| \textcolor{\colorref}{The JS divergence as a function of the median of the posterior on the parameter $h(z_p)$, for all the EMcps catalogues simulated for the three MBHB formation scenarios, and taking as example the redshift bin centred on $z_p=3$. The JS divergence is computed between the posterior distribution of $h(z_p=3)$ and its uniform prior, which is extended to the interval $[0.1,50]$ to distinguish the \emph{uninformative} realisations. Each point corresponds to a single realisation for each astrophysical model, according to the legend. The horizontal grey dotted-dashed line corresponds to the arbitrary cut-off of 0.5 which we impose on the value of the JS divergence to select the informative realisations (more details in the text). The black dashed line represents the \lcdm true value, $h(z_p=3)= 3.06$. Uninformative realisations show inferred median values far from the \lcdm one and, specifically, decaying towards $ h(z_p=3)\sim25$, corresponding to the midpoint of the prior range. Furthermore, the JS divergence decays towards 0, meaning that the posterior is similar to the prior. Informative realisations, on the other hand, cluster around the \lcdm value, and have $\mathrm{JS}\gtrsim 0.5$.} |