LEP2 : Present and Future Performance and Limitations(p. 1) |
by Myers, S |
First Commissioning of SPring-8 (p. 6) |
by Kamitsubo, H |
Laser Accelerators : Experiments, Computations and Prospects(p. 11) |
by Joshi, C |
Coherent nonlinear longitudinal phenomena in unbunched synchrotron beams : extract of the thesis(p. 16) |
by Spentzouris, L K |
The National Spallation Neutron Source (NSNS) Project (p. 20) |
by Appleton, Bill R |
The Duke Free Electron Laser Light Source Facility (p. 24) |
by Madey, J M J |
Future Directions of High Energy Physics (p. 29) |
by Peoples, John |
Future Directions for Nuclear Physics (p. 34) |
by Gelbke, C K |
Fourth generation light sources (p. 37) |
by Winick, Herman |
Ultra-High Intensity Proton Accelerators and Their Applications (p. 42) |
by Weng, W T |
Status of the Fermilab main injector and recycler (p. 47) |
by Holmes, S D |
HERA Status and Upgrade Plans (p. 51) |
by Willeke, F |
RHIC Status (p. 56) |
by Peggs, S |
Dynamic Effects and their Control at the LHC (p. 66) |
by Bailey, R |
RHIC Sextant Test - Physics and Performance (p. 69) |
by Wei, J |
Measurement of Tevatron Extraction Parameters and Comparison of Model to Measurements (p. 72) |
by Martens, M A |
Surface Resistance Measurements for the LHC Beam Screen (p. 75) |
by Caspers, Friedhelm |
820 GeV/c Polarized Protons in HERA (p. 78) |
by Anferov, V A |
Record deflection efficiencies measured for high energy protons in a bent germanium crystal (p. 80) |
by Biino, C |
Overview of the APT High-Energy Beam Transport and Beam Expanders (p. 83) |
by Shafer, R E |
The National Spallation Neutron Source Target Station : A General Overview(p. 86) |
by Gabriel, Tony A |
High Intensity Proton Acceleration at the Brookhaven AGS - An Update (p. 89) |
by Ahrens, L |
Spin Tracking in RHIC (p. 92) |
by Luccio, A U |
Flat Beams in a 50 TeV Hadron Collider (p. 95) |
by Peggs, S |
RHIC Sextant Test : Accelerator Systems and Performance(p. 98) |
by Pilat, F |
Preparing Accelerator Systems for the RHIC Sextant Commissioning (p. 101) |
by Trbojevic, D |
Synchrotron radiation dominated hadron colliders (p. 104) |
by Keil, Eberhard |
Summary of the single-beam collective effects in the LHC (p. 107) |
by Berg, J S |
Proposal for an aluminum beam screen in the LHC (p. 110) |
by Chou, W |
Dynamic aperture studies during collisions in the LHC (p. 113) |
by Chou, W |
Optimization of the LHC Beam Cleaning System with Respect to Beam Loss in the High Luminosity Insertions (p. 116) |
by Drozhdin, A I |
Optimization of the LHC Beam Cleaning System With Respect to Beam Losses in the High Luminosity Insertions (p. 116) |
by Drozhdin, A I |
Local chromaticity correction of the LHC (p. 119) |
by Johnstone, C |
Perturbation of the periodic dispersion under beam crossing optics in LHC (p. 121) |
by Méot, F |
Towards the optimal LHC interaction region : beam-induced energy deposition(p. 124) |
by Mokhov, N V |
Measurement and Analysis of Longitudinal Bunched Beam Echoes in the Fermilab Tevatron (p. 127) |
by Assadi, S |
Accelerator physics issues of a Very Large Hadron Collider, pt.1 (p. 130) |
by Chou, W |
Accelerator physics issues of a Very Large Hadron Collider, pt.2 (p. 132) |
by Chou, W |
Beam Loss Handling at Tevatron : Simulations and Implementations(p. 133) |
by Drozhdin, A I |
Using Luminosity Distributions to Determine Luminosity in a Collider with a Coupled Lattice (p. 136) |
by Martens, M A |
Excitation Characteristics of Fermilab Main Injector Dipoles and Magnetic Assignment to Reduce Closed Orbit Errors (p. 139) |
by Martin, P S |
Status of the Fermilab Fixed Target Program (p. 141) |
by Moore, C D |
Slip Stacking for the Fermilab Luminosity Upgrade (p. 144) |
by Shukla, S |
Numerical Optimization of Collimator Jaw Orientations and Locations in the LHC (p. 153) |
by Kaltchev, D I |
The IPNS Accelerator 50 MeV and 500 MeV Transport Lines (p. 156) |
by Dooling, J C |
H- Charge Exchange Injection for the NSNS Accumulator (p. 159) |
by Blumberg, L N |
First observation of the deflection of a 33 TeV Pb ion beam in a bent silicon crystal (p. 165) |
by Biino, C |
Energy Dependence of Crystal Assisted Extraction at the CERN SPS (p. 168) |
by Arduini, Gianluigi |
Extraction of 22 TeV/c lead ions from the CERN SPS using a bent silicon crystal (p. 171) |
by Arduini, Gianluigi |
Gabor-Plasma Lens Focusing for LEBT Systems (p. 174) |
by Pozimski, J |
An Idea for Selection of Short-Lived Particles by a Focusing Crystal (p. 177) |
by Biryukov, V |
An Idea for Studying a Multipass Crystal Extraction by the Energy Loss Detector (p. 179) |
by Biryukov, V |
Expected Characteristics of the Nuclotron Beams for Experimental Setups (p. 181) |
by Issinsky, I |
Beam Injection into the Nuclotron (p. 184) |
by Buldakovskii, V N |
Carbon Stripper Foils Used in the Los Alamos PSR (p. 187) |
by Borden, M J |
LANSCE Short-Pulse Spallation Source Target Upgrade (p. 190) |
by Donahue, J B |
Overview of the Bump-Magnet System at the LANSCE Proton Storage Ring (p. 193) |
by Rose, C R |
Design and Simulation Studies of a One-Tenth Scale Final Focus System for Heavy Ion Fusion (p. 195) |
by Wu, X |
Tracking Studies and Performance Simulations of the NSCL A1900 Fragment Separator (p. 198) |
by Wu, X |
Measurements on Injection Property in HIMAC Synchrotron (p. 201) |
by Noda, K |
Predicted foil temperatures in the Brookhaven Accumulator Ring for the NSNS (p. 204) |
by Duke, J |
Transfer of a polarized proton beam from AGS to RHIC (p. 207) |
by Tsoupas, N |
Beam Injection into RHIC (p. 210) |
by Fischer, W |
The RHIC Injection Kicker (p. 213) |
by Hahn, H |
Equivalent Circuit Analysis of the RHIC Injection Kicker (p. 216) |
by Hahn, H |
A Study of Betatron and Momentum Collimators in RHIC (p. 219) |
by Trbojevic, D |
Focusing and Matching Properties of the ATR Transfer Line (p. 222) |
by Tsoupas, N |
Design aspects related to the reliability of the LHC beam dump kicker systems (p. 225) |
by Dieperink, J H |
The CERN PS East Area in the LHC Era (p. 228) |
by Durieu, L |
PETRA Bunch Rotation (p. 231) |
by Kriens, W |
Development of a Beam Sweeping System for the Fermilab Antiproton Source Target (p. 234) |
by Bieniosek, F M |
Test of very fast kicker for TESLA damping ring (p. 237) |
by Grishanov, B I |
Optics and Field Error Compensation in the FNAL Permanent Magnet 8.9 GeV/c Proton Transfer Line (p. 240) |
by Johnstone, John A |
A High Intensity Beam Absorber Corebox for the Fermilab Main Injector Abort System (p. 243) |
by Reichanadter, M |
Diagnostic of the Compensation Process of Ion Beams with a Time-Resolving Ion Energy Spectrometer (p. 246) |
by Jakob, A |
Efficiency of the UNK Scraper System (p. 252) |
by Degtyarev, I I |
Substance Choice of the Scraper System Elements (p. 255) |
by Degtyarev, I I |
RTS&T Monte-Carlo Code (Facilities and Computation Methods) (p. 258) |
by Blokhin, A I |
Perturbation of Relevant Resonance for Slow Extraction Efficiency Increase (p. 261) |
by Alexeev, N N |
Beam Extraction System for the Cooler Injector Synchrotron at IUCF (p. 264) |
by Kang, X |
Intensity asymmetric multiple slow extraction at the KEK-PS (p. 267) |
by Shirakata, M |
PSR Injection-Line Upgrade (p. 270) |
by Blind, B |
Multi-Pulse Extraction from Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring for Radiographic Applications (p. 273) |
by Thiessen, H A |
Bremsstrahlung from a New Type of Target : Increased Intensity and Average Energy, and Reduced Divergence(p. 276) |
by Bogdanovich, B Yu |
Thermo Mechanical Calculations of a Cyclotron Deflector (p. 278) |
by De Kamp, J |
Operation of CEBAF with Heavy Beamloading (p. 281) |
by Hutton, A |
Progress on µ+µ- Colliders (p. 286) |
by Palmer, Robert B |
Beam backgrounds at CLEO : design and performance of the CESR high luminosity interaction region(p. 291) |
by Henderson, S |
B-factory interaction region design (p. 296) |
by Sullivan, M |
High Beam Current Experiments For The Kekb Conducted At The Tristan Accumulation Ring (p. 301) |
by Funakoshi, Y |
Experimental study of the ion trapping phenomenon in TRISTAN-AR (p. 306) |
by Matsumoto, S |
Experience with Bunch Train in LEP (p. 309) |
by Herr, Werner |
Low emittance lattice for LEP (p. 312) |
by Alexahin, Yu I |
Status and Early Commissioning Results for the PEP-II High Energy Ring (p. 315) |
by Wienands, U |
Dual Aperture High Luminosity Collider at Cornell (p. 318) |
by Rubin, D |
Beijing Tau-Charm Factory Design Study (p. 321) |
by Wu, Y Z |
Automated Tuning of the Advanced Photon Source Booster Synchrotron (p. 324) |
by Biedron, S G |
Concepts for a Slow-Positron Target at the Advanced Photon Source (p. 327) |
by Lessner, E |
ELFE@DESY : Slow Extraction from HERA(p. 330) |
by Gentner, M |
Beam lifetime at the SRS (p. 333) |
by Owen, H L |
Design of a Damping Ring for the SB-Linear-Collider Project at DESY (p. 336) |
by Brinkmann, R |
KSR as a Pulse Stretcher (p. 339) |
by Noda, A |
Accelerator modeling at SPEAR (p. 342) |
by LeBlanc, G |
Status of the MAX-II Storage Ring (p. 345) |
by LeBlanc, G |
High Duty Factor Beams Extracted from the MIT-Bates South Hall Ring (p. 348) |
by Jacobs, K |
Transverse Kick in Misaligned Traveling Wave Structures Driven at the Fundamental Mode (p. 351) |
by Whittum, D H |
Low-Level RF System Design for the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) Damping Ring (p. 354) |
by Minty, Michiko G |
Low-Level RF System Design for the Next Linear Collider Damping Ring (p. 357) |
by Minty, Michiko G |
Centroid and Emittance of a Kicked Beam in Rings (p. 360) |
by Wang, C X |
An $e^+ e^-$ top factory in a 50 + 50 TeV hadron collider tunnel (p. 363) |
by Norem, J |
Transverse Polarization beyond the Z Energy at LEP (p. 366) |
by Blondel, A |
Trapped Modes in CESR Sliding Joints (p. 369) |
by Anderson, E B |
CESR Status (p. 372) |
by Rubin, D L |
Beam-Beam Simulation Using the Unified Accelerator Libraries (p. 375) |
by Koyama, T |
Interaction Region Design for Beijing -Charm Factory (p. 378) |
by Wu, Y Z |
The Present Status of the KEKB Project (p. 381) |
by Kurokawa, S |
Simulation of Tail Distributions due to Random Processes and Beam-Beam Interaction in KEKB (p. 384) |
by Kim, E S |
HOM Heating at the PEP-II IR Beryllium Vacuum Pipe (p. 387) |
by Lin, X |
The PEP-II Injection Kicker System (p. 390) |
by Pappas, G C |
Target Options and Yields for a Muon Collider Source (p. 393) |
by Ehst, D |
Bunch shortening experiments in the Fermilab Booster and the AGS (p. 396) |
by Norem, J |
The Proton Driver for the µµ Collider (p. 399) |
by Norem, J |
Optimization of the Target for Muon Colliders (p. 402) |
by Takahashi, H |
A Lattice for the Muon Collider Demonstration Ring in the RHIC Tunnel (p. 405) |
by Trbojevic, D |
A Normal Conducting Accelerator for a Muon Collider Demonstration Machine (p. 408) |
by Zhao, Y |
A Ring Lattice for a 2-TeV Muon Collider (p. 411) |
by Johnstone, C J |
Shielding the Muon Collider Interaction Region (p. 414) |
by Johnstone, C |
Simulation studies of ionization cooling (p. 417) |
by Neuffer, David V |
An asymmetric muon proton collider : Luminosity consideration(p. 420) |
by Shiltsev, V D |
Control of longitudinal collective behavior in the muon collider rings (p. 422) |
by Cheng Wen Hao |
Results from the DESY TESLA Test Facility (p. 425) |
by Aune, B |
The SLAC damped detuned structure : concept and design(p. 429) |
by Kroll, N M |
Studies of beam induced dipole-mode signals in accelerating structures at the SLC (p. 434) |
by Seidel, M |
Results from the SLAC NLC Test Accelerator (p. 439) |
by Ruth, Ronald D |
Kek/atf Damping Ring (p. 444) |
by Urakawa, J |
Super-ASSET : A Technique for Measuring and Correcting Accelerator Structure Misalignments at the SLC(p. 449) |
by Decker, Franz Josef |
Limitations of interaction Spot-size tuning at the SLC (p. 452) |
by Emma, P |
Development of C-band 50 MW pulse klystron for $e^{+}e^{-}$ linear collider (p. 455) |
by Shintake, T |
Beam Characteristics Versus Cavity Models in CLIC (p. 458) |
by Guignard, Gilbert |
LIGA-Fabrication of mm-Wave Accelerating Cavity Structures at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) (p. 461) |
by Song, J J |
Design and fabrication of a traveling-wave muffin-tin accelerating structure at 90 GHz (p. 464) |
by Chou, P J |
Wakefield Dynamics in Quasi Periodical Structures (p. 467) |
by Novokhatski, A |
A Statistical Approach to Analyse Effect of Misalignments and Correction Algorithms in High-Energy Linacs (p. 470) |
by Fartoukh, Stéphane David |
Emittance Dilution in 1 and 5 TeV 3 GHz Linear Colliders (p. 473) |
by Guignard, Gilbert |
Emittance Dilution in 1 and 5 TeV 30 GHz Linear Colliders (p. 473) |
by Guignard, Gilbert |
A Low Emittance Lattice for the CLIC Damping Ring (p. 476) |
by Potier, J P |
Nulling Emittance Measurement Technique for CLIC Test Facility (p. 479) |
by Braun, Hans Heinrich |
A 30 GHz 5-TeV Linear Collider (p. 482) |
by Delahaye, J P |
Simulation of Ground Motion Induced Beam Jitter in the SBLC Main Linac (p. 485) |
by Montag, C |
Theoretical Study of Power Relativistic Amplifiers for Electron Beam Bunching (p. 488) |
by Perelshtejn, E A |
Emittance Dilution and Magnet Design for the TTF FEL Second Bunch Compressor (p. 491) |
by Ivanov, I N |
Possibility of precise wakefield measurement at ATF extraction line (p. 494) |
by Kashiwagi, S |
Beam-based monitoring of the SLC linac optics with a diagnostic pulse (p. 497) |
by Assmann, R W |
Observation of dark-current signals from the S-band structures of the SLAC linac (p. 500) |
by Assmann, R W |
Observation and analysis of static deflections from transverse long-range wakefields in the SLC (p. 503) |
by Assmann, R W |
Beam-Based Analysis of Day-Night Performance Variations at the SLC Linac (p. 506) |
by Decker, Franz Josef |
Longitudinal Phase Space Setup for the SLC Beams (p. 509) |
by Decker, Franz Josef |
Dynamic Focusing Schemes for Linear Colliders (p. 512) |
by Irwin, J |
The short-range wakefields in the SBLC linac (p. 515) |
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag |
Design of a 30 GHz Damped Detuned Accelerating Structure (p. 518) |
by Dehler, I |
Analysis of HOM Interaction Between Cavities by Multimodal S-Parameter Measurements (p. 521) |
by Glock, H W |
The 36-Cell Structure - Calculations and Experiments (p. 524) |
by Hýlsmann, P |
Search for Trapped Modes in TESLA Cavities (p. 527) |
by Marhauser, F |
Development Of C-band (5712 Mhz) High Power Waveguide Components (p. 530) |
by Matsumoto, H |
Development of C-Band 50 MW Pulse Klystron for e+ e- Linear Collider (p. 533) |
by Shintake, T |
Input Coupler Design For C-band Accelerating Structure (p. 536) |
by Suzuki, C |
Development of Characterization Techniques for X-Band Accelerator Structures (p. 539) |
by Hanna, S M |
High-Gradient Cavity Beat-Wave Accelerator at W-Band (p. 542) |
