| Invariant mass (left) and \ct (right) distributions for \Bs{} candidates reconstructed from \JpsiPhi{} (upper) and \JpsiPiPi{} (lower) decays. The curves are projections of the fit to the data, with the full fit function (solid) and signal (dashed) shown for both decays, the total background (dotted) shown for the upper plots, and the combinatorial background (dotted), misidentified \BpJpsiKp{} background (dashed-dotted), \BdJpsiPiPi{} contribution (dashed-dotted-dotted-dotted), and partially reconstructed and other misidentified \PB{} backgrounds (dashed-dotted-dotted) shown for the lower plots. the lower panels of the figures on the right show the difference between the observed data and the fit divided by the data uncertainty. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. |