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CERN Accelerating science

Posters Poster-2024-1216

The LHCb RICH Upgrade: Development of the DCS and DAQ system

Creator(s): Cavallero, Giovanni
Created: 2018
Number of pages: 1 p

The LHCb experiment is preparing for an upgrade during the second LHC long shutdown in 2019-2020. In order to fully exploit the LHC flavour physics potential with a five-fold increase in the instantaneous luminosity, a trigger-less readout will be implemented. The RICH detectors will require new photon detectors and a brand new front-end electronics. The status of the integration of the RICH photon detector modules with the MiniDAQ, the prototype of the upgraded LHCb readout architecture, has been reported. The development of the prototype of the RICH Upgrade Experiment Control System, integrating the DCS and DAQ partitions in a single FSM, has been described. The status of the development of the RICH Upgrade Inventory, Bookkeeping and Connectivity database has been reported as well.

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 Δημιουργία εγγραφής 2024-12-17, τελευταία τροποποίηση 2024-12-17

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