| (a) Two-dimensional TOF1-TOF2 raw-data spectrum for coincident events at $E_{\rm beam}=170$ MeV. Events in the black contour are from fission; remaining events are from the projectile-target scattering. (b) Summed energy signals from the MWPC detectors for $E_{\rm beam}=170$ MeV plotted against the difference in their timing signals (coincidence with MCPs not demanded). Contoured are fission events producing more ionization in detectors, due to their significantly larger ionic charge states and, hence, higher effective charges that scattered beam/target nuclei. (c) FF velocities after calibration with the scattered $^{36}$Ar beam, corrected for attenuation in the target and TOF detectors. The inset shows a typical (free) fit of the data at $E_{\rm beam}=170$ MeV. (d) Events from (a) represented in terms of their total kinetic energy and mass both calculated from experimentally obtained velocities, assuming fission process as the only events' origin. Group of events in the plot's center is coincident with data in contours in (a) and (b). |