| The interpretation of the cross-section limits in the context of the various 2HDM types as a function of the parameters $\tan\beta$ and $\cos(\beta-\alpha)$ for $m_{A} = 300$~GeV: (a) Type-I, (b) Type-II, (c) Lepton-specific, and (d) Flipped. Variations of the natural width up to $\Gamma_{A}/m_{A}$=5\% are taken into account. For Type-II and Flipped 2HDM, the $b$-associated production is included in addition to the gluon fusion. The narrow regions with no exclusion power in Type-I and Type-II at low $\tan\beta$ and far from $\cos(\beta-\alpha)=0$ are caused by vanishing branching ratios of $h\rightarrow bb$ and/or $h\rightarrow \tau\tau$. The blue shaded area denotes the area excluded by taking into account the constraints on the CP-odd Higgs boson derived by considering the $A\rightarrow \tau\tau$ decay mode after reinterpreting the results in Ref.~\cite{Aad:2014vgg}.Caption not extracted |