| Projected expected limits on the ALP couplings $\cG/f_a$ and $\ct/f_a$ as obtained by the maximum likelihood fit for three different integrated luminosities, corresponding to LHC Run 2 (red), Run 2+3 (blue) and HL-LHC (green), and for $m_a = 400 \gev$, $\Gamma_a/m_a = 2.5\%$ (left) and $800 \gev$, $\Gamma_a/m_a = 5.0\%$ (right). The shaded bands show the variations of the expected limit by one standard deviation. For all cases, all systematic uncertainties are included (scaled by a factor of 0.5 for the HL-LHC) except for the top-quark mass uncertainty. The region in which the assumed ALP width is lower than the total predicted width, taking into account the $a \to \ttbar$, $a \to gg$ and $a \to \gamma\gamma$ decays, is shown as the gray shaded area. In the left plot, the benchmark points from \reffi{fig:distributions}, with the same color coding, are shown as stars. |