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CERN Accelerating science

Posters Poster-2019-942

Support for HTCondor High-Throughput Computing Workflows in the REANA Reusable Analysis Platform

Creator(s): Maciulaitis, Rokas; Bremer, Paul; Hampton, Scott; Hildreth, Mike; Hurtado Anampa, Kenyi Paolo; Johnson, Irena Nona; Kankel, Cody; Okraska, Jan; Rodriguez Rodriguez, Diego; Simko, Tibor
Created: 2019
Number of pages: 1 p

REANA is a reusable and reproducible data analysis platform allowing researchers to structure their analysis pipelines and run them on remote containerised compute clouds. REANA supports several different workflows systems (CWL, Serial, Yadage) and uses Kubernetes’ job execution backend. We have designed an abstract job execution component that extends the REANA platform job execution capabilities to support multiple compute backends. We have tested the abstract job execution component with HTCondor and verified the scalability of the designed solution. The results show that the REANA platform would be able to support hybrid scientific workflows where different parts of the analysis pipelines can be executed on multiple computing backends.

Keywords:   reproducible science   computational workflows   high-throughput computing   high-performance computing   data analysis
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 Record created 2019-10-22, last modified 2019-10-24

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