| Distributions of \invPtMuMu~for data (points with error bars), simulated SM backgrounds (stacked histograms), and simulated signal models (overlaid histograms). Top: linear scale. Bottom: logarithmic scale. The signal models use either gauge interaction (GI) or contact interaction (CI) simulated with the assumptions of $f=\fp=\fs=1$ and $\Mqst=\Lambda$. The blue solid line corresponds to the analytical template fit in the region defined as \invPtMuMu~$\in$~[0.0028,~0.008]\invGeV. The contribution labeled ``Non--DY Background'' represents the sum over all the other sources of prompt backgrounds, \ttbar, $\Z \to \Pgt^+\Pgt^-$, diboson, and non--prompt backgrounds, jets misidentified as muons through multijet and W plus jets final states. The total number of SM background events is rescaled to the number of events observed in data, using the relative background contributions as obtained from simulation. The normalization of the signal distributions is increased by a factor ten. |