by Whittum, D H |
Minimizing RF system costs in a linear collider by an optimized choice of beam and structure parameters (p. 545) |
by Jones, R M |
Advanced damped detuned structure (DDS) development at SLAC (p. 548) |
by Jones, R M |
Spectral function calculation of angle wakes, wake moments, and misalignment wakes for the SLAC damped detuned structures (DDS) (p. 551) |
by Jones, R M |
Analysis and application of microwave radiation from the damping manifolds of the SLAC damped detuned structures (DDS) (p. 554) |
by Jones, R M |
Spotsize Stabilization Studies for the TESLA Beam Delivery System (p. 557) |
by Sery, A |
Pre-Alignment of CLIC using the Double-Wire Method (p. 560) |
by Coosemans, Williame |
A Multi-Drive Beam Scheme for Two-Beam Acceleration in a TeV Linear Collider (p. 563) |
by Corsini, R |
Analysis of a Symmetric Triplet and its Application to Ring Insertions (p. 566) |
by D'Amico, T E |
The S-Band Linear Collider Test Facility at DESY (p. 569) |
by Schmitz, S |
An Asymmetric Linac-Ring Collider for Baryon Timelike Form Factor Measurements with Existing High Energy Storage Rings (p. 572) |
by Patteri, P |
MOPA FEL Scheme as a Source of Primary Photons for Gamma-Gamma Collider at TESLA and SBLC (p. 575) |
by Saldin, E L |
A Conventional Read-Out Electronics of Button-Type BPM in the ATF Damping Ring (p. 578) |
by Hinode, F |
Design Study Of A Cooling Water System For A Large Scale Linear Collider (p. 581) |
by Matsumoto, H |
SR monitor for the ATF damping ring (p. 584) |
by Naito, T |
Present status of 1.54 GeV ATF Linac (p. 587) |
by Takeda, S |
Design of a 1-MV Induction Injector for the Relativisitic Two-Beam Accelerator (p. 590) |
by Anderson, D E |
Efficiency Issue In C-band Klystron-modulator System For Linear Collider (p. 593) |
by Oh, J S |
SLAC accelerator operations report : 1995-1997(p. 596) |
by Erickson, R |
A Combined $\Delta$ T + $\Delta$ F Beam Loading Compensation Scheme for Power Saving (p. 599) |
by Li, Z |
Neutral Beam Collisions at 5 TeV (p. 602) |
by Whittum, David H |
RF system for a 30 GHz, 5 TeV linear collider based on conventional technology (p. 605) |
by Wilson, P B |
Performance issues, downtime recovery and tuning in the Next Linear Collider (NLC) (p. 608) |
by Zimmermann, Frank |
Channeling and Time Evolution of Laser Wakes and Electron Acceleration in a Self-Modulated Laser Wakefield Accelerator Experiment (p. 611) |
by Ting, A |
Inverse Free Electron Laser Accelerator Development (p. 616) |
by Van Steenbergen, A |
Experimental observation of IFEL micro-bunching using coherent transition radiation (p. 621) |
by Liu, Y |
Acceleration for the µ+-µ- Collider (p. 624) |
by Summers, D |
Results of Blowout Regime Propagation Experiments of an Electron Beam in a Plasma (p. 627) |
by Barov, N |
Femtosecond Electron Bunches from Colliding Laser Pulses in Plasmas (p. 630) |
by Esarey, E |
The Argonne Wakefield Accelerator : upgrade scenarios and future experiments(p. 633) |
by Gai, W |
Externally powered dielectric loaded waveguides as accelerating structures (p. 636) |
by Gai, W |
High gradient dielectric wakefield device measurements at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (p. 639) |
by Schoessow, P |
Enhanced IFEL Performance Using a Novel Wiggler (p. 642) |
by Parsa, Z |
Emerging Terawatt Picosecond CO2 Laser Technology and Possible Applications in Accelerator Physics (p. 645) |
by Pogorelsky, I V |
High Energy-Gain Laser Wakefield Acceleration (p. 648) |
by Nakajima, K |
Focusing of Relativistic Electron Bunches at the Wake-Field Excitation in Plasma (p. 651) |
by Fainberg, Y |
Experimental Observation of Electron Beam Focusing Through Plasma Lenses (p. 654) |
by Govil, R |
Driving Laser Pulse Evolution in a Laser Wakefield Accelerator (p. 657) |
by Volfbeyn, P |
Laser Acceleration in Vacuum with an Open Iris-Loaded Waveguide (p. 660) |
by Xie, M |
Ion Cyclotron Resonance Accelerator (p. 663) |
by Grimm, T L |
Stimulated Dielectric Wakefield Accelerator (p. 666) |
by Zhang, T B |
Beam Slicing with Lasers and Plasmas for a High-Transformer-Ratio Plasma Wakefield Accelerator (p. 669) |
by Shvets, G |
RF measurements of a traveling-wave muffin-tin accelerating structure at 90 GHz (p. 672) |
by Chou, P J |
Design and model simulations of inverse Cerenkov acceleration using inverse free electron laser prebunching (p. 675) |
by Kimura, W D |
The NEPTUNE Facility for 2nd Generation Advanced Accelerator Experiments (p. 678) |
by Clayton, C E |
Optical Bunching of Relativistic Electrons for Injection into a GeV Plasma Beatwave Accelerator (p. 681) |
by Gordon, D |
Laser Acceleration in Vacuum (p. 684) |
by Hus, J L |
Self-Acceleration of Electrons in One-Dimensional Bunches, Moving in Cold Plasma (p. 693) |
by Amatuni, A T |
Generator-Invertor-Damper System of Electron (Positron) Bunches Moving in Cold Plasma (p. 695) |
by Amatuni, A T |
Performance of the Advanced Photon Source (p. 698) |
by Decker, Glenn |
Improving and extending performance at synchrotron radiation facilities (p. 703) |
by Jackson, A |
Beam-Based Modeling and Control of Storage Rings (p. 708) |
by Lisowski, P W |
Status of the High Brilliance Synchrotron Light Source BESSY-II (p. 713) |
by Jaeschke, E |
Canadian Light Source Proposal (p. 716) |
by Dallin, L O |
The TESLA Free Electron Laser (p. 719) |
by Rossbach, J |
Recent Results of the Commissioning of the DELTA Facility (p. 724) |
by Friedl, Jeffrey |
Insertion Device Development in the X13 Straight of the NSLS X-Ray Ring (p. 727) |
by Stefan, P M |
Operation of FIR- and UV-FEL Facilities and FEL Beam Sharing to User's Rooms at the FELI (p. 730) |
by Tomimasu, T |
Stimulated Transition Radiation in the Far-Infrared (p. 733) |
by Settakorn, C |
Measurements of High Gain and Noise Fluctuations in a SASE Free Electron Laser (p. 736) |
by Hogan, M |
Use of Jefferson Lab's High Average Power FEL as a Thomson Backscatter X-Ray Source (p. 739) |
by Krafft, G A |
Advances in Orbit Drift Correction in the Advanced Photon Source Storage Ring (p. 742) |
by Emery, L |
Investigation of Open-Loop Beam Motion in Low Frequencies at the APS (p. 745) |
by Kim, S H |
Experimental Calibration of VUV Ring Optics (p. 748) |
by Safranek, J |
Status Report on the ESRF (p. 751) |
by Filhol, J M |
Lattice Related Brilliance Increase at the ESRF (p. 754) |
by Ropert, A |
VUV and Soft X-Ray Light Source ``new SUBARU'' (p. 757) |
by Ando, A |
A Short Pulse X-Ray Generation via Thomson Scattering of Ultrashort Laser Pulses by Relativistic Electron Beams (p. 760) |
by Nakajima, K |
ANKA - Status of the 2.5 GeV Synchrotron Light Source at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (p. 763) |
by Einfeld, D |
Spatial Coherency Of The Synchrotron Radiation At The Visible Light Region And Its Application For The Electron Beam Profile Measurement (p. 766) |
by Mitsuhashi, T |
Longitudinal Beam Transfer Function Diagnostics in the ALS (p. 769) |
by Byrd, J |
Controlling the Vertical Mode Coupling Instability with Feedback in the Advanced Light Source (p. 772) |
by Byrd, J M |
Commissioning of the Advanced Light Source dual-axis streak camera (p. 775) |
by Hinkson, J |
ALS-N : a candidate for a next-generation synchrotron light source(p. 778) |
by Jackson, A |
Transfer functions for the ALS lattice magnets (p. 781) |
by Keller, R |
Orbit stability of the ALS storage ring (p. 784) |
by Keller, R |
Tune-split effects at the ALS storage ring (p. 787) |
by Keller, R |
A code for calculating intrabeam scattering and beam lifetime (p. 790) |
by Kim, C H |
Measurement of storage ring motion at the Advanced Light Source (p. 793) |
by Krebs, G F |
Measurement of the radiation incident on ALS NdFeB permanenet magnet insertion device structures and a determination of their lifetime (p. 796) |
by Krebs, G F |
Global beta-beating compensation of the ALS W16 wiggler (p. 799) |
by Robin, D |
Crossed elliptical polarization undulator (p. 802) |
by Sasaki, S |
Accelerator control software construction based on software object components (p. 805) |
by Timossi, C |
Modification of the ALS Booster Synchrotron for an Experiment on Optical Stochastic Cooling (p. 808) |
by Zholents, A |
Commissioning and Operations of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source (p. 811) |
by Rodrigues, A R D |
Current Status of the LSB Project (p. 814) |
by Muñoz, M |
Status of the SOLEIL Project (p. 817) |
by Laclare, J L |
A Plan of Synchrotron Light Source for Medical Applications at NIRS (p. 820) |
by Torikoshi, M |
The Operational Status of the Pohang Light Source (p. 823) |
by Lee, T Y |
ELETTRA Performance and Upgrades (p. 826) |
by Bocchetta, C J |
Beam Density Manipulations in the ELETTRA Storage Ring (p. 829) |
by Bocchetta, C J |
Ideas for fast accelerator model calibration (p. 832) |
by Corbett, J |
The SPEAR RF Cavity Characterization at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (p. 835) |
by Park, S |
SPEAR III : a brighter source at SSRL(p. 838) |
by Hettel, R O |
Experimental Calibration of SRRC Lattice Optics (p. 841) |
by Kuo, C C |
Preliminary Study of the Wavelength Shifter Effect in SRRC Storage Ring (p. 844) |
by Lee, J C |
Operation Experience at SRRC (p. 847) |
by Liu, Y C |
Analyzing the Relationship Between the Beam Life Time and Average Gas Pressure (p. 850) |
by Luo, G H |
The 1.5 GeV Operation Parameters and Performance at SRRC (p. 853) |
by Luo, G H |
A Lattice for the Future Project of VUV and Soft X-Ray High Brilliant Light Source (p. 856) |
by Takaki, H |
Wavefront Distortion Measurement Of A Sr Extraction Mirror For The Beam Profile Monitor Using Shack-hartmann Method (p. 859) |
by Takeuchi, N |
Instability Analysis of an Active Higher-Harmonic Cavity (p. 862) |
by Bosch, R A |
Aladdin, Present and Future (p. 865) |
by Trzeciak, W |
An Alternative Lattice Design for a Compact Light Source Ring (p. 868) |
by Garren, A A |
Planned Optical Diagnostics for the APS Low-Energy Undulator Test Line (p. 871) |
by Lumpkin, Alex H |
Initial Application of a Dual-Sweep Streak Camera to the Duke Storage Ring OK-4 Source (p. 874) |
by Lumpkin, Alex H |
The Advanced Photon Source Low-Energy Undulator Test Line (p. 877) |
by Milton, S V |
Gamma-Ray Production Using Multi-Photon Compton Scattering (p. 880) |
by Takahashi, H |
Unique Features of the OK-4/Duke Storage Ring XUV FEL and Monochromatic -Ray Source (p. 883) |
by Litvinenko, V N |
A Laser Pulse Trapper for Compton Backscattering Applications (p. 886) |
by Yu, D |
High Current FEL Oscillator on Base of MSU Electron Accelerators (p. 889) |
by Grishin, V K |
Possibility of X-Ray Free Electron Laser with Single Crystal Optical Resonator for Bragg Reflection (p. 891) |
by Miyahara, Y |
On the Analytic Representation of Periodic Magnetostatic Fields (p. 894) |
by Smirnov, A V |
A High-Power Compact Regenerative Amplifier FEL (p. 897) |
by Nguyen, D C |
W-Band Free Electron Laser for High Gradient Structure Research (p. 900) |
by Lidia, S M |
Linac design for the LCLS project at SLAC (p. 903) |
by Bharadwaj, V K |
First Lasing of the Israeli Tandem Electrostatic Accelerator Free Electron Laser (p. 906) |
by Sokolowski, J S |
Recirculating Accelerator Driver for a High-Power Free-Electron Laser : A Design Overview(p. 909) |
by Bohn, Courtlandt L |
Electron-Beam Diagnostics for Jefferson Lab's High Power Free Electron Laser (p. 912) |
by Krafft, G A |
New High Power Linacs and Beam Physics Issues (p. 915) |
by Wangler, Thomas P |
The Japanese Hadron Facility (p. 920) |
by Mori, Y |
Review of Radioactive Beam Accelerators (p. 925) |
by Bricault, Pierre G |
RIKEN RI-Beam Factory Project (p. 930) |
by Yano, Y |
Status of the IUCF Cooler Injector Synchrotron (p. 935) |
by Friesel, D L |
Acceleration test of radioactive nuclear beam at INS (p. 938) |
by Tomizawa, M |
Acceleration Test of the Folded-Coaxial RFQ Linac for the RILAC (p. 941) |
by Kamigaito, O |
Recent Lead Ion Storage Tests on LEAR (p. 944) |
by Bosser, Jacques |
The REX-ISOLDE project (p. 947) |
by Von Hahn, R |
Development of HILBILAC for Initial Part of ADTT Accelerator (p. 950) |
by Batskikh, G I |
A 1- to 5-MW, RCS-Based, Short-Pulse Spallation Neutron Source (p. 953) |
by Cho, Y |
Status of the TRIUMF ISAC-Facility for Accelerating Radioactive Beams (p. 956) |
by Schmor, P W |
Anomalous, Intensity Dependent Losses in Au(32+) Beams (p. 959) |
by Blaskiewicz, M |
Accumulator Ring Lattice for the National Spallation Neutron Source (p. 962) |
by Gardner, C J |
Micro-Bunching the AGS Slow External Beam (p. 967) |
by Glenn, J W |
Accumulator Ring Design for the NSNS Project (p. 970) |
by Weng, W T |
Conversion of the PS complex as LHC proton pre-injector (p. 973) |
by Blas, F |
Combined longitudinal and transverse multiturn injection in a heavy ion accumulator (p. 976) |
by Carli, Christian |
The antiproton decelerator : AD(p. 979) |
by Baird, S A |
Overview of the recent operation of the AAC and LEAR for the low-energy antiproton physics programme (p. 982) |
by Baird, S A |
The proton synchrotron Desy III (p. 985) |
by Ebeling, W |
Intensity limitations in Fermilab main injector (p. 991) |
by Chou, W |
Design of a gamma(t) jump system for Fermilab main injector (p. 994) |
by Chou, W |
Design and Simulation of the Antiproton Recycler Lattice (p. 997) |
by Johnson, D E |
An Imaginary- t Lattice with Dispersion-Free Straights for the 50 GeV High-Intensity Proton Synchrotron (p. 1000) |
by Ng, K Y |
An imaginary- gamma /sub t/ lattice with dispersion-free straights for the 50 GeV high-intensity proton synchrotron (p. 1000) |
by Ng, K Y |
Multiple injections with barrier buckets (p. 1003) |
by Ng, K Y |
The Fermilab Accumulator Ring Lattice Upgrade (p. 1006) |
by O'Day, S |
Intensity Upgrade Studies At The Kek-ps (p. 1009) |
by Sato, H |
Overview and Status of the Los Alamos PSR Injection Upgrade Project (p. 1012) |
by Fitzgerald, D H |
Comparison of Beam Transport Simulations to Measurements at the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring (p. 1015) |
by Wilkinson, C |
Accumulator Ring H- Injection Optimization Studies (p. 1018) |
by Galambos, J D |
A possible upgrade for ISIS (p. 1021) |
by Harold, M R |
Design of Booster Synchrotron for MUSES (p. 1024) |
by Katayama, T |
ELISA - An Electrostatic Storage Ring for Atomic Physics (p. 1027) |
by Møller, S P |
A proton driver for the Muon Collider source with a tunable momentum compaction lattice (p. 1030) |
by Trbojevic, D |
Correction of Depolarizing Resonances in ELSA (p. 1033) |
by Steier, C |
Continuous Electron-Energy Variation of the Eindhoven Racetrack Microtron (p. 1036) |
by Theuws, W H C |
The IASA RaceTrack Microtron Facility, a Progress Report (p. 1042) |
by Stiliaris, E |
Extracted Beams from IBA's C235 (p. 1045) |
by Van de Plassche, D |
