| Nakamoto, M (Sokendai, Tsukuba) ; Sugano, M (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Dhakarwal, M (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Ogitsu, T (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Nishijima, G (Tsukuba Magnet Lab.) ; Awaji, S (Tohoku U. (main)) ; Kawashima, S (Kobe Steel) ; Hopkins, S C (CERN) ; Ballarino, A (CERN) |
| Nb 3 Sn superconducting wires are under consideration for producing high field accelerator magnets for the proposed Future Circular Collider (FCC) due to their high critical field. R&D; studies are ongoing worldwide with a target non-Cu critical current density ( Jc ) of 1500 A/mm 2 at 4.2 K, 16 T. As an accomplishment of this R&D;, one of the conductor manufacturers, JASTEC, has developed Nb 3 Sn wires with non-Cu Jc higher than 1100 A/mm 2 at 16 T, 4.2 K by a distributed-tin (DT) method. In high field Nb 3 Sn magnets, degradation of performance has been frequently reported due to the brittleness of Nb 3 Sn and the high electromagnetic force. To realize more robust Nb 3 Sn accelerator magnets, electro-mechanical properties of the conductors should be deeply understood. In this study, the variation of the critical current with mechanical loading is evaluated for a DT Nb 3 Sn wire in two configurations, i.e., under axial strain and under transverse compression. |