| Track-isolation background template distribution after maximization of the likelihood $L_f$ defined in Eq.~\ref{eq:likelihood_fakescont} (top) and normalized residuals (bottom). The markers correspond to the nominal hadron background template. The stacked filled histograms represent the fraction of prompt photons in the hadron-fake control region (obtained as $f\times T_\text{sig}^{\text{data}}$) and the fraction of hadron-fakes (obtained from the simulation-based template as $(1-f)\times T_{jj}^{\text{MC}}$) as given by the fit. The normalized residuals, shown in the bottom plot, are defined as the difference between the `Nominal template' and the sum of $ (1-f)\times T_{jj}^{\text{MC}}$ and $f\times T_\text{sig}^{\text{data}}$, divided by the total uncertainty $\sigma_\theta$. The last bin contains any overflow. |