| The best fit background models for the \mmbb channel together with a 68\% CL uncertainty band from the fit to the data under the background-only hypothesis for the (upper left) Low\,\pt category, (middle left) VBF category, (middle right) TL category, (lower left) TM category, and (lower right) TT category. For comparison, the signal-plus-background is shown for the (upper right) Low\,\pt category for a signal with $\ma = 40\GeV$. The expected signal yield is evaluated assuming the SM production of the Higgs boson and $\mathcal{B}(\ab\ab\to\mmbb)=0.2\%$, as predicted in the Type III 2HDM+S with $\tanb=2$. The bin widths depend on statistics, irrelevant for the final fit. |