| SSPALS spectra of Ps in vacuum without lasers (black dotted curve), \SI{205}{\nano\meter}+\SI{1064}{\nano\meter} lasers (red dashed curve), \SI{243}{\nano\meter} laser only (green dash-dotted curve), and all three lasers \SI{243}{\nano\meter}+\SI{205}{\nano\meter}+\SI{1064}{\nano\meter} (blue solid curve). The \SI{243}{\nano\meter} laser is firing during the time window from \SIrange{-20}{50}{ns} (green band), while the \SI{205}{\nano\meter}+\SI{1064}{\nano\meter} (red vertical line) are injected \SI{75}{\nano\second} after \pos{} implantation time ($t= \text{\SI{0}{\nano\second}}$). Each curve is an average of 90 individual spectra. For analysis, the window between \SI{150}{ns} and \SI{400}{ns} (light grey area) was used. |