The Cooler Synchrotron COSY Facility (p. 1048) |
by Stockhorst, H |
Beams for Gammasphere at the LBNL 88-Inch Cyclotron (p. 1051) |
by Clark, D J |
A Compact Superconducting Cyclotron for the Production of High Intensity Protons (p. 1054) |
by Blosser, H |
A Separated Sector Cyclotron for the Production of High Intensity Protons (p. 1057) |
by Marti, F |
Conceptual Design of a High Field Ultra-Compact Cyclotron for Nuclear Physics Research (p. 1060) |
by Schubert, J |
Polarized Electrons in the AmPS Storage Ring (p. 1063) |
by Luijckx, G |
Numerical Analyses of the Injection and Extraction Trajectories for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 1066) |
by Fujishima, S |
Orbit Analysis for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 1069) |
by Mitsumoto, T |
Design Study of Accumulator Cooler Ring for MUSES (p. 1072) |
by Ohtomo, K |
Design Study of the Injection and Extraction Systems for the Riken Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 1075) |
by Okuno, H |
Status of the HMI-RFQ-Injector (p. 1078) |
by Engels, O |
A Two-Beam RFQ for Ion Beam Funneling (p. 1081) |
by Firjahn-Andersch, A |
Design of a High Current H- RFQ Injector (p. 1084) |
by Schempp, A |
Prototype of a Superconducting RFQ for a Heavy Ion Injector Linac (p. 1087) |
by Bisoffi, G |
Development of the ITEP 27 MHz Heavy Ion RFQ (p. 1090) |
by Andreev, V A |
A 6.7 MeV CW RFQ Linac (p. 1093) |
by Schrage, D |
NSNS RFQ Mechanical Design (p. 1096) |
by Hoff, Matthew D |
Status of the RFD Linac Prototype (p. 1099) |
by Swenson, D A |
Beam Dynamics Studies on the ISAC RFQ at TRIUMF (p. 1102) |
by Koscielniak, S |
Construction Criteria and Prototyping for the ISAC RFQ Accelerator at TRIUMF (p. 1105) |
by Poirier, R L |
A High-Power Radiofrequency Focusing Continuous Wave Electron Linac (p. 1108) |
by Sobenin, N P |
The Beam Loading Effect in the Multicavity Linear Accelerator and the Requirements for the RF Control System (p. 1111) |
by Senichev, Yu |
A Superconducting Linac for the Energy Amplifier (p. 1114) |
by Ruggiero, Alessandro G |
Low-Beta Structures for CW Operation (p. 1117) |
by Leboutet, H |
IPHI the Saclay High-Intensity Proton Injector Project (p. 1120) |
by Lagniel, J M |
Status on Linacs Developed at Institute of Atomic Physics - Bucharest, Romania (p. 1123) |
by Martin, D |
A High-Current Superconducting Proton Linac for an Accelerator-Driven Transmutation System (p. 1126) |
by Pagani, C |
The New Positive Ion Injector PIAVE at LNL (p. 1129) |
by Lombardi, A |
Complete Simulation of the Heavy Ion Linac PIAVE (p. 1132) |
by Pisent, A |
A Triple Gap Resonator Design for the Separated Function DTL at TRIUMF (p. 1135) |
by Bylinsky, Y |
BBU Gain Measurements on the ITS 6-MeV, 4-kA Linac (p. 1138) |
by Allison, P |
Quadrupole Image-Current Effects in the ITS 6-MeV, 4-kA Linac (p. 1141) |
by Allison, P |
Observation of Self-Steering Effects on the ITS 6-MeV Linac (p. 1144) |
by Allison, P |
An overview of the low-energy demonstration accelerator (LEDA) project rf systems (p. 1147) |
by Bradley, J |
Commissioning Plan for a High-Current Proton Linac (p. 1150) |
by Chan, K C D |
Simulated Performance of the Superconducting Section of the APT Linac Under Various Fault and Error Conditions (p. 1153) |
by Gray, E R |
Integrated Normal-Conducting/Superconducting High Power Proton Linac for APT Project (p. 1156) |
by Lawrence, G P |
Overview of Progress on the Improvement Projects for the LANSCE Accelerator and Target Facilities (p. 1159) |
by Macek, R J |
Beam Dynamics Aspects for the APT Integrated Linac (p. 1162) |
by Nath, S |
Availability Results for the LANSCE Accelerator Complex (p. 1165) |
by Callaway, N T |
Progress Update on the Low-Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA) (p. 1168) |
by Schneider, J D |
Physics Design of the National Spallation Neutron Source Linac (p. 1171) |
by Takeda, H |
The NSNS Front End Accelerator System (p. 1174) |
by Staples, J W |
A Proposed Superconducting Booster Linac for the HRIBF (p. 1177) |
by Bailey, J D |
A 100 MeV MultiTank Drift Tube Linac for Proton Acceleration (p. 1180) |
by D'Auria, G |
RF Low Level and Power Distribution of the 100 MeV Proton Multi-Tank Drift Tube Linear Accelerator (p. 1182) |
by D'Auria, G |
Linear Beam Dynamics in the Superconducting Linear Accelerator of the Energy Amplifier (p. 1185) |
by Iazzourene, F |
Optimization of the Accelerating Structures for the Superconducting Linear Accelerator of the Energy Amplifier (p. 1188) |
by Wrulich, A F |
Optimization of the accelerating structure for the superconducting, linear accelerator of the Energy Amplifier (p. 1188) |
by Wrulich, A F |
A DTL with Short Tanks and External Focusing for High Power CW Linacs (p. 1191) |
by Bourat, C |
A Separated Function Drift-Tube Linac for the ISAC Project at TRIUMF (p. 1194) |
by Laxdal, R E |
Design of the Source Development Lab Bunch Compressor (p. 1197) |
by Graves, W S |
Electron Beam Dynamics for a Low-Energy Electron Linac (p. 1200) |
by Hammen, A F J |
Fabrication of Biperiodic DAW Cavity (p. 1203) |
by Iwashita, Y |
Present Status of the Electron Linac as the Injector for KSR (p. 1206) |
by Sugimura, T |
Upgrading of the LNLS Injection System (p. 1209) |
by Wisnivesky, D |
Operation and Status of the ELETTRA Injector Linac (p. 1212) |
by D'Auria, G |
Backward Traveling Wave Electron Linac (p. 1215) |
by Chen Huai Bi |
A 14 MeV Single-Section SW Guide for Medical Accelerators (p. 1218) |
by Jin, Q |
A Portable X-Band On-Axis Standing Wave Linac Structure (p. 1221) |
by Sun, X |
Beijing Radioactive Nuclear Beam Facility (BRNBF) (p. 1224) |
by Ling, G X |
Development of the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (p. 1227) |
by Tatum, B A |
Experiments in Heavy-Ion Fusion Beam Physics at LBNL, LLNL, and the University of Maryland (p. 1230) |
by Kwan, J W |
PBFA Z : A 55 TW/4.5 MJ Electrical Generator(p. 1235) |
by Spielman, R B |
3D Particle Simulations of Space-Charge-Dominated Beams in HIF Accelerator Experiments (p. 1240) |
by Grote, D P |
Experiments Investigating the Generation and Transport of 10-12 MeV, 30-kA, mm-Size Electron Beams with Linear Inductive Voltage Adders (p. 1245) |
by Mazarakis, M G |
Linear Induction Accelerator Approach for Advanced Radiography (p. 1248) |
by Caporaso, George J |
Performance of the Spiral Line Induction Accelerator (p. 1251) |
by Smith, J R |
AIRIX Prototype Technological Results at CESTA (p. 1254) |
by Anthouard, P |
Beam Transport and Characterization on AIRIX Prototype at CESTA (p. 1257) |
by Eyharts, P |
ETA-II Experiments for Determining Advanced Radiographic Capabilities of Induction Linacs (p. 1260) |
by Weir, J T |
800-keV Electron Induction Injector with High Average Power (p. 1263) |
by Mamaev, G |
Output Beam Characteristics of 150 MeV Microtron (p. 1266) |
by Hori, T |
Constant-Current Charging Supplies for the Advanced Photon Source (APS) Linear Accelerator Modulators (p. 1269) |
by Fuja, R |
New Results on Electron Emission from PZT Ferroelectric Cathodes (p. 1272) |
by Flechtner, D |
A Ferroelectric Cathode Electron Gun for High Power Microwave Research (p. 1275) |
by Ivers, J D |
Thirty Mega-Watt Klystron Modulator Development at the Duke University Free-Electron Laser Laboratory (p. 1278) |
by Sachtschale, Richard J |
A Thyratron Trigger with Low Jitter (p. 1281) |
by Jensen, C |
A 40 kV, 3.1 PFN for the Main Injector Abort Kicker (p. 1284) |
by Jensen, C C |
Kicker System for 8 GeV Proton Injection (p. 1287) |
by Qunell, D |
High power modulator for linear induction accelerator SILUND-21 (p. 1290) |
by Dolbilov, G V |
A 200-A, 500-Hz, Triangle Current-Wave Modulator and Magnet Used for Particle Beam Rastering (p. 1293) |
by Rose, C R |
Arbitrary Waveform Generator for Electrostatic Dipoles in a Heavy Ion Recirculator (p. 1296) |
by Berners, D P |
Dynamics of Magnetic Insulation Violation in Smooth-Bore Magnetrons (p. 1299) |
by Agafonov, A V |
Brillouin Flow in a Magnetron Diode as the Kinetic Model Limit (p. 1302) |
by Agafonov, A V |
A Novel Design for a High Power Superconducting Delay Line (p. 1305) |
by Chen, Y J |
High-Performance Insulator Structures for Accelerator Applications (p. 1308) |
by Sampayan, S E |
150 kV Magnetic Pulse Compressor (p. 1311) |
by Mamaev, G |
Technology for Production of Amorphous Alloy Large Scale Cores (p. 1313) |
by Mamaev, G |
The PEP-II Abort Kicker System (p. 1316) |
by De Lamare, J |
NLC Klystron Pulse Modulator R&D at SLAC (p. 1319) |
by Koontz, R |
Development of the pulse transformer for NLC klystron pulse modulator (p. 1322) |
by Akemoto, M |
A fast 60 kV resonant charging power supply for the LHC inflectors (p. 1325) |
by Barnes, M J |
The application of saturating inductors for improving the performance of the CERN PS kicker systems (p. 1328) |
by Wait, G D |
Beam dynamics in SLC (p. 1331) |
by Assmann, R W |
Rigorous Integration of Maps and Long-Term Stability (p. 1336) |
by Makino, K |
Analytic Nonlinear Methods for Beam Optics (p. 1341) |
by Irwin, J |
Nonlinear Dynamics Issues for Quasi-Isochronous Storage Rings (p. 1346) |
by Jeon, D |
Lattice Design for a High-Power Infrared FEL (p. 1351) |
by Douglas, D R |
Overview of the LHC dynamic aperture studies (p. 1356) |
by Koutchouk, Jean-Pierre |
Global and Local Horizontal-Vertical Decoupling (p. 1359) |
by Teng, L C |
Analytic Lattice Design with BeamOptics (p. 1362) |
by Autin, Bruno |
Analytic Lattice Design with Beam Optics (p. 1362) |
by Autin, Bruno |
Experimental Measurement of High-Gradient Standing Wave Accelerator Transport Matrix (p. 1365) |
by Reiche, S |
Method of Strong Focusing (p. 1368) |
by Shapiro, V E |
A Standard FODO Lattice with Adjustable Momentum Compaction (p. 1371) |
by Trbojevic, D |
Beam-Based Calibration of the Linear Optics Model of ELSA (p. 1373) |
by Keil, J |
Lattices for medical synchrotrons employing active scanning (p. 1376) |
by Benedikt, Michael |
Matching to gantries for medical synchrotrons (p. 1379) |
by Benedikt, Michael |
Beam optics issues for the antiproton decelerator (p. 1382) |
by Belochitskii, P |
Longitudinal Radiation Excitation of Quasi-Isochronus Storage Ring ``New SUBARU'' (p. 1385) |
by Shoji, Y |
Lattice Design of BTCF Storage Ring (p. 1388) |
by Huang, N |
The focusing structure of the Prague proton synchrotron for hadron therapy (p. 1391) |
by Molodozhentsev, A Yu |
Dynamic Aperture with Multipoles of Special Quadrupole Magnets in the KEKB Interaction Region (p. 1394) |
by Koiso, H |
Magnetic Optics for Proton Radiography (p. 1397) |
by Mottershead, C T |
Design of Double Storage Rings at MUSES (p. 1400) |
by Inabe, N |
Ion Optical Design of the BRF-FNAL-SAIC-UW PET Accelerator (p. 1403) |
by Larson, D J |
Optics for SOLEIL at 2.5 GeV (p. 1406) |
by Nghiem, P |
Emittance Study of Combined Function TBA Lattice at SRRC (p. 1409) |
by Wang, M H |
Beam Optics for the Target Beam Lines of the European Spallation Source (p. 1412) |
by Ziemann, V |
Intrinsic Third Order Aberrations in Electrostatic and Magnetic Quadrupoles (p. 1415) |
by Baartman, R |
Canonical Particle Tracking and End Pole Matching of Helical Insertion Devices (p. 1418) |
by Wýstefeld, G |
Particle Motion Inside and Near a Linear Half-Integer Stopband (p. 1424) |
by Parzen, G |
Dynamic Aperture of the Storage Ring VEPP-2M in Round Beam Mode (p. 1433) |
by Koop, I A |
Tracking Studies for the LHC Optics Version 4 at Injection Energy (p. 1436) |
by Böge, M |
Tracking studies for the LHC optics 4 at injection energy (p. 1436) |
by Böge, M |
Estimates for Long-term stability for the LHC (p. 1439) |
by Böge, M |
A more robust and flexible lattice for LHC (p. 1442) |
by Koutchouk, Jean-Pierre |
Inverse logarithm decay of long-term dynamic aperture in hadron colliders (p. 1445) |
by Giovannozzi, Massimo |
Dynamic Aperture Study on the Beijing Tau-Charm Factory Design (p. 1448) |
by Qin, Q |
Computation of the Dynamic Aperture of 2D Generic Maps Using Invariant Manifolds (p. 1451) |
by Giovannozzi, Massimo |
An Orbit and Dispersion Correction Scheme for the PEP-II (p. 1454) |
by Donald, M H R |
Experimental Non Linear Beam Dynamics Studies at SPEAR (p. 1457) |
by Terebilo, A |
Overcoming Weak Intrinsic Depolarizing Resonance with Energy-Jump (p. 1460) |
by Huang, H |
Nonlinear Beam Dynamics Study at the VEPP-4M (p. 1463) |
by Kiselev, V |
Dynamic Aperture Study in the VEPP-4M Storage Ring (p. 1466) |
by Kiselev, V |
Sorting Strategies for the CERN-LHC Dipoles (p. 1469) |
by Bartolini, R |
Sorting Strategies for the LHC Dipoles (p. 1469) |
by Bartolini, R |
Investigation of Chromaticity Sharing at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (p. 1472) |
by Henderson, S |
Beam dynamics with noise in superferric Very Large Hadron Collider ("Pipetron") (p. 1475) |
by Shiltsev, V D |
Overcoming Intrinsic Spin Resonance by Using an AC Dipole (p. 1478) |
by Bai, M |
First Test of Orbit Response Matrix in Proton Storage Ring (p. 1481) |
by Chu, C M |
Test of Optics Diagnostics in ATF (p. 1484) |
by Kubo, K |
Effect of RF Phase Modulation on the Longitudinal Beam Dynamics (p. 1487) |
by Wang, M H |
Measurement of the Variation of Machine Parameters and the Effect of the Power Supplies Ripple on the Instantaneous Tunes at SPEAR (p. 1490) |
by Terebilo, A |
Some Results of the Advanced Photon Source Beam Lifetime Studies (p. 1493) |
by Bizek, Hana M |
The Extended Touschek Lifetime (p. 1496) |
by Bizek, H M |
``Integrable Accelerator'' Structure for Round Beams with Soliton-Like Force (p. 1499) |
by Danilov, V V |
Wavelet Approach to Accelerator Problems, I. Polynomial Dynamics (p. 1502) |
by Fedorova, A |
Wavelet Approach to Accelerator Problems, II. Metaplectic Wavelets (p. 1505) |
by Fedorova, A N |
Wavelet Approach to Accelerator Problems, III. Melnikov Functions and Symplectic Topology (p. 1508) |
by Fedorova, A N |
Some Interaction Peculiarities of Relativistic Particles with UHF Electric Field of High Intensity at Large Distances (p. 1511) |
by Korovin, O P |
Nonlinear longitudinal dynamics studies at the ALS (p. 1514) |
by Byrd, J M |
Energy Acceptance and Touschek Lifetime Calculations for the SOLEIL Project (p. 1517) |
by Nadji, A |
Simulations of Non-Linear Beam Dynamics Effects Due to an Electromagnetic Elliptical Wiggler (p. 1520) |
by Tosi, L |
Dispersion in the presence of strong transverse wakefields (p. 1523) |
by Assmann, R W |
Review of Image Effects on Particle Beams in Cylindrical Pipes (p. 1526) |
by Allen, C K |
A Multimedia Tutorial for Charged-Particle Beam Dynamics (p. 1529) |
by Silbar, Richard R |
Energy dependence of beam-beam interactions at LEP (p. 1532) |
by Burkhardt, H |
Beam Dynamics Problems for a u+ - u- Collider (p. 1537) |
by Neuffer, David V |
Collisions of Resonantly Coupled Round Beams at the Cornell Electron-Positron Storage Ring (CESR) (p. 1542) |
