Home > Time Projection Chamber for GADGET II > Plots |
A photograph of the GADGET II TPC setup in a test space off the beam line. |
Schematic of the resistive MM structure. |
Schematic overview of the GET system with a single $\mu$TCA (Micro Telecommunications Computing Architecture) chassis, 4 CoBos (Concentration Boards) and a MuTanT (Multiplicity Trigger and Time). |
Label a) and b): Projected 2D MM pad plane images of $^{220}$Rn alpha tracks, while c) and d) depict $^{216}$Po alpha tracks within the GADGET II TPC after outlier removal.. |
Aggregate $^{220}$Rn energy spectrum (blue), with a fit (red) demonstrating 5.4\% energy resolution at 6.288 MeV. The higher energy peak is from the $^{216}$Po 6.778 MeV $\alpha$-particle. |
Aggregate range versus energy histogram of $^{220}$Rn and $^{216}$Po $\alpha$-particles for events with an angle range between 0$^{\circ}$ to 70$^{\circ}$ with respect to the pad plane. |
Label a)-b): Two examples of tracks of cosmic muons detected in the GADGET II TPC. |
Average width of the cosmic muon tracks as a function of distance from the MM. |
Linear fit (red) of the drift time versus distance measurements for cosmic muons. The drift velocity of 5.44 $\pm$ 0.03 cm/$\mu$sec is extracted from the slope of this fit. |
Data throughput as a function of event rate for different time binnings and CoBo configurations. |
Simulated efficiency of the GADGET II TPC filled with P10 gas at 800 Torr to detect protons and $\alpha$-particles for the case of $^{60}$Ga decay with FRIB beam. |