Home > CMS Collection > CMS Preprints > Performance of the CMS missing transverse momentum reconstruction in pp data at $\sqrt{s}$ = 8 TeV > Plots |
Distribution of \vecmet significance in the (left) \Wenu\ and (right) \ttbar\ events. The last bin contains the overflow content. |
Distribution of \vecmet significance in the (left) \Wenu\ and (right) \ttbar\ events. The last bin contains the overflow content. |
Distribution of \pchisq\ in the (left) \Wenu\ and (right) \ttbar\ events. The insets show the same data as the main plots, but with a log scale to show the background components more clearly. |
Distribution of \pchisq\ in the (left) \Wenu\ and (right) \ttbar\ events. The insets show the same data as the main plots, but with a log scale to show the background components more clearly. |
Signal versus background efficiencies for \Wenu\ for various \met-based discriminating variables. The FFT Significance variable (green dashed line) is discussed in Section~\ref{s:nongaussian}. |
The average \vecmet significance versus the number of reconstructed vertices for (left) dijet and (right) \Wenu\ event samples. |
The average \vecmet significance versus the number of reconstructed vertices for (left) dijet and (right) \Wenu\ event samples. |