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CERN Accelerating science

Scientific Committee Paper
Report number CERN-LHCC-2005-003 ; LHCC-RD-007
Title Development of Diamond Tracking Detectors for High Luminosity Experiments at the LHC
Author(s) Weilhammer, Peter (CERN) ; Adam, W ; Berdermann, E ; de Boer, Wim ; Bogani, F ; Borchi, E ; Bruzzi, M ; Colledani, C ; D'Angelo, P ; Dabrowski, W ; Dulinski, W ; van Eijk, B ; Ermin, V ; Fizzotti, F ; Frais-Kölbl, H ; Furetta, C ; Gan, K K ; Ghodbane, N ; Griesmayer, E ; Grigorie, E ; Hartjes, F ; Hrubec, Josef ; Huegging, F ; Kagan, H ; Kaplon, J (CERN) ; Kass, R ; Knöpfle, K T ; Lange, W ; Krammer, M ; Lo Giudice, A ; Lü, R ; Mac Lynne, L ; Manfredotti, C ; Mathes, M ; Menichelli, D ; Meuser, S ; Mishina, M ; Moroni, L ; Noomen, J ; Oh, A (CERN) ; Pernicka, M ; Perera, L ; Pernegger, H (CERN) ; Potenza, R ; Riester, J L ; Roe, S ; Rudge, A (CERN) ; Sala, S ; Sampietro, M ; Schnetze, S ; Sciortino, S ; Stelzer, H ; Stone, R ; Sutera, C ; Trischuk, W ; Tuvé, C ; Vincenzo, B ; Wermes, N ; Zeuner, W
Affiliation (Akad. d. Wissenschaften, Vienna) ; (GSI, Darmstadt) ; (LENS, Florence) ; (Univ. Florence) ; (LEPSI, IN2P3/CNRS-ULP, Strasbourg,) ; (Rutgers University, Piscataway) ; (INFN Milano) ; (UMM, Cracow) ; (II.Inst. für Exp. Physik, Hamburg,) ; (NIKHEF, Amsterdam) ; (Univ. Torino) ; (Ohio State Univ., Columbus) ; (MPI f¨ur Kernphysik, Heidelberg) ; (Fermilab) ; (Polytechnico Milano,) ; (Univ. Toronto) ; (Univ. Bonn) ; (Univ. Karlsruhe) ; (Univ. Roma) ; (Fachhocchschule für Wirtschaft und Technik, Wiener Neustadt) ; (DESY-Zeuthen) ; (Inst. for Semiconductor Studies, St. Petersburg)
Series (RD status report)
Submitted by 24 Jan 2005
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; RD42
Abstract Over the past year the RD42 collaboration continued to improve CVD diamond detectors for high luminosity experiments at the LHC. We have made extensive progress on diamond quality and radiation hardness studies using the highest quality diamond were performed up to fluences of $20 \times 10^{15}$ p/cm$^2$. Transforming this technology to specific requirements of the LHC has begun. The first ATLAS diamond pixel module was constructed using the same bump-bonding and electronics that the present ATLAS pixel modules use. Both ATLAS and CMS have tested and are planning to use diamond for their beam conditions monitoring systems. In this report we present the progress made and the requirements specific to the programme.
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 Записът е създаден на 2005-01-24, последна промяна на 2018-10-23

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