| Distributions, normalized to unity, in observables used as input variables to the MVA-based isolation discriminant, for hadronic $\Pgt$ decays in simulated $\cPZ/\Pggx \to \Pgt\Pgt$ (blue), and jets in simulated $\PW$+jets (red) events. The $\tauh$ candidates must have $\pt > 20$\GeV and $\abs{\eta} < 2.3$, and be reconstructed in one of the decay modes $\oneProngZeroPizero$, $\oneProngOnePizero$, $\oneProngTwoPizero$, or $\threeProngZeroPizero$. In the plot of the $\tauh$ decay mode on the upper right, an entry at 0 represents the decay mode $\oneProngZeroPizero$, 1 and 2 represent the decay modes $\oneProngOnePizero$ and $\oneProngTwoPizero$, respectively, and entry 10 represents the $\threeProngZeroPizero$ decay mode. |