Home > The ENUBET positron tagger prototype: construction and testbeam performance > Plots |
Layout of one LCM. The axis definition is the same as for Fig.~\ref{fig:scheme_modules} |
Layout of the fibers running toward the SiPMs through several LCMs by the iron grooves. The axis definition is the same as for Fig.~\ref{fig:scheme_modules} |
Mounting of one of the Modules before the bundling of the fibers and the installation of the SiPMs. |
Mounting of one of the Modules before the bundling of the fibers and the installation of the SiPMs. |
Left: fiber connector close up. Right: detail of the SiPM's connector. |
Left: fiber connector close up. Right: detail of the SiPM's connector. |
Four doublets of the photon veto installed below Module 3 (bottom rightmost part of the figure). |
Layout of the hadronic beamline modeled with FLUKA. The regions in green are those composed of borated polyethylene. |
Distribution of the energy deposited in the scintillator by 3~GeV muons impinging on the front face of the calorimeter for data (red dots) and simulation (blue line). |
Left: average energy deposited in the scintillator as a function of calorimeter planes for 3~GeV pions. Each LCM corresponds to 0.45~$\lambda_0$. Right: energy ratio between data and MC. |
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