by Young, E |
Longitudinal Beam Instabilities in the Barrier RF System (p. 1545) |
by Chin, Y H |
Longitudinal bunched-beam instabilities in a barrier RF system (p. 1545) |
by Chin, Y H |
Microwave instability at transition crossing in the KEK-PS (p. 1548) |
by Takayama, K |
Fractional Filling Induced Landau Damping of Longitudinal Instabilities at the ESRF (p. 1551) |
by Naumann, O |
Effects of Incoherent Space Charge Forces on the Fast Head-Tail Instability (p. 1554) |
by Blaskiewicz, M |
First Operation of the Superconducting Electron Cooler at the Storage Ring TARN II (p. 1557) |
by Tanabé, T |
Lasers and Laser-Cooling Used for Studies of Beam Dynamics (p. 1560) |
by Madsen, N |
First Observations of a ``Fast Beam-Ion Instability'' at the ALS (p. 1563) |
by Byrd, J M |
The Experimental Study on Beam-Photoelectron Instability in BEPC (p. 1566) |
by Guo, Z Y |
Operation and Performance of Bunch Precompression for Increased Current Transmission at the SLC (p. 1569) |
by Minty, Michiko G |
Ultra-Short Bunches by Using a Quasi-Continous Compressor Scheme in a Long Beam Transfer Line (p. 1572) |
by Schlarb, H |
Compensation of Longitudinal Coupled-Bunch Instability in the Advanced Photon Source Storage Ring (p. 1575) |
by Harkay, K C |
Fast Transverse Instability in the NSNS Accumulator Ring (p. 1578) |
by Ruggiero, A G |
e-p Instability in the NSNS Accumulator Ring (p. 1581) |
by Ruggiero, Alessandro G |
Microwave Instability Thresholds (p. 1584) |
by Zhang, S Y |
Longitudinal coupled-bunch instability around 1 GHZ at the CERN PS booster (p. 1587) |
by Caspers, P |
Beam intensity limits in the Main Injector through transition with a normal phase jump scheme (p. 1590) |
by Bhat, C M |
Longitudinal Instability Due to the Randomness of Higher Mode Frequencies of RF Cavity (p. 1593) |
by Nam, S K |
Experimental Observations of the Ion-Related Coupled Bunch Instability in a Bunch Train in TRISTAN AR (p. 1596) |
by Fukuma, H |
Beam loss at the beginning of acceleration in the KEK-PS main ring (p. 1599) |
by Toyama, T |
Bunch Lengthening and Energy Spread Increasing in Electron Storage Rings (p. 1602) |
by Gao, J |
Theory of Single Bunch Transverse Collective Instabilities in Electron Storage Rings (p. 1605) |
by Gao, J |
Theoretical Investigations on Multibunch Instabilities in Electron Storage Rings and Linear Accelerators (p. 1608) |
by Gao, J |
Recent Experimental Evidence for the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring Beam Instability (p. 1611) |
by Plum, M A |
Increase of the transverse strong head-tail stability threshold by an alternating chromaticity (p. 1614) |
by Cheng Wen Hao |
The electron-cloud instability in PEP-II : an update(p. 1617) |
by Furman, M A |
Saturation of the ion transverse instability (p. 1620) |
by Heifets, S |
A coupled-bunch ion instability in the SLC electron damping ring (p. 1623) |
by Krejcik, P |
Ion effects in the SLC electron damping ring (p. 1626) |
by Krejcik, P |
Saw-tooth instability studies in the Stanford Linear Collider damping rings (p. 1629) |
by Podobedov, B V |
Fast Ion Instability in Real Lattice (p. 1632) |
by Stupakov, G V |
Nonlinear dynamics of single bunch instability in accelerators (p. 1635) |
by Stupakov, G V |
Stablization of the Spectral Intensity Fluctuations with the Higher Order Mode Frequency Tuners (p. 1638) |
by Wang, C |
Shielding Transient Self-Interaction of a Bunch Entering a Circle from a Straight Path (p. 1641) |
by Li, R |
Analysis on the Steady-State Coherent Synchrotron Radiation with Strong Shielding (p. 1644) |
by Li, R |
Landau damping of the weak head-tail instability for beams with quadratic amplitude-dependent betatron tunes and binomial amplitude distributions (p. 1647) |
by Tran, H J |
Preliminary Measurement of Energy-Spread Change Resulting from the Resistive-Wall Instability (p. 1650) |
by Suk, H |
Space-Charge Effects on the Beam Resonance Instability (p. 1653) |
by Ottinger, M B |
Longitudinal Coupled Bunch Instabilities in the JHP 50 GeV Main Ring (p. 1656) |
by Uesugi, T |
Longitudinal coupled bunch instabilities in the JHF 50 GeV main ring (p. 1656) |
by Uesugi, T |
On the coherent radiation of an electron bunch moving in an arc of a circle (p. 1658) |
by Saldin, E L |
Wakefields of Short Bunches in the Canal Covered with Thin Dielectric Layer (p. 1661) |
by Novokhatski, A |
Measurement of the Longitudinal Wake Potential in the Photon Factory Electron Storage Ring (p. 1664) |
by Tamura, K |
Weak-strong simulation of beam-photoelectron instability in a positron storage ring (p. 1667) |
by Ohmi, K |
Equivalent circuit study of beam-loading using a moment method (p. 1670) |
by Wang, T S F |
Collective centroid oscillations as an emittance preservation diagnostic in linear collider linacs (p. 1673) |
by Adolphsen, C E |
Beam loading compensation in the NLCTA (p. 1676) |
by Adolphsen, C E |
Emittance dilution through coherent energy spread generation in bending systems (p. 1679) |
by Emma, P |
Single bunch stability in LER of PEP-II (p. 1682) |
by Heifets, S A |
Geometrical wake of a smooth flat collimator (p. 1685) |
by Stupakov, G V |
Synchrotron Radiation Wake in Free Space (p. 1688) |
by Stupakov, G V |
Effects of the Landau Cavity on the Electron Beam (p. 1691) |
by Chang, L H |
Beam Breakup in a Microtron (p. 1694) |
by Yunn, Byung C |
Beam Loading Optimized Filling Patterns for Partially Filled Storage Rings (p. 1697) |
by Bogacz, S A |
A Potpourri of Impedance Measurements at the Advanced Photon Source Storage Ring (p. 1700) |
by Sereno, N S |
Beam Impedance Study for the BESSY-II Storage Ring (p. 1703) |
by Khan, S |
The Coupling Impedance of the RHIC Injection Kicker System (p. 1706) |
by Hahn, H |
Design of a Heavily Damped Superconducting Cavity for SOLEIL (p. 1709) |
by Mosnier, A |
Stability Diagrams for Landau Damping (p. 1712) |
by Berg, J S |
Stability diagrams for Landau damping (p. 1712) |
by Berg, J S |
An Impedance Data Base Program for LEP2 and the LHC (p. 1715) |
by Brüning, Oliver Sim |
The HOM Study of CESR RF Cavities Studied Using a Single Circulating Bunch (p. 1718) |
by Temnykh, A |
Controlling the Resistive Wall Instability in the Fermilab Main Ring (p. 1721) |
by Capista, D |
Impedance scaling and impedance control (p. 1724) |
by Chou, W |
Measurement of the Kicker Coupling Impedances in the SIS and ESR at GSI (p. 1727) |
by Blell, U |
Impedance Studies for BEPC (p. 1729) |
by Zhou, F |
Improvements in Curing Coupled Bunch Instabilities at ELETTRA by Mode Shifting after the Installation of the Adjustable Higher Order Mode Frequency Shifter (HOMFS) (p. 1735) |
by Svandrlik, M |
Estimate of the impedance due to wall surface roughness (p. 1738) |
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag |
Longitudinal beam-transfer-function measurements at the SLC damping rings (p. 1741) |
by Minty, Michiko G |
Analytic and Numerical Analysis of the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of an Annular Cut in a Coaxial Liner (p. 1744) |
by Fedotov, Alexei V |
General Analysis of the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Rectangular Slot in a Thin Coaxial Liner (p. 1747) |
by Fedotov, Alexei V |
Resonant Effects in the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Rectangular Slot in a Coaxial Liner (p. 1750) |
by Fedotov, Alexei V |
Path integral computation of Laslett coefficients in pipes with arbitrary transverse geometry (p. 1753) |
by Petracca, S |
Influence of Resistive Wall Impedance on the VSX Light Source (p. 1756) |
by Nakamura, N |
Two Examples of Integrable Systems with Round Colliding Beams (p. 1759) |
by Danilov, V V |
Beam-Beam Effects Simulation for VEPP-2M with the Flat and the Round Beams (p. 1762) |
by Nesterenko, I N |
A Luminosity Monitor Using the Coherent Beam-Beam Interaction (p. 1765) |
by Sagan, D |
The Incoherent Long Range Beam-Beam Interaction in CESR (p. 1768) |
by Temnykh, A |
Measurement and Simulation of Nonlinear Beam-Beam Mode Coupling in the Fermilab Tevatron (p. 1771) |
by Assadi, S |
Beam-beam simulation with crossing angle in TEV33 (p. 1774) |
by Shiltsev, V D |
"Evalution of ""Round colliding beams"" for Tevatron" (p. 1777) |
by Danilov, V V |
Dispersion in the interaction point (p. 1783) |
by Petracca, S |
Effect of Noise in Beam-Beam Interaction (p. 1786) |
by Batygin, Yuri K |
Beam-beam simulations with non-gaussian distributions for SLC and SLC-2000 (p. 1789) |
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag |
High Current Magnetized Plasma Discharges and Electron Beams for Capture and Cooling of Charged Leptons and Hadrons (p. 1792) |
by Hershcovitch, A |
Linac-Based Electron Cooling Device (p. 1795) |
by Dikanskij, N S |
The Coupling-Cavity Scheme for Three-Dimensional Laser Cooling (p. 1798) |
by Kihara, T |
Design and Analysis of a Cooling Insertion Lattice for Optical Stochastic Cooling (p. 1801) |
by Zholents, A |
An Amplifier for Optical Stochastic Cooling (p. 1804) |
by Zholents, A |
Simulation of Beam Bunching with Electron Cooling for the Ion Storage Ring of RIKEN RI-Beam Factory Project (p. 1807) |
by Takanaka, M |
Generation of Sub-Picosecond X-Ray Pulses at BESSY-II (p. 1810) |
by Khan, S |
Energy loss of proton and lead beams in the CERN-SPS (p. 1813) |
by Arnold, J |
Beam Echoes in the CERN SPS (p. 1816) |
by Brüning, Oliver Sim |
Observations and simulations of beam tails in LEP (p. 1819) |
by Reichel, I |
Synchrotron Oscillation Driven by RF Phase Noise (p. 1822) |
by Ormond, Kern W |
Numerical Solution for Fokker-Planck Equations in Accelerators (p. 1825) |
by Zorzano-Mier, M P |
Multibunch Collision Scheme in BEPC (p. 1828) |
by Wang, L F |
Emittance measurement from the decay rate of coherent oscillation through nonlinear filamentation (p. 1831) |
by Kamada, S |
Effect of Diffusion on Bunched Beam Echo (p. 1834) |
by Stupakov, G V |
Advances in 3D Electromagnetic Finite Element Modeling (p. 1837) |
by Nelson, E M |
Experimental Results on Beam Halo (p. 1841) |
by Haouat, G |
Core and Halo Particle Dynamics of High Intensity Proton Beams (p. 1846) |
by Pabst, M |
The Fine Structure of the Longitudinal Machine Impedance Observed with Single Bunches (p. 1849) |
by Bohl, T |
Equipartitioning and Halo Due to Anisotropy (p. 1852) |
by Hofmann, I |
Design and Development of an Electron Recirculator for Study of High-Current Beam Dynamics (p. 1855) |
by Wang, J G |
Parasitic Energy Loss in the LEP Superconducting Cavities (p. 1858) |
by Arduini, Gianluigi |
Transmission Line Analysis of Beam Deflection in a BPM Stripline Kicker (p. 1861) |
by Caporaso, George J |
Space-Charge Forces of a DC Beam in a Continuous Bend (p. 1864) |
by Chen, Y J |
Diode and Final-Focus Simulations for DARHT (p. 1867) |
by Hughes, Thomas P |
Influence of Ion Channel on Electron Beam Propagation (p. 1870) |
by Uhm, Han S |
Simulation of bunch precompression at high currents in the SLC damping rings (p. 1873) |
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag |
Measurement of the longitudinal wakefield and the bunch shape in the SLAC linac (p. 1876) |
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag |
Analytic Expressions for Longitudinal Schottky Signals from Beams with Gaussian Momentum Distribution (p. 1879) |
by Ziemann, V |
Proton Injection and RF Capture in the National Spallation Neutron Source (p. 1882) |
by Luccio, A U |
Transverse Instability in High Intensity Proton Rings (p. 1885) |
by Zhang, S Y |
Compensation of Bend-Plane Emittance Growth in a 180 Degree Bend (p. 1888) |
by Dowell, David H |
Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Induced Emittance Growth in a Chicane Buncher (p. 1891) |
by Dowell, David H |
Free Energy Relaxation in a Drift-Tube Linac (p. 1894) |
by Brown, Nathan A |
High Current Beam Dynamics for the Upgraded UNILAC (p. 1897) |
by Barth, W |
Considerations on Particle Dynamics in a Heavy Ion DTL (p. 1900) |
by Deitinghoff, H |
Bunch Space Charge Limits in an RTM (p. 1902) |
by Shvedunov, V I |
Comparative Study of Accelerating Structures Proposed for High Power Linac (p. 1905) |
by Kolomiets, A |
Intensity dependence of betatron resonances observed at the KEK-PS (p. 1908) |
by Shoji, Y |
Halo Formation from Axisymmetric Breathing Beams (p. 1911) |
by Ikegami, M |
Emittance Growth of an Intense Electron Beam in a Focusing Channel (p. 1914) |
by Carlsten, B E |
Beam Matching and Halo Control (p. 1917) |
by Lysenko, W |
Equipartitioning in a High Current Proton Linac (p. 1920) |
by Young, Lloyd M |
Numerical Simulation Studies of the LBNL Heavy-Ion Beam Combiner Experiment (p. 1923) |
by Fawley, W M |
A Scaled Beam-Combining Experiment for Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion (p. 1926) |
by Seidl, P A |
Theory of Longitudinal Beam Halo in RF Linacs : I. Core/Test-Particle Formulation(p. 1929) |
by Barnard, John J |
Theory of Longitudinal Beam Halo in RF Linacs : II. Envelope-Particle Resonances(p. 1932) |
by Lund, Steven M |
Self-Pinched Transport Theory for the SABRE Ion Diode (p. 1935) |
by Welch, Dale R |
Emittance Growth and Particle Diffusion Induced by Discrete-Particle Effects in Intense Beams (p. 1938) |
by Pakter, R |
Prevention of Halo Formation in High Brightness Beams (p. 1941) |
by Batygin, Yuri K |
New Classes of Uniform Distributions for Charged Particles in Longitudinal Magnetic Field (p. 1944) |
by Drivotin, O |
The Calculation, Simulation, and Measurement of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in Electron Injectors (p. 1947) |
by Dunham, B |
KV-Beam in a Dispersive Channel (p. 1953) |
by Venturini, M |
Longitudinal Focusing of Space-Charge Dominated Beams in the UMD Electron Ring (p. 1956) |
by Deng, J J |
Injector Design for a Model Electron Ring at the University of Maryland (p. 1959) |
by Godlove, T F |
High Beam Current Handling in the HF Main Ring (p. 1962) |
by Machida, S |
Space Charge Dominated Envelope Dynamics of Asymmetric Beams in RF Photoinjectors (p. 1965) |
by Rosenzweig, J B |
Beam Dynamics in an Integrated Plane Wave Transformer Photoinjector at S- and X-Band (p. 1968) |
by Rosenzweig, J B |
Picosecond-Resolution `Slice' Emittance Measurement of Electron Bunches (p. 1971) |
by Zvi, I B |
Electron Beam Instrumentation Techniques Using Coherent Radiation (p. 1976) |
by Wang, D X |
A laser-heterodyne bunch length monitor for the SLC interaction point (p. 1981) |
by Kotseroglou, T |
Laser based sub-picosecond electron bunch characterization using $90^{o}$ Thomson scattering (p. 1984) |
by Leemans, W P |
Synchrotron Radiation Interferences Between Small Dipoles at LEP (p. 1987) |
by Bovet, Claude |
Synchrotron radiation interferences between short dipoles at LEP (p. 1987) |
by Bovet, Claude |
Electron Bunch Length Diagnostic with Coherent Smith-Purcell Radiation (p. 1990) |
