Development of a digital readout board for the ATLAS Tile calorimeter upgrade demonstrator (C01001) |
by Muschter, S |
Pixel front-end development in 65 nm CMOS technology (C01003) |
by Havránek, M |
A 20 mW, 4.8 Gbit/sec, SEU robust serializer in 65nm for read-out of data from LHC experiments (C01004) |
by Felici, D |
Power-pulsing schemes for vertex detectors at CLIC (C01005) |
by Blanchot, G |
Development and Testing of an Upgrade to the CMS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (C01006) |
by Rose, Andrew |
Digital column readout architectures for hybrid pixel detector readout chips (C01007) |
by Poikela, T |
Use of FPGA embedded processors for fast cluster reconstruction in the NA62 liquid krypton electromagnetic calorimeter (C01010) |
by Badoni, D |
The proposed trigger-less TBit/s readout for the Mu3e experiment (C01011) |
by Bachmann, S |
A prototype hybrid pixel detector ASIC for the CLIC experiment (C01012) |
by Valerio, P |
Recent results on diamond radiation tolerance (C01013) |
by Seidel, S |
Metrics and methods for TTC-PON system characterization (C01015) |
by Kolotouros, D M |
Radiation hard programmable delay line for LHCb calorimeter upgrade (C01016) |
by Mauricio, J |
Upgrades to the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (C01023) |
by Plucinski, P |
Soft error rate estimations of the Kintex-7 FPGA within the ATLAS Liquid Argon (LAr) Calorimeter (C01025) |
by Wirthlin, M J |
MISTRAL & ASTRAL: two CMOS Pixel Sensor architectures suited to the Inner Tracking System of the ALICE experiment (C01026) |
by Morel, Frederic |
Irradiation tests and expected performance of readout electronics of the ATLAS Hadronic Endcap calorimeter for the HL-LHC (C01028) |
by Ahmadov, F |
Acquisition and control command system for power pulsed detectors (C01030) |
by Cornat, R |
Hardware and firmware developments for the upgrade of the ATLAS Level-1 Central Trigger Processor (C01035) |
by Anders, G |
Design of the analog front-end for the Timepix3 and Smallpix hybrid pixel detectors in 130 nm CMOS technology (C01037) |
by Gaspari, M De |
A Full Mesh ATCA-based General Purpose Data Processing Board: Pulsar II (C01041) |
by Olsen, J |
The Read-Out Driver'' ROD card for the Insertable B-layer (IBL) detector of the ATLAS experiment: commissioning and upgrade studies for the Pixel Layers 1 and 2 (C01044) |
by Balbi, G |
Design of a Hardware Track Finder (Fast Tracker) for the ATLAS Trigger (C01045) |
by Annovi, A |
Quality Assurance and Functionality Tests on Electrical Components during the ATLAS IBL Production (C01046) |
by Bassalat, A |
The NA62 liquid Krypton calorimeter's new readout system (C01047) |
by Ceccucci, A |
Development of a DC-DC conversion powering scheme for the CMS Phase-1 pixel upgrade (C01048) |
by Feld, Lutz Werner |
Single Event Upset Studies Using the ATLAS SCT (C01050) |
by Dafinca, A |
The charge pump PLL clock generator designed for the 1.56 ns bin size time-to-digital converter pixel array of the Timepix3 readout ASIC (C01052) |
by Fu, Y et al. |
The FPGA based Trigger and Data Acquisition system for the CERN NA62 experiment (C01055) |
by Angelucci, B |
A new high-speed optical transceiver for data transmission at the LHC experiments (C01059) |
by Drake, G |
A multichannel time-to-digital converter ASIC with better than 3 ps RMS time resolution (C01060) |
by Perktold, L |
Development of scalable frequency and power Phase-Locked Loop in 130nm CMOS technology (C02006) |
by Firlej, M |
10 Orders of Magnitude Current Measurement Digitisers for the CERN Beam Loss Systems (C02011) |
by Vigano, W |
KLauS: an ASIC for silicon photomultiplier readout and its application in a setup for production testing of scintillating tiles (C02013) |
by Briggl, K |
The sROD Module for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Phase-II Upgrade Demonstrator (C02019) |
by Carrio, F |
The CUOF optical link for the electronic system upgrade of the CMS Muon DT (C02020) |
by De Remigis, P |
ROC chips for imaging calorimetry at the International Linear Collider (C02022) |
by Callier, S |
NaNet: a flexible and configurable low-latency NIC for real-time trigger systems based on GPUs (C02023) |
by Ammendola, R. |
