection of Water and Ground Contaminants (p. 3807)
by Celata, C M
Electron-Linac-Based Radiation Facilities of the Ukrainian National Science Center ``KIPT'' (p. 3810)
by Dovbnya, A N
A compact proton synchrotron for cancer treatments (p. 3813)
by Hiramoto, K
Progress Report on the Construction of the Northeast Proton Therapy Center (NPTC) Equipment (p. 3816)
by Jongen, Y
Performance of Parallel Plate Ionization Chamber for Medical Irradiation (p. 3819)
by Urakabe, E
New Secondary Beam Course for Medical Use in HIMAC (p. 3822)
by Kouda, S
Design Study of a Linear Accelerator System for Neutron Capture Therapy (p. 3825)
by Kim, J W
A Compact Proton Accelerator System for Cancer Therapy (p. 3828)
by Yamaguchi, A
Operation of the TRIUMF Proton Therapy Facility (p. 3831)
by Blackmore, E W
Initial Operation of CIAE Medically Used Cyclotron (p. 3834)
by Fan, M
Charge Stripper and MEBT for the 3He RFQ Accelerator (p. 3837)
by Bieniosek, F M
Electron Accelerator's Production of Technetium-99m for Nuclear Medicine (p. 3840)
by Uvarov, V L
Encapsulated Target for Isotope Production Cyclotrons (p. 3842)
by Bakhtiari, S
High Current Encapsulated Target System for Radioisotopes Production (p. 3845)
by Ho, W
Program of Activities for the Linac-Driver of ITEP Subcritical Facility (p. 3848)
by Kozodaev, A M
Parameter and Cost Model for Spallation Neutron Source Studies (p. 3851)
by Galambos, J D
Electron Beam Applications in Chemical Processing (p. 3854)
by Cojocaru, G
Realignment of a Diverging Electron Beam : A New Beam Delivery System for Rhodotrons(p. 3857)
by Jongen, Y
Electron Beam Scanning Systems (p. 3860)
by Zavadtsev, A A
Cyclotron Autoresonance Accelerator for Electron Beam Dry Scrubbing of Flue Gases (p. 3863)
by Hirshfield, J L
Effective X-ray Bremsstrahlung Source (Is it Possible to Handle Quality of X-ray Bremsstrahlung?) (p. 3866)
by Grishin, V K
Small-Sized Electron Linear RF Accelerator with Beam Autoacceleration for Geology and Industry (p. 3869)
by Bogdanovich, B
A Small 1 MeV Electron Accelerator for Measuring Heavy Metal Concentrations in Smokestack Gases (p. 3872)
by Reppond, A
Beam test of a superconducting damped cavity for KEKB (3087 3090)
by Furuya, T
LHC Status and Plans (61-65 (vol.1))
by Evans, Lyndon R
A study on beam-beam interactions for BTcF
by Zhang, C
Capture from pair production as a beam loss mechanism for heavy ions at RHIC
by Feinberg, B

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