by Nguyen, D C |
A High Resolution Electron Beam Profile Monitor (p. 1993) |
by Graves, W S |
The Argonne wakefield accelerator : diagnostics and beam characterization(p. 1996) |
by Conde, M |
Time-Resolved Imaging of Electron and Positron Beams at APS (p. 1999) |
by Lumpkin, Alex H |
Optical Transition Radiation Measurements on the ELETTRA Linac (p. 2002) |
by Giove, D |
Measuring the RMS Length of Short Electron Pulses with an RF Cavity and a Beam Position Monitor (p. 2005) |
by Russell, Steven J |
Device for the Electron Bunch Length Measurement of 1-5 mm RMS (p. 2008) |
by Kaljuzhny, V E |
A New Frequency-Domain Method for Bunch Length Measurement (p. 2011) |
by Ferianis, M |
Mechanical Design of the HER Synchrotron Light Monitor Primary Mirror for the PEP-II B-Factory (p. 2014) |
by Daly, Edward F |
Sub-Picosecond Electron Bunch Length Measurement (p. 2017) |
by Settakorn, C |
Measuring Longitudinal Distribution and Bunch Length of Femtosecond Bunches with RF Zero-Phasing Method (p. 2020) |
by Wang, D X |
Noise Reduction on the LEP bunch current measurement system (p. 2026) |
by Burns, A |
A Beamloss Diagnostic System for CESR (p. 2029) |
by Henderson, S |
A New Flying Wire System for the Tevatron (p. 2032) |
by Blokland, W |
A High Speed, Multi-Sampling Data Acquisition System for Beam Diagnostics (p. 2035) |
by Yang, M J |
Low Intensity Beam Diagnostics with Microchannel Plate Detectors (p. 2038) |
by Cuttone, G |
Design of a VXI Module for Beam Phase and Energy Measurements for LEDA (p. 2041) |
by Power, J F |
Description and Operation of the LEDA Beam Position/Intensity Measurement Module (p. 2044) |
by Rose, C R |
Design Study for an Undulator Photon Beam Position and Profile Monitor (p. 2047) |
by Hsu, Ian C |
An RF signal processing module for the SPS Orbit Observation System upgrade (p. 2049) |
by Rawnsley, W R |
Characterization of Beam Dynamics in the APS Injector Rings Using Time-Resolved Imaging Techniques (p. 2052) |
by Yang, B X |
Lattice Function Measurements in the Fermilab Accumulator Ring (p. 2055) |
by Church, M |
Real time tune measurements in slow cycling accelerators (p. 2058) |
by Herrup, D A |
Tune Measurement Methods in the Fermilab Main Ring (p. 2061) |
by Still, D |
Automatic Beam Position Control at LASREF (p. 2064) |
by Oothoudt, M A |
Mechanical design of a pinger system for the LBNL Advanced Light Source accelerator (p. 2067) |
by Thur, W |
Performance of the Upgraded NSLS Beam Position Monitors (p. 2069) |
by Nawrocky, R J |
A Compact BPM for the Fermilab Main Injector (p. 2072) |
by Fitzgerald, J |
Upgrade of the BPM System for the BEPC Storage Ring (p. 2075) |
by Ma, L |
Bunch Shape Monitors for the DESY H- Linac (p. 2078) |
by Feschenko, A V |
Design and Commissioning of Beam Position Monitors in the IUCF Cooler Injector Synchrotron (p. 2081) |
by Ball, M S |
Measurement of injection orbit using a single pass BPM system at the PF ring (p. 2084) |
by Honda, T |
Calibration of KEKB beam position monitors (p. 2087) |
by Satoh, K |
Comparison of Beam-Position-Transfer Functions Using Circular Beam-Position Monitors (p. 2090) |
by Gilpatrick, J D |
The LEDA Beam-Position Measurement System (p. 2093) |
by Rose, C R |
Orbit Measurement and Correction in the LNLS Synchrotron Light Source (p. 2096) |
by Farias, R H A |
Real Time Dispersion Measurements at the MIT-Bates Linac (p. 2099) |
by Jacobs, K |
Beam size effects on beam position measurements in proton synchrotron (p. 2102) |
by Nakagawa, T |
Two Frequencies Cavities for Beam Position Monitor (p. 2104) |
by Kaljuzhny, V E |
Beam-Based Offset Calibration of the PLS BPM (p. 2107) |
by Huang, J Y |
A Two-Bunch Beam Position Monitor (p. 2113) |
by Medvedko, E |
Effect of TE Mode Power on the PEP-II LER BPM System (p. 2116) |
by Corlett, J |
Detection of beam induced dipole-mode signals in the SLC S-band structures (p. 2119) |
by Seidel, M |
Calibration of the beam-position monitor system for the SLAC PEP-II B factory (p. 2122) |
by Johnson, R |
Optics Measurement Resolution and BPM Errors (p. 2125) |
by Chao Yu Chiu |
Linear Optics Correction in the CEBAF Accelerator (p. 2128) |
by Lebedev, V A |
1 nA Beam Position Monitoring System (p. 2131) |
by Ursic, R |
Beam Position Monitors Inside the FEL-Undulator at the TESLA Test Facility Linac (p. 2134) |
by Lorenz, R |
First Operating Experiences of Beam Position Monitors in the TESLA Test Facility Linac (p. 2137) |
by Lorenz, R |
The Closed Orbit Measuring System at the DELTA Synchrotron Radiation Facility (p. 2140) |
by Jankowiak, A |
Development of a Resistive Beam Position/Current Monitor for the UMD Electron Ring (p. 2143) |
by Suk, H |
Performance of the Single-Pass Position Monitor at SOR-RING (p. 2146) |
by Kudo, H |
A Scanning Target Profile Monitor for the Slow Extracted Beam at the AGS (p. 2149) |
by Brown, K A |
A Prototype Ionization Profile Monitor for RHIC (p. 2152) |
by Connolly, R |
A Multi-Wire Beam Profile Monitor in the AGS (p. 2155) |
by Huang, H |
RADON Reconstruction in Longitudinal Phase Space (p. 2158) |
by Mane, V |
Orbit Compensation for the Time Varying Elliptically Polarized Wiggler with Switching Frequency at 100 Hz (p. 2161) |
by Singh, O |
A Turn-by-turn vertical profile monitor (p. 2164) |
by Smith, R S |
Fermilab Main Ring Ion Profile Monitor System (p. 2166) |
by Zagel, J R |
First Test Results of a Residual Gas Beam Profile Monitor (p. 2169) |
by Variale, V |
A longitudinal phase space monitor at the Photon Factory Storage Ring (p. 2171) |
by Kobayashi, Y |
Study of a Non-Intrusive Electron Beam Radius Diagnostic (p. 2174) |
by Kwan, Thomas J T |
Preliminary Results of RMS Emittance Measurements Performed on the Sub-Picosecond Accelerator Using Beam Position Monitors (p. 2177) |
by Russell, Steven J |
Spectral Fluctuations of Incoherent Radiation and Measurement of Longitudinal Bunch Profile (p. 2180) |
by Zolotorev, M S |
A Turn by Turn Photon Beam Profile Observation by a Laser Beam Saturated Photodiode (p. 2183) |
by Hsu, Ian C |
Beam profile monitors in the NLCTA (p. 2186) |
by Nantista, C D |
An RF bunch length monitor for the SLC final focus (p. 2189) |
by Zimmermann, Frank |
Analysis of a Novel Diffractive Scanning-Wire Beam Position Monitor (BPM) for Discriminative Profiling of Electron vs. X-Ray Beams (p. 2192) |
by Tatchyn, R |
Analysis of a Single-Shot Longitudinal Bunch Profiling System Based on an Ultra-Short Pulse Ti : Sapphire Laser(p. 2195) |
by Tatchyn, R |
High Power Beam Profile Monitor with Optical Transition Radiation (p. 2198) |
by Denard, J C |
An Emittance Measurement System for a Wide Range of Bunch Charges (p. 2201) |
by Dunham, B |
A Multislit Transverse-Emittance Diagnostic for Space-Charge-Dominated Electron Beams (p. 2204) |
by Piot, P |
Status of the APS Diagnostics Undulator Beamline (p. 2207) |
by Yang, B X |
Tests of APS X-Ray Transmitting Beam Position Monitors at ESRF (p. 2210) |
by Shu, D |
Observations of Secondary Emission Chamber Degradation from Very High Intensity Proton Beams at the AGS (p. 2213) |
by Brown, K A |
Performance of the RHIC Injection Line Instrumentation Systems (p. 2215) |
by Shea, T J |
RHIC Beam Loss Monitor System Design (p. 2218) |
by Witkover, R |
Instrumentation for Low Energy Electron Measurements (p. 2221) |
by Tan, C Y |
A Proposed New HOM Monitoring System on the SRS (p. 2223) |
by McIntosh, P A |
Online calculation of Tevatron collider luminosity using accelerator instrumentation (p. 2226) |
by Hahn, A A |
A Beam Monitoring & Calibration System for High-Power Electron Linacs (p. 2229) |
by Uvarov, V L |
LEDA and APT Beam Diagnostics Instrumentation (p. 2232) |
by Gilpatrick, J D |
PEP-II Bunch-by-Bunch Current Monitor (p. 2235) |
by Chin, M J |
Optical Beam Diagnostics for the LNLS Synchrotron Light Source (p. 2238) |
by Farias, R H A |
Vibration Measurement for Instrumentation and Diagnostics (p. 2241) |
by Sarkar, S |
Option of Method for Electron Bunch Phase Distribution Monitoring (p. 2244) |
by Tron, A |
Space Charge Effect in Secondary Electron Monitors (p. 2247) |
by Tron, A |
Equipment for Beam Current and Electron Energy Monitoring During Industry Irradiation (p. 2250) |
by Zavadtsev, A A |
Design and Initial Commissioning of Beam Diagnostics for the PEP-II B Factory (p. 2253) |
by Fisher, A S |
Real-Time Beam Loss Monitoring System and its Application at SRRC (p. 2259) |
by Hsu, K T |
Methods of Orbit Correction System Optimization (p. 2262) |
by Chao Yu Chiu |
Automated Path Length and M56 Measurements at Jefferson Lab (p. 2265) |
by Hardy, D |
Analyzing Measurements of Nonlinear Transfer Functions with Tschebyshev Polynomials (p. 2268) |
by Krafft, G A |
Beam-Based Phase Monitoring and Gradient Calibration of Jefferson Laboratory RF Systems (p. 2271) |
by Tiefenback, M G |
A High Power Faraday Cup to Measure Extracted Beam Current from the Bates South Hall Ring (p. 2274) |
by Shaw, J |
Photoemission Instabilities : Theory and Experiment(p. 2276) |
by Rogers, Joseph T |
Commissioning of the APS Real-Time Orbit Feedback System (p. 2281) |
by Carwardine, J |
Control Of Multibunch Longitudinal Instabilities And Beam Diagnostics Using A Dsp-based Feedback System (p. 2284) |
by Teytelman, D |
Global Orbit Feedback Utilizing Analog and Digital Technologies (p. 2287) |
by Singh, O |
Evaluation of the Global Orbit Correction Algorithm for the APS Real-Time Orbit Feedback System (p. 2290) |
by Carwardine, J |
Characterization and Equalization of the AC Responses of the Corrector Magnets for the APS Local Orbit Feedback System (p. 2293) |
by Doose, C |
Simulation of the APS Storage-Ring RF Accelerating System (p. 2296) |
by Schwartz, C |
Multiple Control for Feedback Tuning of the Advanced Photon Source Storage Ring/Booster RF Cavities (p. 2299) |
by Smith, T L |
An Example of a Digital Synthesis Approach to DSP Design : The AGS Transverse Damper(p. 2302) |
by Brown, K A |
Longitudinal Coupled Bunch Instabilities on the NSLS X-Ray Ring (p. 2305) |
by Klaffky, R W |
AGS Slow Extracted Beam Improvement (p. 2308) |
by Marneris, I |
RF Control System for the SC Cavity of the Tesla Test Facility Injector (p. 2311) |
by Mosnier, A |
Emittance preservation in the PS complex (p. 2314) |
by Autin, Bruno |
Observation of a longitudinal coupled bunch instability with trains of bunches in CESR (p. 2317) |
by Billing, M G |
A design and performance analysis tool for superconducting RF systems (p. 2320) |
by Schilcher, T |
Observation and Cure of Longitudinal Coupled-Bunch Instabilities in the Fermilab Main Ring (p. 2323) |
by Assadi, S |
Digital Low Level RF Systems for Fermilab Main Ring and Tevatron (p. 2326) |
by Chase, B E |
Damping of Injection Oscillations (p. 2329) |
by Zhabitsky, V M |
Strategy for developing fast bunch feedback systems for KEKB (p. 2332) |
by Kikutani, E |
Study of bunch by bunch feedback system in TRISTAN-AR (p. 2335) |
by Tobiyama, M |
APT LLRF Control System Model Results (p. 2338) |
by Regan, A |
Algorithms and Implementation of APT Resonant Control System (p. 2341) |
by Wang, Y M |
Status of the PEP-II Transverse Feedback Systems (p. 2344) |
by Barry, W |
Beam Test of the Acceleration System with the DDS in HIMAC Synchrotron (p. 2347) |
by Kanazawa, M |
Transverse Beam Feedback System in the PLS (p. 2350) |
by Huang, J Y |
The Design of the ELETTRA Fast Local Feedback System (p. 2353) |
by Bocchetta, C J |
First Operational Results with the ELETTRA Fast Local Feedback System (p. 2356) |
by Bocchetta, C J |
Commissioning experience with the PEP-II low-level RF system (p. 2359) |
by Corredoura, P L |
Design and Verification of Controllers for Longitudinal Oscillations Using Optimal Control Theory and Numerical Simulation : Predictions for PEP-II(p. 2362) |
by Hindi, H |
Gap voltage feed-forward module for PEP-II low level RF system (p. 2365) |
by Ross, W R |
VXI based multibunch detector and QPSK modulator for the PEP-II/ALS/DA$\phi$NE longitudinal feedback system (p. 2368) |
by Young, A |
Local Feedback Experiment in the Taiwan Light Source (p. 2371) |
by Kuo, C H |
Digital Global Orbit Feedback System Developing in SRRC (p. 2374) |
by Kuo, C H |
Developement of a Digital Longitudinal Damper for the TLS Storage Ring (p. 2377) |
by Lau, W K |
Optimising Injection into CELSIUS with a Steering Feedback and Beta-Matching System (p. 2380) |
by Mohammadzadeh, A |
Development of Digital Feedback Systems for Beam Position and Energy at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (p. 2383) |
by Karn, J |
Design and Implementation of a Slow Orbit Control Package at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (p. 2386) |
by Van Zeijts, Johannes |
Robinson-Type Criteria for Beam and RF Cavity with Delayed, Voltage-Proportional Feedback (p. 2389) |
by Koscielniak, S |
Study of Orbit Feedback Systems for the TESLA Linear Collider (p. 2392) |
by Lorenz, R |
Object Oriented Programming Interfaces for Accelerator Control (p. 2395) |
by Hoff, Lawrence T |
A portable accelerator control toolkit (p. 2398) |
by Watson, W A |
Experience with EPICS in a Wide Variety of Applications (p. 2403) |
by Kraimer, Martin R |
The Procedure Execution Manager and Its Application to Advanced Photon Source Operation (p. 2410) |
by Borland, M |
Data Warehouse on the Web for Accelerator Fabrication and Maintenance (p. 2413) |
by Chan, A |
COSY INFINITY Version 7 (p. 2416) |
by Berz, M |
A Solving Module of an Expert System for Nonlinear Beam Dynamics (p. 2419) |
by Andrianov, S |
Designing a Portable Architecture for Intelligent Particle Accelerator Control (p. 2422) |
by Klein, W |
A hybrid numerical method for orbit correction (p. 2425) |
by White, G |
Electron Multipactor Code for High-Power RF Devices (p. 2428) |
by Humphries, S |
Eigenmodes of Microwave Cavities Containing High-Loss Dielectric Materials (p. 2431) |
by Cooke, S J |
Status of Unified Accelerator Libraries (p. 2434) |
by Malitsky, N |
Innovative Aspects of the SDL Control System (p. 2437) |
by Graves, W S |
Control and operational models for vacuum equipment (p. 2440) |
by Strubin, Pierre M |
PC-based applications programming on the SRS control system (p. 2443) |
by Martlew, B G |
The Usage of Transient Recorders in the Daily HERA Machine Operation (p. 2446) |
by Bacher, R |
A High Reliability Accelerator Control System (p. 2449) |
by Callahan, J |
Nuclotron Control System (p. 2452) |
by Andreev, V |
Use of a Virtual Accelerator for a Development of an Accelerator Control System (p. 2455) |
by Yamamoto, N |
Operation Logging System Using the Database for Synchrotron Radiation Beam Lines at the Photon Factory (p. 2458) |
by Kanaya, N |
Integrating Commercial and Legacy Control Systems With EPICS (p. 2461) |
by Hill, J O |
