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CERN Accelerating science

Comparison of distributions in data (points) versus expectation (stacked histograms) for the $\ttbar$ selection (see text). The electron transverse energy ($\et$) in the electron channel is shown on the left, missing transverse momentum ($\met$) in the muon channel is shown on the right. \thisttbar \thisoverflow
Comparison of distributions in data (points) versus expectation (stacked histograms) for the $\ttbar$ selection (see text). The electron transverse energy ($\et$) in the electron channel is shown on the left, missing transverse momentum ($\met$) in the muon channel is shown on the right. \thisttbar \thisoverflow
Distributions for the $\ttg$ selection (see text). The photon candidate transverse momentum ($\et$) distribution in data (points) is compared to the expectation (stacked histograms) for the electron (left) and muon (right) channels. \thisttbarphoton \thiswhizardvsmcatnlo \thisttbarphotonsystematics \thisoverflow
Distributions for the $\ttg$ selection (see text). The photon candidate transverse momentum ($\et$) distribution in data (points) is compared to the expectation (stacked histograms) for the electron (left) and muon (right) channels. \thisttbarphoton \thiswhizardvsmcatnlo \thisttbarphotonsystematics \thisoverflow
Comparison of the nominal prompt-photon track-isolation ($\ptcone$) template with the template obtained from data using a \ZeejetsPar\ selection, and with the template obtained from $\ttg$ simulation. The distributions show the probability $P(\ptcone | \gamma)$ of observing a photon in a given $\ptcone$ bin per GeV. The last bin contains any overflow.
A comparison of data-driven $T_{\text{bkg}}^\text{data}$ and simulation-based $T_{j\gamma}^{\text{MC}}$ track-isolation background templates is shown in the upper panel. The distributions show the probability $P(\ptcone | \gamma)$ of observing a photon in a given \ptcone\ bin per GeV. The ratio of the two templates is shown in the lower panel. The hatched band shows the total uncertainty. The last bin contains any overflow.
Track-isolation background template distribution after maximization of the likelihood $L_f$ defined in Eq.~\ref{eq:likelihood_fakescont} (top) and normalized residuals (bottom). The markers correspond to the nominal hadron background template. The stacked filled histograms represent the fraction of prompt photons in the hadron-fake control region (obtained as $f\times T_\text{sig}^{\text{data}}$) and the fraction of hadron-fakes (obtained from the simulation-based template as $(1-f)\times T_{jj}^{\text{MC}}$) as given by the fit. The normalized residuals, shown in the bottom plot, are defined as the difference between the `Nominal template' and the sum of $ (1-f)\times T_{jj}^{\text{MC}}$ and $f\times T_\text{sig}^{\text{data}}$, divided by the total uncertainty $\sigma_\theta$. The last bin contains any overflow.
Results of the combined likelihood fit using the track-isolation (\ptcone) distributions as the discriminating variable for the electron (left) and muon (right) channels. The contribution from $\ttg$ events is labeled as `Signal', prompt-photon background is labeled `$\gamma$ backgrounds', the contribution from hadrons misidentified as photons (as estimated by the template fit) is labeled as `Hadron fakes'.
Results of the combined likelihood fit using the track-isolation (\ptcone) distributions as the discriminating variable for the electron (left) and muon (right) channels. The contribution from $\ttg$ events is labeled as `Signal', prompt-photon background is labeled `$\gamma$ backgrounds', the contribution from hadrons misidentified as photons (as estimated by the template fit) is labeled as `Hadron fakes'.
Negative logarithm of the profile likelihood as a function of the \ttg\ fiducial cross section $\sttgfid\times \text{BR}$ with (solid line) and without (dashed line) free nuisance parameters associated with the systematic uncertainties. \thisdottedlinerules