| The 95\% \CL upper limits on $\sigma(\Pp\Pp\to\PRPVSquark\PASQ)\mathcal{B}(\squarktoqchi)$ as a function of $\cTau(\PRPVChi)$ in the RPV SUSY model, for $\mathcal{B}(\chitomumunu) = 0.5$ and $\mSquark$ ranging from (upper left) 125\GeV to (lower right) 1.6\TeV. The observed limits for various combinations of $\mSquark$ and $\mChi$ indicated in the legends are shown as solid curves. The median expected limits and their 68 and 95\% quantiles are shown, respectively, as dashed black curves and green and yellow bands for the case of $\mChi = 50\GeV$ and omitted for other neutralino masses for clarity. The gray horizontal lines indicate the theoretical values of the squark-antisquark production cross sections with the uncertainties shown as gray shaded bands. The predicted cross sections for $\mSquark$ = 125, 200, and 350\GeV are, respectively, 7200, 840, and 50\unit{pb}, and fall outside the $y$-axis range. |