Completion of the LANSCE Proton Storage Ring Control System Upgrade - A Successful Integration of EPICS into a Running Control System (p. 2464) |
by Schaller, S C |
Automating ELETTRA Operation with ``One Button Machine'' (p. 2467) |
by Bulfone, D |
Operator interface for the PEP-II low level RF control system (p. 2470) |
by Allison, S |
Network Upgrade for the SLC : PEP-II Network(p. 2473) |
by Crane, M |
Network Upgrade for the SLC : Control System Modifications(p. 2476) |
by Crane, M |
Using WWW in SRRC Control System (p. 2479) |
by Chen, J S |
The Design of the Control System for ANKA (p. 2481) |
by Avsec, S |
Automated Startup of the CEBAF 45 MeV Injector (p. 2484) |
by Kehne, D |
Applications Toolkit for Accelerator Control and Analysis (p. 2487) |
by Borland, M |
A Bunch Clock for the Advanced Photon Source (p. 2490) |
by Lenkszus, Frank R |
Embedded Controllers, Field Bus and a Modular IO Concept : Central Elements of BESSY II Controls(p. 2493) |
by Bergl, J |
RHIC Beam Permit and Quench Detection Communications System (p. 2496) |
by Conkling, C R |
The RHIC Real Time Data Link System (p. 2499) |
by Hartmann, H |
Evaluation of IEEE 1394 Serial Bus for Distributed Data Acquisition (p. 2502) |
by Shea, T J |
Precision Timing Control System (p. 2505) |
by Meller, Robert E |
Implementation of a new RF monitoring system for the SRS using LabVIEW (p. 2508) |
by Pugh, M J |
Commissioning of SPring-8 Linac Control System (p. 2511) |
by Sakaki, H |
Improvements to the LANSCE Accelerator Timing System (p. 2514) |
by Rybarcyk, L J |
A Components Database Design and Implementation for Accelerators and Detectors (p. 2517) |
by Meyer, S |
Arc Detection and Interlock Module for the PEP-II Low Level RF System (p. 2520) |
by Tighe, R |
Automatic Lattice Parameters Measurement Tools at SRRC (p. 2523) |
by Chen, J |
Orbit Correction Using Virtual Monitors at Jefferson Lab (p. 2526) |
by Chao Yu Chiu |
Pulse Selection Control for the IR FEL Photocathode Drive Laser (p. 2529) |
by Jordan, K |
Experience With Vsystem in a Wide Variety of Applications (p. 2532) |
by Clout, Peter N |
Tuning and optimization at Brookhaven and Argonne : results of recent experiments(p. 2535) |
by Klein, W |
Spin Tracking Study of the AGS (p. 2538) |
by Huang, H |
An Interactive Beam Line Simulator Module for RHIC (p. 2541) |
by MacKay, W W |
Modeling RHIC Using the Standard Machine Format Accelerator Description (p. 2544) |
by Pilat, F |
3-D Numerical Field Calculations of CESR's Upgraded Superconducting Magnets (p. 2547) |
by Greenwald, Z |
Wake Fields of a Bunch on a General Trajectory Due to Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (p. 2550) |
by Dohlus, M |
Application of the GSM Method and TD Computation of the Long Range Wake in Linear Accelerator Structures (p. 2553) |
by Jöstingmeier, A |
Enhancements to the longitudinal dynamics code ESME (p. 2556) |
by MacLachlan, J A |
Optics Elements for Modeling Electrostatic Lenses and Accelerator Components I. Einzel Lenses (p. 2559) |
by Gillespie, George H |
The Particle Beam Optics Interactive Computer Laboratory for Personal Computers and Workstations (p. 2562) |
by Gillespie, George H |
Lorentz Group Lie Algebra Map of Ultra-Relativistic Radiating Electron (p. 2565) |
by Kawaguchi, H |
PLATO : A Program Library for the Analysis of 4D Nonlinear Transverse Motion(p. 2568) |
by Giovannozzi, Massimo |
Parallel algorithms for the analysis of nonlinear betatronic motion (p. 2571) |
by Giovannozzi, Massimo |
Further Improvements in TRACE 3-D (p. 2574) |
by Rusthoi, D P |
Applications of the General Particle Tracer Code (p. 2577) |
by Van der Geer, S B |
The computer program LIAR for the simulation and modeling of high performance linacs (p. 2580) |
by Assmann, R W |
LEGO : A Modular Accelerator Design Code(p. 2583) |
by Cai, Y |
Lattice commissioning strategy for the B-factory (p. 2586) |
by Lee, M |
Transverse Wakefield Analysis for the NLC & JLC Detuned Structures on a Parallel Computer (p. 2589) |
by Zhan, X |
MAPA : Implementation of Standard Interchange Format and Use of Analyzing Lattices(p. 2592) |
by Shasharina, Svetlana G |
Ion Optical Stray Field Analysis of an ESR Dipole (p. 2594) |
by Schillinger, B |
Development of the ACCSIM Tracking and Simulation Code (p. 2597) |
by Jones, F W |
A Graphical User Interface for RELAX3D (p. 2600) |
by Jones, F W |
HESHBEAM - A Program with a Graphical User Interface for Calculation of the Luminosity Spectrum and the Differential Luminosity (p. 2603) |
by Heydari, H |
Tracking Routines for General Insertion Devices (p. 2606) |
by Scheer, M |
Simulation of Multipacting in RF Cavities and Periodical Structures (p. 2609) |
by Grudiev, A V |
A Self-Consistent Beam Loaded Traveling Wave Accelerator Model for Use in TRACE 3-D (p. 2615) |
by Lampel, M C |
Monte Carlo Simulation of Nonlaminar DC Beam Including the Influence of Self-Fields (p. 2618) |
by Zapalac, G |
Use of the LANA Code for the Design of a Heavy Ion Linac (p. 2621) |
by Gorelov, D V |
Relativistic Klystron Two-Beam Accelerator Simulation Code Development (p. 2624) |
by Lidia, S M |
Measured and Theoretical Characterization of the RF Properties of Stacked, High-Gradient Insulator Material (p. 2627) |
by Houck, T L |
Wake Properties of a Stripline Beam Kicker (p. 2630) |
by Poole, Brian R |
BBU Design of Linear Induction Accelerator Cells for Radiography Application (p. 2633) |
by Shang, C C |
A Flexible-Variable Truncated Power Series Algebra in Zlib (p. 2636) |
by Yan, Y T |
A Field-Cancellation Algorithm for Constructing Economical Planar Permanent Magnet (PM) Multipoles with Large High-Quality Field Apertures (p. 2639) |
by Tatchyn, R |
Aperture Calculation of AURORA-2D Compact Electron Storage Ring with Superconducting Wiggler (p. 2642) |
by Tsutsui, H |
Numerical Simulation and RF Model Measurements of the New GSI IH-DTL (p. 2645) |
by Krietenstein, B |
Broad-band impedance of LHC shielded bellows (p. 2648) |
by Dyachkov, M |
GdfidL : A Finite Difference Program with Reduced Memory and CPU Usage(p. 2651) |
by Bruns, W |
Expression Templates for Truncated Power Series (p. 2654) |
by Cary, John R |
Laser-Driven Plasma-Cathode Electron Injector (p. 2657) |
by Umstadter, D |
State of the Art of ECR Ion Sources (p. 2662) |
by Xie, Z Q |
Very-Low-Energy-Spread Ion Sources (p. 2667) |
by Lee, Y |
Recent Progress of RIKEN 18 GHz ECRIS (p. 2672) |
by Nakagawa, T |
Initial Test Results from a Multicusp Source for TRIUMF's Radioactive Beam Facility (p. 2675) |
by Kuo, T |
Results from ZMEVVA : A New Source for Heavy-Ion Accelerators(p. 2678) |
by Johnson, B M |
Intense, High Brightness H- Beams from Surface Plasma Sources (p. 2681) |
by Guharay, S K |
The Dependence of Longitudinal Emittance upon Surface Charge Density in a RF Photoinjector (p. 2684) |
by Dowell, D H |
Emittance studies of the BNL/SLAC/UCLA 1.6 cell photocathode rf gun (p. 2687) |
by Palmer, D T |
Experimental Operation of a 17 GHz Photocathode RF Gun (p. 2690) |
by Trotz, S |
A High-DC-Voltage GaAs Photoemission Gun : Transverse Emittance and Momentum Spread Measurements(p. 2693) |
by Engwall, D |
The Production and Transport of Radioactive 17F at ATLAS for Research (p. 2696) |
by Harss, B |
The production and transport of radioactive$^{17}F$ at ATLAS for research (p. 2696) |
by Harss, B |
Beam Chopper for the Low-Energy Undulator Test Line (LEUTL) in the APS (p. 2699) |
by Kang, Y W |
A new 14 GHz electron-cyclotron-resonance ion source (ECRIS) for the heavy ion accelerator facility ATLAS (p. 2702) |
by Schlapp, M |
Characterization and Recent Modification of a Compact 10 GHz ECRIS for Atomic Physics Experiments and Spectroscopic Investigations (p. 2705) |
by Schlapp, M |
A Low Power Low Cost 2.45 GHz ECRIS for the Production of Multiply Charged Ions (p. 2708) |
by Schlapp, M |
Progress on an EBIS for RHIC (p. 2711) |
by Alessi, J |
Improved Version of Surface Plasma Negative Ion Source (p. 2714) |
by Dudnikov, V G |
Cadarache 1 MeV Negative Ion Accelerator Development for Application in Thermonuclear Fusion Research (p. 2717) |
by Simonin, A |
First Beam of the CEA-Saclay CW High-Intensity Microwave Source (p. 2720) |
by Beauvais, Pierre Yves |
Space-Charge Neutralization Measurement of a 75-keV, 130-mA Hydrogen-Ion Beam (p. 2723) |
by Ferdinand, R |
Upgrade of the H--Injection System at the DESY Proton Linac III (p. 2726) |
by Kleffner, C M |
Upgrade of the $H^{-}$ injection system at the DESY proton linac, 3 (p. 2726) |
by Kleffner, C M |
Trapped Ion Source (p. 2729) |
by Brautti, G |
Beam Chopper for the 750 keV LEBT of MMF Linac (p. 2732) |
by Novikov, A V |
Test of Duoplasmatron with Cold Cathode for CW Operation (p. 2735) |
by Kolomiets, A |
A Pulsed Ion Source for the IUCF Cooler Injector Synchroton (p. 2737) |
by Derenchuk, V P |
Mechanical Engineering of a 75-keV Proton Injector for the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator (p. 2740) |
by Hansborough, L D |
Performance of the LANSCE H- Source and Low Energy Beam Transport at Higher Peak Current (p. 2743) |
by Pillai, C |
Simulations of the LEDA LEBT H+ Beam (p. 2746) |
by Vernon-Smith, H |
Simulations of the LEDA LEBT with H+, H2+, and e- Particles (p. 2749) |
by Young, Lloyd M |
Simulations of the LEDA RFQ 6.7 MeV Accelerator (p. 2752) |
by Young, Lloyd M |
High Current Density Ion Sources for Heavy Ion Fusion Accelerators (p. 2755) |
by Kwan, J W |
H- Ion Source Development for the National Spallation Neutron Source (p. 2758) |
by Leitner, M A |
A Compact, RF-Driven, Pulsed Ion Source for Intense Neutron Generation (p. 2761) |
by Perkins, L T |
Development of a High Duty Factor, Surface Conversion H- Ion Source for the LANSCE Facility (p. 2764) |
by Wengrow, A B |
Development of an RF Driven Plasma Cathode for Ion Sources (p. 2767) |
by Williams, M D |
A Multicusp Ion Source for Radioactive Ion Beams (p. 2770) |
by Wutte, D C |
Ion Microwave Source for Linear Accelerator (p. 2773) |
by Nesterovich, A V |
Toward a Realistic and Tractable Model for Negative Ion Extraction from Volume Sources (p. 2775) |
by Whealton, J H |
60 keV Beam Transport Line and Switchyard for ISAC (p. 2778) |
by Baartman, R |
OPPIS Development at TRIUMF (p. 2781) |
by Zelenski, A |
Reason for Free Electrons from the Surface of Ferroelectrics with a Metal Lattice Structure (p. 2784) |
by Heydari, H |
Effect of the Long Solenoid Tunnel on the Growth of Emittance in the PNC High Power Electron Linac (p. 2787) |
by Nomura, M |
Performance of Magnesium Cathode in the S-Band RF Gun (p. 2790) |
by Srinivasan-Rao, T |
Longitudinal Emittance Compensation In a Photocathode RF Gun Injector (p. 2793) |
by Wang, X J |
Beam Dynamics in RF-Gun Cavity with a Modified First Cell (p. 2796) |
by Volkov, V |
Single Bunch Injection System for an Electron Storage Ring Using an RF Photoinjector (p. 2799) |
by O'Shea, P G |
A Plane-Wave-Transformer Photoelectron Linac (p. 2802) |
by Yu, D |
Proposed intense positron source for TESLA based on HERA e (p. 2805) |
by Kiselev, A V |
A Fully Demountable 550 kV Electron Gun for Low Emittance Beam Experiments with a 17 GHz Linac (p. 2808) |
by Haimson, J |
Commissioning of the IUCF 7 MeV H- Linac (p. 2811) |
by Friesel, D L |
Performance of Electron Gun for SPring-8 Linac (p. 2814) |
by Asaka, T |
Thermionic RF Gun with High Duty Factor (p. 2817) |
by Mitrochenko, V |
Obtaining the Linear Electron Beams by Using the Magnetron Injection Guns with Cold Secondary Emission Metallic Cathodes (Experiment) (p. 2820) |
by Tur, Yu D |
First Beam Tests of the TTF Injector (p. 2823) |
by Garvey, Terence |
Multi-kiloampere, electron-beam generation from bare aluminum photo-cathodes driven by an ArF laser (p. 2826) |
by Carlson, R L |
Development and Characterization of Diamond Film and Compound Metal Surface High Current Photocathodes (p. 2829) |
by Shurter, R P |
High Voltage, High Current, Long Pulse Electron Beam Injector for DARHT (p. 2832) |
by Henestroza, E |
Focusing of Ribbon Beam in Undulator Linear Accelerator (p. 2835) |
by Masunov, E S |
The Development of a Superconducting RF Gun : Status of the Drossel Collaboration(p. 2838) |
by Janssen, D |
Emittance Measurements for the SLAC Gun Test Facility (p. 2840) |
by Hernández, M |
Experimental results of a single emittance compensation solenoidal magnet (p. 2843) |
by Palmer, D T |
Beam dynamics enhancement due to accelerating field symmetrization in the BNL/SLAC/UCLA 1.6 cell S-band photocathode RF gun (p. 2846) |
by Palmer, D T |
Polarized electron sources for future $e^{+}/e^{-}$ linear colliders (p. 2849) |
by Tang, H |
NLCTA injector experimental results (p. 2852) |
by Yeremian, A D |
A proposed injector for the LCLS linac (p. 2855) |
by Yeremian, A D |
The Construction and Initial High Power Test Results of an X-Band RF Gun (p. 2858) |
by Ho, C H |
An Injection Modelocked Ti-Sapphire Laser for Synchronous Photoinjection (p. 2861) |
by Hovater, C |
Atomic Hydrogen Cleaning of Semiconductor Photocathodes (p. 2864) |
by Sinclair, C K |
Laser System for the TTF Photoinjector at Fermilab (p. 2867) |
by Fry, A R |
Cathodeless, High Brightness Electron Beam Production by Multiple Laser Beams in Plasmas (p. 2870) |
by Hemker, R G |
Experimental Testing of the TTF RF Photoinjector (p. 2873) |
by Colby, E |
Optimum Operation of Split RF Photo-Injectors (p. 2876) |
by Serafini, L |
Performance of the LEP2 SRF system (p. 2879) |
by Boussard, Daniel |
Overview of Advances in the Basic Understanding of Dark Current and Breakdown in RF Cavities (p. 2884) |
by Padamsee, H |
Design of 250-MW CW RF System for APT (p. 2889) |
by Rees, D |
Development of X-band klystron technology at SLAC (p. 2894) |
by Caryotakis, G |
A New Generation of Gridded Tubes for Higher Power and Higher Frequencies (p. 2899) |
by Clerc, G |
Development of high-power ARES cavities (p. 2902) |
by Kageyama, T |
Design of Three Recirculating-Linac SRF Systems for a 4-TeV µ+ - µ- Collider (p. 2905) |
by Shu, Q S |
Status and Developments of Superconducting Cavity for KEKB (p. 2908) |
by Mitsunobu, S |
Design and construction of a 500 KW CW, 400 MHz klystron to be used as RF power source for LHC/RF component tests (p. 2911) |
by Frischholz, Hans |
Superconducting Cavities for the APT Accelerator (p. 2914) |
by Krawczyk, Frank L |
Test Results on the 9-Cell 1.3 GHz Superconducting RF Cavities for the TESLA Test Facility Linac (p. 2917) |
by Pekeler, M |
Solving the Problem of Heating of RF Contacts in Cavity Tuners (p. 2923) |
by Senichev, Yu |
A Divide-Down RF Source Generation System for the Advanced Photon Source (p. 2926) |
by Horan, D |
Mechanical Design Upgrade of the APS Storage Ring RF Cavity Tuner (p. 2929) |
by Jones, J |
Coaxial Higher-Order Mode Damper Employing a High-Pass Filter (p. 2932) |
by Kang, Y W |
Reconfigurable High-Power RF System in the APS (p. 2935) |
by Kang, Y W |
