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CERN Accelerating science

Left: Noise amplitude spectral density of GEO (black) and KAGRA (yellow) during the joint observing run. The solid curves show the mean sensitivity for each frequency bin and the shaded regions show the 5th and 95th percentile over the period. Narrow peaks in the spectra are due to such sources as resonances of the suspension system (violin modes) and harmonics of the electrical grid frequency (50\,Hz for GEO and 60\,Hz for KAGRA) \cite{openDataG,openDataK}. Right: \ac{BNS} inspiral ranges for GEO and KAGRA over the joint run. The gap around day 6 and 7 was caused when both detectors were affected by bad weather and were unable to lock.
Left: Noise amplitude spectral density of GEO (black) and KAGRA (yellow) during the joint observing run. The solid curves show the mean sensitivity for each frequency bin and the shaded regions show the 5th and 95th percentile over the period. Narrow peaks in the spectra are due to such sources as resonances of the suspension system (violin modes) and harmonics of the electrical grid frequency (50\,Hz for GEO and 60\,Hz for KAGRA) \cite{openDataG,openDataK}. Right: \ac{BNS} inspiral ranges for GEO and KAGRA over the joint run. The gap around day 6 and 7 was caused when both detectors were affected by bad weather and were unable to lock.
Event count versus threshold on iFAR. The predicted distribution due to noise is shown as the dashed line along with its 50\% and 90\% statistical error regions. The observed distribution is shown as the solid line.
Sensitive spacetime volume to \ac{BNS} coalescences with component masses drawn from $\mathcal{N}(1.4\,\Msun, [0.01\,\Msun]^2)$ as a function of the threshold on \ac{iFAR} for the {\gstlal} binary search. The equivalent range (right axis) is also shown. The bands show the 50\% and 90 \% error regions, estimated as the Wilson score interval~\cite{Wilson:1927}.
The rate of background events as a function of coherent network SNR $\eta_\mathrm{c}$ for the \ac{CWB} all-sky burst search. The dashed line shows the rates for all the events. The solid line shows the rate after application of the $c_c$, $n_f$ and central-frequency selection cuts.
Cumulative number of events with central frequency in 64--1024\,Hz versus \ac{iFAR} found by the \ac{CWB} all-sky burst search. Only a single event is identified (triangle). The shaded regions show the $50\%$ and $90\%$ Poisson uncertainties.
The \ac{GW} emitted energy in units of solar masses ($M_\odot c^2$) that correspond to a $50\%$ detection efficiency with \ac{CWB} at an \ac{iFAR} of $\geq 1$ year, for a source located at $10$ kpc. The circular \ac{SG} waveforms are indicated by triangles, the elliptical \ac{SG} waveforms by squares, and the \ac{WNB} waveforms by crosses.
Exclusion distance curves for GRB\,200415A. We show the curves for each of our three injection populations: \acp{BNS} (blue solid), isotropically spinning \acp{NSBH} (orange dashed), and aligned-spin \acp{NSBH} (green dot-dashed). The respective 90\% confidence exclusion distances of \DBNSAprFifteen, \DNSBHGenAprFifteen, and \DNSBHAliAprFifteen are marked, as are the confidence levels corresponding to the distance to NGC~253 (3.5\,Mpc; black dotted), which are 0\%, 2\%, and 9\% respectively. Thus the search sensitivity is not sufficient to confidently exclude a binary merger in NGC~253 as the progenitor based on the available \ac{GW} data.
90\% confidence-level exclusion distances for each of the \acp{GRB} analysed by the \xpipeline generic burst search, for the accretion disk instability (ADI) signal model A and for circular sine--Gaussian (CSG) signals at 150\,Hz, 500\,Hz, and 1000\,Hz. For a given \ac{GRB} and signal model this is the distance within which 90\% of simulated signals inserted into off-source data are recovered passing all background rejection tests and with a significance greater than the loudest on-source candidate event (if any).