| Templates for the $\rtt$ distributions for $\ttbar$ MC samples generated at $\mtop$ values of $167.5$, $172.5$, and $177.5\,\textrm{GeV}$, respectively. Results from the combined, simultaneous fit to all five $\rtt$ distributions are superimposed (black line with blue filled area). For each distribution it consists of a Novosibirsk function (red line) describing the signal part and a Landau function (green dashed-line) describing the combinatorial background part. Their parameters are assumed to depend linearly on $\mtop$. The $\chi^2$ per degree of freedom obtained for each of the three template distribution corresponds to $1.22$, $3.98$, and $1.96$ respectively. The plot under each distribution shows the residuals obtained from calculating the difference between the combined fit and the simulated $\rtt$ distribution normalised to the statistical uncertainty for each bin individually. |