| Typical spectra taken with a 2\,mm (a-g) and 250\,$\mu$m (h,i) entrance slit demonstrating the fitting method for the radiative decay of $^{229m}$Th. Measurements (a-g) were taken with a measurement time of 10 seconds per point and a step size of 100 motor positions between each point. Measurements (h,i) were taken with a 10 second measurement time per point and a step size of 15 motor positions between each point. The dashed curve is a Gaussian peak in (a to e) and a Lorentzian peak in (h and i). The dot-dashed curve is a polynomial representing the Cherenkov background radiation and the dotted curve is the radioluminescence peak possibly due to a color center. The solid black line is the dark count rate from the PMT. The reduced Cherenkov background in case of spectra taken with the thin film crystals (a, d, h) did not allow to distinguish clearly between the Cherenkov background from the dark countrate. (a) CaF$_2$ 350 thin film, (b) MgF$_2$ bulk, (c) CaF$_2$ bulk, (d) CaF$_2$ 850, (e) LiSrAlF$_6$, (f) AlN, and (g) SiO$_2$, (h) CaF$_2$ 350 and (i) LiSrAlF$_6$. |