| noimg: Multiplicity correlations for events at $\sqrt{s} = 7$~TeV for events with a minimum of two charged particles in the kinematic interval $p_{\rm T} > 100$~MeV and $|\eta| < 2.5$ for different combinations of forward and backward pseudorapidity interval. The quoted uncertainties are the systematic uncertainties; the statistical uncertainties are approximately $\pm0.001$ or less and are small by comparison.: Forward-backward multiplicity correlation for charged particles in symmetrically opposite $\eta$-intervals for events with a minimum of two charged particles in the kinematic interval $p_{\rm T} > 100$~MeV and $|\eta| < 2.5$ at $\sqrt{s}=$900~GeV and 7~TeV. The final column shows the global result. The quoted uncertainties are first statistical, second systematic; where the statistical uncertainty is less than approximately $\pm0.001$, only the systematic uncertainty is shown.: Forward-backward charged-particle multiplicity correlations at $\sqrt{s} = 7$~TeV, in symmetrically opposite $\eta$-intervals, for events with at least two charged particles with $|\eta| < 2.5$ and $p_T > p_{\rm {T min}}$, for varying values of $p_{\rm {T min}}$. The final column shows the global result. The quoted uncertainties are first statistical, second systematic; where the statistical uncertainty is less than approximately $\pm0.001$, only the systematic uncertainty is shown.: Forward-backward summed \pT\ correlation for charged particles in symmetrically opposite $\eta$ intervals, for events with at least two charged particles in the kinematic interval $p_{\rm T} > 100$~MeV and $|\eta| < 2.5$ at $\sqrt{s}=$900~GeV and 7~TeV, for corrected data. The quoted uncertainties are first statistical, second systematic; where the statistical uncertainty less than approximately $\pm0.001$, only the systematic uncertainty is shown. |