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CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 35th Rencontres de Moriond
Related conference title(s) QCD and High-energy Hadronic Interactions
Date(s), location 18 - 25 Mar 2000, Les Arcs, France
Conference contact Claude Barthélémy; Université Paris-Sud; LPT; Bâtiment 210; F-91405 Orsay Cedex, France
fax: +33-1-69158287
Editor(s) Trân Thanh Vân, Jean (ed.)
Imprint [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2001 - Transparencies.
Note No paper version edited any more. Please consult Xarchiv for fulltext contributions
Subject category Particle Physics

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C00-03-18
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Combining QCD Matrix Elements and Parton Showers (p. 3)
by Webber, B.R.
$\alpha_{S}$ Evolution from 35 GeV to 202 GeV and Flavour Independence (p. 41)
by Biebel, O.
QCD factorization for B ---> pi pi decays (p. 87)
by Buchalla, Gerhard
Cornering Higgs Bosons at LEP (p. 133)
by Kado, M
Observability of H(SUSY) $\rightarrow$ tau tau Decays in CMS at the LHC (p. 161)
by Dzelalija, M
Measurement of Higgs Properties at the LHC (p. 165)
by Zeppenfeld, D.
SUSY discovery potential and dijet/dilepton mass measurements with the CMS detector at LHC (p. 179)
by Rurua, Lali
Search for TeV scale quantum gravity at LEP (p. 189)
by Teubert, Frederic
Soft QCD and Monte Carlo (p. 201)
by Webber, Bryan R
Measurement of the W mass at LEP2 (p. 205)
by Parkes, Chris J
Bose-Einstein correlations in heavy-ion and electron-positron collisions (p. 229)
by Heinz, Ulrich W.
Bose-Einstein correlations in W+ W- events at LEP2 (p. 233)
by van Dalen, Jorn A
Colour reconnection in W pairs and Monte Carlo tuning at LEP (p. 239)
by Rudolph, Gerald
2-fermion and 4-fermion production at LEP2 (p. 245)
by van Vulpen, Ivo B
Inclusive Particle Production at LEP (p. 249)
by Uvarov, V.
Power corrections and event shapes at LEP (p. 261)
by Sanders, Michiel P
Measurement of the Lambda polarization in NOMAD (p. 269)
by Lachaud, Cyrille
New results of kaon rare decays from NA48 (p. 279)
by Pellmann, Isabell A
Measurement of $\gamma^{*} \gamma^{*}$ collisions at LEP (p. 307)
by Lin, C H
The status of NLL BFKL (p. 319)
by Salam, G.P.
Small x, Saturation and the High Energy Limit of QCD (p. 327)
by Iancu, Edmond
Proton structure from hard scattering probes at the LHC: First studies of the ATLAS and CMS potential (p. 349)
by Bonivento, Walter
The Parton Content of the Photon (p. 357)
by Wengler, Thorsten
Hadron production in high energy Pb + Pb collisions (p. 387)
by Gazdzicki, M
Centrality dependece of the $ J/\psi$ suppression in ultrarelativistic Pb-Pb collisions (p. 395)
by Scomparin, Enrico
A new measurement of the direct CP violation parameter Re($\epsilon'/\epsilon$) by the NA48 experiment at CERN (p. 421)
by Lenti, Massimo
A new state of matter (p. 425)
by Jacob, Maurice
Jets in Hadron Collisions
by Seymour, Michael H

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 Record created 2000-01-17, last modified 2021-07-30