| Beginning from 1971, the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science (SB RAS) started its activity in the development and manufacturing of electron accelerators of the ELV-type for their use in the industrial and research radiation-technological installations. The ELV-type accelerators were designed with use of the unified systems and units enabling thus to adapt them to the specific requirements of the customer by the main parameters such as the energy range, beam power, length of extraction window, etc.. INP proposes a series of electron accelerators of the ELV-type covering the energy range from 0.3 to 2.5 MeV with a beam of accelerated electrons of up to 400 mA and maximum power of up to 400 kW. The design and schematic solutions provide the long term and round-the -clock operation of accelerators under the conditions of industrial production processes. The ELV accelerators are most popular accelerators not only in Russia, but in China, Korea, and etc. |