| {\bf Top:} Limits and projections on muon-philic vector (left) and scalar (right) singlets, assuming only di-muon decays where kinematically allowed. The green/orange bands represent the parameter space that resolves $\g$. Existing experimental limits are shaded in gray (Supernova constraints, not shown, can probe scalar masses up to 20 MeV and couplings up to $4\times10^{-3}$ \cite{Caputo:2021rux}). Projections are indicated with colored lines. The $M^3$ \cite{Kahn:2018cqs}, NA64$\mu$ \cite{Gninenko:2018ter}, and ATLAS fixed-target \cite{Galon:2019owl} experiments probe invisibly-decaying singlets; projections here assume a 100\% invisible branching fraction (see Sec.~\ref{s.ft}). The BABAR limits and Belle II projections are computed following the procedure described in Sec.~\ref{s.bfac}. The LHC limits and HL-LHC projections in the $3\mu$/$4\mu$ channels, along with the mass range disfavored by UV completions for scalar singlets, are discussed in Sec.~\ref{s.colliders} and \aref{appendixB}. The purple muon collider projections are based on proposed analyses~\cite{Capdevilla:2021rwo} reviewed in Sec. \ref{MuC}. For scalar singlets whose width is determined entirely by the muon coupling (top right), we also show projections for a $S \to \gamma\gamma$ beam dump search \cite{Chen:2017awl} on the minimal assumption that the scalar-photon coupling arises from integrating out the muon as discussed in Sec. \ref{beam-dump}. {\bf Bottom:} Same as the top row, only here we assume that for $m_{S,V} > 2m_\mu$, the singlets have the {\it minimum} di-muon branching fraction consistent with unitarity using {\rm Eqs.}~(\ref{branch-min-vector}) and (\ref{branch-min-scalar}). The curves which are unaffected by this change of muonic branching fraction correspond to searches that are insensitive to the singlet's decay modes. Projections for $M^3$, NA64$\mu$, and ATLAS fixed-target experiments assume a $\simeq 100\%$ invisible branching fraction for $m_{S/V} > 2m_\mu$, which is model-dependent. |