| The target-less configuration sensitivity to the ALP-electron and ALP-photon coupling using 3 months-0.6 MW power (1 year-1.2 MW power) shown in red solid (dashed) curves. {\emph{Top panel}:} For $g_{ae}$, Compton scattering, associated production, resonant production, and bremsstrahlung production of ALPs are considered via $\gamma$ and $e^\pm$ scattering in the dump environment. Detection channels include ALP decay to $e^+e^-$ for $m_a > 2m_e$ as well as external pair conversion and inverse Compton scattering in the detector (see text for details). Also displayed are the DFSZ model preferred regions, where DFSZ-I and DFSZ-II are sub-models differentiated by the relationship between the axion-lepton and axion-quark couplings. {\emph{Bottom panel}:} For $g_{ae}$, the production occurs via Primakoff scattering process. The detection channels involve the inverse-Primakoff scattering process and two photon final states from the decay. KSVZ model preferred regions are shown as well. The blue dashed curve is the 1 year target result using the gas detector in Ref.~\cite{Brdar:2020dpr}. The ``target'' symbol in the legend denotes this target mode measurement. |