Top quark at the Tevatron collider (p. 3) |
by Apollinari, G |
Introduction (p. 5) |
by Charpak, Georges |
Physics at HERA (p. 12) |
by Meyer, J |
Measurements of CP and T violation parameters in the neutral kaon system at CPLEAR (p. 19) |
by Kokkas, P |
Fixed-target CP-violation experiments at Fermilab (p. 25) |
by Kaplan, D M |
Recent developments in silicon sensors (p. 37) |
by Anticic, T |
Development of transparent windows for a new generation of Cherenkov counters sensitive in the EUV range (p. 41) |
by Braem, André |
Gaseous detectors with solid photocathodes (p. 48) |
by Peskov, Vladimir |
New results on high-rate resistive plate chambers (p. 52) |
by Zeballos, E C |
The event filter farm of the CMS detector (p. 57) |
by Sinanis, N J |
Test results of shashlik electromagnetic calorimeter (p. 63) |
by Puljak, I |
Homogeneous crystal calorimetry (p. 69) |
by Hillemanns, H |
The accordion calorimetry for LHC (p. 73) |
by Vichou, I |
The ATLAS scintillating tiles hadronic calorimeter (p. 77) |
by Venera, B |
Calorimetry with parallel-plate chambers (p. 81) |
by D'Alessandro, R |
Fundamentals of Cherenkov fiber calorimetry (p. 86) |
by Lazic, D |
Recent results from SLD/SLC (p. 93) |
by De Sangro, R |
Review of B physics at LEP (p. 100) |
by Taylor, L |
Searches for Higgs bosons at LEP 1 (p. 110) |
by Schwindling, J |
Recent particle searches at LEP (p. 116) |
by Sherwood, P |
Tau physics at LEP (p. 122) |
by Swain, J D |
The LEP energy determination (p. 130) |
by Koratzinos, M |
s-quark physics at LEP-DELPHI (p. 135) |
by Dracos, M |
Search for neutralinos in Z decays (p. 139) |
by Acciarri, M |
Results from the NA35 experiment on central $^{32}$S-induced collisions at 200 GeV/nucleon (p. 147) |
by Foka, P Y |
Study of dimuon production in nucleus-nucleus interactions at CERN-SPS energies (p. 152) |
by Dita, S |
Baryon asymmetry of the universe and the electroweak phase transition (p. 156) |
by Fodor, Z |
String gravity and cosmology : some new ideas(p. 165) |
by Kiritsis, Elias |
Supersymmetry through CP violation in top physics (p. 171) |
by Christova, E C |
Double beta decay experiments (p. 176) |
by Barabash, A S |
Results of the Gallium experiments (p. 180) |
by Cribier, Michel |
Localization of light and solar neutrino problem (p. 187) |
by Mateev, M D |
NESTOR a deep sea neutrino telescope for the Mediterranean (p. 192) |
by Anassontzis, E G |
Preliminary results of the CTF, test of Borexino experiment (p. 211) |
by Meroni, E |
Review of detectors for medical application (p. 217) |
by Del Guerra, A |
Scintillating giber tracking at high luminosities using visible light photon counter readout (p. 225) |
by Atac, Muzaffer |
Hadrontherapy (p. 234) |
by Amaldi, Ugo |
On a possible connection of non-critical strings to certain aspects of quantum brain function (p. 240) |
by Mavromatos, Nikolaos E |
Particles everywhere? (p. 249) |
by Zioutas, Konstantin |
LHCb : a dedicated LHC collider beauty experiment(p. 253) |
by Erhan, S |
SM Higgs search at LHC (p. 264) |
by Bomestar, D |
Gluino and squarks searches at LHC (p. 272) |
by Genchev, V |
The MSSM Higgs search at LHC (p. 279) |
by Fouchez, D |
CP violation studies in ATLAS and CMS (p. 284) |
by Neumeister, N |
Concluding remarks (p. 293) |
by Denegri, Daniel |
Remarks (p. 305) |
by Stipcevic, Z |