| A demonstration of the ABCStar FE's output response for eight simulated events (i.e., triggers) at a beam intensity of 90\% and a discriminator threshold of \unit[20]{DAC}. The magenta stars indicate the arrival of photons. In the upper plot, the impulse response, equation~\ref{eqn:impulse_response}, is drawn at each of these times as a shaded blue area. The dashed blue line is drawn to emphasize the impulse response for the first photon. The solid blue line represents the total FE response, given by the linear sum of the impulse response for each photon across all time bins. All of these quantities are defined relative to the pedestal, which is indicated by the dotted blue horizontal line. N.B. the long tail of the impulse response which falls below the pedestal. In the lower plot, the total FE response is shown in relation to the relevant trigger thresholds. The dashed black vertical lines indicate trigger times (i.e., every \unit[25]{ns}). The dotted black horizontal line indicates the set threshold; the solid green horizontal lines indicate the set threshold plus the noise if the total FE response exceeds this sum at a trigger time (i.e, a hit), and the solid red horizontal lines indicate this same quantity if the total FE response does not exceed this sum at a trigger time (i.e., no hit). |