| : Signal (solid lines), post-fit background (filled histograms) and data (dots with error bars) distributions of representative PNN input variables in the \lephad\ SR: (a) $\Delta R(\ell, \text{jet})$, (b), $m(\tauhad, \text{jet})$ and (c) $\st$. The normalisation and shape of the backgrounds are determined from the background-only likelihood fit to data and the ratios of the data to the sum of the predicted backgrounds are shown in the lower panels. `Other' refers to the sum of minor backgrounds (vector boson + jets, diboson and Higgs boson). The hatched band indicates the combined statistical and systematic uncertainty in the total background prediction. The expected signal for a 1.4\,\TeV\ scalar LQ, scaled by the indicated factor for visibility, is overlaid. The last bin includes the overflow. : Caption not extracted |