Upgraded Cavities for the Positron Accumulator Ring of the APS (p. 2938) |
by Kang, Y W |
An Overview of the APS 352-MHz RF Systems (p. 2941) |
by Nassiri, A |
Higher-Order Modes of Storage Ring RF Cavities and Their Interaction with the Beam at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) (p. 2944) |
by Song, J J |
Modifying CERN SPS cavities and amplifiers for use in RHIC (p. 2947) |
by Connolly, R |
First Operation of the HAP/MOPA Traveling Wave Structure at Boeing FEL (p. 2950) |
by Vetter, A M |
The PS 40 MHz bunching cavity (p. 2953) |
by Garoby, R |
The tuning of the cavity options for DIAMOND (p. 2956) |
by Dawson, C L |
Effective Compact Accelerating Structures for Heavy Ions (p. 2959) |
by Paramonov, V V |
The Cut Disk Accelerating Structure for High Energy Linacs (p. 2962) |
by Paramonov, V V |
The Design of High Reliable RF System for High Power Linacs (p. 2965) |
by Kozodaev, A M |
An RF system for a compact synchrotron (p. 2968) |
by Pei, A |
RF Stations of the SPring-8 Storage Ring (p. 2971) |
by Hara, M |
Fundamental Mode Characteristics Of Ares Cavity Under Beam Environment (p. 2974) |
by Akasaka, N |
Coupling cavity damper for the ARES (p. 2977) |
by Naito, F |
Construction of a 714-MHz RF system for the ATF damping ring (p. 2980) |
by Sakanaka, S |
Development of a broadband HOM load for the 714-$MH_{z}$ HOM-damped cavity (p. 2983) |
by Sakanaka, S |
HOM absorber for the ARES cavity (p. 2986) |
by Tekeutchi, F |
Beam Test of an RF Damped Cavity at the Photon Factory Storage Ring (p. 2989) |
by Izawa, M |
Studies of Magnetic Cores for JHF Synchrotrons (p. 2992) |
by Fujieda, M |
A Wideband Rf Cavity For Jhf Synchrotrons (p. 2995) |
by Ohmori, C |
Plunger Frequency Control of a Side Coupled Accelerating Structure for the IFUSP Microtron (p. 2998) |
by Takahashi, J |
Measurement and identification of HOM's in RF cavities (p. 3001) |
by Goldberg, D A |
High-Power Testing of RF Cavities for the PEP-II B Factory (p. 3004) |
by Rimmer, R A |
Fabrication Processes for the PEP-II RF Cavities (p. 3007) |
by Franks, R M |
Operation of the LNLS Storage Ring RF System (p. 3010) |
by Wisnivesky, D |
On The Limitations of Accelerating Gradient in Linear Colliders Due to the Pulse Heating (p. 3013) |
by Nezhevenko, O A |
Operational Characteristics of RF System Affecting PLS Beam Stability (p. 3015) |
by Kwon, M |
Design and Operation of PET Radio Frequency Quadrupoles (p. 3018) |
by Sun, D |
SLC Interferometer System and Phase Distribution Upgrades (p. 3021) |
by Akre, R |
Calibration System for SLC 476 MHz to 2856 MHz Multipliers (p. 3024) |
by Akre, R |
Low-Level RF Signal Processing for the Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator (p. 3027) |
by Holmes, S |
Waveguide stub-line tuning of RF cavities with heavy beam loading (p. 3030) |
by Krejcik, P |
HOM Power Generation and Propagation in the PEP-II B-Factory (p. 3033) |
by Lin, Xintian E |
Experimental study of pulsed heating of electromagnetic cavities (p. 3036) |
by Pritzkau, D P |
Development of a movable plunger tuner for the high-power RF cavity for the PEP-II B-factory (p. 3039) |
by Schwarz, H D |
RF systems for the NLCTA (p. 3042) |
by Wang, J W |
RF breakdown studies in X-Band klystron cavities (p. 3045) |
by Xu, X |
Upgrade Issues of the TLS Storage Ring RF System (p. 3048) |
by Lau, W K |
Design of a Third Harmonic Landau Cavity for the SRRC Storage Ring (p. 3051) |
by Wang, C |
On the Mechanical Design of a 1.5 GHz Landau Cavity (p. 3054) |
by Yang, T T |
Sawtooth Wave Generation for Pre-Buncher Cavity in ISAC (p. 3057) |
by Fong, K |
Coarse and Fine Tuners for the CERN PS 40 MHz Bunching Cavity (p. 3060) |
by Mitra, A K |
Coarse and fine tuners for the CERN PS 40 MHz buncher cavity (p. 3060) |
by Mitra, A |
Measurements at TRIUMF on a 80 MHz cavity model for the CERN PS upgrade for LHC (p. 3063) |
by Mitra, A |
High Power Test of the Damped RF-Cavity (p. 3066) |
by Koseki, T |
HOM characteristics of the ARES cavity (p. 3069) |
by Kobayashi, T |
Niobium Quarter-Wave Cavity for the New Delhi Booster Linac (p. 3072) |
by Shepard, K W |
Development of Superconducting RF for CESR (p. 3075) |
by Belomestnykh, S |
Superconducting RF System Options for DIAMOND (p. 3078) |
by Dykes, D M |
Note on the SC linear collider TESLA cavity design (p. 3081) |
by Sekutowicz, J |
Mechanical Stabilisation of Superconducting Quarter Wave Resonators (p. 3084) |
by Facco, A |
Higher Order Mode Analysis of the APT Superconducting Cavities (p. 3093) |
by Krawczyk, Frank L |
In-Situ Proton Irradiation and Measurement of Superconducting RF Cavities Under Cryogenic Conditions (p. 3096) |
by Rusnak, B |
Superconducting cavities for the reduced-beta section of a proton linac (p. 3099) |
by Pasotti, C |
New Window Design Options for CEBAF Energy Upgrade (p. 3102) |
by Phillips, L |
Improvement of the Operational Performance of SRF Cavities via In Situ Helium Processing and Waveguide Vacuum Processing (p. 3105) |
by Reece, C |
Jefferson Lab IR FEL Cryomodule Modifications and Test Results (p. 3108) |
by Wiseman, M |
Phase Loop Bandwidth Measurements on the Advanced Photon Source 352-MHz RF Systems (p. 3111) |
by Horan, D |
7 GHz Pulsed Magnicon : Study and New Results(p. 3114) |
by Kozyrev, E |
High Efficiency TWT Amplifiers (p. 3117) |
by Naqvi, S |
Microwave Cold Tests of Planar RF Cavities (p. 3120) |
by Chen, J |
The 101 MHz amplifier system of the new CERN Lead Injector (p. 3123) |
by Hutter, G |
Design of 135 MW X-Band Relativistic Klystron for Linear Collider (p. 3126) |
by Dolbilov, G V |
Large-Signal Klystron Simulations Using KLSC (p. 3129) |
by Carlsten, Bruce E |
Rippled-Beam Free-Electron Laser (p. 3132) |
by Carlsten, B E |
Annular-Beam, 17 GHz Free-Electron Maser Experiment (p. 3135) |
by Earley, L M |
The RF System for the National Spallation Neutron Source Linac (p. 3138) |
by Tallerico, P |
Double-Sided Relativistic Magnetron (p. 3141) |
by Agafonov, A V |
Circuit Aspects of the NRL/Industrial 94 GHz Gyroklystron Amplifier (p. 3144) |
by Pershing, D |
Electron Beam Propagation with Premodulated Energy and Current (p. 3147) |
by Uhm, Han S |
Experimental Investigation of a W-Band Gyroklystron Amplifier (p. 3150) |
by Blank, M |
X-Band Magnicon Amplifier for the Next Linear Collider (p. 3153) |
by Gold, Steven H |
34-GHz Pulsed Magnicon for Linear Collider Application (p. 3156) |
by Nezhevenko, O A |
High Power 35 GHz Gyroklystron Amplifiers (p. 3159) |
by Choi, J J |
Feasibility Study of a HOM IOT for TESLA (p. 3162) |
by Schýtt, P |
Operating Experience and Reliability Improvements on the 5 kW CW Klystron at Jefferson Lab (p. 3165) |
by Nelson, R |
Initial Operation of the Maryland Coaxial Gyroklystron Experiment (p. 3168) |
by Lawson, W |
High Power 20 GHz RF Source Based on Seventh Harmonic Co-Generation (p. 3171) |
by Wang, C |
High Peak Power Test of S-Band Waveguide Switches (p. 3174) |
by Nassiri, A |
Design of a High Average Power Waveguide Window (p. 3177) |
by Chojnacki, E |
Electron Gun and Collector Design for 94-GHz Gyro-Amplifiers (p. 3180) |
by Nguyen, K |
Experimental Evaluation of 350 MHz RF Accelerator Windows for the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator (p. 3183) |
by Cummings, K |
Electron Gun for a High-Power X-Band Magnicon Amplifier (p. 3186) |
by Yakovlev, V P |
An All-Metal High Power Circularly Polarized X-Band RF Load (p. 3189) |
by Fowkes, W R |
The Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator's RF Pulse Compression and Transmission Systems (p. 3192) |
by Fant, K |
Upgrade of the SLAC SLED-II Pulse Compression System Based on Recent High Power Tests (p. 3195) |
by Vlieks, A E |
Multipactor Discharge on a Dielectric (p. 3198) |
by Kishek, R A |
Overview of Hot Topics in Insertion Device Design (p. 3201) |
by Robinson, K E |
Experiments and Cycling at the LHC Prototype Half-Cell (p. 3206) |
by Saban, R |
Experiments and cycling at the LHC prototype helf-cell (p. 3206) |
by Casas-Cubillos, J |
Quench Performance and Field Quality Measurements of the First LHC Low-beta Quadrupole Model (p. 3209) |
by Ostojic, R |
Quench Performance and Field Quality Measurements of the First LHC low-$\beta$ Quadrupole Model (p. 3209) |
by Ostojic, R |
Test Results for a High Field (13 T) Nb3Sn Dipole (p. 3212) |
by McInturff, A D |
Low Field Magnets with High Temperature Superconductors for an Upgrade of CESR (p. 3215) |
by Dugan, G |
Vibrating Wire Field-Measuring Technique (p. 3218) |
by Temnykh, A |
The Advanced Light Source elliptically polarizing undulator (p. 3221) |
by Marks, S |
Magnetic Performance of Insertion Devices at the Advanced Photon Source (p. 3224) |
by Moog, E R |
Temperature Compensation of NdFeB Permanent Magnets (p. 3227) |
by Kim, S H |
The STAR Detector Magnet Subsystem (p. 3230) |
by Brown, R L |
Magnets for the National Spallation Neutron Source Accumulator Ring (p. 3233) |
by Tuozzolo, J |
Permanent Magnet Quadrupoles for CESR Phase-III Upgrade (p. 3236) |
by Lou, W |
The Use of Correcting Coils in End Magnets of Accelerators (p. 3239) |
by Kassab, L R P |
Magnetic field measurements of the main injector sextupole magnets (p. 3242) |
by Bhat, C M |
Design for Fermilab Main Injector Magnet Ramps which Account for Hysteresis (p. 3245) |
by Brown, B C |
Magnet development for the BRF positron emission tomography accelerator (p. 3248) |
by Chester, N S |
Analysis and measurements of eddy current effects of a beam tube in a pulsed magnet (p. 3251) |
by Fang, S |
Experience with the procurement of ferrite and temperature compensator for permanent magnets for accelerators (p. 3254) |
by Fowler, W B |
Permanent dipole magnets for the 8-GeV transfer line at FNAL (p. 3257) |
by Glass, H D |
Stability tests of permanent magnets built with strontium ferrite (p. 3260) |
by Glass, H D |
Permanent gradient magnets for the 8-GeV transfer line at FNAL (p. 3263) |
by Glass, H D |
Automated Permanent Magnet Magnetization System for 8 GeV Transfer Line and Recycler Ring Production at Fermilab (p. 3266) |
by Haggard, E |
Magnetic Field Strength and Shape Measurements of the Fermilab Main Injector Quadrupoles (p. 3269) |
by Harding, D J |
Design and Magnetic Measurements of the Fermilab Main Injector Lambertson (p. 3272) |
by Johnson, D E |
Variations in the Steel Properties and the Excitation Characteristics of Fermilab Main Injector Dipoles (p. 3275) |
by Martin, P S |
Modifications to the Excitation Characteristics of Fermilab Main Injector Dipoles by Machining (p. 3278) |
by Martin, P S |
The Design and Construction of Permanent Magnet Lambertson for the Recycler Ring at Fermilab (p. 3280) |
by May, M P |
Design and Fabrication of Achromatic Bend for Medium Energy Electron Cooling at Fermilab (p. 3283) |
by McGee, M W |
Hybrid permanent quadrupoles for the 8 GeV transfer line at Fermilab (p. 3286) |
by Pruss, S M |
Selecting magnet laminations recipes using the method of simulated annealing (p. 3288) |
by Russel, A D |
Air cooled trim dipoles for the Fermilab main injector (p. 3291) |
by Harding, D J |
A combined function magnet for a compact synchrotron (p. 3294) |
by Tadokoro, M |
Field Measurements of PEP-II LER Dipoles and Quadrupoles at IHEP (p. 3297) |
by Hou, R |
The Fabrication of Quadrupole Magnets for PEP-II LER (p. 3300) |
by Huang, F |
3D Design, Contruction, and Field Analysis of CIS Main Dipole Magnets (p. 3303) |
by Berg, G P A |
Magnets and their Power Supplies of JHP 50-GeV Synchrotron (p. 3306) |
by Muto, M |
Magnets and their power supplies of JHF 50-GeV synchrotron (p. 3306) |
by Muto, M |
Magnetic Design and Measurement of Nonlinear Multipole Magnets for the APT Beam Expander System (p. 3309) |
by Barlow, D |
Optimization of the PEP-II Low Energy Ring Dipoles (p. 3312) |
by Barale, P |
Harmonic Correction Rings for the PEP-II I.R. Quadrupole Magnets (p. 3315) |
by Humphries, D |
Performance of the PEP-II Low-Energy Ring Quadrupoles (p. 3318) |
by Li, N |
Design of the PEP-II Interaction Region Septum Quadrupole (p. 3321) |
by Osborn, J |
Pulsed Septa for the LNLS Injector (p. 3324) |
by Rodrigues, A R D |
Eddy Current Effect of Very Long Time Constant of Block Magnets (p. 3327) |
by Kumada, M |
Magnetic Measurements of the Prototype Dipole for the IR-FEL at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (p. 3333) |
by Karn, J |
Magnets for the CERN PS booster transfer line (p. 3336) |
by Clark, G S |
Removal of Axial Twist in RHIC Insertion Quadrupole Magnets (p. 3338) |
by Cozzolino, J P |
Parameterization and Measurements of Helical Magnetic Fields (p. 3341) |
by Fischer, W |
A Common Coil Design for High Field 2-in-1 Accelerator Magnets (p. 3344) |
by Gupta, R |
Change in Field Harmonics after Quench and Thermal Cycles in Superconducting Magnets (p. 3347) |
by Gupta, R |
Magnetic Design of Superconducting Quadrupoles for a SC LINAC for APT (p. 3350) |
by Kahn, S |
Test Results from the Completed Production Run of Superconducting Corrector Magnets for RHIC (p. 3353) |
by Muratore, J |
RHIC D0 Insertion Dipole Design Iterations During Production (p. 3356) |
by Schmalzle, J D |
Helical Dipole Magnets for Polarized Protons in RHIC (p. 3359) |
by Syphers, M J |
A Helical Magnet Design for RHIC (p. 3362) |
by Willen, E |
Dynamic field quality of LHC/Saclay arc quadrupole magnet prototype (p. 3365) |
by Devred, Arnaud |
Mechanical design and layout of the LHC standard half-cell (p. 3368) |
by Brunet, J C |
State of the LHC Main Magnets (p. 3371) |
by Perin, R |
The short straight sections for the LHC (p. 3374) |
by Tortschanoff, Theodor |
Towards series measurements of the LHC superconducting dipole magnets (p. 3377) |
by Walckiers, L |
Forces on Interaction Region Quadrupoles and Dipoles Due to a Detector Solenoid Magnet (p. 3380) |
by Welch, James J |
The Superconducting Interaction Region Magnet System for the CESR Phase III Upgrade (p. 3383) |
by Welch, James J |
Configuration of the Proposed Diamond Superconducting Dipole Magnet (p. 3386) |
by Marks, N |
Quench protection of SC quadrupole magnets (p. 3389) |
by Fehér, S |
Design and Operation of an Experimental ``Double-C'' Transmission Line Magnet (p. 3392) |
by Foster, G W |
A new facility to test superconducting accelerator magnets (p. 3395) |
by Lamm, M J |
Magnetic Design of a High Gradient Quadrupole for the LHC Low-beta Insertions (p. 3398) |
by Sabbi, G |
Magnetic design of a high gradient quadrupole for the LHC low- beta insertions (p. 3398) |
by Sabbi, G L |
A Mu Mu Collider Capture Solenoid System for Pions from a Tilted Target (p. 3401) |
by Green, M A |
Tutorial on Superconducting Accelerator Magnets (p. 3404) |
by Penny Ball, M J |
Superconducting Solenoids for the Polarized Electron Spin Control System of the MIT-Bates South Hall Ring (SHR) (p. 3407) |
by Averill, R |
