Home > FCC-hh Experimental Insertion Region Design > Plots |
Detector and insertion region layout leading to the $\lstar = \SI{40}{m}$ lattice. The IP is located at $(0,0)$. |
Layout of the high luminosity interaction region. The layout is antisymmetric around the IP at $(0,0)$. |
Reference orbits (solid lines) and closed orbits with crossing angles (dashed lines) in the interaction region. |
Layout of the final focus triplet. |
Optics of the high luminosity EIR with $\bstar = \SI{0.3}{m}$. |
$\beta$ functions and orbit for EIR optics with alternative triplet and $\beta_{x,y}^*=$0.3~m. |
Plot showing BSC for $\beta^* =$ 0.15 m, 0.2 m and 0.3~m for the alternative triplet. |
$\beta$ Functions and orbit for $\rm 1.2 \times 0.15~m$ flat EIR collision optics with alternative triplet and $\beta_{x}^*=$1.2~m, $\beta_{y}^*=$0.15~m. |
Plot showing BSC in triplet for flat and round optics. |
Layout of the low luminosity insertion in point B. |
Collision optics (top) and injection optics (bottom) for the low luminosity insertion in point~B. |
Collision optics (top) and injection optics (bottom) for the low luminosity insertion in point~L. |
Crab orbits for $\bstar = \SI{0.3}{m}$ and orbit leakage into the other high luminosity EIR. |
Crab orbits for $\bstar = \SI{0.3}{m}$ and orbit leakage into the other high luminosity EIR. |
Crab orbits for $\bstar = \SI{0.3}{m}$ and orbit leakage into the other high luminosity EIR. |
Crab orbits for $\bstar = \SI{0.3}{m}$ and orbit leakage into the other high luminosity EIR. |
Minimum DA over 60 seeds versus $\beta^*$ with and without non-linear correctors. |
Orbit bump for a \SI{200}{\micro rad} crossing angle required at $\bstar = \SI{0.3}{m}$ in the horizontal plane for IPA and in the vertical plane for IPG. |
Orbit bump for a \SI{200}{\micro rad} crossing angle required at $\bstar = \SI{0.3}{m}$ in the horizontal plane for IPA and in the vertical plane for IPG. |
Collision debris from a single \SI{100}{TeV} c.m. proton-proton inelastic reaction at 5 mm from the interaction point (black) and at the exit of the TAS (red) at \SI{35}{m} from the IP. |
Absorbed power profile in the elements of the TAS-D2 region at the ultimate instantaneous luminosity of {$30 \times 10^{34} cm^{-2} s^{-1}$}. |
: Peak dose profile for alternative triplet (round optics) for the ultimate integrated luminosity target (\SI{30}{ab^{-1}}). |
: Peak dose profile for the alternative triplet (flat optics) for the ultimate integrated luminosity target (\SI{30}{ab^{-1}}). |
Low luminosity triplet geometry as modelled in FLUKA. |
Top view of the beam pipe 3D-model obtained with MDISim. Dipoles are in violet, drifts in light blue, quadrupoles in orange, collimators in yellow. |
Proton energy distribution \SI{3}{ m} downstream of IPA for $10^6$ $pp$ collision events. |
Maximum energy deposition per \si{cm^3} in \SI{5}{cm} bins along the first quadrupole in cell 8 after IPA for baseline and ultimate configurations. |
Muon energy distribution at intervals downstream of IPA, generated using DPMJET-III in FLUKA, with no detector or accelerator model. |
Theoretical range of collision debris muons in rock. |
Muon distribution at different positions along the tunnel, as indicated in Fig.~\ref{fig:hr:tunnel_FLUKA}. |