| Each of CMS and ATLAS experiments has collected approximately $140 {\rm fb^{-1}}$ of $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13 {\rm TeV}$ in the LHC Run 2 in the four years of data-taking in 2015-2018. This unprecedented amount of dataset enables to extend the search sensitivity for physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) especially for targeting relatively low cross-section BSM processes. Pair-production of superpartners of electroweak ($W/Z$) and higgs bosons in the supersymmetry (SUSY) models, collectively referred to as electroweakinos, or pair-production of superpartners of charged leptons (sleptons) are one of such search areas that can profit from this large amount of dataset in order to gain the sensitivity. The other area of BSM searches, that has been catching more and more attention in recent years is the searches of long-lived particles (LLPs); often LLP searches have zero or small amount of irreducible background events, and search sensitivity is expected to extend with integrated luminosity. This presentation highlights results of the above search areas recently carried out by both CMS and ATLAS experiments. |