მთავარი > Wakefield suppression in the main linac of the klystron-based first stage of CLIC at 380 GeV > BibTeX |
@article{Liu:2693534, author = "Liu, Jiayang and Chen, Huaibi and Grudiev, Alexej and Shi, Jiaru and Zha, Hao", title = "{Wakefield suppression in the main linac of the klystron-based first stage of CLIC at 380 GeV}", reportNumber = "CERN-ACC-2019-213, CLIC-Note-1188", pages = "WEPRB043", year = "2019", url = "http://cds.cern.ch/record/2693534", doi = "10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-WEPRB043", }