| The measured differential cross section for isolated-photon production as a function of $\etg$ in $|\etag|<0.6$ (black dots), $0.6<|\etag|<1.37$ (open circles), $1.56<|\etag|<1.81$ (black squares) and $1.81<|\etag|<2.37$ (open squares). The NLO pQCD prediction from \jetp, the ME+PS@NLO QCD prediction from \sher~2.2.2 and the NNLO QCD prediction from \nnlojet\ are also shown. The measurement and the predictions are normalised by the factors shown in parentheses to aid visibility. The error bars represent the data statistical uncertainties and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature. For most of the points, the error bars are smaller than the marker size and, thus, not visible. The bands represent the theoretical uncertainty associated with the predictions; in the case of \nnlojet, the uncertainties due to the PDFs and $\as$ are estimated at NLO with \jetp. |