Home > Matter effect in presence of a sterile neutrino and resolution of the octant degeneracy using a liquid argon detector > Plots |
$ P_{\mu e}$ (left), and $P_{\bar{\mu}\bar{e}}$ (right) as a function of $\delta_{13}$ for variation of the phase $\delta_{14}$ at neutrino energy 2.5 GeV at 1300 km baseline for NH. |
$ P_{\mu e}$ vs $\delta_{13}$(left), and $\delta_{14}$(right) for variation of the respective another phase at neutrino energy 6.5 GeV at 7000 km baseline for NH. |
$ P_{\mu \mu}$ vs $\delta_{13}$(left), and $\delta_{14}$(right) for variation of the respective another phase at energy 7 GeV at 7000 km baseline for NH. |
The difference of atmospheric events between HO and LO has been plotted in $E_\nu-\cos\theta_\nu$ plane for $e^+ + e^-$(left), and $\mu^+ +\mu^-$(right) events. |