| We calculate the emission of gravitational waves, gravitons, photons and neutrinos from a perturbed Schwarzschild blackhole (BH). The perturbation can be due to either classical or quantum sources and therefore the injected energy can be either positive or negative. The emission can be classical in nature, as in the case of gravitational waves, or of quantum nature, for gravitons and the additional fields. We first set up the theoretical framework for calculating the emission by treating the case of a minimally coupled scalar field and then present the results for the other fields. We perform the calculations in the horizon-locking gauge in which the BH horizon is deformed, following similar calculations of tidal deformations of BH horizons. The classical emission can be interpreted as due to a partial exposure of a nonempty BH interior, while the quantum emission can be interpreted as an increased Hawking radiation flux due to the partial exposure of the BH interior. The degree of exposure of the BH interior is proportional to the magnitude of the injected null energy. |