Development of precision Time-Of-Flight electronics for LHCb TORCH (C02025) |
by Gao, R |
The ATLAS Diamond Beam Monitor (C02026) |
by Cerv, M |
The front-end hybrid for the ATLAS HL-LHC silicon strip tracker (C02027) |
by Mahboubi, K. |
Radiation tolerance tests of SRAM-based FPGAs for the potential usage in the readout electronics for the LHCb experiment (C02028) |
by Färber, C |
Test results of the first 3D-IC prototype chip developed in the framework of HL-LHC/ATLAS hybrid pixel upgrade (C02031) |
by Pangaud, P |
Pixel chip architecture optimization based on a simplified statistical and analytical model (C03011) |
by Conti, E. |
Simulation of the ATLAS SCT barrel module response to LHC beam loss scenarios (C03012) |
by Rose, P |
Performance evaluation of multiple (32 channels) sub-nanosecond TDC implemented in low-cost FPGA (C03013) |
by Lichard, P |
Performance of capacitively coupled active pixel sensors in 180 nm HV-CMOS technology after irradiation to HL-LHC fluences (C03020) |
by Feigl, S. |
Design of an FPGA-based embedded system for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter front-end electronics test-bench (C03023) |
by Carrio, F |
Radiation Tolerant Programmable Power Supply for the LHC Beam Screen Heaters (C03024) |
by Casas, J |
Evaluation of 400 m, 4.8 Gbit/s Versatile Link lengths over OM3 and OM4 fibres for the LHCb upgrade (C03030) |
by Schwemmer, R |
Mitigation of Radiation and EMI Effects on the Vacuum Control System of LHC (C03031) |
by Pigny, G |
The management of large cabling campaigns during the Long Shutdown 1 of LHC (C03042) |
by Meroli, Stefano |
Development of the data acquisition system for the Triple-GEM detectors for the upgrade of the CMS forward muon spectrometer (C03052) |
by Abbaneo, D |
LogAmp electronics and Optical Transmission for the new SPS Beam Position Measurement System (C12008) |
by Deplano, C |
Gamma irradiation of minimal latency Hollow-Core Photonic Bandgap Fibres (C12010) |
by Olanterae, L |
A GLIB-based uTCA demonstration system for HEP experiments (C12011) |
by Barros Marin, M |
Evaluation results of xTCA equipment for HEP experiments at CERN (C12015) |
by Di Cosmo, M |
Upgrade of the Global Muon Trigger for the CMS experiment (C12017) |
by Jeitler, M |
Trigger-less readout architecture for the upgrade of the LHCb experiment at CERN (C12019) |
by Alessio, F |
How to create successful Open Hardware projects - About White Rabbits and open fields (C12021) |
by van der Bij, E |
The eCDR, a Radiation-Hard 40/80/160/320 Mbit/s CDR with internal VCO frequency calibration and 195 ps programmable phase resolution in 130 nm CMOS (C12024) |
by Tavernier, Filip |
Versatile transceiver and transmitter production status (C12030) |
by Troska, J |
RCU2-The ALICE TPC readout electronics consolidation for Run2 (C12032) |
by Alme, J |
Hybrid circuit prototypes for the CMS Tracker upgrade front-end electronics (C12033) |
by Blanchot, G |
The CMS Modular Track Finder Boards, MTF6 and MTF7 (C12034) |
by Acosta, Darin Edward |
10 Gbps TCP/IP streams from the FPGA for the CMS DAQ Eventbuilder Network (C12039) |
by Bauer, Gerry |
Irradiation of new optoelectronic components for HL-LHC data transmission links (C12040) |
by Seif El Nasr-Storey, Sarah |
Monolithic active pixel sensor development for the upgrade of the ALICE inner tracking system (C12041) |
by Aglieri, G |
System-level testing of the Versatile Link components (C12044) |
by Soós, C |
Design of a Hardware Track Finder (Fast Tracker) for the ATLAS Trigger |
by Volpi, G |
Update on the ATCA/AMC readout cards for LHCb |
by Cachemiche, J P |
Trigger-less readout architecture for the upgrade of the LHCb experiment at CERN |
by Alessio, F |
Upgraded Readout and Digitizing System for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Demonstrator |
by Muschter, S |
Phase-I Upgrade of the Trigger Readout Electronics of the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeters and the Expected System Performance |
by Grohs, J P |
Next generation associative memory devices for the FTK tracking processor of the ATLAS experiment |
by Andreani, A |
Irradiation Tests and Expected Performance of Readout Electronics of the ATLAS Hadronic Endcap Calorimeter for the HL-LHC |
by Ahmadov, F |