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CERN Accelerating science

Separation power provided by different variables between quark- and gluon-jets as a function of jet $\pt$ in the {\sc Pythia} 6 dijet MC simulation for jets with $|\eta|<0.8$ built with the anti-$k_t$ algorithm with $R=0.4$.
Average (a,c) $n_{\rm trk}$ and (b,d) track width for quark- (solid symbols) and gluon-jets (open symbols) as a function of reconstructed jet $\pt$ for isolated jets with $|\eta|<0.8$. Results are shown for distributions obtained using the in-situ extraction method in {\sc Pythia} 6 simulation (black circles, (a,b)) or data (black circles, (c,d)), as well as for labelled jets in the dijet sample (triangles) and in the $\gjet$ sample (squares). The error bars represent only statistical uncertainties. Isolated jets are reconstructed using the anti-$k_t$ jet algorithm with radius parameter $R=0.4$. The bottom panels show the ratio of the results obtained with the in-situ extraction method to the results in the dijet and $\gjet$ MC samples.Caption not extracted
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Top, the jet (a) $n_\text{trk}$ and (b) track width as a function of $\pt$ for jets in a gluon-jet-enriched trijet sample (triangles) compared to gluon-jet extracted templates (circles) for $|\eta|<0.8$. Bottom, the jet (c) $n_\text{trk}$ and (d) track width as a function of $\pt$ for jets in a quark-jet-enriched $\gamma$+jet sample (triangles) compared to quark-jet extracted templates (circles) for jets with $|\eta|<0.8$. Jets are reconstructed with the anti-$k_t$ algorithm with $R=0.4$. The bottom panels of the figures show the ratios of the results found in the enriched sample to the extracted results. Error bars on the points for the enriched sample correspond to statistical uncertainties. The inner shaded band around the circles and in the ratio represents statistical uncertainties on the extracted results, while the outer error band represents the combined systematic and statistical uncertainties.Caption not extracted
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The jet (a) $n_\text{trk}$ and (b) track width as a function of $\pt$ for quark-jets in an OS minus SS \Wboson+jet sample (see text) for $|\eta|<0.8$ in {\sc Pythia} 6 MC simulation and in data. The panels show the ratio of the results in data to those in MC simulation.Caption not extracted
Gluon-jet efficiency as a function of quark-jet efficiency calculated using jet properties extracted from data (solid symbols) and from MC-labelled jets from the dijet {\sc Pythia} 6 (empty squares) and {\sc Herwig}++ (empty diamonds) samples. Jets with (a) $60<\pt<80$~\GeV\ and (b) $210<\pt<260$~\GeV\ and $|\eta|<0.8$ are reconstructed with the anti-$k_t$ algorithm with $R=0.4$. The shaded band shows the total systematic uncertainty on the data. The bottom of the plot shows the ratios of each MC simulation to the data. The error bands on the performance in the data are drawn around 1.0.Caption not extracted
Gluon-jet efficiency as a function of quark-jet efficiency as calculated using jet properties extracted from data (solid symbols), purified in data through kinematic cuts (empty diamonds), and extracted from {\sc Pythia} 6 MC simulation (empty squares). Jets with (a) $60<\pt<80$~\GeV\ and (b) $210<\pt<260$~\GeV\ and $|\eta|<0.8$ are reconstructed with the anti-$k_t$ algorithm with $R=0.4$. The shaded band shows the total systematic uncertainty on the data. The bottom of the plot shows the ratio of {\sc Pythia} 6 MC simulation or the enriched data samples to the extracted data. The error bands on the performance in the data are drawn around 1.0.Caption not extracted
Gluon-jet efficiency as a function of quark-jet efficiency as calculated using extracted jet properties for jets with (a) $60<\pt<80$~\GeV\ and (b) $210<\pt<260$~\GeV\ and $|\eta|<0.8$ reconstructed with the anti-$k_t$ algorithm with $R=0.4$ (solid symbols) and $R=0.6$ (empty symbols). The shaded (hashed) band represents the total systematic uncertainty on the $R=0.4$ ($R=0.6$) data points. When hardly visible, the empty symbols are just behind the solid symbols. The bottom of the plot shows the ratio of the performance in data obtained for $R=0.6$ to that for $R=0.4$. Error bands are drawn around 1.0.Caption not extracted
One minus the gluon-jet efficiency (for comparison with Ref.~\cite{Larkoski2013eya}) as a function of $\beta$ (see Sec.~\ref{sec:variables}) for EEC angularities, calculated using extracted jet properties from data (solid circles) and dijet {\sc Pythia} 6 MC simulation (solid squares) for jets with (a) $60<\pt<80$~\GeV\ and (b) $210<\pt<260$~\GeV\ and $|\eta|<0.8$ reconstructed with the anti-$k_t$ algorithm with $R=0.4$. The shaded bands represent the total systematic uncertainty on the data points.Caption not extracted