| Exclusion distance curves for GRB\,200415A. We show the curves for each of our three injection populations: \acp{BNS} (blue solid), isotropically spinning \acp{NSBH} (orange dashed), and aligned-spin \acp{NSBH} (green dot-dashed). The respective 90\% confidence exclusion distances of \DBNSAprFifteen, \DNSBHGenAprFifteen, and \DNSBHAliAprFifteen are marked, as are the confidence levels corresponding to the distance to NGC~253 (3.5\,Mpc; black dotted), which are 0\%, 2\%, and 9\% respectively. Thus the search sensitivity is not sufficient to confidently exclude a binary merger in NGC~253 as the progenitor based on the available \ac{GW} data. |