| Lower limits on \Lamb as a function of \mestar for (a) the \eejj channel, (b) the \enuJ channel, and (c) combined limits for both channels. The $\pm1(2)\sigma$ uncertainty bands around the expected limit represent all sources of systematic and statistical uncertainties. The limits for $\mestar > 4$~\TeV\ are the result of extrapolation. The individual observed lower limits for the \eejj (same as (a)) and the \enuJ (same as (b)) channels are shown with the blue dot-and-dash lines in (c) for the reference. The exclusion limit set by ATLAS in the $ee\gamma$ search channel~\cite{Aad:2013jja} using 13~\ifb\ of data collected at \rts~=~8~\TeV\ is also shown with the red dotted line in (c). |