| Ratio of valence $u$-quark PDFs in the pion and the kaon at $\zeta = 5.2\,$GeV$=:\zeta_5$. Data are from Drell-Yan measurements \cite{Badier:1980jq}. The computed results are taken from Ref.\,\cite{Chen:2016sno}, with the dashed, solid, and dot-dashed curves representing, respectively, $0$, $5$\%, $10$\% of the kaon's light-front momentum carried by glue at the scale, $\zeta_K = 0.51\,$GeV. For the projected EIC data (brown points drawn at $u_K(x)/u_\pi(x)=1.2$) we assumed $u$-quark dominance. (For reference, the horizontal dotted line marks $u_K(x)/u_\pi(x)=1$.) |