Measurement of Young's modulus and shim calculation for LHC prototype dipole magnets (p. 3410) |
by Eysselein, F G |
Progress in the Design, Manufacture and Testing of the KLOE Solenoid for the DA NE Ring at Frascati (p. 3413) |
by Andrews, D E |
Maxwellian field expansion of helical magnet (p. 3416) |
by Hatanaka, K |
Design of the Sector Magnets for the Riken Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 3419) |
by Kawaguchi, T |
Trim Coil System for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 3422) |
by Kim, J W |
A Superconducting Solenoid for Heavy Ion Beam Focusing (p. 3425) |
by Kim, J W |
Design of a Model Sector Magnet for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 3428) |
by Kubo, T |
Three dimensional field analysis of helical magnet for RHIC Siberian snake (p. 3431) |
by Okamura, M |
Multipole Expansion for a Single Helical Current Conductor (p. 3434) |
by Tominaka, T |
Analytical Field Calculation of Helical Dipole Magnets for RHIC Snake (p. 3437) |
by Tominaka, T |
Design Study of the Injection and Extraction Elements for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 3440) |
by Tominaka, T |
Stress Management in High-Field Dipoles (p. 3443) |
by Diaczenko, N |
Quench Simulation for 16 T Dipole Built at Texas A&M University (p. 3446) |
by Latypov, D |
Quench simulation for 16T dipole built at Texas A&M University (p. 3446) |
by Latypov, D |
Overview of the ATR Power Supplies (p. 3449) |
by Bruno, D |
Power Systems for the RHIC First Sextant Test (p. 3452) |
by Schultheiss, C |
The Power Supply Systems for Elliptical Multipole Wigglers (p. 3455) |
by Medvedko, A S |
Failure Statistics of DESY Power Supplies in 1996 (p. 3458) |
by Eckoldt, H J |
Four Quadrant DC to DC Switching Supply for the Fermilab Main Injector (p. 3461) |
by Bartelson, L |
An Embedded Power Supply Controller (p. 3464) |
by Sharonov, S |
Magnet Power Supply System for KEK B-Factory (p. 3467) |
by Kubo, T |
Effect of source voltage subharmonics on a rapid cycling synchrotron power supply (p. 3470) |
by Zhang, F Q |
Development of a High Speed Crowbar for LANSCE (p. 3473) |
by Friedrichs, C C |
Commissioning and First Year Operation of the LNLS Magnet Power Supplies (p. 3476) |
by Wisnivesky, D |
High Current Shunt Regulator for Quadrupole Magnets in PLS 2-GeV Storage Ring (p. 3479) |
by Nam, S H |
A Unique Power Supply for the PEP-II Klystron at SLAC (p. 3482) |
by Cassel, R L |
PEP-II 16-Channel Corrector Controller Using BITBUS (p. 3485) |
by Olsen, R |
New Power Supply Control Interface and Energy Ramping in SRRC (p. 3488) |
by Chen, C S |
An Electromagnetic Micro-Undulator (p. 3491) |
by Nassiri, A |
A Superconducting Wiggler Magnet for the NSLS X-Ray Ring (p. 3494) |
by Blum, E B |
Magnetic Measurements on an In-Vacuum Undulator for the NSLS X-Ray Ring (p. 3497) |
by Rakowsky, G |
Siberian Snakes for Electron Storage Rings (p. 3500) |
by Ptitsin, V |
The magnetic design of a high field permanent magnet multipole wiggler for the SRS (p. 3503) |
by Clarke, J A |
Recent Developments of Insertion Devices at the ESRF (p. 3506) |
by Chavanne, J |
Computing 3D Magnetic Fields from Insertion Devices (p. 3509) |
by Elleaume, P |
Development of an In-Vacuum Minipole Undulator (p. 3515) |
by Tanabé, T |
Novel Structure of Short-Period Twisted Undulator Spontaneous Emission Properties (p. 3518) |
by Smirnov, A V |
Design of an Elliptical Undulator and X-Ray Beam Line at DSR of RIKEN RI Beam Factory Project (p. 3521) |
by Wakasugi, M |
Operation of Insertion Devices in ELETTRA and Plans for Future Devices (p. 3524) |
by Walker, R P |
Design of an Electromagnetic Elliptical Wiggler for ELETTRA (p. 3527) |
by Walker, R P |
Design Features of a Planar Hybrid/Permanent Magnet Strong-Focusing Undulator for Free Electron Laser (FEL) and Synchrotron Radiation (SR) Applications (p. 3530) |
by Tatchyn, R |
Linear Beam Dynamics Effects of Three Dimensional Static Magnetic Fields of Insertion Devices at SRRC (p. 3533) |
by Chang, P |
Magnet Sorting Algorithms for a Prototype of the SRRC EPU (p. 3536) |
by Fan, T C |
Insertion Devices Control Development at SRRC (p. 3539) |
by Pan, K T |
The LHC Vacuum System (p. 3542) |
by Gröbner, Oswald |
Dust in Accelerator Vacuum Systems (p. 3547) |
by Kelly, Darren R C |
APS Storage Ring Vacuum System Performance (p. 3552) |
by Noonan, J R |
Advanced Photon Source Experience with Vacuum Chambers for Insertion Devices (p. 3556) |
by Den Hartog, P K |
Massive Titanium Sublimation Pumping in the CESR Interaction Region (p. 3559) |
by Mistry, N B |
Interaction Region Vacuum System Design at the PEP-II B-Factory (p. 3562) |
by Bertolini, L |
Survey of Electronic Safety Systems in Accelerator Applications (p. 3565) |
by Mahoney, K |
TiN coating of the PEP-II low-energy ring aluminum arc vacuum chambers (p. 3568) |
by Kennedy, K |
Bremsstrahlung Measurements at the ESRF (p. 3571) |
by Berkvens, P |
Design and Analysis of a Be Window for the APS Diagnostics Undulator Beam Line (p. 3574) |
by Ching Sheng, I |
In Situ Measurement of Ceramic Vacuum Chamber Conductive Coating Quality (p. 3577) |
by Doose, C |
An Ancillary Pumping System for the APS Vacuum System (p. 3580) |
by Walters, D |
Stress Rupture Considerations in the Design of Large Aperture, Low Mass Composite Vacuum Windows (p. 3583) |
by Leonhardt, W J |
Mechanical Design Aspects of The LHC Beam screen (p. 3586) |
by Cruikshank, P |
Beam Induced Multipacting (p. 3589) |
by Gröbner, Oswald |
Operation of CESR Distributed Ion Pumps at Reduced Voltage (p. 3592) |
by Li, Y |
A Titanium Sublimation Control System for the CESR Interaction Region (p. 3595) |
by Li, Y |
The design, construction and testing of a multipole wiggler magnet titanium vacuum chamber for the SRS (p. 3598) |
by Bliss, N |
FNAL Main Injector t-Jump System Beamtube Design (p. 3601) |
by Leibfritz, J R |
Comparison of the Quality of Two ECRIS Vacuum Stands (p. 3604) |
by Pivarc, J |
Vacuum Beam Losses in the Axial Injection Systems of the FLNR Heavy Ion Cyclotrons (p. 3607) |
by El-Shazly, M N |
Beam Loss Due to the Charge Exchange in the Residual Gas of the FLNR Heavy Ion Cyclotrons (p. 3610) |
by Gulbekyan, G G |
The Vacuum System of the Synchrotron Radiation Source ANKA (p. 3613) |
by Huttel, E |
Experience with the Ultra-High-Vacuum Protection System for the Synchrotron Radiation Beam Lines with High-Power Wigglers/Undulators at the Photon Factory (p. 3616) |
by Kanaya, N |
Status of the PEP-II Low-Energy Ring Vacuum System (p. 3619) |
by Cheng, D |
Design of the Linear Non-Evaporable Getter Pump for the PEP-II B-Factory (p. 3622) |
by Bertolini, L |
APT/LEDA RFQ Vacuum Pumping System (p. 3625) |
by Shen, S |
LNLS Vacuum System Commissioning (p. 3628) |
by Ferreira, M J |
Internal Gas Targets in AmPS (p. 3630) |
by Kaan, A P |
Operation Experiences for PLS Vacuum System (p. 3633) |
by Park, D |
Vacuum System Design Using Symbolic Numeric Processors (p. 3636) |
by Cornelius, Wayne D |
Final Design and Manufacturing of the PEP-II High Energy Ring Arc Bellows Module (p. 3639) |
by Kurita, Nadine R |
Photon Stimulated Desorption Phenomena at the Taiwan Light Source Vacuum System (p. 3642) |
by Hsiung, G Y |
Closed orbit feed-back from low-$\beta$ quadrupole movements at LEP (p. 3645) |
by Tecker, F A |
Beam position monitor offset determination at LEP (p. 3648) |
by Tecker, F A |
Alignment of the High Beta Magnets in the RHIC Interaction Regions (p. 3651) |
by Trbojevic, D |
The Superconducting Interaction Region Magnet Positioning System for the CESR Phase III Upgrade (p. 3654) |
by Welch, James J |
A Wire Position Monitor (WPM) System to Control the Cold Mass Movements Inside the TTF Cryomodule (p. 3657) |
by Giove, D |
Ground Motion Studies For Large Future Linear Colliders (p. 3660) |
by Takeda, S |
Precision Surveying and Smoothing Analysis for Pohang Light Source (p. 3663) |
by Seo, K W |
Survey and Alignment of SLAC's B-Factory (p. 3666) |
by Pietryka, M |
Access Control and Interlock System at the Advanced Photon Source (p. 3669) |
by Forrestal, J |
Radiation levels around the Fermilab main injector extraction Septa (p. 3672) |
by Bhat, C M |
Radiation protection in the NLC test accelerator at SLAC (p. 3675) |
by Lavine, T L |
Modular Reliability Modeling of the TJNAF Personnel Safety System (p. 3678) |
by Cinnamon, J |
Jefferson Lab Personnel Safety Fast Beam Kicker System (p. 3681) |
by Mahoney, K |
Emerging Standards with Application to Accelerator Safety Systems (p. 3684) |
by Mahoney, K L |
Design and construction of a 1-MW, 352-MHz RF test load (p. 3687) |
by Horan, D |
Design and Construction of the Advanced Photon Source 352-MHz RF System Switching Control (p. 3690) |
by Horan, D |
Supports and Installation System of the RHIC Superconducting Magnets (p. 3693) |
by Alforque, R |
Systems Layout of the Low-beta Insertions for the LHC Experiments (p. 3696) |
by Ostojic, R |
Systems Layout of the Low-$\beta$ Insertions for the LHC Experiments (p. 3696) |
by Ostojic, R |
Higher Order Modes Power Loss in the Vertical Separators at CESR (p. 3699) |
by Greenwald, S |
Photocurrents in Electrostatic Separators at CESR (p. 3702) |
by Greenwald, S |
REC Quadrupole's Beam Pipe Temperature Control (p. 3705) |
by Greenwald, Z |
Improved Measurement of Electric Field Uniformity in Horizontal Electrostatic Separators (p. 3708) |
by Temnykh, Alexander B |
Permanent Magnet Assembly Tooling for the 8 GeV Transfer Line and Recycler Ring at Fermilab (p. 3710) |
by Nicol, T H |
A Distributed Monitoring and Control System (p. 3713) |
by Nogiec, J M |
Pulsed Magnetic Field Measurement Using a Ferrite Waveguide in a Phase Bridge Circuit (p. 3716) |
by Pellico, W |
Longitudinal Impedance Measurements of an RK-TBA Induction Accelerating Gap (p. 3719) |
by Eylon, S |
Stack Insulator Induction Accelerator Gaps (p. 3722) |
by Houck, T L |
Resonant Ring For Testing of Accelerator RF Windows (p. 3725) |
by Gerken, E |
Beam Expansion with Specified Final Distributions (p. 3728) |
by Jason, Andrew J |
Development of a Fast Traveling-Wave Beam Chopper for National Spallation Neutron Source (p. 3731) |
by Kurennoy, Sergey S |
Design of quasi-traveling wave pinger magnet for beam diagnostics on the Advanced Light Source (p. 3734) |
by Anderson, D E |
TiN Coating of Accelerator Beamline Chambers (p. 3737) |
by Leung, K N |
Ramping Efficiency Studies in the LNLS Synchrotron Light Source (p. 3740) |
by Farias, R H A |
Power Factor Correction at MIT-Bates Linear Accelerator Center with Pulsed Loads of up to 180 MW Peak (2.7 MW Average) (p. 3743) |
by Averill, R |
Harmonic resonance analysis for PEP-II power factor correction upgrades (p. 3746) |
by Corvin, C |
A Dynamic Local Bump System for Producing Synchrotron Radiation with an Alternate Elliptical Polarization (p. 3749) |
by Hsu, K T |
A Method of Producing Surface Conduction on Ceramic Accelerator Components Using Metal Ion Implantation (p. 3752) |
by Liu, F |
Interactive Troubleshooting Guide for Accelerators (p. 3755) |
by Legg, R |
Runtime Accelerator Configuration Tools at Jefferson Laboratory (p. 3758) |
by Tiefenback, M G |
High Power Electron Beam Dumps at CEBAF (p. 3761) |
by Wiseman, M |
Diagnosis of Individual Cell Frequencies in a Coupled Cavity Chain Without Introducing Objects into the Cavity (p. 3764) |
by Ni, Y |
A new measurement method of the delay line length in the X-band Delay Line Distribution System (DLDS) (p. 3767) |
by Tamura, F |
Review of Compact Commercial Accelerator Products and Applications (p. 3770) |
by Jongen, Y |
A High Current Tandem Accelerator for Gamma-Resonance Contraband Detection (p. 3775) |
by Milton, B F |
The Accelerator Production of Tritium Project (p. 3780) |
by Lisowski, P W |
Commissioning of the 1 MW Spallation Neutron Source SINQ (p. 3785) |
by Bauer, G S |
Synchrotrons and Beamlines for Proton Radiography (p. 3788) |
by Neri, F |
Clinical Requirements and Accelerator Concepts for BNCT (p. 3791) |
by Ludewigt, B A |
Market Driven Design of Accelerator Systems for Sterilization of Medical Products (p. 3796) |
by Whitham, K |
The GSI Cancer Therapy Project (p. 3801) |
by Eickhoff, H |
A 3He++ RFQ accelerator for the production of PET isotopes (p. 3804) |
by Pasquinelli, R J |
A New Intense Neutron Tool for Radiography and Detection of Water and Ground Contaminants (p. 3807) |
by Celata, C M |
Electron-Linac-Based Radiation Facilities of the Ukrainian National Science Center ``KIPT'' (p. 3810) |
by Dovbnya, A N |
A compact proton synchrotron for cancer treatments (p. 3813) |
by Hiramoto, K |
Progress Report on the Construction of the Northeast Proton Therapy Center (NPTC) Equipment (p. 3816) |
by Jongen, Y |
Performance of Parallel Plate Ionization Chamber for Medical Irradiation (p. 3819) |
by Urakabe, E |
New Secondary Beam Course for Medical Use in HIMAC (p. 3822) |
by Kouda, S |
Design Study of a Linear Accelerator System for Neutron Capture Therapy (p. 3825) |
by Kim, J W |
A Compact Proton Accelerator System for Cancer Therapy (p. 3828) |
by Yamaguchi, A |
Operation of the TRIUMF Proton Therapy Facility (p. 3831) |
by Blackmore, E W |
Initial Operation of CIAE Medically Used Cyclotron (p. 3834) |
by Fan, M |
Charge Stripper and MEBT for the 3He RFQ Accelerator (p. 3837) |
by Bieniosek, F M |
Electron Accelerator's Production of Technetium-99m for Nuclear Medicine (p. 3840) |
by Uvarov, V L |
Encapsulated Target for Isotope Production Cyclotrons (p. 3842) |
by Bakhtiari, S |
High Current Encapsulated Target System for Radioisotopes Production (p. 3845) |
by Ho, W |
Program of Activities for the Linac-Driver of ITEP Subcritical Facility (p. 3848) |
by Kozodaev, A M |
Parameter and Cost Model for Spallation Neutron Source Studies (p. 3851) |
by Galambos, J D |
Electron Beam Applications in Chemical Processing (p. 3854) |
by Cojocaru, G |
Realignment of a Diverging Electron Beam : A New Beam Delivery System for Rhodotrons(p. 3857) |
by Jongen, Y |
Electron Beam Scanning Systems (p. 3860) |
by Zavadtsev, A A |
Cyclotron Autoresonance Accelerator for Electron Beam Dry Scrubbing of Flue Gases (p. 3863) |
by Hirshfield, J L |
Effective X-ray Bremsstrahlung Source (Is it Possible to Handle Quality of X-ray Bremsstrahlung?) (p. 3866) |
by Grishin, V K |
Small-Sized Electron Linear RF Accelerator with Beam Autoacceleration for Geology and Industry (p. 3869) |
by Bogdanovich, B |
A Small 1 MeV Electron Accelerator for Measuring Heavy Metal Concentrations in Smokestack Gases (p. 3872) |
by Reppond, A |
Beam test of a superconducting damped cavity for KEKB (3087 3090) |
by Furuya, T |
LHC Status and Plans (61-65 (vol.1)) |
by Evans, Lyndon R |
A study on beam-beam interactions for BTcF |
by Zhang, C |
Capture from pair production as a beam loss mechanism for heavy ions at RHIC |
by Feinberg, B |