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Contributions to this conference in CDS
Precise laser spectroscopy of the antiprotonic helium atom and CPT test on antiproton mass and charge (p. 473) |
by Yamaguchi, H |
Electromagnetic corrections to $\pi ^{-}$p scattering length from pionic hydrogen (p. 653) |
by Ericson, Torleif Erik Oskar |
Hadron wave functions and the issue of nucleon deformation (p. 907) |
by Alexandrou, C. |
Measuring the linear polarization of $\gamma$s in 20-170 GeV range (p. 1071) |
by Unel, G. |
Limits on the mass of the lightest supersymmetric particle at LEP (1052c-5c) |
by Blumenschein, U |
The PRISM Project at the High-Intensity Proton Machine Project (1083c-6c) |
by Sato, A |
The gaseous microstrip detector Micromegas for the COMPASS experiment at CERN (1087c-90c) |
by Kunne, Fabienne |
Physics prospects with High Intensity Proton Accelerator (J-PARC) at Tokai (190c-7c) |
by Nagamiya, S |
J/$\psi$ and $\phi$ production from proton to Pb induced reactions at CERN SPS (253c-6c) |
by Jouan, D |
$\epsilon'/\epsilon$ results from NA48 and KTeV E832 (439c-44c) |
by Vallage, B |
$K_{L} \to \pi^{0}\nu\nu$ experiment at KEK 12-GeV PS-E391a (449c-52c) |
by Yamaga, M |
Search for charged Higgs bosons with the OPAL detector at LEP (453c-6c) |
by Horváth, D |
Study of atmospheric neutrinos with the MACRO detector (513c-16c) |
by Scapparone, E |
Results from the AMANDA telescope (545c-8c) |
by Bouhali, O |
Measurement of the $^{8}B$ neutrino spectrum (553c-5c) |
by Winter, W |
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Записът е създаден на 2001-08-31, последна промяна на 2021-07-30