| Projected constraints based on integrated luminosities of $(150,300,3000)\SI{}{\,\femto\barn^{-1}}$ shown as blue-$($solid, dashed, dot-dashed$)$ contours. These constraints are shown as a function of the branching ratios into the two channels: ($i$) 1 jet + $X$, ($ii$) $\geq 3$ jets + $X$ where $X$ denotes either an electron or a neutrino. As reference points, we show the expected branching ratios for an RPV model featuring a \SI{1}{\TeV} gluino, bino or wino-LSP, see \cref{sec:model} for more details. \textbf{Left:} We vary the systematic uncertainty on the background predictions in both channels (1\%, 10\% and 30\%) showing how the exclusion limits change. \textbf{Right:} We study how varying the QCD background rate for the three jet channel from the assumed 30\% affects our results. |